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Strength of Materials PDF

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- --- .,1 Of' MATERIALS


aL f.
Betrding stress:

1. Bending stress varies linearly

2. Bending stress acts perpendicular to plane of Cross section

Stycri r-\ -SUe3r. .
3. Bending stress Zero atN.A, Maximum at extreme fibres Atrtributicn fiirtYtb\rt}"r

r t,
4. Bending Stress Formula (Ste'ture {-<rrmclo)' t

M:f,.:E. ?an
v2Y1 L 'tfoe 1 :
GPa 10eN/m2 I i(N/-iml
I 1 MPa : 106 N/m1= I N lyrtry'tz-
f $"*f.",4r**$a-'ltro's*ri'l
5. Section modulus : Z : I . (Units : mm4/mm : -rnt;.- lrn: 100 cm
v lm: 1000 rnm

Flexural rigidity: E.I (Units : N/mm2* mm4: N.mm2)

Flexural stifthess : E.I/[(N.mm2lmm: N.mm) e. A, * *^h* J-

Bending strain : y/R (Jnits: no units) 10 : JI rdd
9. Section modulus for Rectan gle : Z: bd2
6 r'. rr-re l^.Bt'.t'i.' e -i-'q 1
RES\L t t=*c
10. Section modulus for Solid Circle : Z: IId3 Stored otm o' tro.{f due G etRrna^l
lc( d"-t t.,ltr-,irr t6e eiO.S+{q \i n-3 l-
: Z: ll knuun ql \egl\iencOt"
11. Section modulus for Hollow Circle XJD4 - dn)
rv ,\L-;tLlE,r \L
CE,.. :n e y1q1l1lrntfrr)
*tr'crin eF'ev$l r*hfch e\h tr .Stcre(t
: Z: f'4 o bcrd'1 trlt -pre e\rr6tfe lfrn!1
12. Section modulus for Thin tube II d2 t
d,:lul<ction rh
't+ il pverrt r\iLr't,r(e"
13. dm : v, dv : w, ,.q- B,rn sauiirr dk re{ilir^te=
rt'3b ei dx dx V* -e'F' ffif{f;##
14. E.I dty: -- :> d2y _m : 1 . : Curvature of'beam'
dx2 dx2 E.I
l)'fhe gtrcn i'n n\
B-l In o. b o"lsf
(gv ."elttirnr-e
3he6v 1bc54
r5.31:dm :v, ) \.r,:.r-ran !t {J \uUfecfej
a Shqnr {tE tS
dx3 dx fr.J, = v fo d{'y-e-e.t- tenrf le- krr) Cornprasgi/e lc41}
ahe6.r\n$ crrtto,
.frr'.dt =fw'clrt =rr1
LrLe.(e 6- *-streij
: x(/mrn> :d[ :w 2E'
16.d!: d2gr
rnd >yrsdu\r| 6b, ve.Si\iE^te = { -
g,\.Lo,/ 5fscdo' dx" dx' dx ,
LtnFto-rcr{lanl sht ftro.ln-, energl -6{a.rreJ !', -T.--;
17. l-&J: dy : Slope : i m. dx
brsd"X (vrt9\ier.-rcel rdbeh Ff ll 4ubtecre4t
dx' dx
fft,.olr' I
tltox',' \crw'
br.g >d<!lecl-io,,
ts 6beo.r atrcr) I
- -'

e\er*ft .\irnirrahe ltren4 {,j drre_rtLt, - 33xv


Prc* go rtitrr.,zr,\ I-t .gtvcr.ir) op/ rnodurul 6r.r- 've'rtienre = x.
*l^tl lli
':t'ttt 6tr-red in r,o 1or^l
dicrrnetE,iDJ"i..;inrer,.,o,)*-;*':*l&-(o4br" & __- ii ,t

y=lf4oll,t af- J)
C\) Fo,r S"F --> tl . -1I :-
'lt*\\r'e 11 b qll downlocrd y'-orcg afue qltrnrfi
+va- SF SF-\e Bn ( uoggr"tr srt) "
b) For B,t4 -+
r1--_5 '1 ilt q11 lrptrrlrd *vcel Swa q\**tj
\ gYl /
+!e \ -ve a1,z +{e Bn ( Sc\SCF^t E4)
q S 'F.D o B.Sp 1 c.\re gtoPhf tal rePvelentertl on{ dt vavicationS dV
!heotrbsrce And bendt.4 rn(rnant- orl di![-<vcnt SRctievrl
Alsng n 'e tengtrr 6L -tL* t *11?_,_
tD6#renF Q
16 Pslnt- locrd '
6) tb g-F tr ?ro, bt'
bett^leen'S116r Be-cltco two Sect[rnl 4 o. beqrn
" & el tacn B.rq urtll bE conSftaal-
(f) beo'rn,Theo *-----F
Fl cd-,
beh^lcEn t"Oae t.uo -
---------==- , Cectr'ont
b)' Otre lo Point locrdl'
9g =9p,--O


S.F doel nsr var? $
B.n vqciel \i''ea'{l! '
o Sts1o- e" detrttctto"a
arfe ttfo cti b'*ed
an&t, Slop, 6}e
=Fl ,
ear"tilevar s.rs5echeA t6 cr^tj
-Zt cr<.ar're orotv\e'rr @ &ree- erd

no\. ET
tnu(- deftech'oo= tto= d- *, y^ "v- TEI sS.
S) Dtre l-s u.o.l,9:_F
Yqrts--$:eq$ r ED Ot the t-tte.) rrcl , Slopa q.,d de$-cHonl

@ ?e"JU.
Crt s" k""n- er,cl/ 8.r.1. q-d de_lle_ctfo-a
b). The reachln of thq ?e"rd.
$l b-ucd encl it nol\ht
buf 3.F ol- tlre tixe-d

'v Y --^
O*rYl '
b__e d4 = _t!_r\e
btspeQrg= -Uf
de[lecti"n t'tg): d
ugtroo,td Cr$lecHo.," ggf
.t\ I --/
Ilghv'l "tt-r*"o- -1
Eetf"nf - Arecnrn rne'tlnl3d
't the- .t^tla betweea
t.,e r..^ra t^.*ah'r drorrn
-a,-V tL
og,B; {ef' t-e. etAsLit Lrne
lg ?fvcn bt 1r,. qreo, ots
F_* !e: \tf9 B'iv\'o beFr+ea. t^oae_ ruo gor-rrl ar"ro* bt et
bs= Itf
Stspe,' I =A
t'1e hylt ttna o.re^,n
- ?r
"The G? deflection a poinf o*al trom
-S'e tongent d,,qusb +
lL tnr{.rr io1 the ,no^nenl- cb
Gf,ear Ct B-n"O tet.le+r 'the 1xlnr8 dli\/;dd Ll
d+tcthn'$= 3E
'18= 9L = 1oa(}
ilhtrre rnfi(, BJq il.
{nQ bturrnl c\fE 4"\-tled.

Shear stress: i) Shear stress actiin the plane of C.S

19. Shear Stress Formula ii) Shear stress variation is parabolic
'l-- T
iii) Shear stress is zero at extreme fibre,
iR- [ Maximum at centre

20. C.J: Tdrsional rigidity 26. Torque (T): lt. t .d3


2L C.J : Torsional stiffiress 27. Slope(O) : T,[ - -r,crguex .rcr6io^^1 '.

4, : Torsional flexibility 28. Power: Torque x angu.lar velocity= 1.rxg
C.J : Workdone ,'

J : Polar Modulas 29. Workdone x angle g{'twist
R : l1;U.
Shear Stress: F.A?
g/\ 30. N -r.p.m ] P:2 Nl*RPID to-zllNT
JINT "I- ---60
I-b T - Kg-rnJ l"t^rn J '

Shear Strain: R.0


Polar modulus for Solid Circle : JId3

Polar modulus for Hollow Circle : JI_(D4 - d4)
f1:n.'ln cXt.ln"t, r"., ttvqqt
>r5: Hoop !{g
r, {l"XiEF
oO,*='i U
I $-
I'o^gltcrdinol ,*rta/
Polarmodulus forThintube : Id2t 37.. :f 1:p d
Hqop s.tres$
fThln^c1lin<lovl Z t
: 3g.
Polar modulus Section modulu$0
fsect''on *,oautul * ?] gi,l^ --\--/:
Longitudi'al stress(D)
fTh{n cg l}q.lc()
Torque (T): 159 K or 39. Max. shear stress :Jid_ : fl - D.
f - frequency
K,cD - 1000 N-m/Sec

' 40. Hoopstrain(or)circumferentialstrail(er):ffi :O_d __

-t'\-,C [, *r]
e,,,ilre 15it n I
(01t./ilrftr; itb.
+- KhoLdn cr6
: rhe r;**; o{q.,.e"
Proclltce, '}re tanggle gh<-!}
tte laendfn? a16rnnl-, -'- erl co,apre6{V_ a5
{$ Due t6 to\nt- loqd qt
Centve-, 3F chon6-eA
Srrddenll qb !',c|t Scctlon.
b) Ib $.F_ebon*
_,+ eE_ t!_8in 3*l
ots o.n1 Sectr'on / B.n uJf!, kolcblon aF lelr svTP'tttD)=
toe rrrox{rnuvn qt tt.at
Ee$o-^- P,O.c. otcL\Yt P 4 fuon (eg'F BugPorl-
c). "ILre Ahoge 6G B.r'\ I
tlar. B.onr ggf tn$R. B.yT)
S4' G6e sf
d$clqtarn lr ltBe gcel!
_tvlcrrn X\9.
rilA lccqr! b'@*
[ro'+r lelf hryf.tf
tc. Jlf d). At- flre <entre Sloge il |ffo.
48Er e). El{nF.6. 1p a}'e locrd },
4). orh tne golnl- cb hne^I." SgmroetrtC, 3\oge il eiuo.l
d*le-ct-ioa, S\eg tS C^lr^to{! at bO'tn 'ltr 'e auplaxtr,
ke{$. rnorxlrnum qt qehFE'

ruffi J", g) Due 6 qccerotrlc loctdP k
10,^4 m Pgf,$)ct"!1t
'aesrer 'bloPa]6tll
raqt- ctt -thol- SuPPart'
a rlg b). Dnra l-o <rtntv,\ lecrcl.; ).1-. F VAeBW
t .Ireq mcrrt" dellech\n doel
noF 66qx uoctqr 'tte- Polot B.rn = :c
-t"" 6qunl!
mc\f- B'n dceuq} I trJ nvtlrrt
la4$. Poinr lsotd'
AF CS ehzlt. Brt drt^t6.lll'
SF chongel Tt! Qln, e.qt. rnt^(" dels ggf
U"'* :Pt*?f
r4s.(. aebt<-ct'ong JlL ../(,o-

f>n m\
9t fb------
z- t O,q"9e"g4 !
r.l -l

8ry=Og =



d= aa--
r9E! gR

' !r
m.Urt, c\e$ect\:n:.[r,qr=

o) T}'e Sharle o1ng.m'P $

*$hl t"longle. wlL'
n mq't. B.vn or(urrl ?lFo#. =tft6ffif
A q)tb sbvrrgl- vo.rlotr,*oo Ia
gtn9 e lt tndicoFes tl'qt-
tnere, il e^. Souflg o$-
FIA h {E
.tlnat- SatJn.
V6:Vgc 3"ll
Felp" yeQltroor!:

41. I-,ongitudinal strain (ez)- *r"f, :61 - cho.ne in tg'$b

*l or'fg{nr.r\ le"r6Th;

: Pd (s-z-l
L) :6v

: a\
Pd I s - 4 l-Str"-rq_t"i]y&e
V 42. Volumentric strain (eu)
ztpl z ;l n oxinincr\ vo Jurne
t)t3, g\=
v 4.t.E L ) .

55 -J-- It- e fr-L\

l[' Yn4
u"b.E L' rfil
ey: 2e1*e2

43. Crushing load :P : f. x A (For Short columns)

sUq6"L t""gl
[ao.St ro,Aiur,
Slenderness ratio (r.) :l_ I > 80 - Long columns
fmin .-- }" < 80 - Short columns

45. Radius of gyration (fn.,1n) II A.r2 r2.E.A .

VA A (llr)z
46. Rankine load (P) : I -l- 1
: P..P. : fc.A
P" P, Pc+Pe I+a(llr)2
t h^,^o_ e\* eornklne" Conttrcrn\-" Sbo.,b\E egul\f\x"uro
Pc load : fcxA
lfAPcv -
- Crushing Xeubrat e4flf$rfurrl
P =Pc" -
' : P7 Pcr \ nthqb\c '
Pe - Euler load r2.E.A .
uJ..erc - P- Cu.r$af-'q loctd
(Ih)2 Pcr- ctft{tst lrs,(d

47. Rankine Constant (a) : Radius of gyration:f _P_-

-f. V E.r "

formula for 1ou&qo_1-u!0ns only The hna at fr:fe,r3eebr'cro al--tl"c

48. E&r hQt^tfql lqse-r wftr, ong no{mal
' Qe e# c,r berrrn )b knorrlr' e!
49. Rankine column formula fbt bq]!*L&!g,qa4 tho{ columns 'neul-rql ox.tt dr that- SeeFlon

50. Long columns fail due to.buskllgg 't

51. Short
.- columns fail due to crushiqg

52. Rankine constant for Tirnbe* - 1ff0 , Cast iron l,/1600

Mildsteel - 117500 , Wrough Iron - 1/9000

il crpgltCoble kr -lonq Coluvranl tsnty

53. Slenderness ratio 60 - Short columns ii) 6trq{t irluaiae6d o,nt5
Br,dlno 6t"ora
tser,dln* ont;.
100 - Medium columns \ ir'rt cc't.rrtt ri Struiglll-a prllmct*r'e
100 - t9rt columns

-r\e \piellion \/r-lTir- il l(irotrln a! ag.utVOlEnt twlttin? rneirnrnl- CTeJ

t The tt^tlf{r61 mo"ntnl- blh,{c\ tuhen o,ttre-,r6 O'!CI-,e,
P.reelrr"sc5 -lr-,e- 6qrne 4*nt 6b,/agq (f) 615 are o,Ch.rql
{.ststt'rc} im6.n.nt.
wW *
!l't'll csvuhqnt bqqrha


I No. + = i. 4-
g tnot, Sve t?'nl UJO
3; rnt^K- + vc* S.fn* ."3UlLo^o)L

V J\Q- -1", 116]'rat

# mqr. t3.tnr TF')e Val\rC
Ctr l.lart$ \o) s O.hl4l \o{) O.A$9L'
+-*a 6^aQrJ

v--+-:---'. rg i.t
Ff(ed Beqt.rj

Deblection grl- rnld 9po"=


no,ut- de[lcch'o n, o oo r4l

tffi fut
"Lhe ET

cieb 6ctuo ol- o - F

dlEtescC' 3'FD
+ g,i"qt [vom PaoPYed end'
+- B.rry'D

B 'Y"r'D

fi1$: rDl3: w{ rhhK *vq b'rT

{nsx.' $ve )b .Yn : utl
6*t9g =Et = *l+= Ytl : O

rn(l(- d.eflceHoo = .t^lt3

ctrf' q ctirtomte ,l+ +wq
no. at 9.0. q= 2- / 6ecu"r
bonothe- g.rPlorft'

1 lL Lzz* *{

r \^Jf\:


VA: Vg a \N ( ltira/)

P.o. c- bvovn cqr"t et:/r?4*-

'4" ru.orn ^ .^llc
fk l>24, n P,o.c =

IA2&r rrhJ.4- p*6c= O

rtn I :2.cv a ll0 * c't P.O' C: O Supgott YQncb'on: =\lg= \!l VA
m$Y.. tve Lm = yfagg- fDq>IDg= *Vg B,nr^: }$
-ndno-Ve R'D
L - .rL-
R-D == L$$"_tr.rl
tre- 8.vn: j!:
60" Ag--6c-: \g:9g .&\
To qol- mfn. Va,lrra& tt-,1 l1l"' ^ (Qnrv
'- =-- - tr\llt
t\ + " ;"{" "'td'AE" -h;;l;;r'
-fi^rQ- Ynttr.. delle.pJtrn otcUrvl @ sfrf,
Pel'Lorel'*.e-cl oD
ttur. a*'1ff15-1;:t
54. Bulk modulus (K) : Notmal stress
Volumetric Strain "'l''Lriii"@!r'
55. PoiSson's ratio (1/m): Lateral strain
. Linear strain (Longitudinal strain)

56. Modulus of elasticity (E) : Linear Stress

rncrinl1 SubSea|- fi [-lcxure(terrclt-N)
Linear Strain
AO {>enrr.Svede toqcl
57. Modulus of rigidity (C) : Shear stress lglovg$-q -Lagdi'4n5 loo.c,l rbe.r'-
.doet not act- cltp^1 rile <r<15 6LIhe
Shear strain rnern6e'r il Cnl[ cd 'it.trl.-ostrri tdtc"Cl
58. Factor ofsafety : yierdstress ho.,
"11!:f:tS *9r?? \orr clit>lr;
Wprking stress
ktorxinttr {tre-l{.
r"" autiru i^g'11; * ntitul' *4;Prrtrr D
ss. poisson's ratio ror cork: n X$:::'; ;11'l'i-':1" 4i [o"co^ere-
, ijot'cpic =e,t-5 ^X.ie*l^tf
60. E:2c[r* t-] n::c[t-2-l E: eKC l-;^E--
tt- -^)
$ t ;)
n) rr+c)'ir\-q65
3K+c2'lr\- s{wr+.)

6I. A beam of unifonn strength ' Pgqdl4g JUql$ is same at every section. f' s- rn ' F
I 2, (rn+ L)
62. In Cantilever, at fixed end, slope & deflection are zero [,
63. Statically determinate beams - Cantilever beam]Simply supported &
Overhang beams

64. Staticallyindeterminatebeams Propped cantilever beam, fixed beam

& continuous bean

65. Propped cantilever beam is staticalypeterminate to 1 iesree

66. a) Fixed beam is staticalllr indeterminate to 3 degrees (general loading)

b) Fixed beam is statically indeterminate to 2 degrees (vertical loading)

67. Continuous beam is statibally indeterminate to 2 degrees

68. In Propped cantilever beam,at fixed end - Slopes & deflections are Zero
at propped end - Deflection & B'M are Zero

69. In a Fixed beam, slope is always zero, deflection at fixed ends is zero,
Maximum deflection occurs at centre only
ll0. Shear Force : If a force u.t, purilB'1to the C/S of a member \cn), olgeb raic Butn ck (l\)
t*.ce-i 0n Sl'tr *lcle eb
tt\Hv,rerhe l$re.\f,5 F ulLtv'lafe loe'.e) -t
'e tro'tiO,.',
orfg-fnol clA'
Rreoxl'^'g $tre,i5 F B'lec"krng to'.d'
ortq&ra'.1 olS-

Pe{centc\Sr yadutcHon in o,ftqr: 9r'"$fna)

crrent-Fthql c\fe-&11u0
0'1 iQitxa) G$P

Perqerrta-$a lcvr gg$r'c-rr^' R"nc,,l lendr-.,J on*ttna.l^'ttncflh' lloo-

-- rea)"lerr$lh
r) L6p lo inf-l -fn whlch OnE Plole overlaP4 TI''e bthQ!
er,nd Fu Ptqra) crtre Uirret-e-d togThgY'

.nn$rr4B r 6 F:$
P\oh! qte Nelt- l')
molo qll5nt'tbt- btrtttrg
Al. -Butt Scfr,h So rohtth
tr'e *o.grrn$) Qcr.cb ot/tat c\nd a covqf 9\qf (t,ettvaP)
\E 9lated on one- $ld e Qr) boTb
gldet 6b- nnoln Plafg"

q) (inqle gtvop 5trg tha edtrel g {re nnio platal lsuft qgolinaY eat4
onll ona Co\rgr rrlqt-e, ll plcrcecl 6.r orre {lde + tha tn<rfr.t
f9'Il"rev 6ncl
Plsfu ond fren rfveFe.l tcqefier'
-'rhe Utet .* ft"crye. rnefrl plal-e3 butb
4f -
{we .Covv Plal.et
>,d yivet-e"d tsgel'rer. Florcer\ ".,

No. 6b ?,0'c,e-
h rfvctel r"}nfi fn trhlcb 'there ir a (inqlq 76t^r
Sln$\a & rt,rsr-r
R.*:r\B: -e\e9*B-raors . lf flrfnr qnd 'D^e-t'c- fE cr. Binxre :cu: 4 o"-r-"i, -oi""..x'
txo r ,rl,u*2 onB= I!!f -lcrpq buttTofnt.
&fde ,?,.,
--T->- l'?
Deltecbbn Lsnaet loqd= ydgl
3ET19 pouble q{vet-el Ttsiotl Jn ulhlcb 't rere qte two youj6
& {^Jc^3 br- I OP Tofnl' And there erfe trrro rowl
+ v?Veta f n cr
n4f^{. deb-ltn-Filun: 4r yfvebJ en errch Side fn ct
5 q{bt} Et butL Yo;r,t-.

Pifcbl th t,r rhe- dltban,ce [vo,n t]re- eQrrtre.

oL 5'oe-- xivaf ,
tneaBeAte^d pcrrqttel fo .[!na_ lsrrn. 15 Gotve dr lrnc.- nert r.fvef-

eentY ttne' 9F tFre lucceglf yq YouJt"

pb.gno\ Pltcry gF -ls ,tre

.rfuerea Tofnt"
o*.."W"*.* * thL xiveB fn e\dTcrcenf xdur)
t4argfn (ryj rco,r*ino\l pftcb: "t V?
rf i\ the dtBle,rnre ,aeh*r crrtTa eF vrevgf \ole 16 ore nec\rer, l-
,+ 1r.e gto,;*.e-"
cherfn rfvetsedi
Ithen $fuert fn o.e varfow vow, qf,e
fl ge"idIh!-
t6 be cAcrfn Tfi,efcl. oppo8slfe k each ot-er lagn -tbe_
3q ff\t r'vere'
'f"rli ..:'"fl: ':rmrft:',#T*?ro ffi.a"r", u,o.,,
*t xv"r'a '
-' d-4tc^rnerer
';:*::-u 4urreLhote'
tb tes"s ot'b ue - 'u Fe6ittc-\Dcg @r) pun y*irep)
t*" * perr pftcl tang$r.
= (p_d F, oE_ rdhrrc
- p_ wrcl ak $,e rivqf"
3) shqnrin$ 6 gvall, if_;1,..ilXi;ir.*""rr*"
p,= nxrrdlxr (aMrE r\Enr)
\ crvrbfin$ &n\ref), p.
= n.l.r. * ( i:tffitble
teonere srrc{3

1 ct* ne*rran rl"?,*?yre'$l

,o * P'er'r!$$e clst'.*}ir"rgbtye$'
?d"*r" Er"rEr- ,n,
'' 'qttotionol
71. Bencling Moment: fheGia+ion effect of a force
.: Force:x perpendicular distance
Algebraie sum of momentsdsfusas acting either L.H.S (or)
R.H.S of a section
the bQ-crnrr ll guLsecl-ed fr Prue-
72.Pure bending : If a beam is subjected to only B.M. b{-t"dtug ,.F+ Lel.,cb tBKt- o\n t\r'Q
73.The beam is failed, where bending moment is maximum.

74. S.F changes its sign at any sectionrB.M will maximum at that section.

75.In Simply supported beam, B. M always zero at supports

Ttra 561 no,sF lrllnl5 c,t"rcl
76.In cantilever beam, B.M always zero at free end. ltee fuhal nu.q- flernb<rr' It
a {v\^t4 @) = zJ- 3
77. Point of contraflexure : where B.M changes its sign ryl: bo . qr rrery"6ctl
Tc rxs- rF SoffoD
78. A.E - Axial rigidity E.I-Flexuralrigidity , C$- frnoArrlu\ tigidi15 '

79. Modular ratio: E5_ Fr:m.f* F.-Steel m-modular ratio

Ew F*-Wood
80. Shear stress distributfon due to shear force over a rectangular of beam
parabolic path. i Shec',. Etra-Ea "k!to' q1- e.<tr-<.-e- io
#a , *orr_ oorrfrql

81. Due to twisting moment shear stress varies linearly for N.A
to outer
circumference with 'zero'at N.A and maximum at outer circumference.

82. Bending stress varies linearly over the depth of c/s with ,Zero' at N.A and
maximum at extreme, fibres.
rJ(.i Bendinc gke-gl crctl pe/rprlc{irultarr
83.&in Cy'udeu are subiected to Bi-axial stresses. k, tl.ra0 4o c/S

lf$ atrql{
84. Sp.weight of water: 10 KN/m3 cctJ
cro6, Section
is called curvature of the beam: -M : -1. Jh4 rr{rrrenl crcf} o\o^q '1tr"A-.lr,!-ot-l
dx- !L,o[t. 'Then lf u:!ll +.^.:ilt \a 3l-6*t,
E.I R 9O, -n"'e vnornnt il Cotied -ttr:lr{;4n rnornrrf
LOt 'Tb,rqJ.re
86. t < r/10 - Thin cylinder (dlt>20 - thin cylinder) +
Thick cylinder ldlt<2O - thick ivlindei)
\ 2- l'
t>r/10 -
87.a) Core for a rectangular section is Rhombus
Having rliaenoh b73 x d/3,

b) Core for a Circular section is Circle.rofy-y d-lag = d/4 , rnox-ecc{r,trie gd[g

_--__-b6hcl)-.!,U-qSqt Having diameter Dt+dz, max eccentric load: D2+d2
fitoUor^r cfrcte)
4D 8D
'f .l.qrq.5 ? 'The @ejl Aiqbribqhlg *l']l P'or var.l-
dl(ronttna- .lep\ ob cr^oai Se-qti(rrrr ft- tl -unlttwn crvqrr
averqqfe Le !ftigg-l&" But- tne ctctrtal -9i'rear atre{) dtrtr'"buHorr
g\+rr '$s-tlt! [d-ttc\""bc1,"c arJal5 ue .{ffi

101. In I - section,max.shear feree at Web.
t02. In H- Section max. shear furce at the junction of the web and flanges.

103. Flexure formula is valid only for Static loads with no residual stress.

r04. Twisting moment is a moment applied in the plane of cross-section acting

about longitudinal axis.

105. By increasing the carbon content in steel, the ultimate tensile strength will
increase, the ductility of steel will decrease. -rl-- mcrtivnuvn Sh4c\t ttn-e4E
eeUql t-O tbe y61dir,rl ck t"lohttl circt
106. Tenacity - Ultimate strength in tension. ..Jf ,", plan) oF 46" fo se Pti.cfi)ol
P lcrhe I'

107. Creep of material : Continued deformation with time under sustained


108. Elastic limit is directly proportional to temperature

109. Young's modulus is directly proportional to temperature 'r-4t

I 10. The number of basic elements of a force:4 ,

111. The compression test is used for testing brittle materials.l Jeorite *U, **,5|*ffi*.
ttz. The impact tests are used to determine toughness.

1 13. In a 9-L,gpsdgilhslisal_spring, the material is subjected to ghg3lgl1qq!.

114. In a gpelf 9=o-i1 _hql,isalsuiug, the material is subjected to .both bending

lqomeq! &_lyfqling gigrnqn .

115. The M.I of rectangular section about the base:4 x M.I about centroid axis

1 16. Factor of safety: Crippling load

Safe Load.
Ltl. .lh gdltsgl ryt.(!c{ qntr db c\ Jeeti6n 1r toaecl on .rr,r pcinciple 'ncr.f
A"r- q!"ti lt Sittroteol o^t TF, Crr,+re cL qvo\vflJ + cr g*,ren' Settirrn,
It$. *The atttlqt neutr4 Ortl c;[- c\ bQc-ti'un . lb bortecl 6D 'the pyincrblC tt qf
tre po'rre_1t, e[ _ctrgonl _{1__gfUfg:llg: *.{ !-e1rfr.n '}o-er olre -fltAorl'
r19. I! tha
*nfb"ol c.s cryeov l'l trt<cl in eolculo.tfng &e Stre4l, Ii-1en
-trne- {tre.ll
lS cqltacl lEtfnol rstre-6?, b{) E--rgineeg*:S_$tg
l&o Tk A-'e :fedu(ed e"g o\reJ,/ it uCd frr Co,l ctttcrt$r1 T-ra Btrel*r?t'"' *trta

gtveoi fb
aqileel tvtte- 6tYe5,
t&t. The rctio aL true "ttvst, b. r.or4ioo'f $tre8J = I.c\'3.
loo -pae- t^fer',sf$ + St::eol D poporUonot yo Sbttdn upto
1?5. r[ *re tn,o,rfrnV''n _ aen.ti$- -6tI-9t ]t Bc^]v-]e ob eve,rl gl sb -trne beq,'.r)
{rerr *ra b<c'rvn iE (qlled :|e,eprrr + tt,rlt"t'nl ":t'e"qTh
iqh" Fcyr cr t{s,rr db- l.rn3!o'rrn ytveng1r1, Bencling Sb,tg fi Cen\krvrb,rbqbs"rot Bt^ding
momnl- f) ft.)orn s'tr-al1
'l)'Strq6qrvl Gt rivel-e_d fuial- F Leo\al- Value oF Pt.,P5 ondPe
4) E$rtcf tne"6- + y."vefed fnsfnt= 9tver,gilh Gt Qrfi/efed Trfnl- - Lessi Vo,Ilte 6F h"pd.?.
stiehs\ ctr unrtuered plqfe ?.L.dr
3) Str gu\nt-
e trronlvEtEe &fltet- wetcled ilofr,t3
Fb{ Arng\e kttlef b,old * p '- ! S.l.ct c$e deltgnqd Loy trnqfla etreng'lg
Fov double bfllef t*ld= p= r6.g.t,gF
poroltel h*ttel- .utelded Sefr,tb -ore de8$neJ
hor shAr gtrersh
ll gt'e^$C
-0rln gnerl tt Lto ro J- dtqnaeter
l5 x
Fo{ SPn$e perra{cl $tte} wald * p---t_S.e"f

Fov deuble porcrltet Lfllek

fr tl^rfctr ahert
4 tr* *
rlF"g.t.t' Lc(rneb
O) 'the @ be,r! n"e te'de',c) fs SplfF up the Thin csltr'dfje\) (hell 1, gubr-eafed Tr
eglfndrfeol shel lnl6 lsl o trouqh]. lnt-e.rnql pregrrrye, fg e^roll! t^rftl be-
n q,
b). te!1der'c.{ tr gplrt- the $ubSccFed t[ lol-erol ghofn
$. 'the tongftudlnql StrelE
= qlx cfrcurnLerc-atial (oJ) g6oo ttrert rh\ct< 6gutt d VerS hlgh p6ea3\,rer,

+ tcthen e-rn @'upon o r"crcgrtorn uq_dfuggl 3_

"il're cvit,ca,l neutrql
ar-is o[ o, kctroo
Fldl$__{tfglagE qre fnclured. t-t bosed on -one p";r)@l
+ Oxlt D 9ftuerted at- the
Wdttf g{'/ear, tnen tne F+re + qrcNfE
shor bc pffi + o gfvrn Soetion
cro,u seetrfi
+ FT''rect t<(66 a Bencl{n$ Etve-4r, lrren uea
Th4. qctuol neutra,l qus
rtregg witt eb a Seetion
otrur fn ane lebt hqnb portfiso c+ rF,e ten,t{te l> b6led crn traO py(nciple thcrt- -the
s.ch."", 6nel #
csynPvqBtive atre89 on {nQ vight hcrnd portion Gt xn c6d.1r !edl(r4 J19t3rr c."rEol c'b_toruIglqiqn cn(t
=g$:59r91 oie 6+.uc^t !.=.!_:--

ts {elid ro be- bolonced beerm, trhen tse-refn}or@menr

iD guter
ffi.|tr f-o

-l dgTh .'k u"A = crrfb'qca.t x\.4-

2 *n"
. [Zvae t6t t Fr.F = !_t#L" cd-) Qr) (eb, Asr.la_!|c;

" ) ' Lst*tt

utheh sn, reJn[orc_nt{nl-
rqn ehEs ftl vnqrtmurr.l Prgrr,jr>sible 65yE6t t_tflf
it te69. Tlqrr Une- pycsp4/ )
) &ePlt^4Y N.A L eribiot N"A.
t N.A Acpl.' + 8 ,?h"AeF Ccl*h)
.L r I4.R t og;. AsF ( d-g)
9vf beoly"l f Cerretere re_c\chel il-l
.re-in l-cwced
rnc,,xtmurn ?ecrotlg?Ule g+rag,
?Hlngn tne arrnovunL & r4nbo,cgrnent* il m6!-e U.'e\n tlne f,frft]
+ dePt}r dY pTdPef re_qzu_(rcnenf
r{.A ) Crftf U^1 N.A
'' N'A depth 4 il.R.
+5!yr,AstLd*n), bfdeLCd_t)
Le,vt r c\rrn

Lerrer cr,nyrt laolor= [-U _ nCtrtra\ arlt5 dgillh= hc, n1Xd.

hl ''- ne^rtvql erxll dept" h*rctev: o,3S to
tri66gtq proFrq cF cr dqm ll called
Elevnento,rl Frolile a1r d,
etonrtnto,r6 Fyo$fle 4 qdam
dclr =
The. rnin. bo.re widlhq)" g
88. a) Co-efficient of earth pressure pu: Horizontal stress L,\4tr/C H= t+ejgbF 6L Aj;
pv Vertical stress 9= 9P, gr.$ do'n a'ot

b) Co-efficient of Active earth pressure(pu) : l-SinrD

(qn"_ t_)
= tcnr.,L

c) co-efficient of Passive earth pressure(po) : l*Sino : tan2(450+@/2)


d) Co-efficient of earth pressure at rest (po) : F : tan


e) Active earth pressure: Back fill moves ,rr1"-#,ui.,irr;-f,]f,t?rr"y


the back fill.

0 Passive earth pressure
- Retaining wall moves towards back fill.
g) Earth pressure at rest - Retaining wall does not move in any
89. Factor of safety against sliding 1.50 : tho *enrfle *p-aF lr pe"tr-o"-J
b) Factor of safety against overtuhing :2.00 oh ducfile rnqt-er"lo,b
g0 In prismatic baltotal_eloneation Tha ecr-rpred6ton te*t u perbrrea
"l#, 4 On lgS.t-tte rnqlerlalg
gl. In conical bar, total of bar: t lon pev
e dbvrrrcrtlon .trnit
rrv trnib ter^nlbr ll
"tongution (ner,sn ol nf t atyqfO
atyctfo (grl
Tie - Axial tension member @6E
unf (gr) S{Vnplir
S ftrtr?A
93. Strut - Axial compression member
94' rn a stressed body the maximum & minimum normal slress at any point is
alr,vays a principal stress

: rr = p. 13,*-.1l}:l .hfri ot:n crirecrilo, *,a riiiifrrtr"

e5. Maximum shear stress
f Fl:i fr.i1?::,j"".Ir,bi'ffte*:5tr{[G*
2 I Lqterat St ycrtrr .
96. The difference between B.M varues at any two sections : the area of s.F
diagram between those two sections.

97. The difference between S.F values at any two sections : the area of the
loading diagram between those two sections.

98. In T-section, maximum bending stress occurs at

extreme fibre in werr
99. In Rectangle, Maximum shear stress: 3 F ,avg.shear stress : F
2 b.d b.d
100. In circle, Maximum shear stress: 4F ,avg.shear stress : F

*" nor,^il*.:l?h,:, (o'npyerriorr

erop.d r"
en c&ocer,1 <oiiur;",."""tJ;*iti.
') Tt^,e Ac$r_ctioo cb sprf -X (6 ) = 6h rrr q9n
+Sr. H+
-11q_- i.{rt\erve.. R* Re.ltut o$- o{'ing
d _ e\\c,v,njll- cb_ w1 re
-) eft gbn<* en) Spr-inX q6,q1tou.t-= p .= c.,\\
= ftar.
" 6l+ R3 n
B6o,ri-q sttgr-$-9* C:r\r6h3'q ttrtebti l) Botb aoct! bi^9ad F --ev;'gPtlcg

oh u"r ro"t+'?{H, -"?r=:*:""3"H:
c^^ rH"l
I '-F'
os Tl't-Er lrL
.qt colurnn bt' too! rorr loor'
gii er.tlLt''$ 6trglr'
er.lllinq 6tY0Et'
J "fiit
Gg i ti{etc} T<gintir eott-Y 3rslnFl2 t(r,ucq,ebetr'ree-rl af .eetr,_.g:_hagd
qt '0.,e + conto'ct L=\f+
b+retE Srrrlcrce
$hlef ond trre Plole, P,bry t ac tl4
ccltrnon '
e-s Q,) t't * -P- e-gi 4rc^rn e/ btruetrrvt
6l.f ; p.ro1o-ct-ed 611eir- c$- tr,e

PslnctPo'l Strelll the mojnituele c! c{rve-cr -ttre

6gfi)l! G grfncipo\ plor,o tb KbourD o1 prinelpol SFe
f$tre)5 on c\o olcttque SecHon + er god* Subse'
-Cted tro DltQ_ct- EtreUat fn 6F,e plane
o) NOrvnc,r'l St{ett : r- CoSa
p?gE -
> r;.lg\i(llTrqn Cr1.geo"
-qt Eler-t'via Pole.
S Fre$(irnu#\ +c\r,ten!r^l \ot Sheolv g+Ye-8E
rlrnclr t E gioa-G.
J tnctlirnqr an* 45'q*t t65o
"= A * rlergtfc tr'^ir
c.l Reluthxnt sLre6! ec-Al: B - uPPet 5fa\d uvn?r
\|G-6JTT?") C- t-trurev Uf e'l<! tfrw1f
9,2 Tlre rr\cu.. te.,.,SnHal qn2 tbssd*-4!J3tq tr f)- glHrnc,rlre $tY4l'
Ohe-half the r\O\ximurr' nrslrnorl rltrgfl E- BreAK,{^t dbre}t"

{Nerrnal 3t-rar, Cd;) D p.rinciyo,l p)croa tsyxiQ) on\b j l^(rc.f .btrq!8c) 6r.r\
qnd ho Shes.v
= 3Aq
" 3;:l aoe&e *1cr<>5

iy T-angenh'a1(o'J Checur stvau[ry1= 3;4 3incr_6

L} Ra6uttonk rtrea5 (c1)= ./@
d) no,(. sheov sbrt-r!, (YDno,r) - *;4
9 qt !4e}--_9:_g1_obt,'que eeofton"r db cr tcoJol
-Fn 6be plc\be-crffi
e)rnati'num not.nerl SkeD (q; rncrq ) :
* ** ../ *f + a(t' 1)o
b) rtttoir,u- novrnca\ gtreal Ccatnfn>
r7' -t^./
G + 4(fx.1)%
e; rnox{murn S}^tAf ahre6; t.fmcut):

*J (air-+ 4('frr)L

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