Ombudsman Vacancy New 02 March 2023
Ombudsman Vacancy New 02 March 2023
Ombudsman Vacancy New 02 March 2023
No.-BERC-Estb-3/17-10 Dated-02.03.2023
In terms of provisions laid down u/s 42(6) of Electricity Act 2003 and Regulation 3 of the Bihar
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, Electricity Ombudsman
and Consumer Advocacy) Regulations, 2017 and its amendments thereon; application is invited in the
prescribed format for appointment of "Electricity Ombudsman” in Bihar Electricity Regulatory
Commission. Eligibility criteria and other terms and conditions are as follows:
1. The candidates should be a retired district judge or retired Secretaries to State Governments
or Any person who has held the position of a member or chairperson of any statutory quasi
judicial body at the state level for at least three years or any other persons of equivalent level.
2. The candidate should be a person of ability, integrity and conversant with the working of
electricity sector.
3. The minimum age limit for the applicants for the post is as per BERC (Consumer Grievance
Redressal Forum, Electricity Ombudsman and Consumer Advocacy) Regulations, 2017 and
its amendments thereon.
4. Appointment on the post shall be for a fixed term of three years or till he/she attains the age of
65 years, whichever is earlier. The tenure may be extended for a further period not exceeding
two years, or till he/she attains the age of 65 years, which is earlier.
5. The Ombudsman may relinquish his/her office by giving prior notice in writing not less than
three months to the Commission. Similarly, if the Ombudsman is removed by the
Commission, the Commission shall give prior notice in writing not less than three months to
the Ombudsman.
6. At the time of joining candidate shall have to give an undertaking in performa as prescribed by
the commission.
7. Candidates shall submit verification certificate from the last employer in the prescribed format
as mentioned in the application.
8. The Electricity Ombudsman shall be paid a Consolidated Pay of Rs. 100,000/- per month
alongwith other allowances such as conveyance, mobile phone, facilities of staff etc.
9. The candidate who fulfils the above criteria may apply in the prescribed format (Annexure to
the notice) alongwith copies of self attested testimonials with recent passport size photograph
to the Secretary, Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission, Vidyut Bhawan-II, J.L. Nehru
Marg (Bailey Road), Patna-800021 either personally on any working day or by registered
post so as to reach by 04.00 PM on 24.03.2023.
10. Applications received after the due date i.e. 24.03.2023 or incomplete applications shall not
be entertained.
11. Application form is available at Commission's website
12. The Commission reserves right to cancel the selection process at any stage without
assigning any reason.
Memo No.-263 Dated- 02.03.2023
Copy to the Principal Secretary, Department of Energy, Govt. of Bihar, Patna for information.
6. Category (Gen./OBC/SC/ST) :
8. Designation :
10. Educational & Professional Qualification (Please enclose a separate sheet, if the
space below is insufficient) :
Degree Year of passing
11. Experience (Please enclose a separate sheet, if the space below is insufficient)
Sl. Place of Pay scale/ Job details
Designation Organization From To
No. posting emoluments
12. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of
your suitability for the post. Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient.
13. Whether any punishment/censure awarded to the applicant during the last 10
years and also whether any action or inquiry is going on against him.
I hereby declare that all statements made and information provided hereinabove are
true, complete and correct and in case any information is found incorrect, I shall be
disqualified for the present engagement.
Date :
Place : (Name and signature of the applicant)
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.