- Production of RBC in the body that takes place in the red POLYCYTHEMIA
bone marrow, ensuring that the body’s oxygen-carrying
capacity is sufficient - A condition characterized by an elevated number of RBC
- Destruction can lead to Anemia or in the bloodstream
Polycythemia 1. Absolute Polycythemia (True)
a. Primary Polycythemia
1. Hematopoietic stem cells (multipotent cells in the BM) b. Secondary Polycythemia
have the ability to differentiate into various blood cells 2. Relative Polycythemia (False)
- One B-gene: Normal
- Other B-genes: Mutated
- HbA1 >= abnormal Hb
- HbA1 is more abundant, or sometimes equal in Clinical Features:
amount with the abnormal Hb ● Severe Chronic Hemolytic Anemia throughout life
EXAMPLES: ● Vaso-occlusive crises due tot he blockage of trapped
- Sickle Cell Trait sickle cells
- Genotype: Hb AS ○ RBC gets stuck to capillaries - Vaso-occlusion
- A represents the normal B-gene ● Recurrent and painful attacks
- S represents the mutated B gene ● Organ damage, cerebral vascular accidents and
- HB C Trait deteriotration of tissues
- Genotype: Hb AC ● Acute Chest Syndrome
- A represent the normal B gene ● Bacterial Infections
- C represent the mutated B gene ● Retinopathy
● Short life-expectancy
Test for Hemoglobin S:
1. Sodium Metabisulfite Method:
● Hb S is formed when Glutamic Acid is replaced by Valine Principle: Whole Blood is mixed with Sodium Metabisulfite, a
at the 6th position of the beta-chain reducing agent which deoxygenates hemoglobin
● When oxygenated, Hb S is fully soluble (normal shape)
● Sickling happens when O2 drops at the tissue level Positive result: Presence of Sickle cell or Holly leaf
● Causes polymerization of globin molecules triggered by - Hgb S crystallizes after deoxygenation
low oxygen tension, dehydration, and acidosis -
Negative result: Normal looking RBC or slightly creanted RBC ● Usually, blood periphery morphology of Hgb C has:
● Impossible to differentiate SC trait and anemia (SC ○ Microspherocytes
anemia - more rapid reaction) ○ Target cells
○ Folded RBCs
○ Intracellular Hgb C crystals
Principle: When RBC are added to the the Sodium Dithionite and
Saponin (hemolytic agent), the red cell immediately lyse
- The degree of hemolysis is generally mild to moderate - Cannot evaluate the cell size and shape, and central
- Lack of this enzyme can cause the accumulation of pallor
precipitated ribosomal RNA within the reticulocyte - Cannot evaluate the morphology
causing the formation of large coarse Basophilic - Characteristic of hyperproteinemia and multiple
Stippling myeloma
- 1st or most common is G6PD deficiency
- 2nd most common is Pyruvate Kinase deficiency
- 3rd most common is Pyrimidine-5’-nucleotidase
- RBCs should be slightly separated from one another
- RBCs clump together forming aggregates or masses
- RBCs are not overlapping and barely touching each
of RBCs when exposed to various red cell antibodies
- Normal RBCs are circular with a smooth edge,
- Example: ABO typing particularly in forward typing
reddish-pink cytoplasm with a central pallor
- We are detecting the antigen present in the
- When reading a smear, do not read on the feathery edge
RBC, that is why anti-sera is used containing
of the slide, near the feathery edge lang daw
antibodies or sometimes lectin that could
detect the antigen which will result to
agglutination or clumping
- Autoagglutination
- Individual RBCs agglutinate in their own plasma
or serum that contain no specific agglutinins
- Presence of cold agglutinin IgM antibodies
directed against RBC antigens
- Diseases involve auto-immune reaction which
produces antibodies against their own cells
- RBCs resembling “stacks of coins”
- Interferes with automated RBC procedures
- The entire outline of each cell is not visible
- ↑ MCV
- ↓ RBC count
- Refers to increased number of red blood with variation in - Hereditary Spherocytosis
size cell - Spherical shape instead of biconcave disc
1. NORMOCYTES - They appear darker because of the reduced
- Normal RBC surface area
- 7-8 um in diameter - The only disease in which the MCHC is high
- MCV is 80-100 fL (above the reference)
- Symptomatic H5 has 3 clinical manifestations:
2. MICROCYTES 1. Splenomegaly
- Smaller than normal RBCs 2. Anemia
- MCV is <80 fL 3. Jaundice
- Associated with defective Hgb formation
Direct Antiglobulin Test Negative
3. MACROCYTES MCV Normal to low
- Larger than normal MCH Normal
- >8 um in diameter MCHC Slightly increased
- MCV is > 100 fL
- Associated with impaired DNA synthesis NOTE: The immune disorders that have spherocytes also are
usually characterized by positive results on DAT
Normocytes - 7-8 um in diameter
- Based on the degree of paleness and amount of
hemoglobin distribution
- Pale than the normal due to the reduction of hemoglobin
Microcytes - <7 um in diameter content and these cells appear lightler in color
- MCV = <80 fL
1+ = Area of central pallor 1/2
- A.k.a Diffusely Chromatophilic Erythrocytes
- Larger than normal red cells with a bluish tinge (Wright’s
- Bluish tinge - caused by the presence of residual RNA
- Large numbers associated with decreased RBC survival,
hemorrhage or erythroid hyperplastic marrow
- A.k.a. Spur Cells
- RBCs with irregularly spiculated surface
- RBCs are irreversibly thorny and they have irregular
spicules and various lengths
- Some spicules are bent
- They don’t have a central pallor
RBC - VARIATION IN SHAPE - Associated Conditions:
POIKILOCYTOSIS 1. Abetalipoproteinemia
- Increased number of red blood cells with variation in - a.k.a. Bassen-kornzweig Syndrome
shape 2. Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT)
1. SPHEROCYTE 3. Liver disease
- Spherical in shape 4. Post-splenectomy
- Lacks central pallor 5. Pyruvate Kinase (PK) Deficiency
- Staining intensity is increased
- Only RBC that can be called hyperchromic due to
increased MCHC
- Associated Conditions:
1. Hereditary Spherocytosis
2. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
3. Burns
4. ABO Hemolytic Disease of Newborn
- A.k.a. Echinocytes or Crenated Cells
- RBCs with regular surface spiculated
- pantay pantay yung spicules nila
- Resemble a hedgehog or sea urchin
- Associated Conditions:
2. STOMACYTE 1. Uremia
- A.k.a. Mouth Cell 2. Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
- Elongated RBCs with a slit-like central pallor
- Cause is due to the membrane defect causing high
cellular sodium and low potassium
- Abnormal sodium-potassium transport ratio cause the
production of stomatocyte
- Associated Conditions:
1. RH Deficiency Syndrome
2. Alcoholism
3. Electrolyte imbalance
- Red blood cells that are oval or egg-shaped
4. Over-hydrated stomatocytes
- Associated Condition:
1. Hereditary ovalocytosis (Southeast Asian
2. Megaloblastic anemia (macro-ovalocytes)
6. ELLIPTOCYTE - A.k.a Sickle Cells or Meniscocyte
- Elliptical or cigar-shaped RBC - Sickle or crescent-shaped RBCs
- Slightly oval to sausage-like form - Elongated or crescent shape
- Hemoglobin is concentrated at both ends kaya meron pa - RBC with pointed ends; S, V, L configuration yung
rin silang central pallor makikita sa pointed ends
- Formation is assumed to be involved in the alteration of - Cause is due to polymerization of hemoglobin S due to
RBC membrane skeleton decreased oxygen and also irreversible
- Associated Conditions: - Associated Conditions:
1. Hereditary elliptocytosis 1. Sickle cell anemia
2. Thalassemia 2. Hemoglobin SC disease
- A.k.a. Schizocyte
- Fragmented RBCs
- Appear in a variety of shapes
- They are microcytic
- Hallmark of MAHA - where cells nag-attempt to pass - A.k.a. Degmacyte
through the fibrin stands, and when they pass through - Demonstrate a semi-circular defect in the edge of the
various narrow blood vessels, na-dadamage yung red RBCs
cell kaya nagiging fragmented - Resembles a bite mark
- Parang kinagat, kasi ayaw ni spleen sa mga
- Associated Conditions: pangit!!! so lahat ng pangit pinapatay nya, we
1. Artificial heart valves call it culling or splenic sequestration
2. Uremia - 2 lang ang di pinapatay ni spleen:
3. Severe burns 1. Microcytic, hypocritical RBC
4. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA) 2. G6PD RBC with Heinz bodies
- Appears singly in a cell (only one per cell)
- Round and <1um in diameter
- Blue to purple in color
- Content: Remnants of nuclear chromatin (DNA)
- Associated Conditions:
NOTE: SUMMARY ON THE LAST PART 1. Megaloblastic anemia
2. Thalassemia
- Appear eccentrically along the inner RBC membrane
- Large, round, blue to purple materials
- Cannot be seen using Wright’s stain
- Supravital stain is used instead
- Content: Denatured and precipitated hemoglobin
- Associated Conditions:
1. G6PD deficiency
2. SIDEROBLASTIC GRANULES 2. Drug-induced hemolytic anemia
- A.k.a. Pappenheimer Bodies 3. Unstable hemoglobin disease
- Described as multiple dark blue irregular granules in
Prussian blue iron staining
- Content: Pappenheimer bodies
- Associated Conditions:
1. Sideroblastic anemia
2. Thalassemia
3. Hemochromatosis or Hemosiderosis 6. HEMOGLOBIN H INCLUSION BODIES
- Small multiple, evenly distributed throughout the red cell
- Granular, greenish-blue bodies
- Content: Precipitated Hgb H
- Associated Condition:
3. Sideroblastic anemia
- A rare genetic or acquired condition
that affects iron utilization with red
blood cell precursor leading to
abnormal hemoglobin production
- According to MCV and MCHC - Red blood cells are normal
- Normal in size
MICROCYTIC, HYPOCHROMIC ANEMIA - Normal amount of hemoglobin
(MCV = <80 fL) - Overall red blood cells may be decreased but the
individual RBCs are within the normal range in terms of
size and hemoglobin content
- Retic count is low because the bone certain triggers like foods, drugs, or
marrow’s ability to generate new infection
blood cells is severely impaired - In response to ongoing hemolysis, the
bone marrow increases the
B. Increased retic ct. reticulocyte production to replaced the
- As a response to ongoing hemolysis or loos of the red blood cells
destruction of red blood cells
- An attempt of the body to compensate for the NOTE: In all these increased conditions of retic count is a sign of
loss of red blood cells the body’s effort to maintain a sufficient number of red blood cells
despite their premature destructions
1. PNH (Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria)
- RBCs are more susceptible to MACROCYTIC, NORMOCHROMIC ANEMIA
destruction due to the deficiency of (MCV = 80-100 fL)
certain proteins on their surface
- This results in chronic hemolysis, so - Abnormally large RBCs that contain normal amount of
to compensate for the loss of red hemoglobin
blood cells, the bone marrow - This condition indicates disruption in the RBC production
increases the production of leading to production fewer buy larger RBC than the
reticulocytes and releases them into normal
the bloodstream
- These reticulocytes mature in the red - Increased MCV
blood cells more quickly than the - Normal MCHC
- Kaya increased yung retic count ng FACTORS MEGALOBLASTIC NON-MEGALOBLAST
may mga cases of PNH ANEMIA IC ANEMIA
Absence of non-
2. PCH (Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria) megaloblastic changes
- It is a rare auto-immune hemolytic Causes 1. Vitamin B12 1. Liver disease
deficiency 2. Alcoholism
anemia where the antibody attach to
2. Folate 3. Bone marrow
red cells leading to destruction failure
especially when exposed to cold deficiency
temperatures Presence of
- In response to this hemolysis, the hypersegmented Present Absent
bone marrow increases the neutrophils
production of reticulocytes to (≥ 6 lobes)
replenish the loss of the red blood Normal = 3-5 lobes
cells Shapes of Oval Round
3. Sickle cell disease Presence of Present
- Characterized by the red blood cells megaloblast in the Absent
that take the characteristics of a sickle BM As a result of DNA
shape synthesis that is
- They can easily rupture causing impaired, they become
chronic hemolysis more larger and more
- The body’s response by increasing immature, appearing as
the reticulocyte production to maintain megaloblast
an adequate number of red blood
cells and compensate for their short
life span
4. Enzyme disease
- G6PD deficiency
- Pyruvate Kinase deficiency
Spherocytosis - Spherical in shape 1. Hereditary Spherocytosis
- Lacks central pallor 2. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
3. Burns
Ovalocyte - Red blood cells that are oval or 1. Hereditary ovalocytosis (Southeast
egg-shaped Asian Ovalocytosis)
2. Megaloblastic anemia
Howell-Jolly Bodies - Appears singly in a cell (only one per cell) 1. Megaloblastic anemia
- Round and <1um in diameter 2. Thalassemia
- Blue to purple in color
3. Lead poisoning
- Content: Mitotic spindle remnants
Heinz Bodies - Appear eccentrically along the inner RBC 1. G6PD deficiency
membrane 2. Drug-induced hemolytic anemia
- Large, round, blue to purple materials 3. Unstable hemoglobin disease
- Supravital stain is used instead
2. Babesia spp.
- Maltese cross