DLL English 3 q3 c1 Homonyms
DLL English 3 q3 c1 Homonyms
DLL English 3 q3 c1 Homonyms
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual
Resources presentations, pictures presentations, pictures presentations, pictures
A. Reviewing previous Choose from the paper Look at the pictures. Match the following
Lesson or presenting roll the correct Draw a circle around the pictures with its
abbreviations Dr.
of the word that tells what the corresponding
new lesson
following Ave.
words.Engr. picture is. homonyms.
Avenue a. ice
________________5. b. meet
January c. male
d. flour
e. hair
f. pale
B. Establishing a Read the following Look at the pictures. Read and study the
purpose for the lesson sentences. Note the Choose the correct word poem below. Note all
italicized words. that best describes the words written in bold
1. You can read the picture to complete the letters.
poem aloud but you are sentence. I’m All Mixed Up
not allowed to shout. 1.Which I’m all mixed up,
What are the highlighted __________________ I need help from you.
words in the first should I go? How do I no / know
sentence? Why the sky is blue /
2. The children read the blew?
story of the red chicken. I do not no / know.
3. Arthur has a wound I wish I new / knew!
on his heel that will take 2. The birds are flying Is my sister aged for /
a few days to heal. ______________________. four or too / to / two?
4. I blew the blue Eye / I am named
balloon. Marie.
5. My sister sent one- She is named Be / Bee /
cent. 3. Let us Bea.
__________________ at the We eat red / read
park. berries
By the water at the see /
I have a lot of work to do
/ due!
I’ll so / sew a button
On the coat you wear /
I’ll sit on that chair.
I’ll wait right / write
over there / their.
I’m all mixed up.
I need help from you.
Can you choose the right
See what you can do!
C. Presenting examples/ The italicized words in Study the pictures Study the pictures
instances of the new the sentences are called below. below.
lesson. homonyms.
Homonyms are words
with the same sound
and pronounced alike
but differ in meaning.
This is a long and
winding road.
2. A female servant
(new, knew)
3. Recently bought
(plain- plane)
4. It is a vehicle or a
machine that has wings
and flies through the air
5. The food is taken into
your mouth, chewed and
H. Making What are homonyms? What are homonyms? What are homonyms?
Generalizations and
Abstraction about the
I. Evaluating Learning Direction: Circle the Read and understand Match the words in
correct words to carefully the sentences. Column A with the
complete the sentences. From these words in Column B to
1. I need a (pale, pail) to sentences, select the make a pair of
wash the dishes. correct meaning of each homonyms. Write the
underlined word. Write letter in the blank
the letter of the correct provided before each
answer on the blank number.
provided before each
2. My brother (road. sentence.
rode) on a small boat. 1. _____It took me one
hour to finish my
_____My friend lives near
our house.
a. 60 minutes b. of or
3. Karla has (for, four) relating to us
flowers in her hand. 2. _____We will have a
fair weather today.
_____I pay ten pesos for
the bus fare.
a. price charged to
transport a person b.
3. _____Mother sew the
slits in my pants.
_____Sleep early so you
will get enough rest.
4. I can (write, right) my a. to fasten by stitching
name correctly. b. in a manner or way
4. _____There are seven
days in a week.
5. It’s an (hour, our) _____The weak boy
after the class will end. fainted on the street.
a. any seven consecutive
days b. lacking strength
5. _____They wait for
their turn to perform in
the play.
_____Sister monitors her
weight daily.
a. amount a thing
weighs b. to remain
stationary in
readiness or expectation
J. Additional Activities Directions: Choose the What are the meanings What are the meanings
for Application or correct word of the given of these homonyms? of these homonyms?
Remediation meaning. Circle your Look for their meanings Look for their meanings
answer. in a dictionary and try to in a dictionary and try to
1. The saltwater that use them in a sentence. use them in a sentence.
covers much of the
earth’s surface
(see - sea)
2. A way that shows a
negative response
(no - know)
3. to listen to
(here- hear)
4. The part of the body
that is used for seeing
(I- eye)
5. To become healthy or
well again
(heel- heal)
A. No. of learners
earned 80%in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by: