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Perishable Semi Perishable Shelf Stable

Food types
Lasts for less time 2days to 1 week
Example: Fruits, milk, vegetables, meat
•Semi perishable
- Lasts foraround 2 months and are processed
- Example: Ice-cream,cheese, bread, cake, pastries
Shelf Stable
-Has longer shelf Life more than 6months
- Example: Food grains
Explanation of previous slide

We enjoy any kind of food in any season and different

types. Such as

•Mango juice
•Mango pulp
Mango pickle
•Raw mango powder etc
Principles of Food Preservation
Inhibit thegrowth and activity of Microorganisms
-Asepsis(to keep out microorganisms)
-Removal of microorganisms
-Stopping the growth and activity of microorganisms
(low temperatures, drying or chemicals)
-Destruction of MO(heating or radiation)
Principles of Food Preservation(contd.)
2. Protecting against self decomposition of food
-Inhibit the activity ofEndogenous Enzyme

-Delay or inhibit chemical reactions(Non-enzymatic


3. Protection from invasion and spoilage by insects and


4. Protection against losses by mechanical causes

Importance of Food Preservation:
Important and vital in the Food industry due to
number of -
psychological, and
health factors
Increases the shelf life of food
Retain the quality of food -colour, texture, flavour
& nutritional value
Increases food supply
Adds variety to the food
Decreases wastage of food
Make foods available throughout the year
Food Preservation
Food Preservation is a process in which

*Food and vegetables are preventedfromgetting

The color, test, and nutritive values offood is also
*Food products lastsfor a long period oftime:
Shelf life offood product is increased
So,we can defined Food
Preservation as:
Retaining food over a period of time without
being contaminated by pathogenic organisms
chemicals and without losing its colour,
texture, flavour and nutritious value.

Food Preservation usually involves preventing

the growth of bacteria, fungi and other
microorganisms, as well as retarding the
oxidation of fats which causes rancidity.
Principles of Food Preservation(contd.)
2. Protecting against self decomposition of food
-Inhibit the activity ofEndogenous Enzyme

-Delay or inhibit chemical reactions(Non-enzymatic


3. Protection from invasion and spoilage by insects and


4. Protection against losses by mechanical causes

Principles of Food Preservation
Inhibit thegrowth and activity of Microorganisms
-Asepsis(to keep out microorganisms)
-Removal of microorganisms
-Stopping the growth and activity of microorganisms
(low temperatures, drying or chemicals)
-Destruction of MO(heating or radiation)
Importance of Food Preservation:
Important and vital in the Food industry due to
number of -
psychological, and
health factors
Increases the shelf life of food
Retain the quality of food -colour, texture, flavour
& nutritional value
Increases food supply
Adds variety to the food
Decreases wastage of food
Make foods available throughout the year
Food Preservation Methods
•Preservation methods vary according to
-the food items, and

----quantity of theitems to be preserved

*Principles of Food preservation can be broadly

classified into two types:
1) Bactericidal methods
2) Bacteriostatic methods
Bactericidal methods:
Most of themicroorganismsare killed
Examples are
o cooking,
o canning,

o sterilization,
irradiation etc.
Bacteriostatic Methods:
> Based on prevention of multiplication of
>May be achieved by
----removal of water

----Use ofacids, oils or spices

the foodstuff in low temperature
>Methods based on this principles are

----salting, and

Techniques of Food Preservation
• Physical
--freezing and canning(rely on kiling
the microorganisms or at least stopping
the their growth for long enough)
--drying, gamma irradiation, exposure to
ultraviolet or high intensity white light,
ultra high pressure and filtration
• Drying causes deterioration of both the eating quality and
the nutritional value of the food.
• Examples ofcommercially important dried foods are
coffee, milk, raisins, and other fruits, pasta, flours
(including bakery mixes), beans, nuts, breakfast cereals,
tea and spices.
There are a large number of factors that control the
rate at which foods dry, which can be grouped into the
following categories
processing conditions
nature of the food
drier design.
Blanching serves a variety of functions, one of the
main ones being to destroy enzymatic activity in
vegetables and some fruits, prior to further processing
by heat. As such, it is not intended as a sole method of
preservation but as a pre-treatment which is normally
carried out between the preparation of the raw
material and later operations (particularly heat
sterilisation, dehydration and freezing.

Blanching is also combined with peeling and/or

cleaning of food, to achieve savings in energy
consumption, space and equipment costs
A few processed vegetables, for example onions and green
peppers, do not require blanching to prevent enzyme
activity during storage, but the majority suffer considerable
loss in quality if blanching is omitted or if they are under
•To achieve adequate enzyme inactivation, food is heated
rapidly to apre-set temperature,
held for a pre-set time and
then cooled rapidly to near ambient temperatures.
• Thefactorswhich influence blanching time are:
•type of fruit or vegetable
size of the pieces of food
•blanching temperature
• method of heating.
Pasteurization is a relatively mild heat treatment, in which
food is heated to below 100°C. In low acid foods (pH>4.5,
for example milk) it is used to minimize possible health
hazards from pathogenic micro-organisms and to extend
the shelf life of foods forseveral days.

In acidic foods (pH <45, for example bottled fruit) it is

used to extend the shelf life for several months by
destructionof spoilage micro-organisms (yeasts or moulds)
and/or enzyme inactivation
•A method of preserving food by killing all
microorganisms present in the food and then sealing
out air

•The food, container, and lid are heated until sterile

• As the food cools, the lid makes an airtight seal,

preventing contamination
•A process by which the form ofa food is changed
• Such as changing corn to corn chips
•Not a preservation measure
In this process, thefood is heated, ground, and pushed
through various kinds of screens to yield different
•Frying s a operation
unit which mainly used to alter
the eating qualitý of a food.
• secondary consideration the preservatiye effect
that results from thermal destruçtion of micro
organisms and enzymes, and a reduction in water
actiyity at the surfae ofthe food (or throughout the
food, if it is fried in thin slices).

The shelf of fried foods is mostly determined by

the moisture content after frying: foods that retain a
moit interior (for examplé doughnuts, fish and

batteréd), hve a relatively short shelf life, owing to

moisture and oil migration during storage.

•lonising radiation takes the form of Gama-rays

from isotopes or, commercially to a lesser extent,
from X-rays and electrons. It is permitted in 38
countries to preserve foods by destruction of
micro-organisms or inhibition of biochemical
The main advantages of irradiation are as follows:
> there i little or no heating of the food and therefore
negligible change to sensory characteristics

> packaged and frozen foods may be treated

> fresh foods may be preserved in a single operation, and

without the usé of chemical preservatives

> energy requirements are very low

> changes in ntritional value offoodsarecomparable with

othemethods of food preservation

procesing is automatically controlled and has

operating costs.
•Chilling the unit operation in which the temperature
ofa food is reduced to between 1°C and 8°C.
•It is used to reduce the rate of biochemical and
microbiological changes, and hence to extend the
shelf life of fresh and processed foods. It causes
minimal changes to sensory characteristics and
nutritional properties of foods and, as a result, chilled
foods are perceived by consumers as being
convenient, easy to prepare, high quality and
'healthy', 'natural' and 'fresh.

Chilling is often used in combination with other

unit operations (for example fermentation or
pasteurization) to extend the shelf life of mildly
processed foods. There is a greater preservative
effect when chilling is combined with control of
the composition of the storage atmosphere than
that found using either unit operation alone.
•Freezing is the unit operation in which the
temperature of a food is reduced below its freezing
point and a proportion of the water undergoes a
change in state to form ice crystals. The
immobilization of water to ice and the resulting
concentration of dissolved solutes in unfrozen
water lower the water activity (aw)of the food
Preservation is achievedby a combination of low
temperatures, reduced water activity and, in
some foods, pre-treatment by blanching.
The major groups of commercially frozen foods are

•fruits (strawberries, oranges, raspberries) either whole or

pureed, oras juice concentrates
•vegetables (peas,green beans, sweet corn, spinach, and
•fish fillets andsea foods (cod, plaice, shrimps and crab
meat) including fish fingers, fish cakes or prepared dishes
with an accompanying sauce
• meats (beef, lamb, poultry) as carcasses, boxed joints or
cubes, and meat products (sausages, beefburgers, reformed
• baked goods (bread, cakes, fruit and meat pies)
* prepared foods (pizzas, desserts, ice cream, complete meals
and cook-freeze dishes).
Food ispackaged for many purposes.
Some reasons are:

containment for shipping, dispensing, unitizing in to

appropriate sizes, improving the usefulness,
protect from microbial contamination, physical dirt, insect
invasion, light exposure, flavor pickup, flavor loss,
moisture pickup, moisture loss and physical abuse
• Food is packaged in metal cans, glass & plastic bottles,
paper & paper board, wide variety ofplastic & metallic
films and combinations ofthese
Packaging is done by continuous automatic machines at a
speed of 1o00 units per min
The container forming is dependent on the type of the food
Food Procestng and Preseving



Pickling is one of the ancient methods of food preservation technique.It began qo00 years
The term pickle is derived from the Dutch word "Peckde meaning brine. It is callecd as
tachaar' in North India

The processof preservation of food in common sat or vinegar is calel pickling

• Pickles are good appetizers and they aid in digestion by stimulating the fow ofpastric

Raw Materials:

Raw materials usecd in pickingshould possesscertain definite characteristics


. For pickling. any variety

of conmon salt is sultable, pruvkled

should be free from lime, asit reduces the acidity of the vinegar
it is pure.

in which brined
vepetables arepickled.
• Salts should also he free from iron, which in contact with the tanninof fruit, veprtable, and

spice, protuces blackening of the pickle.

• t shoukd not also contain magnesium salts which imart a bitter taste to the pickle.


Vinqgarof good quality containing at least 4 9% percent acetic acid issuitable for pickling

Vinegarof low acid content is not suitable for pickling


Spicesareadded depending upon the kind of fruit or vegetable took and the kind of flavor


The spicescommonly used ina pickle are bay keavescardamom, chillies, cinnamon,
turmeric, cove, coriander, ginger, mace, mustard, black pepper,cumin, gartik, fennel,
aniseed. etc

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