Computer darpan
Computer darpan
Computer darpan
India is my country.
All Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and I am proud of its rich and
varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall respect my parents, teachers and all
elders and treat everyone with courtesy.
I pledge my devotion to my country and its people.
My happiness lies in their will-being and prosperity.
Price : ` U 50.00
Writers-Editors PREFACE
Shri K. D. Patel Gujarat State Board of School Textbooks has always
Shri Mayur M. Raval made efforts to upgrade the quality of education by
Shri S. G. Patel providing reference and supplementary material in
Shri Suresh H. Patel addition to providing textbooks.
Shri Paritosh N. Bhatt The Academic and Research Committees have
Shri Chandrakant D. Patel prepared best quality reference and supplementary
Shri Vasudev B. Raval material which is helpful to the students in accordance
Shri J. P. Joshi with the competitive examinations like JEE / NEET /
Shri P. M. Patel GUJCET. In the past also, the Textbook Board has
Shri Rajendra H. Patel published various reference books for the betterment of
Shri Jayesh H. Purohit education. At school level teaching, there is always a
Shri Shashikant M. Prajapati need for extra references. In this context, in order to
Shri Shailesh S. Patel make the school syllabi more effective, supplementary
Shri Anand N. Thakkar material is prepared. In this reference, we are happy to
Shri Sanjay C. Sukhadiya publish Physics Question Bank for students of
Shri R. N. Dixit Std. XI and XII.
Translator If the students, with the help of this question bank
Shri K. D. Patel practices more, under the guidance of teachers, then the
Shri Mayur N. Raval goal of the textbook board is achieved. This question
Dr. Amit B. Patel bank is very useful to the Mathematics teachers and the
Prof. Manish Acharya readers associated with education. We expect that the
Shri P. M. Patel students may achieve success in the competitive
Shri Paritosh N. Bhatt examinations like JEE / NEET / GUJCET by using this
Shri Shailesh S. Patel supplementary material.
Shri Anand N. Thakkar The board is thankful to all the experts, authors,
Artist lay-out designers and others who have directly or
Shri Graphics
indirectly extended their services in the preparation of
Midiya Graphics
Question Bank of Physics.
Parita Graphics
The board has taken enough care to make this
Question Bank of Physics interesting, useful and
Shri Chirag H. Patel
error-free. However, suggestions from students, teachers,
(Subject Coordinator : Physics)
parents and academicians are welcome.
Preparation and Planning
Dr. Kamlesh N. Parmar
(Dy. Director : Academic) H. N. Chavda Dr. Nitin Pethani
Layout and Planning Director Executive President
Shri Haresh S. Limbachiya Date : 1-1-2014 Gandhinagar
(Dy. Director : Production)
(a) to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and
the National Anthem;
(b) to cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for
(c) to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;
(d) to defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so;
(e) to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of
(f) to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture;
(g) to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild
life, and to have compassion for living creatures;
(h) to develop scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform;
(j) to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that
the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement;
(k) to provide opportunities for education by parent, the guardian, to his child,
or a ward between the age of 6 to 14 years as the case may be.
5. Rotational Motion 73
6. Gravitation 96
7. Property of Solid and Liquid 120
8. Thermodynamics 152
9. Kinetic Theory of Gases 170
10. Oscillations and Waves 179
11. Electrostatics 227
12. Current Electricity 296
13. Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism 322
14. Electro Magnetic Induction and Alternating Current 350
15. Electro Magnetic Waves 402
16. Optics 414
17. Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation 447
18. Atom and Nucleus 466
19. Electronic Devices and Communication Systems 502
Model Question Papers :
Model Question Paper-1 528
Model Question Paper-2 532
Model Question Paper-3 538
Model Question Paper-4 543
Model Question Paper-5 548
JEE Question Paper 2013 553
Above this book
Dear Students,
All of you may appear for GUJCET/NEET and such similar type of state and national level other
competative exams. In such circumstances to get exam orianted perfect guidance and availability of
books are few in simple languages. Considering such fact, Gujarat State School Board of Textbooks
has prepared question bank with the help of experienced subject experts with proper care and
Important salient feature and specificity of this book is as such :
All points and subject matter for GSEB, Gujcet / NEET competative exams are included in it.
Students can revise speedily for it all points are properly explained in MCQs and answers for it
are also included.
Each chapter contains various types of questions and question for practical applications and
important questions for NEET are included.
Ideal question papers for practice and question papers of Gujcet, AIPMT and AIIMS are
All MCQs and competative exams question papers with solution are included.
Chapter wise comparison of GSEB syllabus with NEET Syllabus is also given. Hopefully, this will
be useful for all students and provide proper guideline for alll exams.
- Authors
Comparition of Syllabus
Standard Chapter Chapter Name Unit Unit's Name
Ch : 4 Motion in a plane
4. 11/1 Ch : 6 Work, Energy and Power Unit : 4 Work, Energy and Power
Staudard Chapter Chapter Name Unit Unit's Name
Ch : 2 Rotational Motion
Ch : 5 Fluid Mechanics
Ch : 8 Waves
14. 12/1 Ch : 4 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current Unit : 13 Magnetic effect of Current
16. 12/1I Ch : 7 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Unit : 17 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Ch : 6 Nucleus