Summary SEAM
Summary SEAM
Summary SEAM
Cleaning Process
Summary 11
Effective Ship-Shore Communications for Cargo Hazard Communication
Operations • Risks: Discuss potential hazards such as
1. Pre-Arrival Information: spills, health risks, and environmental
1. Ship Details: ETA, name, IMO
number, dimensions, cargo Operational Procedures
handling gear, etc. • Sequence: Agreed loading/unloading
2. Operational Plan: Cargo procedures and equipment used.
quantity, loading/unloading • Weight Updates: Frequent updates on
plan, time for de-ballasting. cargo weight for stability monitoring.
3. Cargo Operations Planning: Damage Reporting
4. Communication: Establish • Protocol: Clear procedure for reporting
methods and procedures to halt any damage to the vessel.
operations if needed.
5. Personnel: Designate
responsible individuals on both
ship and shore.
4. Emergency Procedures: