Guide Questions in Drafting the Employment Contract
Guide Questions in Drafting the Employment Contract
Guide Questions in Drafting the Employment Contract
This Agreement sets out all the terms in the agreement such as the job duties, salary and
benefits, work hours, confidentiality and other key terms specific for each type of employment
such as:
Probationary Employment - the period of probation and the standards upon which the
employee's competence and qualifications will be evaluated on. The maximum period of
probation is six (6) months and the standards should be made known and explained to the
employee at the time of engagement or signing of the agreement.
Project Employment - the description of the project and the date of completion of the project
Seasonal Employment - the description of the season and the date of the end of the season
Fixed Term Employment - the starting date and ending date of the employment
Casual Employment - the description of the job, which should be merely incidental to the main
business of the employer, and the starting date and ending date of the casual employment,
which should not be for more than one (1) year