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Benefits of Kadaknath

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There are several natural & dietary solutions for curbing menstrual pains. They can come
in handy when you’re actively trying to avoid OTC pain killers. After all, taking pain killers
regularly can cause some serious side effects in the long run; including loss of hearing, kidney
damage, stomach ulcers, and various cardiovascular diseases. So even during the difficult days of
the month, the smart way is to keep things natural.
The best way is to do that is by keeping your diet in check. Your body loses a lot of
nutrients during menstruation and replenishing them as fast as possible is the easiest way to ease
off the process. Highly rich source of the required nutrition is Kadaknath eggs & chicken. Apart
from being high on vitamins & protein, they contain 97% less fat than regular eggs & chicken.
This nutrition is also helpful in keeping the cycle consistent & regular. Iron is another essential
nutrient that is required to reinstate the blood level lost during menstruation.


Kadaknath eggs & chicken contain 40% more protein than regular eggs & chicken. It is
one of the richest sources of protein, that too without the caveat of being high on cholesterol &
saturated fats. The fat content is in fact 97% lower than regular poultry, effectively making
Kadaknath a super food. Being rich in Vitamin B6 plays another key role in preventing heart
diseases. A trump card Kadaknath holds over regular poultry is the near absence of saturated
fats, which in many studies have been directly related to several heart disease. Instead,
Kadaknath is rich in Omega 3 & Omega 6 fatty acids that exhibit beneficial cardiovascular
As you’re entering your senior years, some of the vital bodily functions become
inefficient. One of them is, of course, the immune system. Staying healthy and free of diseases at
old age will not only save you from doctor’s visits but will also allow your body to maintain
itself rather than fight external threats.‘Heme Iron’ is a form of iron that your body recognizes &
absorbs easily and is abundant in Kadaknath. Old age doesn’t have to be a challenge. If you
choose your diet right and include power foods like Kadaknath in it, you’ll continue to enjoy
life’s happy moments without worrying about your health.


A third most common disease in the world is Migraine with an estimated global
prevalence of 14.7% (that’s around 1 in 7 people)." Migraine is more prevalent than diabetes,
epilepsy, and asthma combined & chronic migraine affects approximately 2% of the world
population. People have distinctive triggers for migraine (specific foods, bright lights, strong
odors, alcohol, high altitude, etc.) & hence it is impossible to eliminate all the triggers.
We have an alternative to a heavy diet chart, which is Kadaknath eggs & chicken. It has
long been proven that Kadaknath eggs & meat help in curing migraines & post-delivery
headaches. This is mainly because of a rich fatty acid profile, especially omega 3 & omega 6.
They’re also rich with riboflavin & niacin, giving them the ability to protect you from severe
migraine headaches. We recommend 2-3 servings of eggs or chicken per week to keep the
nutrition at par. Try it to see the effect for yourself.

A busy routine and a demanding work life mean its second nature for many to be always
tired. We add fuel to the fire by consuming a fat & carbohydrate-heavy diet. No wonder every
chore seems like a burden. So, if you’re tired of being tired, introduce Kadaknath in your diet.
Eggs & chicken of Kadaknath contains high amounts of 18 essential amino acids, especially
BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acids).
They have the power to ward off the mental & physical fatigue and accompany your
mind & body to endure stressful days. Primarily, this is because of the relationship between low
BCAAs and tryptophan. Having BCAA rich sources like Kadaknath eggs will prevent this
process. By keeping the tryptophan monster away, amino acids further improve your short-term
memory and processing abilities. So that’s another plus for your work life!

When you try to reach your bodybuilding goals, the biggest challenge is the body fat
percentage gets reduced as low as possible. We know a lot of fitness enthusiasts will agree that a
well-balanced diet plays the most key role in overcoming that hurdle. Even if eggs & chicken are
universally considered as a great protein source, a lot of you don’t know that regular poultry eggs
& chicken can contain as much as 25% fat. So, whereas you’re consuming the meat & eggs for
protein, a lot of fat tags along. So how about a magic source where you get 40% more protein yet
none of the fat? Kadaknath eggs & chicken contain 40% more protein & 97% less fat compared
to broiler chicken.
Apart from the protein, they also provide you with 18 amino acids out of which 8 are
highly essential for your body’s growth. Vitamin D in the meat & eggs helps in calcium
absorption and bone strengthening. Another benefit comes from the rich presence of zinc, which
naturally regulates the testosterone levels, availing you a chance to not depend on steroids or any
other artificial stimuli. Moreover, they taste great! Change the eggs & chicken in your diet
regiment with Kadaknath and see the results for yourself.


Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein it is essential to maintain normal levels of hemoglobin
in your blood for your body to function properly i.e. for adult men 14 to 18 g/dl and for adult
women 12 to 16 g/dl. When the level of hemoglobin decreases significantly, it can cause
weakness, fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and poor appetite. It
is a very crucial stage when a female starts menstruating as the body is losing out a lot of blood
your body needs more iron at that point, and if you don’t take any precautions early then it can
lead to anemia in the future. We’ve spoken to experts and found Iron deficiency is the most
common cause of low hemoglobin levels.
This is where Kadaknath eggs & meat outshines many of the traditional foods considered
to be rich in iron. Besides containing superior iron content in the form of ‘heme iron’, which is
easier to absorb, they also contain high levels of Folic Acid (a B-Complex Vitamin) which is
required in making & regenerating of RBCs. Try it yourself and see the difference. We
recommend 2-3 servings of Kadaknath eggs & chicken in a week.
As fast as children come from school to home back again, their brains & bodies are just
as rapidly growing and changing. The lack of saturated fats reduced the risk of future heart
conditions & keeps the weight in check. About 1/3rd of kids ages, 4 to 8 are not getting enough
calcium, which is necessary for developing bone mass, nearly all of which is built during their
childhood and adolescence. Kadaknath eggs & chicken are rich in calcium & vitamin D, which
not only strengthens bones but may help prevent type 1 diabetes and other diseases. Another
critical nutrient required in children’ growth is Iron, which is abundant in Kadaknath.
Furthermore, the phosphorus in the meat helps in maintaining healthy teeth, bones, and
ensures proper functioning of kidneys, liver and the central nervous system. It also provides
selenium which contains antioxidants that help control free radicals and improve their immune
system. Kadaknath eggs are high in retinol, alpha, and beta-carotene, and lycopene, all derived
from vitamin A, and all vital for healthy eyesight in children. Kadaknath eggs & chicken are
super foods that deserve a place in your child’s diet.

If you have got asthma, you may be curious about whether certain foods and diet
decisions that may assist you to manage your condition. At the same time, eating fresh, nutritious
foods could improve your overall health also as your asthma symptoms. Eggs & meat of
Kadaknath is a thorough source for some of the nutrients that can help reducing asthma
symptoms & attacks, such as Vitamin D which helps in reducing the number of asthma attacks in
children aged 6 to 15.
The eggs and meat are also rich in Vitamin A, which may be beneficial in children with
asthma because a 2018 study found that children with asthma typically had lower levels of
vitamin A in their blood than kids without asthma. In kids with asthma, higher levels of vitamin
A also corresponded to better lung function. These benefits also help adults who’re suffering
from TB. Kadaknath proves to be beneficial here too since it contains the vitamins, magnesium,
selenium & a rich profile of omega 3 fatty acids. Besides curbing the asthma symptoms in
children, many of the nutrients present in Kadaknath eggs & meat help in healthy development in

For more information about this amazing health product you can reach us at:

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