Received: 18 May 2022 / Accepted: 22 July 2022 / Published online: 16 August 2022
© Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences 2022
This study emphasizes the production of eco-friendly silver nanoparticles from a medicinal plant extract of Morinda lucida
(M. lucida) and investigated its antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. Phytochemical screening of M. lucida (ML) leave
extract was carried out and observed to contain some fundamental phyto-reducing agents such as reducing sugar, proteins,
and alkaloids. The green synthesized AgNPs (ML-AgNPs) were characterized by UV–vis spectroscopy, Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), transmission emission microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray dif-
fraction (XRD), and Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed on the
synthesized ML-capped AgNPs to determine the thermal stability and the formation of the green synthesized AgNPs. The
formation of AgNPs was confirmed by the UV–vis absorption spectra, which showed an absorption band at 420 nm. The
morphology of ML extract-mediated AgNPs was mostly spherical and rough-edged crystallite nanostructures, with an aver-
age particle size of 11 nm. The FTIR analyses revealed distinctive functional groups which were directly involved in the
synthesis and stability of AgNPs. The crystallite size was 8.79 nm, with four intense peaks at 2θ angles of 38°, 44°, 64°,
and 77°. At an energy level of 3.4 keV, a significant signal was observed indicating the production of thermally stable and
pure crystallite AgNPs. The antioxidant property of green synthesized ML-AgNPs was determined to be 40% higher than
that of crude M. lucida leaf extract. The ability of green synthesized ML-AgNPs to scavenge free radicals also increased in
the order of OH− < NO < H2O2. The ML-AgNPs have strong activities with a maximum against P. vulgaris and a minimum
with E. faecalis.
Keywords Morinda lucida · Green synthesis · Silver nanoparticles · Antioxidant · Antimicrobial activity
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A few drops of 3% F eCl3 were added to a 1 mL solution The alkaloid test was carried out by adding 5 mL of HCl to
of the extract and shaken a little. The presence of phenolic the extract solution. The solution was agitated, filtered, and
compounds and tannins was detected by the appearance of kept for further analysis. Meyer’s test was done afterward
a deep blue coloration formed. by adding 2 mL of the filtrate to 5 mL of Meyer’s reagent.
The formation of a yellow precipitate indicates the presence
of alkaloids.
Test for saponins
A portion of the extract solution for both plants was put Test for steroids
in two different clean test tubes and shaken vigorously,
then left for a few minutes. The presence of saponins was 2 mL of the extract solution was mixed with 1 mL of acetic
detected by the formation of a stable froth in the solution. anhydride and heated for a few minutes then cooled. Few
drops of conc. H2SO4 was added by sliding it down the side
of the test tube containing the solution. The presence of ster-
Test for triterpenes oids was indicated by the appearance of a blue coloration.
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where, Acontrol = absorbance of the control sample (the con- et al. 1982), as reported by Marcocci et al. (Marcocci et al.
trol contains FeCl2 and ferrozine, complex formation mol- 1994). Nitric oxide is produced when sodium nitroprus-
ecules) and Asample = absorbance of tested samples. side in an aqueous solution at physiological pH reacts with
oxygen to form nitrite ions, which may be quantified using
the Griess reaction. The reaction mixture, which included
Reductive potential 0.1 mL of oil extract at various concentrations (10, 5, 2.5,
1.25, 0.625, 0.3125 mg/mL) and 0.9 mL of sodium nitro-
The reductive potential of the extract was determined accord- prusside (2.5 mM) in phosphate buffer saline, was incu-
ing to the method of Oyaizu (1986) and as described by Gul- bated for 150 min under illumination. Following incuba-
cin et al. (2004). The extracts (1 mL) were mixed with 1 mL of tion, 0.5 mL of 1% sulphanilamide in 5% phosphoric acid
phosphate buffer (pH 6.6, 0.2 M) and refluxed before adding was added and incubated in the dark for 10 min, followed
2.5 mL of 1% potassium ferricyanide. The reaction mixture by 0.5 mL 0.1% NED (N-1-naphthyl ethylenediamine dihy-
was then incubated for 20 min in a water bath at 50 °C. The drochloride) (Marcocci et al. 1994).
mixture was then treated with 2.5 mL of 10% trichloroacetic
acid and centrifuged for 10 min. The mixture was vortexed
Scavenging of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
after adding 2.5 mL (100 L) of supernatant, 2.5 mL (distilled
water), and 0.5 mL (20 L) of 0.1% ferric chloride. At 700 nm,
In phosphate-buffered (PBS) saline, a solution of hydrogen
the absorbance was measured. The reaction mixture’s higher
peroxide (20 mM) was prepared at pH 7.4. 1 mL extracts or
absorbance suggests a stronger reductive potential.
standards in methanol were added to 2 mL hydrogen perox-
The reductive potential was expressed as a reductive
ide solutions in PBS at various concentrations. After 10 min,
potential index (REI) as shown below;
the absorbance was measured at 230 nm in comparison with
REI = Absorbance of extract a blank solution containing extracts in PBS without hydro-
(2) gen peroxide (Jayaprakasha et al. 2004).
∕Absorbance of 10 𝜇g/mL vitamin C standard
Antibacterial activity
Assay of hydroxyl radical scavenging activity (OH )
Antimicrobial sensitivity
According to the method of Halliwell et al. (1987), the
hydroxyl radical scavenging activity was assessed by evalu- The antibacterial potency of ML-AgNPs and plant extract
ating the competition between deoxyribose and the fractions was assessed against Citrobacter, E. coli, P. vulgaris, S.
for hydroxyl radicals generated from the Fe3+/ascorbate/ typhi, V. cholerae, and E. faecalis using the disk diffusion
EDTA/H2O2 system. Reaction mixture of 1.0 mL reagent method (Green et al. 1982). The prepared Whatman filter
composed of 3.0 mM deoxyribose, 0.1 mM EDTA, 2 mM paper No.1 discs were soaked in ML-AgNPs and plant
H2O2, 0.1 mM l-Ascorbic acid, 0.1 mM F eCl3·6H2O in extract solutions and air-dried in a sterile environment. Agar
10 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 were prepared and various plates were prepared by swabbing the bacteria cultures uni-
fraction concentrations (50–350 g/mL) were added to the formly unto individual plates. The plates were divided into
reaction mixture. After 1 h of incubation at 37 °C, 1.0 mL four and placed upon the earlier prepared discs, then plates
of 1% (w/v) TBA (in 0.25 N HCl) and 1.0 mL of 10% (w/v) were incubated at 37 °C for 1–2 days and the zone of inhi-
TCA were added to the reaction solutions. The reaction bition was measured by an ordinary scale (Khanom et al.
mixtures were heated in a boiling water bath for 20 min at 2018).
100 °C, and the pink chromogen (malondialdehyde-(TBA)
adduct) was extracted into 1.0 mL of butan-1-ol, with the
absorbance measured at 532 nm against a blank solution.
The percentage inhibition was calculated using the Results and discussion
Phytochemical compounds in the plant extract
( )/
Percentage % inhibition = Abs(control) − Abs(sample) Abs(control) × 100
Table 1 summarizes the phytochemical components found
in the plant extract. Aqueous leaves extract of M. lucida
Inhibition of nitric oxide radical (NO) contained alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids, anth-
raquinones, phlobatanin, carbohydrates, saponins, pro-
The extracts were tested for their ability to inhibit nitric teins, amino acids, and phytosterols while steroids, cardiac
oxide radical activity using the Green et al. method (Green
7318 Chemical Papers (2022) 76:7313–7325
glycosides, reducing sugars, coumarin, and phenols were Total phenolic compounds
absent. According to Gutorova et al. (2021), the presence of
both alkaloids and flavonoids aids in the reduction in silver The secondary metabolites present in green plants such as
ions to generate AgNPs. Flavonoids were also found in green phenolic compounds are essential for the reduction in metal
synthesized nanoparticles made from corn silk aqueous ions into their corresponding nanosized metals (Konappa
extract, according to Li et al. (2020). Previous phytochemi- et al. 2021). The concentration of the metabolites can influ-
cal screening on M. lucida revealed that phenols, flavonoids, ence the yield, morphology, and particle size of the NPs. In
and reducing sugars are the major components of plants that Fig. 4b, it was observed that the total phenolic compounds in
have reducing power (Medina-Cruz et al. 2020). Therefore, the extract and the AgNPs increase, with increased concen-
as a result of the presence of both proteins and alkaloids in tration. The leaf extract shows a phenolic content of about
the M. lucida extract used in this study, the green-produced 18 µg/mL at the highest concentration of 160 µg/mL, while
AgNPs should have high antioxidant potency. AgNPs showed a total phenolic content of 10 µg/mL at a
Fig. 4 a UV–visible spectra of green synthesized ML-AgNPs and b concentration of total phenolic compounds
Chemical Papers (2022) 76:7313–7325 7319
Fig. 5 a FTIR spectra of M. lucida plant extract and ML-AgNPs b XRD spectra of ML-AgNPs
similar concentration. This confirms that not all the metab- alcohol, phenol, esters, ethers, aldehydes, alkanes, and
olites and the antioxidant compounds are used up for the proteins, which were involved in the synthesis and stabi-
reduction in the Ag salt, but also act as the capping agent lization of AgNPs. Comparing the two spectra, C–O was
(Shoor and Lodise 2006). observed in the ML-AgNPs spectra (Fig. 5a), implying
that the system's stabilization was caused by the carbonyl
FTIR analysis group of the reducing sugars adhering to the silver (Ag)
(Singh et al. 2013).
The functional groups involved in capping and stabilizing
the Ag nanoparticles were identified using FTIR between
4000 and 400 cm−1. Figure 5a shows the spectra of the XRD
aqueous extract of M. lucida and ML-AgNPs. The aqueous
extract of M. lucida showed characteristic peaks at 3307, The XRD pattern of ML-AgNPs is shown in Fig. 5b. XRD
2890, and 1649 cm−1 which could be attributed to hydroxyl pattern reveals four intense peaks at 38°, 44°, 64°, and
group O–H stretching (Labulo et al. 2015), C–H stretching 77°, which correspond to the face cubic centre (fcc) 111,
vibrations of methyl, methylene, or methoxy groups, and 200, 220, and 311 planes of AgNPs, respectively. The
C–O stretching in the carbonyl group (Shoor and Lodise results are consistent with those of Rahimi-nasrabadi et al.
2006), and the N–H group of amines (Kumar et al. 2019), (2014). The other peaks in the spectra could be attributed
respectively. The broadband peak at 3307 cm−1 observed in to metabolite capping the AgNPs.
the ML-AgNPs spectra could be attributed to the overlap- The size of the AgNPs was calculated by the
ping stretching mode of N–H and O–H functional groups Debye–Scherrer equation as follows:
(Kumar et al. 2019).
The C–O band at 1045 c m −1 may be assigned to the D= (4)
𝛽 cos 𝜃
polyols (i.e., flavones, terpenoids, and carbohydrates)
present in the plant extract. The various assignments are where D is the crystallite size of the AgNPs, λ is the wave-
consistent with those published in the literature for related length of the X-ray source (1.54056 Å), β is full width at
compounds (Medina-Cruz et al. 2020; Aref and Salem half maximum (FWHM) of the diffraction peak in radian,
2020; Gutorova et al. 2021). These organic compounds k is the Scherrer constant that varies from 0.9 to 1, and θ
were identified as stabilizing groups and capping agents is the Bragg angle in radian (Raja et al. 2017). The XRD
that contributed to the silver ions reduction to metallic pattern analysis of ML-AgNPs gave a crystallite size of the
silver. FTIR measurements indicated peaks corresponding nanoparticles was 8.79 nm.
to different functional groups such as carboxylic acids,
7320 Chemical Papers (2022) 76:7313–7325
TEM 3.4 keV, with weak signals from N, O, C, Si, P, and Cl. The
pure crystalline character of the ML-AgNPs was completely
TEM is a powerful tool in determining the morphologies, composed of silver, as indicated by the predominant emis-
shapes, and sizes of metal NPs. The TEM image of ML- sion energy at 3.4 keV. The findings of Matin et al. (Matin
AgNPs shows the polydispersed-capped NPs (Fig. 6a). The et al. 2017) on silver nanoparticles synthesized from Pega-
obtained NPs are spherical with particle average particle num harmala plant extract via the green approach are con-
size of 11 nm (Fig. 7a) similar to the findings of Zangeneh sistent with the findings in this work. Palani et al. (2015)
et al. (2019). It could be observed that the NPs are evenly reported a similar result utilizing synthetic melanoidin bac-
distributed without agglomeration with transparent capped terial extracts and a 3.3 keV energy level for green manu-
edges. This could be a result of the presence of phytosterol factured AgNPs.
and amino acids from the M. lucida aqueous extract. The
SEM image (Fig. 6b) shows a flake-like surface morphology Thermo‑gravimetric analysis (TGA)
of the ML-AgNPs.
The TGA plot of ML-AgNPs is shown in Fig. 8. TGA was
EDX carried out to determine the thermal stability and presence of
oxygen functionality on the capped green synthesized ML-
Figure 7b shows the elemental composition of ML-AgNPs. AgNPs (Nityanada and Kaushik 2012). TGA thermogram of
The synthesized nanosilver showed a strong signal at the AgNPs showed three identical and continuous weight loss
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Values with identical alphabets a and b are not significantly different at DMRT (p < 0.05)
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