Being physically active can help you achieve a healthy weight and prevent excessive weight
gain. However, physical activity is also important to all other aspects of your health. Benefits
include sleeping better at night, decreasing your chances of becoming depressed, and helping
you look good. When you are not physically active, you are more likely to have health problems,
including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Warm up and Stretching Exercises
*Neck Stretch
Bend your head forward and slightly to the right.
With your right hand, gently pull your head downward to stretch your neck.
Hold for about 16 counts. Repeat on the opposite side
*Shoulder Rolls
Stand in an upright position. Roll shoulders in a circular motion forward to backward.
*Side Arm Stretch
Stand in an upright position. Extend the right arm to the left. Use the left arm/hand to gently
push the right arm towards the body to straighten and stretch it. Hold the stretch for 16 counts.
Repeat on the left arm.
*Triceps Stretch
Extend one hand down the center of your back, fingers pointing downward. Use the other hand
to grasp the elbow and stretch your triceps muscle.
Hold the stretch for 16 counts. Repeat on the opposite arm.
*Hamstring Stretch
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, one foot extended half a step forward.
Keeping the front leg straight, bend your rear leg, resting both hands on the bent thigh.
Stretch the hamstring muscles. Hold the stretch for 16 counts. Repeat on the opposite leg.
*Quadriceps Stretch
Stand near a wall or a piece of sturdy exercise equipment for support.
Grasp your ankle and gently pull your heel up and back until you feel a stretch in front of your
Hold for about 16 counts. Switch legs and repeat
*Outer Thigh Stretch
Sit on the floor. Extend your legs in front of your body.
Bend your right knee, cross the right foot over the left knee and place on the floor.
Place your left elbow on the right knee.
Keep your abdominal muscles tight and back straight. Keep your shoulders back and chin up.
Place your right arm behind your right hip on floor for support.
Gently twist waist and shoulders to the right, looking behind the right shoulder.
Feel the stretch in the right outer thigh.
Inhale (breathe in) through your nose, and exhale (breathe out) through your mouth, as you
complete this stretch.
Hold this stretch for 16 counts.
Repeat on the opposite side to stretch your left outer thigh.
*Inner Thigh Stretch
Stand upright, with both feet facing forward, double shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on
your hips to keep your back straight, slowly exhale, taking your body weight across to one side.
Avoid leaning forward or taking the knee of the bent leg over your toes. As you increase the
stretch, the foot of the bent leg should point slightly outward. Repeat on the opposite side.
*Calf Stretch
Begin this calf stretch with your hands against the wall and your leg to be stretched behind you.
Keep your heel down, knee straight and feet pointing forwards. Gently lunge forwards until you
feel a stretch in the back of your calf or knee.
Hold for 16 counts and repeat with the other leg.
*Knee Bends/Squat
Plant your feet flat on the ground, about shoulder width apart.
Point your feet slightly outward, not straight ahead.
Look straight ahead. Bend your knees as if you were going to sit back in a chair, keeping your
heels on the floor.
Never let your knees extend beyond your toes.
Pull in your abdominal muscles and keep your lower back in a near neutral position (a slightly
arched back might be unavoidable).
In a controlled manner slowly lower yourself down so that your upper legs are nearly parallel
with the floor. Extend your arms for balance.
Stretch and Flexible Exercises
1: Neck Stretches Action:
Slowly and gently tilt the head laterally. You may increase the degree of the stretch by gently
pulling with one hand. You may also turn the head about 30 degrees to one side and stretch the
neck by raising your head toward the ceiling. Do not extend your head backward, instead look
straight forward. Areas Stretched: Neck flexors and extensors; ligaments of the cervical spine.
2: Arms Circles Action:
Gently circle your arms all the way around. Conduct the exercise in both directions. Areas
Stretched: Shoulder muscles and ligaments.
3: Side Stretch Action:
Stand upright, feet separated to shoulder width, and hands on your waist. Now bend the upper
body to the right, with the left arm extends over the head, towards the right. Hold the final
stretch for a few seconds. Repeat on the other side. Areas Stretched: Muscle and ligaments in
the pelvic region.
4: Body Rotation Action:
Place your arms slightly away from the body and rotate the trunk as far as possible, holding the
final position for several seconds. Conduct the exercise for both the right and left sides of the
body. Areas Stretched: Hip, abdominal, chest back, neck and shoulder muscles, hip and spinal
5: Chest Stretch Action:
Stand opposite your partner about an arm’s length apart, facing each other. Place your hands on
your partner’s shoulders. Let your partner do the same. Bend down together at the waist without
losing hold of each other’s shoulders until your upper body is a parallel to the floor. Hold the final
position for a few seconds. Areas Stretched: Chest (pectoral) muscles and shoulder ligaments.
6: Shoulder Hyperextension Stretch Action:
Have a partner grasp your arms from behind by the wrist and slowly push them upward. Hold the
final position for a few seconds. Areas Stretched: Deltoid and pectoral muscles; ligaments of the
shoulder joint.
7: Quad Stretch Action:
Lie on your side and move one foot back by flexing the knee. Grasp the front of the lower leg and
pull the ankle toward the gluteal region. Hold for several seconds. Repeat with the other leg.
Areas Stretched: Quadriceps muscle, Knee and ankle ligaments
8: Heel Cord Stretch Action:
Stand against the wall or at the edge of a step and stretch the heel downward, alternating legs.
Hold the stretched position for a few seconds. Areas Stretched: Heel cord (Achilles tendon)
Gastrocnemius and soleus muscles.
Hip-Hop Aerobics
Hip hop aerobics get your heart pumping and your body moving. Do some street
style dancing while you kick up your cardio with popping and locking, breaking, top rockin’,
jerking, freezing, spinning, and sliding.
Benefits of Hip-Hop Aerobics
calorie and fat burning workout
improve coordination, flexibility and agility
increase aerobic fitness
improve stamina and endurance
encourage confidence
develop social skills and values
promotes a positive mindset
improve mental functioning
Are you ready to groove with the beat? Show your hip style now! Perform the following
basic hip-hop dance steps with the help of your teacher. Interpret the step-by-step instruction
given below and enjoy the hip-hop moves with an upbeat music.
1. Glide Step
Starting with the right foot, slide to the right, then slide to the left with left foot.
Make it single-single-double slide step.
Extend arms sideward left when sliding to the right then reverse direction
2. Box Step
Cross right foot over left foot, cross left foot over right (cts. 1,2). Pull right foot back then
pull left foot back (cts. 3 & 4)
Stomp right foot then punch right arm downward then reverse side (cts. 5,6)
Round arms from chest (cts. 7, 8).
3. Pump Step
Starting with right foot, step side then close left foot to right foot with arms pumping at
chest level (cts. 1,2,3,4).
4. Pull Down
Starting with the right foot, slide to the right and push down right arm and pull left leg up
(cts. 1,2).
Repeat starting with the left foot. (cts. 3 & 4)
5. The Turn Step
Starting with the right foot, do a 3-step turn to the right and snap both fingers down (cts.
Repeat starting with the left foot. (cts. 5,6,7,8)
6. Jumping Jack Changes
Jump out, extend both arms sideward, jump in, extend both arms upward (repeat 2x) (cts.
Cross right foot over left (ball change), repeat with left foot (cts. 5,6,7,8).
7. Hip-hop Wave
Wave right arm upper up moving to the right (cts. 1,2), repeat moving to the left (cts. 3,4)
Repeat 2x
8. Cool Walk
Starting with the right foot, walk forward with knees slightly bouncing, swing left arm
forward (as if your walking); repeat with left swinging right arm foot (cts. 1,2,3,4) Repeat 4x
9. Shoe Tap
Start with a simple toe tap with the right foot moving forward closing left to right, then
moving backward (cts. 1,2,3,4).
Repeat starting with the left foot (cts. 5,6,7,8)
10. Hip Roll
Bend both knees and push hips to the right then cross step left (ball change) (cts. 1,2,3,4).
Repeat moving to the left (cts.5,6,7,8)