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AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.


S'11 :4FN :MC403/PR403 (1496)


Time : Three hours

Maximum Marks : 100

Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY 1WO from Group A,

ANY 1WO from Group B and AU.. from Group C.

All parts ofa question (a, b, etc. ) should

be answered at one place.

Answer should be briefand to-the-point and be supplemented

with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answers may
result in Joss ofmarks.

Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably giving

proper justification.

Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.

Group A

1. (a) Three cylinders A , B, C weighing 100 N, 300 N,

200N, and radii 100mm, 250mm, 150mm,
respectively are placed on a rectangular channel of
width 500 mm. Neglecting friction, determine the
reactions at different contact points. 12

~500mm )I

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

4. (a) A 4 m long beam is fixed at both ends. A concentrated

t b) What effort will be required to apply horizontally to load of 5 k.N acts at a distance of 1·5 m from the left
move a body of weight W up along a plane inclined end. Assuming flexural rigidity to be uniform, draw
at an angle a with horizontal, if the angle of friction the shear force and bending moment diagrams. 10
between the body and the plane is~- 8
(b) Estimate (i) Young's modulus of elasticity, (.ti")

l. (a) A horizontal beam, with equal overhangs a on Yield point, (iii) Ultimate stress (nominal), (iv)
Ultimate stress (actual), ( v) Percentage elongation,
both sides, is simply-supported over two supports at
and ( vi) Percentage reduction of area from the
a distance 1. The beam carries a uniformly
following data on tensile test of a mild steel specimen
distributed load. What should be the ratio between of dia 25 mm and length 300 mm : 10
a and 1 so that magnitude of maximum moment is
(I) Extension under a load of 10 kN = 0·03 mm
minimum. 10
(II) Load at yield point = 130 kN
( b ) Find the maximum load that can be placed at the
(m) Load at failure =212kN
centre of a simply-supported rectangular beam
200mm wide and 300mm deep of span 4m, if the (IV) Length of specimen at failure = 390 mm
maximum permissible bending stress and shear stress ( V) Neck diameter= 16·75mm.
are 60N/mm2 and 6N/mm2 , respectively. 10
Group B
3. (a) Derive the expressions for normal stress and shear 5. (a) Find the expressions for circumferential and
stress on a plane inclined at Q with x plane when longitudinal stresses developed in a thin cylinder of
normal stresses in x plane and y plane are a .. length 1, radius r and thickness t when both ends are
and aY, respectively and shear stresses on these planes closed and cylinder is su~jected to an internal pressure
are 1: xy and -1: xy , respectively. 10 p . Also, find the change in volume, if Young's modulus
of elasticity and Poisson's ratio of the material are
( b ) In a two-dimensional stress analysis system, the E and f.t, respectively. 12
normal stresses at x plane, y plane and the plane
( b ) A thick cylinder of internal diameter 600 mrn and
bisecting x andy plane are 100N/mm2 , 20N/mm2
thickness 60mm is subjected to internal and external
and 40 N ;mm 2 , respectively. Find the principal stress,
pressures of 2N/mm 2 and 0·1 N/mm 2 , respectively.
maximum shear stress and inclination of the principal
Find the longitudinal stress. 8
planes with x plane. 10

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

6. ( a ) A solid circular shaft of 100 mm diameter and 4 m ( b ) A cantilever beam of length '1' and flexural rigidity
length is fixed rigidly at both ends. At a distance of EI is loaded with a uniformly distributed load of
1m from left end, a torque of 25 kN-m is applied. intensity w. Find the slope, and deflection at the free
Find the angle of twist of the rod at the point of end by using Castigliano's theorem. 10
application of the torque and the maximum shear
stress developed in the shaft assuming modulus of
rigidity of the shaft material as 8 x 10 4 N/mm 2 . 12 9. Choose the most appropriate answer for the following:
20x 1
(b) Derive the expression for stiffness of a closed coil ( i) Torsional stiffness of a cylindrical rod of length '1 ',
helical spring. 8 polar moment of inertia of the cross-section about
centre J, moment of inertia of the cross-section about
7. (a) Write the expressions for generalised Hook's law. 3
diameter I, Young's modulus of elasticity E and
( b ) Write the expressions for modulus of rigidity ( G) and modulus of rigidity G is given by
bulk modulus (K) in terms of Young's modulus of (a) 3EIII
elasticity (E) and Poisson's ratio (!!). Establish the (b) 4Elll
relation between E, K and G. 5 (c l GJI 1
(c) A rod ABC (length and cross-sectional area of the (d) GJ
portion ABare 2m and lcm 2 , respectively and those ( ii) The IJlaterial property, which can be attributed to
of the portions BC are 1 m and 0·5 cm 2 , respectively) drawing it a small cross-section by application of
is fixed between two supports 3m apart. If the tension, is
temperature of t!-Js rod is increased by 30°C, find the ( a ) plasticity.
stresses developed in the two portions when the (b) elasticity.
( i) supports are unyielding, and ( ii) supports yield
(c) ductility.
by OAmm. 12
( d) malleability.
8. (a) For an element subjected to a normal stress a, prove
(iii) At the neutral axis in a rectangular beam, the normal
that strain energy stored per unit volume is a 2 !2E,
and shear stresses, respectively are
where E is the Young's modulus of elasticity. Hence,
(a ) zero and maximum.
prove that strain energy stored in bending of a flexural
2 (b) maximum and zero.
member per unit length is 1t1 !2 El, where M is the
bending moment at the section and El, the flexural ( c ) zero and minimum.
rigidity. 10 (d) zero and zero.

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

( iv) The elongation of a tapered rod of length 1, diameters

( viii) If the depth of a beam is halved and width is doubled,
d 1 and d 2 at the ends, Young's modulus E, under
the deflection will be
a tensile force, T, is given by
(a) one-fourth.
(a) 4171n d 1 d 2 E (b) half.
I b) s TI 1[n ( d 12 + dn E] (c) twice.
2 (d) four times.
(c) 16771[n(d 1 +d 2 ) E];
(d) 477 I [n ( d 12 + d22 - d 1 d 2 ) E). (ix) The angle of twist for a solid circular shaft of length
L and diameter D subjected to a torque will be
proportional to
( v) The phenomenon of slow extension with time under
constant tension is called (a) TL I D 4

(a) plasticity. (b) TLID 3

(b) yield. (c) TD/L
(c) fatigue. (d) TD 3 / L
(d) creep. ( x ) Maximum slope of a cantilever of length L and
! vi) A simple beam of span is loaded by two
flexural rigidity El, subjected to a couple Mat free
end, will be
concentrated loads W each at distance L /4 from
(a) ML/2EI.
each end. The maximum bending moment will be
(a) WL/8
(c) ML 2 12EI
(b) WL /4
(c) WL/2
(d) ML 2 /3E/

(d) WL (xi) The equivalent design moment for circular shaft to

be designed on the basis of principal stress, when
( vii) For beam, if the deflection at section x is y and
subjected to a bending moment Manda torque T
flexural rigidity of the beam is EI, the shear force
simultaneously, is
at section x is
(a) (EJ) d 2 yldx 2 (a) YM 2
+ T2
2 2
(b) (-EI) d y!dx (b) M+YM 2 + T 2
(c) (- EI) d 3 y/ dr~
(c) ( M+ + Tz) 12
(d) (EJ) d-~y/ dx 3
(d) YM 2
+4 T 2
S'll:4FN:MC403/PR403(1496) ( 6) (Continued)
S'll :4FN:MC403/PR403(1496) ( 7 ) (Tum Over)

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

W'11:4FN: MC403/PR403(1496)

Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : 100
Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A,
ANY TWO from Group B and ALL from Group C.

All parts of a question (a_, b, etc. ) should

be answered at one place.
Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supplemented
with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answers may
result in loss of marks.
Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably giving
prope,. justification.
Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.

Group A

1. (a) Explain the phenomenon of sudden stretching of the

specimen at the yield point in tension test. .}

(b) What is strain hardening ? How can the undesirable

effect of strain hardening be removed ? 5

(c) Differentiate between hardness and toughness. How

are these two determined in the laboratory ? Explain
in brief. 5

(d) What is ductility of the material ? How is the ductility

measured? 5

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

.2. (a) A flange coupling, joining two $ections of the shaft, is (b) In a piece of material, a tensile stress, f,, and a
required to transmit 300 kW at 1000 r.p:m. If eight shearing stress q act on a given plane. Show that the
bolts are to be used on a pitch circle diameter of principal stresses are always of opposite sign. 4
160 mm, fmd the diameter of the bolts. Allowable mean
(c) At a point in a material, there are normal stresses of
shear stress is 80N/mm2 • 6
30 N/mni2 and 60 N/mm2 both tensile together with a
(b) Two rods A and B of equal free length hang vertically shearing stress of 22·5 N/mm2 • Find the values of
60 em apart and support a rigid bar horizontally. The principal stresses and inclination of principal planes to
bar remains horizontal when carrying a load of5000 kg the direction of the 60 N/mm2 stress. 8
at 20 em from rod A . If the stress in B is SO N/mm2,
find the stress in rod A and the areas of A and B. Take Group B
EA = 200,000 N/mm2 and E8 = 90,000 N/mm2 • 8 5. (a) Express stresses aX' ar and <rz in terms of strains Ex,
(c) What is volumetric stress and volumetric strain? How Ey and Ez using generalized Hook's law. 5
is the volumetric strain determined when a circular .
(b) A steel rod of cross-sectional area 600 mm2 and a
rod is loaded axially? 6
coaxial copper tube of cross-sectional area 1000 mm2
3. (a) A beamAB 3m long, is simply-supported atAand B. are firmly attached at their ends to form a compound
It carries a 16 kN concentrated load at C, 1·2 m from bar. Determine the stresses in steel and in the copper
A and a uniformly distributed load of 5 kN/m over the · when .the temperature of the bar is raised by 80°C.
remainder (portion CB) of the beam. Draw the shear Take £steel= 200,000 N/mm2, £copper= l 00,000 N/mm2,
force and bending moment diagram and determine the asteet = 11 x 10-6 per °C and acoppcr = 16·5 x 10-6 per °C. 10
value of maximum bending moment. 8 (c) What do you understand by plane stress and plane
(b) A beam of 8m span is built ill; horizontally at the ends strain problems ? Give examples. 5
and carries a distributed ioad of i 6 kN/m in addition to
a concentrated load of 60 kN. at 3m from left end. 6. (a) Determine the hoop and longitudinal stresses set-up in
Find the reactions and fixing moments. Draw the a thin boi1er cylindrical shell of circular cross-section
resultant bending moment diagram. 12 5 m long and 1·3 m internal diameter when the internal
pressure reaches a value of 240 kN/m2 • What will
4. (a) A 75 mm diameter compound bar is constructed by then be its change in diameter ? The wall thickness of
sl1rir.king a circular brass bush on to t.lte outside of a th.e boiler is 25 mm. Take E = 21 0,000 N/mm2 and
50mmdiametersolidsteelrod.Ifthecompoundbaristhen v= 0·3. 6
subjected to an axial compressive load of 160 kN,
determine the load carried by the steel rod and brass (b) Find the ratio of thickness to internal diameter
bush and the compressive stresses set up in each material. for a thick tube subjected to internal pressure when
Take E-' =210,000 N/mm2 and E'r:tros$ =90,000 N/mm2 • the ratio of pressure to maximum stress is 0 5. 8

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

(c) A steel solid disc of uniform thickness and of diameter Group C

500 mm is rotating about its axis at 3000 r.p.m.
Determine the variation of circumferential and radial 9. Choose the correct answer for the following : 10 X 2
stresses in the disc. Take p = 7700 kg/m3 and v = 0·3. 6 (i) There is always a limiting value of load up to which
the strain totally disappears on the removal of the
.., (a) A beam ofi-section of moment of inertia 954 cm4 ai1d
I • load. The stress corresponding to this load is called
depth 14 em is freely supported at its ends. Over what span
can a uniform load of 5- kN/m run be carried, if
(a) elastic limit.
the maximum stress is 60 N/mm2 ? What additional (b) yield stress.
central load can be carried when the maximum stress (c) proportional limit.
is 90 N/mm2 ? 10
(d) ultimate stress.
(b) A flywheel, weighing 500 kg, is mounted on a shaft
(ii) Temperature stress developed in a bar depends upon
75 mm diameter at mid-way between bearings 0·6 m
which of the following:
apart. If the shaft is transmitting 30 kW at 360 r.p.m.,
calculate the principal stresses and the maximum shear (a) Coefficient of linear expansion
stress at the ends of vertical diameter. 10 (b) Change of temperature
(c) Modulus of elasticity
8. (a) A close coiled helical spring of circular cross-section
extends 1mm when subjected to an axial load Wand (d) All of the above.
there is an angular rotation of 1 radian when a torque
(iil) In a cantilever beam, carrying a load whose intensity
Tis independently applied about the axis. If Dis mean
varies uniformly from zero at the free end to w per
coil diameter, determine the ratio TIW in tenns of D
unit run at the fixed end, the bending moment changes
and poisson's ratio v. 6
with the following :
(b) Prove that, in an open coiled helical spring subjected (a) Parabolic law
to an axial load, the value of the maximum shear stress
is the same as in a close coiled helical spring of the (b) Cubic law
same dimensions. 6 (c) Linear law
(c) A rod 1m long is 10 cm2 in area for a portion of its (d) None of the above.·
length and 5 cm2 in area for the remainder. The strain
(iv) The strength of the beam mainly depends on
energy of this stepped bar is 40% of that of a bar 10 cm2
in area and 1m long under the same maximum axial (a) bending moment.
stress. What is the length of the portion lO cm2 in area? 8 (b) e.G. ofthe section.

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

S'l2:4FN: MC 403/PR403 (1496)

Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : 100
Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A,
ANY TWO from Group B and ALL from Group C.

All parts of a question (a, b, etc. ) should

be answered at one place.
Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supplemented
with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answers may
result in loss of marks.
Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably giving
proper justification.
Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.

Group A
1. (a) Cylindrical roller A, weighing 1500 kg having diameter
50 em, and another cylinder roller B, weighing 1200 kg
having diameter 42 em, are kept in a horizontal
channel of width 72 em. Curved surface A touches
the base of the channel and one vertical face of the
channel, and curved surface of B also touches the other
vertical face of the channel. Assuming no friction, find
the reaction at all the contact points. 10
(b) Find the elongation of a tapered bar of length I and
· radii d 1 and d 2 at the ends under a tension T, if
Young's modulus of elasticity of the material is E. I0

2. (a) With the help ofMohr circle, establish the relation

between Young's modulus of elasticity, E, modulus of
rigidity, G, and Poisson's ratio, J.l. 10

(Turn Over)

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

(b) In two-dimensional stress analysis, the normal stresses

along x plane, y plane and along the pfaae bisec;ting Group B
these two planes were 100 MPa, 40 MPa and 80 MPa,
5. (a) Given Young's modulus of elasticity E= 2x105 N/mm2
respectively. Find the principal stresses and maximum
and Poisson's ratio J..l. = 0·5, find the normal strains
shear stress developed. Also, find the inclination of
deveioped in x,y and z directions, if the normai stresses
principal planes with x plane. 10
developed in these directions are 120 MPa, 60 MPa
3. (a) A beam AB of length I 0 m is simply-supported at left and -80 MPa, respectively. 6
end A and at distance of9 m from A. The beam is (b) For a I m long uniform metallic rod with E = 2 x 10 5
subjected to clockwise couple of 0·9 kN-m at left end
.4, a concentrated load of J ·8 kN at a distance I m
N/mm2 and (l = I ·2 X 1 6/°C, fixed at both ends,
determine the stress developed in the member for a
from A, a distributed load of intensity 0·45 kN/m from
2 m from A upto right-hand support and a concen- temperature rise of 40 °C, if the cross-sectional area
trated load of 0·9 kN at right end B. Draw the shear of the rod is 100 mm2 and also the support reactions. 6
force and bending moment diagram, indicating maxi- (c) A solid rectangular beam of width I 00 mm and depth
mum values and location ofthe points ofcontraflexure, 200 mm is 4 m long and simply-supported at its ends.
ifany. 12 If this beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed load
(b) Find the degree of statical indeterminacy for the of intensity I kN/m, find the maximum bending stress
following cases : 2+2 and shear stress developed in the beam. 8

(I) A beam fixed at both ends 6. (a) A pipe of 400 mm internal diameter and 560 mm
(i1) A truss with J3 members with 7 nodes supported external diameter contains a fluid at a pressure of
on two hinges externally. 100 N/mm2 • Find the maximum and minimum hoop
stresses developed and also the radial pressure at a
(c) State what do you mean by equilibrium equation and distance of 240 mm from the centre. 8
compatibility condition. 4
(b) A cylindrical shell, with internal diameter of 1 m and
4. (a) Draw a typical stress strain curve for mild steel under thickness of 10 mm, is subjected to an internal
tension, describing briefly the salient points. 10· pressure of 80 N/mm2 • Estimate the maximum shear
(b) A bar of length 3 m is fixed rigidly at beth endS. The stress developed in the shell. 2
cross-sectional area is 1 00• mm 2 throuiJhout At a
(c) A thin uniform steel disc of diameter 40 em is rotating
distance of 1 m from left en4 a force of 20 kN is
abdut its axis at I200 revolutions per minute. Assume
applied along its axis towards right. Compute the thrust
density of steel as 7850 kg/m 3, g = 981 m/sec2 and
at supports takingE=2·1 liC l0'Nimm2.Also, find the
Poisson's ratio of steel as 0· 3. Find radial stress and
stress developed in different portions. 10
circumferential stress at centre and at outer periphery. 10
S'I2:4FN:MC403/PR403(1496) ( 2 ) ( ConiLnued)
S'l2:4FN :~C403/PR403 (1496) ( 3 ) (Turn Over)

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

7. (a) A hollow circular shaft of200 mm internal diameter (b) both hinged.
and thickness 50 mm transmits power at200 rpm. The (c) both roller.
angle of twist over a length of 1 m is found to be 0·5 (d) one fixed and other hinged.
degree. Calculate the maximum shear stress deve-
loped and the power transmitted. Take G = 0·8 x 105 (ii) For a thin cylinder of radius rand thickness t, sub-
N/mm2 • 8 jected to an internal pressure p, the maximum radial
pressure is
(b) If solid bar of I 00 mm dia is replaced by a hollow bar
of internal diameter 100 mm with same cross- (a) p
sectional area and of the same material, find the (b) prlt
percentage increase in allowable torque. 6 (c) pr/2t
(aj negligible.
(c) A closed coil helical spring is made with 12 mm dia
wire having a mean diameter 160 mm and 10 (ii1) A thin rim of radius r is rotating about its axis at an
complete turns. Find the maximum shear stress deve- angular speed w rad/sec. If the specific weight of the
loped and the deflection when a load of 400 N is material is y, the maximum stress developed is
applied. Modulus of rigidity of the wire may be taken
as 0·84 x 105 N/mm2 • 6 (a) yw2 r/g
(b) yw2r/2g
8. (a) A cantilever beam of3 m length is subjected to a con- (c) yw 2r 2
centrated load P in addition to a uniformly distributed (d) ygw2fr2
load of intensity w over the entire length. Calculate
the strain energy stored in the beam. Assume flexural (iv) If instead of gradual development a tensile load is
rigidity to be EI uniform over the length. 8 suddenly applied, the maximum stress developed will
(b) A solid circular shaft is subjected to a bending moment
of 50 kN-m and a torque of 10 kN-m. Design the (a) same.
diameter of the shaft by using the theory of maximum (b) half.
(i) principal stress, (ii) shear stress, and (iii) strain (c) double.
energy. .a~ssume Poisson's ratio as 0·3, yield stress as ,-J triniP
250 N/mm2 , and a factor of safety of 1· 5. 12
(v) If, in a beam, a single load Pis applied gradually and
Group C the deflection under the load point is o, the strain
energy stored in the beam will be
9. Choose the correct answer for the following : 10 X 2
(a) Po
(1) A transversely loaded beam will be unstable, ifthe (b) Po/2
end supports are
(c) Po 2
(a) one hinge other roller. (d) Po 212

S'l2:4FN:MC4031PR403(1496) ( 4 ) ( Continued) S'I2:4-FN:MC403/PR403 (1496) ( 5 ) (Turn Over)

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

W'l2:4FN: MC403/PR403 (1496)

Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : I 00
Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A,
ANY TWO from Group B and ALL from Group C.

All parts of a question (a, b, etc. ) should

be answered at one place.
Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supplemented
with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answers may
result in loss of marks.
Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably giving
proper justification.
Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.

Group A
1. (a) Define hardness. What is the necessity of hardness
testing ? Describe any one method to find hardness
of a given material. 5
(b) What is a gauge length ? What factors should be
considered in selecting the gauge length in tensile
testing? 5
(c) Define shear. Differentiate between single and double
shear with examples. 5
(d) Differentiate between ductile and brittle materials. How
is the ductility measured ? 5

2. (a) A bar of uniform cross-sectional area 'A' and length

'L' hangs vertically from a rigid support of the density

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

raised to 270UC. If the room temperature is 20UC, find

of a material of the bar as p kg'm 3• Derive the the increase in the stresses in brass and steel. Given :
expression for maximum stress induced and elongation a.,= 18·7 x 10-6tc~ a,= 11·6 x J:0-6/oC, E, == 100 GPa,
produced in the bar due to its own weight. 8 E.f = 200 GPa. 10
(h) If the tension test bar is found to taper from (D + a) em (b) A straight bar of uniform cross-sectioo is toaded in
diameter to (D- a) em diameter, prove that the error axial tension. Determine the normal and -sbearin.gstress
involved in using the mean diameter to calculate Young's intensities on a plane inclined at an angle 9° to the axis
modulus is ( 10 a/Df percent. 8 of the bar. Also, determine the magnitude and direction
(c) Define the terms shear stress, shear strain, bulk modulus of the maximum shearing stress in the bar. 6
and Poisson's ratio. 4xl (c) Using Mohr's circle, derive an expression for normal
and tangential stresses on a diagonal plane ofa material
3. (a) A beam AB, 15m long. is simply-supported at points
subjected to pure shear. 4
C and D, 10m ~the overhangs AC and DB being
2m and 3 m, respectively. The beam carries a distributed Group B
load of 20 kN/m over the whole length a Ions with 4l
load of SO kN at A and 80 kN at B. Draw to scale the
5. (a) What is the relation of stress-strain in three-dimensional
SF and BM diagrams giving maximum values and ltadna body? 6
wherefrom these occur. Also, find the points of contn- (b) Derive compatibility equations for plane strain distribution
flexure. JO in cartesian co-ordinates. 4
(h) How are the distributions of loading the shear force (c) A copper sleeve, 21 mm internal and 27 mm external
and bending moment related to each other? Are there diameter, surrounds a 20 mm steel bolt, one end of the
any pre-conditions for the relationship? 3 sleeve being in contact with the shoulder of the bolt.
(c) A built-in beam of span 10m carries a U .O.L. of The sleeve is 60 mm long. After putting a rigid washer
on the other end of the sleeve, a nut is screwed on the
15 kN/m on the entire span along with two point loads
bolt through 10°. If the pitch of the threads is 2·5 mm,
of200 kN each at distances of 3m and 7m from left
find the stresses induced in the copper sleeve and steel
c;:nd. Find the fixing moment and the deflection at the
bolt. Take Es = 200 GN/m2 and Ec = 90 GN/m 2 • 10
centre. 7
6. (a) A spherical vessel of 0· 75 m diameter is made from
4. (a) A brass tube of20 mm internal diameter and 20 mm
II mm steel plate and is jus.t filled with water at
external diameter surrounds a 18 mm shank of a steel
atmospheric pressure. When an additional 0·000 88 J m3
bolt. After putting rigid washers on the two sides of
of water is pumped in, the pressure rises to 5·8 MN/m 2
the tube, the nut is rotated such that it is just tight and (gauge). Find the bulk modulus of water. For steel,
no load is exerted on the tube by the washers. The take E = 200 GN/m 2 and Poisson's ratio= 0·286. 8
length of the tube is 200 mm. The temperature is then

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

S'l3:4 FN:MC 403/PR403 (1496)

Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : I 00
Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A,
ANY TWO from Group B and ALL from Group C.
All parts of a question (a,b,etc.) should
be answered at one place.
Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supplemented
with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answers may
result in loss of marks.
Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably giving
proper justification.
Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.

Group A
1. (a) Distinguish between statically determinate and
statically indeterminate beams. 4
(b) A cantilever beam of uniform flexural rigidity EI and
length I is loaded by a concentrated load W at the
mid-span, whereas the cantilever is propped at the free
end. Level of the prop is the same as that of the fixed
end. Determine the reaction at the prop. Also, draw
the shear force and bending moment diagrams. &.

(c) A restrained beam AB carries a point load W at a

distance a from support A and b from support B. If
both the supports are at the same level, determine the
end moments and sketch the SFD and BMD. The beam
is fixed rigidly at both ends. 8

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

(a) A rod of square section of side D at one end tapers to planes on which they act; and ( ii) position of the planes
on which there is no normal stress. Solve the problem
a square section at the other end. If its length is /, find
8 analytically using transforn1ation equations. 10
the increase in length if it is ·subjected to an axial pull P.
(b) A horizontal bar AB, assumed to be rigid, is supported GroupB
by two identical wires CE and OF (Fig. 1). If each wire 5. (a) Enumerate the difference between thin and thick
has cross-sectional area A, determine the tensile cylinders under internal pressure. 4
stresses cr 1 and cr2 in wires CE and DF, respectively. 12
(h) Derive the expressions for hoop and longitudinal
stresses for a thin cylinder of internal diameter d,
material thickness t, and subjected to internal fluid
I pressure p. 6

F (c) A thick cylinder of steel, having an internal diameter

. . . . . ... . . . . ·:·.:·.=·.:·.:·.:·.:·.: of 10 em and an external diameter of 20 em, is
subjected to an internal pressure of 80 MPa and an
b ~( b external pressure of 10 MPa. Find the maximum
normal and shearing stresses in the cylinder and
Fig. I calculate the change c;tf external diameter. Given :
E = 200 GPa and Poisson's ratio= 0·3. iO
3. (a) Define 'fatigue strength' and 'fatigue life' of steel. 2
6. (a) A steel bar, 4 em in diameter and 5 m long, is heated
(b) Describe a standard fatigue test to determine the
through 60° C with ends clamped before heating.
endurance limit of mild steel material. 8
Estimate the thrust exerted by the steel bar on the
(c) Describe the following impact tests clearly indicating clamps. Given: E = 21 0 GPa and coefficient of
the diffeience bet'.veen them' as regards the specimen thermal expansion, a = II X ·I o-6 per °C. If the clamps
and support fixtures for doing the experiment : 5+5 have yielded by 0·05 em, what would be the· thrust
exerted? 8
(i) IZOD test
(b) Write and explain the generalized Hooke's law for an
(ii) CHARPY test
isotropic material. 4
4. (a) Describe the graphical method of Mohr's circle
(c) A mild steel bar, 6 m long, is 5 em in diameter for 3m of
construction for evaluation of principal stresses and its length and 2·5 em in diameter for the remaining
printipal planes. 10 length. The bar is in tension and the stress on the
(b) A state of stress in a piece of elastic material is given smallest section is 112 MPa. Find the total elongation
by cr = 800 MPa, cr =- 600 MPa, and t =± 500 MPa. of the bar and the change in diameter at the smallest
" y xy section. Given : E = 200 GPa and Poisson's ratio= 0·15. 8
Find the (i) principal stresses and the position of the

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

7. (a) Describe the 'Tresca' yield criterion. Show the failure (ii) Castigliano's theorem
envelope in a two-dimensional stress space. 4 (iii) Moment area theorem

(b) Distinguish between plane stress and plane strain (iv) Toughness of materials and their quantification
problems of elasticity. Give one example each for ( v) Visco-elastic behaviour of materials.
both. ' 6
(B) Choose the correct answer for the following : 5x2
(c) Enumerate the following for two-dimensional problems
(i) A state of stress is shown as below :
of elasticity : lO
( i) Differential equations of equilibrium
(ii) Boundary conditions
(iii) Compatibility equations
(iv) Airy's stress function and the bi-harmonic 400 MPa = txy ~---
The principal stresses a,t the point are :
8. (a) Two shafts of the same· material and same lengths are
(a) o 1 = - 400 MPa, o 2 = - 400 MPa
subject to the same torque. If the first shaft is of
solid circular section and the second shaft is of hollow (b) o 1 = o 2 = 400 MPa
circular section, whose internal diameter is two-third (c) o 1 = 800 MPa, o 2 =- 800 MPa
of the outside diameter, and the maximum shear stress
developed in each is the same, compare the weights of (d) o 1 = 400 MPa, o 2 =- 400 MPa,
two shafts. I0 (ii) Tresca's yield criterion refers to
(b) A close coiled helical spring, made out of 8 mm
(a) maximum octahedral shear stress.
diamet~r wire, has 18 coils. Each coil is of 8 em mean
diameter. If the maximum allowable shear stress in the (b) maximum shear stress.
spring is 140 MPa, determine the maximum allowable (c) maximum normal stress.
load on the spring and elongation of the spring. (d) maximum strain energy.
Also, determine the stiffness of the spring.
Take G = 82 GPa. 10 (iii) Identify the Goodman law for fatigue design :

Groupe (a) (om I au)+ ( oJ oe) = l.

(b) (om I o., )2 + ( oJ rle) =1
9. (A) Briefly describe the following : 5x2
(c) (omloy)+(oa/oe)= 1
(i) ~tress-strain curve for mild steel showing salient
(d) (· am Iay i+(oa /o ~
i= 1

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

W'13: 4FN:MC403/PR403 (1496)

Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : I 00
Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A,
ANY TWO from Group B and ALL from Group C.

All parts of a question (a,b,etc.) should

be answered at one place.
Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supplemented
with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answers may
result in loss of marks.
Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably giving
proper justification.
Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.
Group A
1. (a) A block weighing 50 N is placed on a plane inclined at
45° with horizontal, the coefficient of friction between
t.~e pla.'le and the block being 0·5.The block is att.ached
with an. inextensible string passing over a smooth
pulley..., the other end of the string being vertical and
attached with a weightless pan over which weights
can be placed. Find the range of values of the weight,
W, which can be placed on the said base so that the
block does not move on the plane. 14
(b) Find the force required to be applied horizontally at the
level of the centre of a sphere of radius 30 em and
we.ight 1 kN across a hump of 6 em high on a
horirontal road. 6

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

2. (a) A right circular solid cone of radius rat the base and plane are respectively 8 X J 0- 4, 2 X 10- 4 and 6 X 10-4 .
height his hanging with its apex downward and axis Find the principal strains and magnitude of maximum
vertical with its base fixed with a horizontal plane. Find shear strain. 7
the extension ofthe cone under its self-weight, if Youngs
(c) The normal stresses in a two-dimensional stress
modulus and density of the cone material are E and p, analysis in two mutually perpendicular planes are
respectively. 10 100 MPa (tensile) and 80 MPa (compressive) and
(b) Find the shortening of a solid truncated cone oflength magnitude of shear stress on these planes is 40 MPa.
I and diameters d 1 and d2 at two ends under an axial Find the principal stresses, principal planes and
compression C, if Young's modulus of elasticity of the magnitude of maximum shear stress. 6
material is E. 10 Group B
3. (a) A beamABCD oflength 10m is simply-supported at 5. (a) Find safe RPM ofa2 m diameter thin uniform circular
two supports B and C of 8 m apart with overhangs ring of cross-sectional area 1 em, if the density of
BA of 1·5 m on left side and CD of 0·5 m on right side. material and permissible tensile stress respectively are
In addition to a uniformly distributed load of intensity 7850 kg/m 3 and 144 N/mm 2, respectively. 8
10 kN/m over BC, a clockwise couple 14 kN-m at
(b) A thin uniform solid circular disc of diameter 40 em is
a distance of 4·5 m from A, a vertical downward load
rotating about its axis at 1200 rpm. Calculate the
5 kN at A and a vertical downward load of 10 kN at D
maximum principal stress and shear stress developed
are acting on this beam. Draw the shear force and
in the disc assuming density and Poisson's ratio of the
bending moment diagram indicating the salient features. 12
disc are 7850 kg/m 3 and 0·3, respectively. What will
(b) A beam oflength /, uniform flexural rigidity is fixed at be the above values, if in this disc a central hole is
its left end and simply-supported at right end is made of diameter 10 em ? 12
subjected to a transverse load P at a distance a from
left end. Draw the shear force and bending moment 6. (a) A thin cylindrical shell of 0·6 m dia, I m long with shell
diagram. 8 thickness 3 mm with both ends closed contains a fluid
at a gauge pressure of0·9 MPa. Assuming the outside
4. (a) The cross-sectional area of AB oflength 2/ over its atmospheric pressure at 0·1 MPa, find the hoop stress
left half is twice that of the right half. The bar is and longitudinal stress developed in the shell. Derive
rigidly fixed at its end and is subjected to a force Pat the formula used, if any. Also, find the maximum shear
lhe centre acting rightwards along its axis. Find the stress developed. 10
support reactions. 7
(b) A thick cylindrical shell closed at both ends is made of
(b) Ina two-dimension case, the longitudinal strains in x 5 em thick plate to contain a gas at a pressure of
plane,y plane and a plane inclined equaJJy tox andy 5 ·0 N/mm 2. If the interne! diameter of this shell is

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

30 em, find (i) longitudinal stress, (ii) radial stress at (a) 1

radius 17·5 em, and (iii) hoop stress just inside and (b) 2
outside of this shell. 10 (c) 3
(d) 9
7. (a) A hollow shaft is used to transmit a torque oflOONm.
If the permissible shear stress is 70 MPa and (ii) If a composite bar of copper and steel is cooled, then
permissible twist is 3° per metre length, find the inside the copper bar will be under
and outside dimension of this shaft taking modulus of
rigidity as 80 GPa. 10 (a) tension.
(b) compression.
(b) For a closed coil helical spring made of a 3 mm dia
(c) shear.
wire with 3 em mean iadius and 25 numbei of tuins,
(d) torsion.
calculate the safe load of the spring, if the permissible
shear stress is 140 MPa. Also, find the corresponding (iii) The correct relation ultimate stress ( U), actual
maximum deflection taking modulus of rigidity of the breaking stress (A), and nominal breaking stress (N)
spring material as 84 GPa. 10 is given by

8. (a) A simply-supported uniform solid rectangular beam of (a) U>A>N

span 5 m carries a uniformly distributed load of (b)A>U>N
intensity 8 kN/m. If the permissible bending and shear (c) N>A> U
stresses are 130 MPa and 10 MPa, respectively,
(d) A>N > U
determine the dimension of the beam. 10
(iv) In Charpy and lzode impact tests respectively, the
(b) A solid circular shaft of diameter 10 em is subjected to
specimens are supported as
a maximum torque of 16 kN-m and a maximum
bending moment of 20 kN-m simultaneously at a (a) simply-supported and cantilever.
critical section. If the elastic limit in simple tension is (b) cantilever and simply-supported.
250 N/mm 2, find the factors of safety as per (c) simply-supported in both cases.
(i) maximum principal stress, an<! (ii) maximum stress (d) cantilever in both cases.
theories of elastic failure. 10
( v) Limit of proportionality depends upon
Group C
(a) cross-sectional area.
9. Choose the most appropriate answer for the following: 10 :x 2
(b) typeofloading.
(i) The number of independent elastic constants for a (c) type of material.
homogeneous isotropic material is (d) All of the three above.

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

S'14:4FN:MC403/PR403 (1496)

Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : I 00
Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A,
ANY TWO from Group B and ALL from Group C.

All parts of a question ( a,b,etc.) should

be answered at one place.
Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supplemented
with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answers may
result in loss of marks.
Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably giving
proper justification.
Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.

Group A

1. (a) Draw Mohr's circle diagram for a stress element

subjected to plane stresses ax, cry and •xy· Using this
diagram, derive the angles for principal and maximum
shear stresses. 5+3

(b) Differentiate between statically determinate and

indeterminate beams. 4

(c) A beam 6 m long, simply-supported at ends, carries a

linearly varying load with maximum at the centre of
the beam, i.e., 15 kN/m as shown in Fig. 1. Draw the
SF and BM diagrams for the beam. 8

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

IS kN/m (c) A round bar of I 5 mm diameter is subjected to a tensile

force of 10 kN. If length of the bar is 200 mm,
determine (i) strain energy per unit volume and
B (ii) total strain energy. Given: Elastic limit stress I{)!"
the material= 260 N/mm: and Young"s modulus uf
elasticity. E = 210 CiPa. 5
Fig. I 4. (a) What is creep? What factors should we consider when
designing for creep? 4
2. (a) Derive the normal and shear stresses on a plane at 8
angle from the crx direction for a plane stress element. (b) What is the relation of stress-strain m three-
A ................. ,...- ,...,.rl- .,.,.,. h.a. +one-; Ia ctr.a.ccoc t.:lnrJ -r in~ dimensional body? 4
J"1.;:).,Ulllll;l \...JX aiiU \...Jy \.V V'-" l.'-'11.:311"" ..:JU""'JJ""..J U.IIU. "'Xy HI IL.&.

cw direction. 6
(c) What is the difference between the ductile behaviour
(b) A beam, 6 m long simply-supported at ends, carries of mild steel and cast iron? Explain with the h~lp of
two concentrated loads of 45 kN and 30 kN at stress-strain curve . 6
distances of 2 m and 4 m from one end. Draw the (d) At a point in a strained body, planes BC and AC are
shear force diagram for the beam. 6 perpendicular to each other. On plane BC, the normal
(c) A bar of square section throughout, oflength I m, tapers stress is 80 N/mm 2 tensile, shear stress is I 5 N/mm 2 •
from an area of 20 mm x 20 mm to the area I 0 mm x On plane AC, the normal stress is 40 N/mm 2 tensile
and a shear stress is 15 N/mm 2 • Plane AB is inclined
I 0 mm. E = 200 GPa. Determine the change in length
at an angle of25° to the plane BC. Determine normal
of the bar, if the axial force on the bar is 10 kN
and shear stresses on the plane AB. 6
compressive. 8
Group B
3. (a) On two perpendicular planes of a body, direct stresses
of 150 N/mm2 tensile and 90 N/mm 2 compressive are 5. (a) Differentiate between thick and thin cylindrical
applied. The major principal stress at the point is not to vessels. 4
exceed 200 N/mm 2 • What shearing stress can be
(b) A beam ofl-section, 30 em x 12 em, has flanges 2 em
appiied to the given pianes? What wili be the minor thick and web I em thick. Compare its flexural strength
principal stress and the maximuqt shea~ing stress at with that of a beam of rectangular section of the same
the point? 8 weight, the depth being twice the width. What will be
(b) Describe any one method for (i) impact testing of the maximum stress developed in }-section for a bending
materials and (ii) hardness testing of materials. 7 moment of30 kN-m. 8

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

(c) The pressure inside a thin closed cylindrical vessel is calculate the angle through which one end of the spring
p. If the thickness, diameter and length ofthe cylinder is turned relative to the other end, if the mean coil
is t, d and /,, respectively, derive the axial and radius is 3·5 em. Given: Estcd = 200 GPa. 8
circumferential stress. 8
(c) A bar ABCD of rectangular section, having uniform
6. (a) ;\flat steel bar 20 mm x 8 mm is placed hetwccntwn width b throughout but thickness varying as 3/ f<.1r 3a
aluminium alloy bars 20 mm x 6 mm each so as to length, 2t for length 2a and t for the length a, is of the
form a composite bar of section 20 mm x 20 mm. The shape shown in Fig. 2. A load, W, is applied at the end
three bars are fastened together at their ends when D. Determine the deflection under the load. Given
the temperature of each is 25 "C. Find the stress in E =Young's modulus of the material (consider only
each when the temperature of the who!e assembly is the strain energy due to bending). 8
raised to 50 "C. Determine the temperature stresses

developed in the steel and aluminium alloy bars. Given :
k.--a -·~~14~-- 2a

E, = 210 GPa, Ea = 70 GPa B'

U = \2·0 X J0- 6JDC, U
= 22·5 X J0- /°C }0
(h) A composite shaft is made by joining a 80 em long
solid steel shaft with 80 em long hollow copper shaft.
The diameter of the solid shaft is 4 em, while the
external and internal diameters of hollow shaft are
5 em and 3 em, respectively. Determine the maximum
shear stress developed in steel and copper shaft, if the 8. (a) Write the equations for the generalized Hooke's law
torque applied at the junction is 400 kN-cm. Given: for a three-dimensio!lalloading. 5
Gstecl = 2Gcopper· 10
(b) A thin uniform steel disc of diameter 40 em is rotating
about its axis at 1800 r.p.m. Calculate the maximum
7. (a) What is strain-hardening? Explain the theory behind
~ 4 principal stress and maximum shearing stress in the
disc. Draw the circumferential and radial stress distri-
(b) A close coiled helical spring made of round steel wire bution along the radius of the disc. Density= 7700
5 mm diameter, having I 0 complete turns, is subjected kg/m3 and Poisson's ratio= 0·3. 10
to an axial moment M. Determine the magnitude of
the axial couple M, if the maximum bending stress in (c) Explain the Castigliano's first theorem. What is its
6 significance in mechanics of solids ? 5
spring wire is not to exceed 240 x I 0 N/m 2 . Also,

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

W'14: 4FN: MC403/PR403 (1496)

Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : 100
Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A,
ANY TWO from Group B and ALL from Group C.

All parts of a question ( a,b,etc.) should

be answered at one place.
Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supplemented
with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answers may
resnlt in loss of marks.
Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably giving
proper justification.
Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.
Group A

1. (a) What do you understand by free body diagram of an

element of a member in static equilibrium? How is it
drawn ? Explain with the help of an example. 5
(b) A wooden tie is60mm wide, l20mm deep and 1·5 m
long. It is subjected to an axial pull of 30 kN. The
stretch of the member is found to be 0·625 mm. Find
Young's modulus for the material. 7

(c) A steel bar, SO mm wide, 12 mm thick and 300 mm

long, is subjected to an ~xial pull of84 kN. Find the
changes in the length, width, thickness and volume of
the bar. Take£= 2 x \Os N/mm2 and Poisson's ratio=
0·32. 8

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

2. (a) Define the shear force and bending moment. How are (c) A rotmd bar of steel I m long is 20 mm diameter for
the distributions of the loading, shear force and balf its length and 25 mm diameter over the rest. A
bending nlt)mcnt related to t:ach other? Are !here any gradually applied axial load of 1 kN acts on it. Find tht!
prc~conditions for the relationship? 5 total strain energy and strain energy per unit volume.
(.h) A beam, AB, of 10m long has supports at its ends A Take E = 200 GN/m1 • 10
and B. It carries a point load of5 kN at 3m from A Group. B
and a point loadofS kN at 7 m from A and a uniformly
distributed load of I kN/m between the point loads. 5. (a) Explain the composite system of equal lengths
Draw S.F. and RM. diagrams for the beam. 8 subjected to variation of temperature with an example. 6
(c) A point is subjected to a tensile stress of60 kN/m 2 and (b) A steel bar of2·5 em diameter is rigidly attached to
a compressive stress of 40 kN/m 2 acting on two
two parallel supports 8 m .apart. Find the pull exerted by
mutually perpendicular planes, and a shear of I 0 kNim 2
the baron the support when the temperature is increased
on these planes. Determine the principal stresses as
well as maximum shear stress. Afso, find the value of by I 00°C, if {i) the support do not yield; (ii) yielding
maximum shear stress. 7 of both the supports is 0·25 em, as""" 12 x 1o- 6 per "C:
Es=210GPa. 7
J. {a) Define hardness. What isthenecessityofhardness
testing? Explain any one method to find hardness of (c) Stress components at a point are given by: o~ = 20
a given specimen of a given metal 6 MPa, a y = 10 MPa, o z = 15 MPa, t '"""' 5 MPa,
"t" = I 0 MPa and t = 2-Q MPa. Calculate the strain
(h) Define brittleness and toughness. What are the yz xz
various losses of energy in impact test? Explain Charpy components using E == 200 GPa and v = 0·25. 7
imp~t test with a neat sketch of the machine. 6
6. (a) How do you distinguish betweem thick and thin
(c) A point in a strained material is subjected to two cylinder'? What are the important points to be consi-
mutually perpendicular tensile stresses of2 kN/mm 2 dered while designing a pressure ves~el? 4
and I kN/mm 2 • Determine graphically or otherwise
the intensities of normal and resultant stresses on a {h) A .;;ylindrical water tank having vertical axis is open at
plane inclined at 30° for the axis of minor stress. 8 the top_ hs inside diameter is 3m and the height is 25m.
The tank is full of water and is made of structural
4. (a) What is fatigue in metals? What factors should be
steel having yield stress of 220 MN/m 2 . Determine
considered for designing against fatigue failure? 4
the thickness of the steel sheet used, if the efficiency
( h \ What is the difference between ductile behaviour of of long1tudinal joint is 70% and factor of safety
mild steel and cast iron? Explain with the help of stress~ is 3. 10
strain curve. 6

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

S'15:4FN:MC403/PR403 (1496)

Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : 100
Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A.
ANY TWO from Group B and ALL from Group C.

All parts of a question ( a, b, etc.) should

be answered at one place.
Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supplemented
with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answers may
result in loss of marks.
Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably giving
proper justification.
Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.

Group A
1. (a) What is free body diagram? Write the purpose offree
body diagrams. Discuss steps to construct free body
diagrams with examples. 4

(b) A beam of 1o· m leng""..h is simply-supported at its ends.

It carries uniformly distributed load of20 kN/m run over
the length of left half of its span, together with
conl.entrated load of20 kN, 40 kN and 20kN situated
at 1 S m, 2·5 m and 5 m, respectively from right-hand
support. Draw shear force and bending moment
diagrams for this beam and find the magnitude and.
position of the maximum bending moment taking place ·
in this beam.

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

(d) What is the necessity of a notch in the Charpy and lzod

(c) A bar of length 50 em has varying cross-section. It
carries a load of25 kN. Find the extension, if the cross- impact tests ? What are various losses of energy in
section is given by [5 + (x2/1 00)) cm 2 , where X is the impact test. 4
distance from one end in em. Neglect weight ofthe Group B
bar. Take E = 2 x 10 11 N/m2 • 6
5. (a) Write and explain generalised Hooke's law for an
2. (a) A 500 mm long bar has rectangular cross-section isotropic material. 4
20 mm x 40 mm. The bar is subjected to (i) 40 kN
tensile force on 20 mm x 40 mm faces, (ii) 200 kN (b) Stress components at a point arc given b)' (J, = 20.

compressive force on 20 mm x 500 mm faces, and cr}I = 10' cr.: = 15 ' t

== 5 MPa ' t
= 10 MPa ,
(iii) 300 kN tensile force on 40 mm x 500 mm faces. t_,z = 20 MPa. Calculate the strain components taking
Find the change in dimensions and volume. if E = 200 GPa and u =-= 0·25. 8
E = 2 x I 0 5 N/mm 2 and Poisson's ratio v = 0· 3. 10
(c) A rod of length I and cross-sectional area A fits snugly
(b) A built-in beam of span 10 m carries a U .D.L. of between a rigid support at its left and a linear spring at
t 5 kN/m on the entire span along with two point loads its right of stiffness k. Derive a formula for the stress
of200 kN each at a distance of3 m and 7 m from lef1 in the rod due to an increase in temperature of M. 8
end. Find the fixing moments and the deflection at the
centre. Take EI = 210 MN-m2 • tO 6. (a) Differentiate between thin and thick cylinders when
su~jected to internal pressure. 4
3. (a) What is the significance of Mohr's circle? In three-
dimensional Mohr's circle, under what condition the (b) A tank, used for storing compressed air from a
three circles collapse to· a point? 10 compressor, consists of a cylindrical portion and
hemisphorical ends welded together. The maximum gas
(b) Derive the stress equilibrium equations in polar pressure is to be 40 bar. The diameter of the cylinder is
co-ordinates. How will these equations change, if it is 60 em" Find suitable thickness for the cylindrical and
an axisymmetric case ? . I0 hemispherical portions, if the hoop stress is to kept
4. (a) Explain elastic, plastic, inelastic and viscoelastic same at the junction. Taker as 2 on the elastic limit
behaviour of materials with examples. 6 stress of200 MN/m 2• Take t> = 0·25. 8

(b) Explain, with a neat diagram, a standard tensile test to (c) A disc of 50 em diameter and uniform thickness is
find the yield point in mild steel. Also, explain tensile rotating at 2400 rpm. If a bole of I 0 em diameter is
testing of steel tubes. 6 drilled at the centre of the disc, detern1ine the maximum
intensities of radial and hoop stress induced. Take
(c) Draw a fatigue stress cycle and name various stres~es
u = 0·28 and density of disc= 7800 kg/m 3 • 8
00~ 4

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

W'15:4FN: MC 403/PR 403 (1496)

Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : 100
Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A,
ANY TWO from Group B and ALL from Group C:
All parts of a question (a, b, etc. ) should
be answered at one place.
Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supplemented
with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answers may
result in loss of marks.
Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably giving
proper justification.
Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.

Group A
1. (a) Define shearing force and bending moment. Explain
with an example. 4

(b) Determine the relationship between shearing force

(SF) and bending moment (BM). 6
(c) Figure 1 shows a simply-supported beam of length
4 m acted upon by the forces and moments. Draw the
SF and BM diagrams and show the salient features oti
it. 20 kN 10

["':7m~ ~q~: i J


Fig. I

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

2. (a) A copper rod of40 mm internal diameter is surrounded

by a cast iron tube of 80 mm external diameter tightly. 4. (a) What is ductility1 How is it :mea•urred. intension
The ends ~re being firmly fastened together. When test. 4
put to a compressive load of30 kN, what load will be
shared by each? Also, determine the amount by (.b) What is true stress and true ~tnJin '! What is tbe
which the compoun<:I bar shortens, if it is 2 m long. relationship between them ? How are the true stress
Take E for cast iron as 175 GNIJ? 2 and for copper as and true strain related to nominal stress and nominal
strain? 10
75 GN/m2 • 10

(b) How the area of bar of unifomi strength carrying a (c) How is the toughness measured. Is the material
having high hardness value will also be more tough?
load P, as shown in Fig. 2, varies ? Determine the
Why? 6
relationship. 10

Group B
(a) Using generalized Hook's law for isotropic materials,
express stresses in terms of strains. 6

(b) Define temperature stresses and temperature

strains. 4
(c) A copper flat 60 mm x 30 mm is brazed to another
60 mm x 60 rnm mild steel flat as shown in Fig. 3.
If the combination is heated through 120°C, determine
( i) stresses produced in each bar, ( ii) shear force
3. (a) Define principal stress and principal plane. 2 +2 which tends to rupture the brazing and (iii) shear stress.
6 6
(b) At a point the stresses on two mutually perpendicular Take ac = I8·5 x 10- per o C, as= 12 x 10- per o C,
planes are 400 MN/m 2 tensile and 300 MN/m 2 tensile. Ec = II 0 GN/m , E5 = 220 GN/m and length of
2 2

The shear stress across these planes is 200 MN/rn 2 • each flat as 400 mm. 10
Determine graphically or otherwise the magnitudes and

directions of principal stresses and maximum shear
stress. lO

(c) Determine the equilibrium equations and compatibility

equations in cartesian co-ordinates (two dimensions)
of elasticity. 6 IE 400mm__ ~

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

6. (a) Find the ratio of thickness to internal diameter for a Group C

thick cylinder subjected to internal pressure when the I0 x 1
9. (A) Choose the correct answer for the following:
pressure is 5/8 ofthe value of maximum permissible
circumferential stress. Also, find the increase in (i) The relationship between.modulus of elasticity,
internal diameter of such a tube of 100 mm internal E, modulus of rigidity, q, and bulk modulus, K, is
diameter when internal pressure is 80 MN/m 2 • Take given by
E = 205 GN/m 2 and Poisson's ratio v = 0·29. 10
(a-) E = 9 KG/(3K + G)
(b) Determine the principal stresses in flat solid steel disc
of uniform thickness having a diameter of 1m and (b) E = (3K + G)/6KG
rotating at 2400 rpm. Take Poisson's ratio as 113 and (c) E=6KGI(K+3G)
p = 7850 kg/m3 • What will be the maximum shear stress ? I0
(d) E = 3 KG/(3K + G)
7. (a) A cast iron water main of 12m long, 500 mm inside
(ii) Temperature stress developed in a bar depands
diameter and 25 mm wall thickness runs full of water upon which of the following:
and is supported at its ends. Calculate the maximum
stress in the metal, if the density of cast. iron is (a) Coefficient of linear expansion
7200 kg/m 3 and that of water is 1000 kg/m3 • 8 (b) Change of temperature
(b) A weight of 200 N is dropped on to a helicid spring (c) Modulus of elasticity
made of 15 mm diameter wire closely coiled to a mean (d) All the three above.
diameter of 120 mm with 20 coils. Determine the height
of drop, if the instantaneous compression is 80 mm. (iii) A shaft is subjected to combined bending moment,
Take G = 84 GN/m 2 • 8 M, and torque, T. The maximum shear stress is ·
given by
(c) Explain the terms 'torsional rigidity' and 'modulus of
rupture' of shafts. 2+2
(a) (321rrd 3 )~M 2 +T

(b) (16 I 1td 3 )~ M 2 -~ T 2 ·

8. (a) Explain the yielding phenomenon in mild steel bar
subjected to torsion. 5
(b) What is stress function in elasticity? What is its
utility? 5
(c) (32/7td3 {M+~2 +-;:2l
(c) What is shape factor in beams? Determine the shape
factor for rectangular sectioned beam. Also, discuss (d) ( 16 I 1td
>[ M + ~~2-: T-2]
the plastic behaviour of rectangular sectioned beam. 10

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

(viii) Wahl'sco~tion factor in helical 'pring is given

(iv)ln a simply~supported beam canyinga uniformly by (s is spring index)
distributed load of w per unit nm over the whole
span, the maximum bending moment is given (a) K=k::l+~IS
by J.r- 4 s
(a) w 214
K= 4s-l"-+ 0·615
(b) w2/8 (h)
4s.-4 · s
(c) w3/6
(d) w3 /8 K= Ss-1 +-~
(c) Ss-4 s
(v) Circular beams of uniform strength can·be made
by varying diameter in such a way that K= 6s-1+0·615
(a) MIZ is constant. 6s-4 s

(b) oly is con~tant. (ix)The strain energy stored by 'the body within
(c) £/ R is constant. elastic limit, when loaded externally, is called
· · (d) Ml R is constant. (a) resilience.
(vi) In a thick cylinder subjected to internal pressure, (b) proof resilience.
the maximum stress is
(c) modulus of resilie~ce.
(a) hoop stress at inside surface .. (d) None of the three above.
(b) honp stress at outside surface.
(x) A thin ring is rotating at an angular speed of
(c) radial stress at inside surface. ro. The circumferential ·stress induced is
(d) radial stress at outside surface. given by

( l'il). For the sam_e material, length and given torque, (a) pCil 2 r
a hollow shaft weights
(a) less than solid shaft.
(c) 1/2 pro 2 r
(b) mon~ than solid shaft.
(d) 1/2 pm 2 r 2
(c) equal to solid shaft.
(d) None of the three above.

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARAKHAND) EMAIL: pcourses@hotmail.com Ph: (01332) 266328 Web: www.amiestudycircle.com

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

S'16: 4 FN :MC403/PR403 (1496)

Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : 100
Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A,
ANY TWO from Group B and ALL from Group C.

All parts of a question ( a,b,etc.) should

be answered at one place.
Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supplemented
with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answers may
result in loss of marks.
Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably giving
proper justification.
Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.
Group A
t. (a) A hollow circular steel column, 2·5 m long and
outside diameter 200 mm, carries an axial compres-
sive load of 400 kN. If the permissible compressive
stress is SO N/mm2 and permissible shortening of
the column is 0·50 mm, find the minimum thickness
required for the column. Take E = 2 x 105 N/mm2 • 6
(b) A bar of steel of length 'r and is of uniform thick-
ness 't'. The width of the bar vari~s uniformly from
a at one end to b (a> b) at the other end. Find
the extensi~n of the rod when it carries an axial
pullp. 8
(c) A cube of material is under the action of a uniform
compressive stress on its faces. If the volume of the

(Tum Over)

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

cube decreases by 0·1 %, find the unifonn stress on

Diameter of the specimen : 25 mm
the cube. Also, fmd the percentage reduction in length
of a side of the cube. Take E = 2 x 10' N/mm2 and Length of the specimen : 300 mm
v=O·J. 6 Extension under a load of 15 kN : 0·045 mm
Load at yield point : 127·65 kN
l. {o) Wlta~ is a point of contraflexure in beams? 2 Maximum load : 208·60 kN
(b) How is the point of maximum bending moment Length of,specimen after failure : 375 mm
located in the beam ? Derive the relation. 4 Neck diameter : 17 ·75 mm
(c) Draw the shear force and. bending moment diagrams Determine (i) Young's modulus, (ii) yield point stress,
for the beam shown in Fig. 1. Show all the salient (iii) ultimate stress, (iv) percentage elongation and
points. 14 (v) percentage reduction in area. 5x2
~10kN/m (b) Explain the failure of mild steel specimen and cast
iron specimen in tension test. 6
(c) What is creep? How is it quantified? 4
Fig.l Group B
3. (a) Show that in a strained material subjected to two-
5. (a) A 15 mm diameter steel rod passes centrally through
dimensional stress, the sum of nonnal components
a copper tube of 50 mm external diameter and 40 min
of stresses on any two mutually perpendicular
internal diameter. The tube is closed at each end
planes is constant. s by rigid plates of negligible thickness. The nuts are
(b) A 60 mm diameter shaft transmitting a torque of tightened lightly home on the projected parts of the
4 kN-m is also subjected to an axial tension of rod. If the temperature of the assembly is raised by
180 kN. Determine the principal stresses, location 60° C, calculate the stresses developed in copper
of principal planes and maximum shear stress. 10 tube and steel rod. Take £ 8 = 2·1 x 10s N/mm2,
Ec = 1·05 X 105 N/mm2, as= 12 X 10-6 per °C and
(c) Derive the following compatibility equation : - s
ac = 17·5 X 10-6 per °C. 10
_ a2eY_=_!L
e x + __ a2y
(b) Derive the expressions for temperature stresses
ay2 ax2 axay and temperature strains .. · 5

4. (a) Following data refers to a mild steel specimen (c) What are the equilibrium equations in elasticity?
subjected to tension test in the laboratory : Derive them. 5

S'I6:4FN:MC403/PR403 (1496) ( 2 ) (Continued)

S'~6:4FN:MC403/PR403 (1496) ( 3 ) (TurnOver)

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

6. (a) A thin cylindrical shell, 900 mm long, ISO mm dia- (c) It is required to design a close coiled helical spring
meter having Iii. thickness of metal 8 mm, is filled which shall deflect 10 mm under an axial load of
with a fluid at atmospheric pressure. If an additional 100 N at a shear stress of 90 N/mm2 • The spring is
20,000 mm of fluid is pumped into the cylinder find to be made out of a round wire having modulus of
the internal pressure exerted by the fluid 0 ~ the rigidity of 8 x 104 N/mm2• The mean diameter of
cylinder and hoop stress induced. Take E = 2 x JCV the coils is to be 10 times the diameter of wire. Find
N/mm 2 and y = 0·3. the diameter and length of the wire necessary to
form the spring. 8
(b) Wh~t are the stresses induced in a thick cylinder
subjected to an internal pressure ? What is the Group C
nature of these stresses ?
5 9. Answer the following in brief: 10x2
(c) Why are the compounded thick cylinders used?
s (1) Define clearly the shear strain.
1. (a) Detennine the radial and hoop stresses in a flat solid (i•) What is a free body diagram ? Explain with an
steel disc of uniform thickness having a diameter example.
of I m and rotating at 2400 RPM. Take p = 7850
kg/m 3 and w· = ~·J 3 . (ii1) What is the nature of hoop or circumferential
8 stress?
(b) A cast iron test beam, 20 mm x 20 mm in cross-
(iv) In an elastic material, only shear stress acts at a
section and 1 m long, is supported freely at the ends.
point. Draw the Mohr circle and determine the
It fails when a ~entrai load of 640 N is applied.
principal stresses.
~ha~ is limiting bending stres~• ? What uniformly
d1stnbuted Koad wHJ break a cantilever of the same: (v) Wt.at is a indetenninate structure ?
material 50 111m wid~,;, 100 mm deep and 2 m long ? 10
(vi) Draw the bending stress distribution across the
(c) What is section modulus in beams? section in beams.
{a) Determine the expression of strain energy stored (ll'il) Determine the maximum shear stress in a thin cylin-
during twisting of shafts in terms of shear stress, drical tube subjected to internal pressure.
voJume and modulus of rigidity.
6 (viir) What is the torsional rigidity and modulus of rupture
(b) A 60 mm diameter shaft is subjected to a torque of in shafts?
4 kN-m. Find the maximum shear stress induced in ( ix) Explain the phenomenon of yielding in the material.
the shaft and angJe of twist per metre length of the
shaft. Take G =8 x 104 N/mm2. (x) What is endurance limit in fatigue?
S'l6:4fN:MC403/PR403{!496) ( 4 )
( COIIIimled) S'l6:4FN:MC4031PR403(1496) ( 5 ) AG-3200

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

W'16 z 4 FN: MC 403/PR 403 (1496)

Time : Three hours

Maximum Marks : 100

Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TwO frorn Group A,
ANY Two from Group B and ALL from Group C.

All parts of a question (a,b,etc.) should

be answered at one place.
Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supplemented
with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answers may
result in loss of marks.
Any missing ar wrang data be assumed suitably giving
proper justification.
Figures on the right-hand side margin tndicate full marks.

Gnoup A

l. (a) Define the terms free body diagram. and state the
importance of drawing such a diagram. 5

(D) Explain the phenomenon of sudden stretching ofthe

specimen at the yield point in tension test. 5

(c) What is stroke hardening ? How can the undescriabl*

effect of strain hardening be removed ? 5

(d) What is the ductility ofthe material ? How is the ductility

measured ? €;

2 " (a) Distinguish between statically determinate and statically

indeterminate beams. 4

(Turn Ov'er )

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

(6) Establish the expression forthe moment of a force about (D) A steel bar 2"5 cm diameter is rightly attached to two
a line. parallel supports 8 m apart. Find the pull exerted by the
bar on the support when the temperature is increased
(c) A beam of 10 m length is simply supported at its ends.
by 100 'C,
It carries uniformly distributed load of 20 kN/m run
over the length of left half of its span, together with (r) If the supports do not yield.
concentrated loads of 20,40 and20lN situated at 1'5, (rr) If yielding of both supports is 0.25 cm
2-5 and 5 m respectively from right hand support.
Draw B.M. and S.F. diagrams. t2
cls: 12 x 10-6 per
(a) Prove the following relationship b€tv,,ooll E, G and K: Er-- 210 GPa 10
E_ 6 (c) What is volumetric stress and volumetric stress ? How
is the volumetric strain determined when a circular rod
(6) Derive compatibility equations for plane strain is loaded arially ?
distribution in cartesian co-ordinates.
6. (a) Enumerate the difference between thin and thick
(c) At a point in a strained material, the principal stresses cylinders under internal pressure.
are 120 MPa tensile and 60 MPa compressive. Find the
resultant stress and its direction on a plane inclined at (6) Derive the expressions for hoop and longitudinal
450 to the axis of 120 MPa stress by Mohr's circle stress for a thin cylinder of internal diameter d,
digram. Also determine the maximum intensity of shear material thickness t, and subjected to internal fluid
stress in the material. pressure p.

4" (a) Define fatique strength and fatique life of steel. (c) A disc of 50 cm diameter and uniform thickness is
rotating at2400 r.p.m.Determine the morimum stress
(D) Describe a standard fatigue test to determine the induced in the disc. If a hole of l0 cm diameter is
endurance [imit of mild steel material. drilled the centre of the disc determine the maximum
intensities of radial and hoop stresses induced. Take
(c) Write the procedure of findingthe Brinell Hardness of
Poison's ratio :0.28, density of disc :7800 kg/m'.
the given test specimen.

(d) Explain the procedure to determine the modulus of 7. (a) Describe the advantages of hollow shafts over solid
elasticity of a beam in the labours. shafts.

(6) The outside diameter of a hollow shaft is twice its

Group B inside diameter. Find the ratio of its torque carrying
5" (a) Write and explain the generalized Hooke's law for an capacity to that of solid shaft of the same material and
isotropic material. the same outside diameter. 8

W'16:4FN:MC403/PR403 (1496) ( 2 ) (Continued) W'16:4 FN:MC 403/PR 403 (1496) (3) (Turn Over )

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.com

(c) A helical spring, W which the mean diameter of the

coils is 8 times the wire diameter is to be designed to
absorb 200 N-m of enerry with an extension of 100 cm.
The maximum shear stress is not to exceed 125 MPa.
Determine the man diameter ofthe helix, diameter of
the wire and the number of turns. Also find the load
with which an extension of4 cm could be produced in
the spring. Take G = 84 GPa. 10

8. (a) Describethe "Trescayieldcriterion". Showthe failure

envelope in trryo-diamensional stress space. 4

(D) Distinguish between plane stress and plane strain

problems of elasticity. Give one example for both. 6

(c) Explain the following fortwodimensional problems of

elasticity: 10

(r) Differential equations of equilibrium

(rr) Boundaryconditions
(iii) Atry's sfiess function and the bi-harmonic equation
(iv) Compatibility equations.

Group C
9. Explainthefollowing: 5x4
(a) What is creep ? How is it quantified ?

(r) WhV are the compound thick cylinders used ?

(c) Thermal stresses and strains

(d) Charpy test

(e) Stree-strain curve formild steel shor*'ing salientpoints.

W'16 :4 FN:MC 403/PR 403 ( 1496) {4) AG*-3,200

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