EtaPRO v2 Help Documentation
EtaPRO v2 Help Documentation
EtaPRO v2 Help Documentation
Help document
etaPRO is an innovative, multi-utility and user friendly software package, related to Reactive Power
Management. The users will get the benefit of easy and error free selection of products that helps in
power factor improvement.
End customers and panel builders will be benefitted by the following ways:
Home Page:
Home page contains following 6 modules:
1. kVAr calculation - Easy calculation of capacitor kVAr rating if initial power factor and final
power factor are known.
The current power factor and target power factor and the connected load (kW) can be selected
through the slide bar or by entering the exact value in the text box.
3. APFC panel Bill of Materials generation - Generation of bill of materials, covering capacitor
selection, switchgear selection, switching device selection. - The output gives the catalogue
numbers and MRP of all the items in the panel that can be exported to excel format.
a. BoM generation up to 1400 kVAr APFC Panels with maximum 14 steps
b. Auto-calculation of rated incomer and branch currents
c. Switchgear selection options for main incomer (ACB, MCCB and SDF) and branch
protection (MCCB, SDF, HRC Fuse and MCB)
d. Accessories selection for the selected switchgear
e. Capacitors and reactor selection
f. Instant catalogue access for selected switchgear/capacitors
g. Final BoM in two forms:
i. Branch-wise list of items
ii. Consolidated list of items
1 2 3 4 5 6
a. System voltage selection: Select the transformer secondary voltage (400 V, 415 V or
440 V)
b. Express kVAr: Standard ratings of APFC panels with pre-selected step sizes and
number of steps. All the branch kVAr ratings will be automatically selected by the
software. But, still the branch kVAr ratings are editable.
c. Custom kVAr: Any kVAr ratings (up to 1400 kVAr) can be entered and corresponding
number of steps need to be selected. Desired step sizes (branch kVAr) can be
selected from the drop down and the selected values are summed up instantly for
easier reference. Once the sum of individual step sizes are equal to the kVAr rating
of APFC panel, user can proceed to second tab, “Switching device selection”
There are two options for the user to select the capacitor switching device:
a. Select the option of main incomer of the APFC panel – MCCB / ACB / SDF
b. MCCB:
i. Select “Type of release” – Thermal magnetic, Matrix microprocessor 1.0 or
Matrix microprocessor 2.0 release
ii. Select the ICU (kA), ICS (% of ICU) and breaker type for the selected standard
iii. All type of accessories can be selected by clicking “Accessories” button.
b. ACB:
i. Nominal derated current is calculated by the software for the given kVAr
rating and it automatically selects the standard rating available
ii. Select the breaker type – U Power Omega or C Power
iii. Followed by breaker type select the ICU (kA) rating, release type and version
of the breaker.
iv. All type of accessories can be selected by clicking “Accessories” button.
c. SDF:
i. Nominal derated current is calculated by the software for the given kVAr
rating and it automatically selects the standard rating available
ii. On selecting “Fuse size”, all the details of selected Fuse and SD will be
iii. All type of accessories can be selected by clicking “Accessories” button.
Tab 5 – Branch Protection Selection:
i. MCCB: Type of release, ICU, ICS and breaker type can be selected. On clicking
“Add”, the MCCB cat number is added for all the branches with same
ii. SDF: Select “Fuse size” and click “Add”
iii. HRC Fuse: Select “Fuse size” and click “Add”
iv. Accessories can be selected for group of branches with same kVAr rating.
MRPs and links for catalogue for each and every item are also displayed. The entire BoM can be
exported to excel format and can be edited.
4. Payback calculation
This module calculates monthly payback in Rupees, after improving the power factor to the desired
level. On entering the tariff inputs and Load details, monthly savings (in Rupees and Power) will be
5. Active Harmonic Filter (AHF) selection:
Active Harmonic Filters are necessary to reduce the harmonics as per the limits prescribed by IEEE
519. AHF rating & catalogue numbers can be selected by entering full load current and ITHD%. AHF
can also be selected to correct Power Factor along with harmonics correction.
Disclaimer: This selection is for indicative purpose only. For accurate selection, kindly contact L&T.
33 technical articles related to concepts on reactive power & harmonic management, switchgear
selection, APFC panel design and many can be accessed here.
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