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Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced Writing (Essay+Graph) Assessment Criteria - 10 scores (2.

5x4 components)
0,5 point 1 point 1,5 point 2 points 2,5 points

Task achievement, Responds to the task only in a performance The content is mostly relevant, but some performance All content is relevant to the task.
minimal way or the answer is shares features digressions from the topic may be present. shares features Fully addresses all parts of the task.
content tangential; 0.5-1.5 Minor irrelevances and/or omissions may 1.5-2.5 The target reader is fully informed.
The target reader is minimally be present. Holds the target reader’s attention
informed; The target reader is on the whole informed. and communicates straightforward
The format may be inappropriate. Lacks complex ideas/has few complex ideas. and complex ideas, as appropriate.
No clear ideas. The writer’s argument mostly clear and logical The writer’s argument is clear and
with some generalisation logical.

Organisation, Splits the text into illogically — Text is generally well-organised and coherent. — Uses clear logical paragraphing;
organised paragraphs / no Uses basic linking words and a limited number Demonstrates a variety of cohesive
coherence and paragraphs; of cohesive devices. May be lacking transitions devices and organisational patterns
cohesion, The text is poorly connected, no between sentences/paragraphs/both. to generally good effect.
punctuation linkers used/linkers used in a wrong The punctuation may be wrong but the message Ideas are well-connected both on a
way/some linkers may be used is clear. sentence and paragraph level.
occasionally; May have some redundancy, overgeneralisation, Uses correct punctuation after
The text does not make sense. emptiness, and vagueness. linking devices, conjunctions, and
No clear division of sentences. relative clauses.
Commas are in the wrong place and Avoids redundancy,
the message is vague. overgeneralisation, emptiness, and

Vocabulary Vocabulary range is below — Uses a range of everyday vocabulary — Suitable range of vocabulary for the
level/topical vocabulary is not appropriately. level;
(range and used/only general words used. Uses less common lexis occasionally/with Uses less common lexis
accuracy) Many spelling mistakes impede mistakes. appropriately.
communication. Spelling mistakes/incorrect collocations may Largely accurate use of the
Collocations used incorrectly/only impede communication. vocabulary for the level.
isolated words used. May have some typos but they do
not impede communication.

Grammar Uses only simple grammatical forms — Demonstrates an adequate range of grammar for — Uses a range of simple and complex
with a good degree of control. the level; grammatical forms with control and
(range and While errors are noticeable, the Errors may be present, but the message is on the flexibility.
accuracy) message still may be understood. whole clear.

Body paragraph word count: Essay word count: Graphs of any kind
Intermediate - 80-100 words; Intermediate - 200-220 words; All levels - 150+ words
Upper-Intermediate - 100-120 words; Upper-Intermediate - 220-250 words;
Advanced - 120-150 words. Advanced - 250-300 words.

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