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DC Circuits Note2

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Current Electriciry /

6 Currcnt ELectricity I I l' 1

G:| ' The unit of conduc' R Rr 'Rr Rs

flow through a substance' Thus,
tance is mho (U). 1 1?. Types of reslstances' The various
types of resis-

Conductance may be expressed in terms of Icngth' and ,, r, ,i"d in electrical circuits are as follows :
area cross section of the conductor resistors in ceramics
(t) Carbon resistor (2) Wire wound (3)
. - olastic forms as trt case of rheostats
lada .Deposited
j=,iil.'r'i" on
"-T' I t ilrr;i;-tui; (4) Deposited.carbcn resistors
.etched -circuit resistors'
....Ji""u'"1. Gt-i;iri;d' pairited' or (A)
where o, in the specific conductance (or conductivity). of the fixed resistance tvpe
material. It has the ulrits mho/metre (or siemens/metre,' -R.;,;rt";;i-atso ue ciaisiaed as
B) variable resistatrce tYPe'
1 14. Electrical Power. It is expressed in terms of watts
l'18. Schemetic Symboir for various Resistors
(W) and is given by W: E x I:I'zR: -i ' is usually
Power I
+rA Alv\A-
exoressed in terms of KW (kilowatts)(11000W) or MW Flxed R Vorioble R

i*'"eu*it,l which is 1000 KW or 10,00'000 W'
1'15. Resistsnces in series' The circuit in which resis-
t"o".r-*.'*roiit.J.na to "od io that there is only one path i
flow is calied a series circuit' In a series circuit- Potenliometer I
io. Topped R
il; same current flows through all the resistances,
iii "uri."t given by
iii ii;;. *ill be voltage drop acro's each resi'1ance
tft.'il"*, (3) The sum of the voltage drops is cq'-ral t'r the
applied voltage R heostot
p:ft,*Rz*Rr 1'19. Temperatare Coefficient' It is- per defined as the
degree centi-
,ir^nni in'o"i-io'ii res.istance- for the rise of
also V:Vr*Vr*Vg .j"'ii;;i'ifi;.;;i;; It is denoted bv the svmbol c'

a: Rr-R"
R" x ,
1'16. in paratlel. The circuit in which one
end of each tesistance is joined to a rhere Rt =Resistance at
common point and the othEr end of
R,= Resistance at OoC
each resiitance is jointd to another
that there are as t -Rise in temperature'
common Poillt so
of metals with temperature'
-rn, oatlr. for current flow as the 1'20. Variation in lesistaoce such as copper' bl'ass' lron
nr.tdr of resistanccs, is called a Th. .e"i.iarrce oi ail pure metals
parallel circuit' In parallel circuit- ., . itt"."u."t with a rise in'temperature'
it) The voltage across each re"is- of alloys with-1e-mperature'
-uie Yariation ln resistance
1'21. alloys incrcase verY
iance of the parallel combination is llr"u, "i'i rniiiri.' of mitals'inMost
the same, (2) There are as many l;iiiri ;;;i',;;; ;l'il;'; iempeLatdre.' some arrovs
at all temperatures
current Paths as the number of ::ssess oractically constani resistance
bianches, (3) The current in each irch as lerman silver, eureka'
bia"ci ii given bY Ohm's law and the total current is equal to 1'22' Variation in resistance of electrolyte'
the sum of branch currents' electrolytes and insu-
tur€. The value of."sista'icJ ui-iarbon'
1:t, *Ir*Is .ioit d*i.ui.t as the temperature increases'
Current Electricity
Curren F)ectricity
The specific resislance p is defined as
,I resistance of a conductff which has a length of I m
and cross-sdction of I m'at 25"C
l. What are the minimum requirements to cause the flow
ofcurrent ?
i;r resistance ofany conductor at25"C

(l) A voltage source, an arnmeter, a conductor.and

;:: i resislance of any conductor at 20.C

an ,ill resisance of a ccnductor u,hich has a lenath of I m
(ii ) A voltage source, a switch and a resistor
and a cross-section of I cm2 irt 25oC tr]
(iii) A voltage source and a conductor The resistance of a conductor, when its temperature is
(n,) A voltage source, a conductor and an insulator increased
2. Out of the foilowing, select the best conductor ri) renuinsconstant (ii) increases
electricity :ri) varies (ir) decrea\es tr'r]
(i) Graphite (ii ) China clay !. It * experimentally found by James PrecottJoule that
(ilr) Porcelain (lu) None of ttrese the heat produced in a current carrying conductor is
3. Which of the follo*.ing statements proportional to
is correct ?
(r) The resistance does not play an imponant role t i) the square ofcurrent
in ll)
electncal engineering r square ofresistance
(ii) The resistance of a wire does not depend upon its i rir) the current
material ,n ) rnversely proportronal to time trl
(iii) The resistance of most of the materials is independent The value ofJoule,s mechanical equivalent ofhea! J, is
of the temperature equal to
(iv) The resistance of conductor_is the hindrance
the conductor opposes the flow ofthe current.
by which (i ) 4.2 calories per Joule
[iy] {ri) 2.4;nrr.r per calorie
4. Resistance ofa colductor increases rvhen , iii) 1.2 Joules per calories
(r) its length increases tn') 4.2 Joules t,rrl
(ri) its area decreases Temperature coeflicient ofa conductor is defined as the
(iilt buth length and arca increases
I r ) iucrease in resrstance per ohm p€r degree centigrade
specific resistance is kept constant t4 ur i inqse65. in resistance per degree centigrade
5. The specific resistance p depends upon t.i ) increase in resistance per degree absolute
(i) The area of cross-section and the length of the r ir') decrease in resistance per ohm per degree centigrade
ductor t4
(li) The material ofthe conductor, its area
of cross_section Il. When current flolls in a conductor, heat is produced
and leugth because
(llr) The nature of the material of the conductor
only ( i) heat cr 12
The aiea of cross-section of the condilctor tiii) (tt) of electronic collision

()urrent Llectrici,l l1
t0 Curtent ElectricitY
(iil) of interatonric collisicn t n eiectric curl ent can neither be """' nor "-"
(ir) ofJoule's law [ti'l r felt. seen
I I seen, touched
L2. Heating effect ofcurrent has undesirable side effect in : ) seen. produced any etfect
{i) electncoven (ll) electnciron .. , rtroduced and felt tii l
(iii) inxnersionheater (lv) Vacuun-rcleaner ['v]
by the
The presence ofthe current is only made knorvn
13. The resistance of carbon (frlament in carbon-filament .f1eci it produces.'t'hree important effects are
lamps) rvhen its temperature is decreased . , ltcadtrg. elecuc shotk and guncration
(i) lncreases iil) decreases
,,, ganatuiion, chenLical and electnc shock
(lii) renuins same (11.,) incrcases enormouslY tr] ,:: r heaung, nlagnetrc and eicctric shock
14. The curve representing ohm's law is ,, , neatrni, malnetic and chenrical liiil
(r) a parabola (ii) Ii0ear t r ariable resistance is connected across a constant
(li1) sine function (ir') a hyperboia [ii] r oltage ,E' r'olts. The value of resistance is
increised. The graph which shows relationship between
15. The condition in ohm's law is that
current (1) and resistance (R) is
(i) ratro Vi1 should bl: constant
current should be proportional to voltage
the temperature should remain constanl
the t..np.tutrr. should

16. Ohm's lalv does not aPPIY to

(i) conductors
vary tiii) ,t
(li ) conductors rvhen there is change in temperature . -R _.
(iil) semi_conductor t) "[_- (iii) (iv)
t rIt a.c. circttll tr,il livl
17. Ohm's lau'is aPPlicable to :-:. \-oltage applied across a circuit' acls as

(i) electnc arc (li) rectrfyingdevices i ) nlass of eleclrons

(lii) gas discharge lamPs :r r negative ions
(ir') none ofthe above [it] :.i ) A component of currenl
r; l a force livl
18. Ohm's larr'can be applied rvith certain reservations to
(i) rcctrfyingderices (ll) semlconductors
l-j. In a series circuit the current is
(ilr) electrolytes (lr) Thermionic.vah,es ilirl , i ) constant
:i) zero alwa)'s
19. The presence of an electric current is made knorl n by :rrl proportiona! to the resislance
(l) flashing (ii) effects prcduced :r I different in dift'erent resislors t,l
(lil) cracking (iv) shock
electric tril
12 Cunent Electicity
25. In-a_parallel circuit ,.he potential Current Electricity l3
difference across the
resistance 11 I resistance of 4 ohms is connected
across 100 V supply.
(i) varies i\ hen anoiher resistor ,R, ohms is I
connectert in parattel
direrenr rith 4 ohms, the total current taken
,liil ls:: sometrmesfrom rhe apptied vorrage
from ,uppty *u,
i,-,und to be 50A. The value of resistance ,R, "
constant is" ,,
is always constant I ohms (ii) 3 ohms
u. The resistance R1 and i2
5 onms (lv) 4ohnu

ratio of values of resistance

are connected in parallel. The
-. !
in ifr : Rz will be equal to
R1 : R2 is 4 , f . The_r oltage applied across an electrk press was reduced
br.507c. The power consumed by ihe press
(i) t :4 will be
rrduced by
(ii) l:l :' 25Tc {
(iii) 4: 1 @) 75Vc
: : i 50qL
(iv) 4:4 0v) 5go7o t4
t4 L Tx 6 slerlri6 presses are connected in parallel.
The resis-
21. lbilowing statement is true for t:nce ofthe first press is 100 ohms and
shown the circuit thatofthe second
below ? is 300 ohms. The total current taken by both thefresses
(i) The total votrage is 24 v x 4 A. The ratio of current taken by -n.st : seco'nJ
(ri; atr. wiU
total voltage is zero bt equal to.
(rir) The arrangement can
be 17,Y Tt2v ,rt2:3 (rr)1:3
. Ioadedupto l0Amaximum ;::r 3:l ev)1.2:3
(rv) The voltage sources Uii)
con- i. I f-R2 becomes open circuited the reading
nected fu parallel of the voltneter
u ill
can supply a rnaximum current
of 20 A. livl
28. In the following circuit bulb B glows
brighter than A
Decause its resistance is A
(i) in parallel with A
(ti) in series with,4
(iir) lower than,4
(iv) higherthanA
29. In the tollowing circuit bolb [it'] 'it become 220 V rlr) decrease slightly
A :rr 1 f2ll 16 7s16 1lr,) increase slifhily ti)
(i) not glow Ttrree elements having conductance
G1, G2 and G3 are
(iit be of the sarne intensiw.as connected in parallel. Their combined
condutance wiil
(iiil glo* brighrty b€
(lv) be dim 1i ) Gr + G2+ G3

Current Electricity 15
l4 Current ELectricitY
lL current carrying capacity of the fuse material
C1G1+ GxGi+ G3Gt }pcnds on
Gt + Gz+ Gt (t) bne1h
1 (itJ material
rllL-+ (!ir) cmss-sectional area
Gr Uz -U3 til (iv) all ofthe above [iy]
35. F'our resistances conn€cted in series
Rl, R2, R: are fkte lamps are in circuit as shown. The lamp of 100 W r
against 220 V supply. The resistances are such that rA have maximum brightness when
If; , R, > R: > R+'Ihe least poll'er consumption will be
(l) resistor Rr (li) resistor rRr
(lii) resistorR: (iv) resistor R: tj4
36. When current flows through heater coil it glows but
supply wiring does not glou because
(i) supply winng is covcred with insulation la-Yer !) z3o v

(ii) cunent through suppll' line lloi'vs a1 slorvcr speecl Y

(lli) 511pp1r' wircs are nrarie of silpcnor material
(lr') reii.stance of heatercoil ismore thanthat suppll utrcs \r\ l:r is closed, fr: is open and k, is closed
ljvl . r. upeu. k. is closorl and t3 is opclr
. rs open, ft2 is closed and ft: is also closed
37. Resistors commonly used in ptilver circuits are .: i,i closed, k2 is opcn and A: is also open
(i) tiil
carhon resistor
(il) etohed clrcuit resistors
:r the circuit shown the ammeter will read
(lii) \'lrc wound rcsistors IA
(rl') depositcd n]etal resistors tnil 5A
38. International ohm is defined in terms of resistance of r0A
(i) a column 01'mercur.v 25A
(i1) a cubc ofcarbon
10 0Y liiil
(iri) unit length of metal $ ire -f
n€ re\istor that carries maximum current in the circuit
(lv) a cube of coppr t,l
:-.a: resistance in ohm, of

39. Which of the following has negative coeflicient of resis- lr1 5JL
tance ? 5
(i) wire'*ound resistor (ll) I'lon-mctals :
(lii) Thermrstor (h) Metals. [irr]


16 Current ElectricitY

44. Five resi$ances are connected as shown in the figure'

The equivalent resistance ?{L
between the Points P and @
will be
(i) 5c)
(,,) 4OO
(iv) 55O t,l 2.1. Mapnet. A magnet is a substance that attracts
,-=.-oi tto"l-itt. phen'imenon by which this attraction I
45. Twelve wires of same length and same cross'section are a-r= :laue is called magn€tism.
conne€ted in the form ofacube' Iftheresistance ofeach 2.2 Types of magnets' Magnets are of two types'
wire is R, then the effective resislance betweenA and i) Natural magnets.
will be ::l Artificial magnets.
4 ,:l Natura! magnels. The natural magnets are those
(,) ;R
- -".'i-."r"til"T".rOJ *t'itn are detained from mines and
. "- - -.-piopiirv of attracting iron pieces naturally'
1i i) R
:.j\ Artifcial magnets. The artificial magnets.are those
j "artificial means' An artrficial magnets
(,,, ) :R *,-,.. .,.'"r"iiid by
4 :: :e ;;fiher divided into t\Yo tyPes :

(lv) 1R
5 'c) TemPorarY magnets.
6 [it,] a) Permaneot magnets'
A remporary magnet is that in which magnetism.remains
:..r:aiifr.' If awire-is wound on a soft iron- piece and
.1-. .rii.r,-i, piti.a through wire, thcn soft iron piece
-It the piece will
:c:::es a temporary magnet. is because the ironTernporary
-1. I -asnetiim so long- as the current is flowing'
_.-:--." i?. ut.d in miciphones, electric bells A permarrent
..g:.r is that rvhich oice magnetised retains its magnetlsm
:ri:entlv. Permanent magnei are made from steel which
- -- *""iur iuiiii ttun ,o'lt ito'' Apart from steel' alloys
.. ..i.ii it".t, tungsten steel etc' are also used. as permanent
to create
i,u:e!s. These ma-gnets are used in d'c' machinescoil loud-
;-:;;. ari,- ii..iiiirt instruments, moving
2.3. Properlies of a magnet' (i) A magnet always attracts
r-:: :.1,1. its alloys.
I :r) The inagnet has rwo poles and .wnen, it. is fligt-V
];i.r.ed it comei to rest pointing north and south-directlons'
i;-"."a- *rrl"n' pointt to-*aras ri'orth is known as North-pole
i-; '.i; otfiii '*iri.t points towards south is known as

ffi 1,r
- \(-
t\-r - l-/Lt \\
7,.- lurt
-. Amoere (A)- unit of Cnaroe floar eaYql t?-T" R"- l-t/v
ffi*b'"f drarge past a given point in
of a material
'; = resistance
=*";A;ri EifuJgof sre given rnaterial
L = Ength of the material
i = .-# sectional area of the material
V = volume of tre rnaterial

. PowEr {P)': raE of consuming electric energy

. Resi*ivitV b)- resistane of a Oivel lengrth and
ctd;e.tional area of a e&in material' norlnally
meisureO at 20"C referenee temperature'

specified' the
..,.!:t.lj-.,-${j + Note: For copDer unless:othen^'ise
il'-___ 20'C is equal to,
:i: resistMtY at

annealed copper
o = 10.37 o-cM/ft -+ for drawn copper
P = Dower (watts) = ro.os G.cM/ft -+ for
i = current (amPere) for
=i,lzpi'!-cm -+for anncaled copper
E ='voitage (volt) hard drawn copper
= 1.77 trotrn -+
w = €ner9Y 0oules)
t = tirne (seconds) . Conductivitv /o)- reciprocai of resistvi$'

i1. throug-h which

Find the currert in a conductor ini!- area a eircle having a diameEr of
passed in I sec' One circulai 9f
)li ,lo;zo frqe electron
i (1000 mils = 1 inch)'
for 12 hours.- ,
2. A'dtlirin"
battery is charged with 8 A to '
tn. e6cric charge being supptid
the battery.

I is expended in moving
3. Work equal to 136

one Fo!n!.!o another

;:;'; id"18;tectrons rrompotential difference
i";; ;i".tti; .i rcuit' What
two polnrs/
aoo ftit create between the

The cunent in an electric circuit
exponenUally as given by i =

Solve the charge flowing through
e" I
circuit in 250 ms.
long aluminum
6. What is the resistance of a 2-m
to transfer ?7'0A-0-^ a aLmeter of 10 mm?The resistivitv
5. What is the power required
through potentiat rise of 50
.l"ii#ul oi Jurinr.,ilis 2.826 x 10"{-8) ohm-m'
volB in one hour?
annealed coppel .
7. Calculate the resistance of an
ilI;ffiil t
ro ana eross section Yz in bv 6

ffi;##H:l:,s:xa*ha'[ irEJ ,"titliu,tv of the

material is 10'37 ohm-

Conductanz (G.l - reciprocal of resistance'

of resistance is ohms
Note: Standard unit (SI unit)
steiens(old unit is mh9)
while for conductance,



8. A piece of wire of uniform cross section has
resistance of 0.8 ohm, If the length of the wire is
doubled and its area of ooss section is increased
four times, what will be its new resisiance? Fourfi alor (Tolerance)
Neglect temperature variation effect, Th ird alor (l,lultiplier)
Second alor (SwN digtt)

Note: For wires undergoing a dmwing process, its 11. For a carbon composition resistor color coded t+"Lu

volurne-is assumed constant all throughout the green, black, gold and silver stripes from ieft co
process. right, the resistarce is

With volume constant, QN RESISTANCE

Resistance varies directly as the square of the l

Note: Resistance of wires generally used in practice i-


lengrth of the wire I

electrical sy*em increases as temDerature incred*S


Resisbance varies
ti're diameter of the wire.

A given wire of unknown

of 0.80 ohm. By successive passing through
ffiffi Rt

drawing dies, its length inoeases to 2.5 Umes its
initial iralue. Determine the new ohmic resislance
of the wire. T #
10. A wire whose diameter is 0.175 inch has a
resistarrce of 0.5 ohm. The wire is drawn through
R1 = resistance at temperature tr
a series of dies until its diameter is reduced to
& = resisGnce at temperaUre h
T = infened absolute zero temperature
0.08 inch. What is the resisGnce of lengthened
.o = temperature coefficient of resi*ance
Note: For copper, unless otherwise specified, the
infened absolute zero temperature equal to,
Color Dioit Multiplier Tolerance
T = 234,5oC -+ for annealed copper
Black 0 1
Brown 1 10'
= 242"C -+ for hard drawn copper
Red 2 10' 12, A metallic conductor has a resistance of 7 ft at
Oranqe 3 1tr 0"C. At 20"C the resisbne bemmes 7'8 O'
Yellow 4 104 Calculate the temperature coefFrient of the metal
Green 5 105 at 20"C.
BIue 6 100
Violet 7 LO' 13. The resistanceofa 25 Q resistor increases by
Gray 8, 100 10o/o when its operating temperature increases
White 9 10' from 15'to 50'C. What is the mean temperature
Gold 10-1 +5o/o rise of the resistor frorn an ambient temperature
Silver 10 t10o/o of 15"C when its resishance is 30 a. Assume the
No color L20o/o temperature coefficient rernains constant.

Tolennce- the amount in percent by whkh the actual

resistarrce can be different from the color coded value.

EnSr' Val{
, Ohms Law - states that the Glnent drawn
(I) by . Parallel Circuit

an electric circuit is directly proportional to the

the *ft
impressed emf and inversety proportional to
resistance (R).

' onm


cqrrent relation
. Series Circuit
voltage relation

It resistance relation

conductance relation

. Cunent Division Theorem (eDT)

current relation
volEge relation
ffi E

It Rz

-+ resistance relation
---*ry-:e4 -
conductance relation
16. A parallel circuit has three braneh resistances
Zfi, io and 5 ohms, respectively' The ctnent
tnrough the 2}ohm resistane is 1 A' Find the
. Voltage division theorem (VDI) '' tobiiurrent drawn by the entire circuiL

::i!#iiHr?*Effir 17. A current ot 25 A is suppliedto a parallel circuit
consisting of three resistors 4, 5 and R ohnf , '
-------t*F."U6llr.-IFthe-cunmtrin-ttre-+-ohr1J respto'fis
7.65 A, determine the value of R'

. Combination of Series and Paralhl Circu'tts

parallel with'a
A cettain generator has a terminal voltage.of
110 18. A 12-ohm resistor is coRneded in
seiies comUination of resi*ors of 8 and 16
volts whei 5,5 ohms is connected across its is 48 V,
i"*inuft. The terminal voltage becomes 105 volts iif," orop across the 8-ohm resistor
determine the toal current"
when the load is 3.5 ohms' What is the intemal
resistance of the generator? with
19. A variable resishnce R is connected in series
a parattet combination of 5 Q and 20
ft' The entire
Three resistors are in series and have a tobal a s0 v dc source' Find R if
ionttunt volbge Vt. Rr has a voltage of 2-! !, Rz .iliiil'ii,it""aJio
ttr" po*"t drawn by the 5-f,1 resistance is 20 W'
r'riii po*"t oi zs w, and Rr = 2 ohms' if the
constant cunent is 5 A, find Vt
,r' --

Delta and wye connections

Loop enters on
po$tive terminal & / NEGATT,E
goes out on (t@P votrc.
rEgative terminal \ souec=

Loop has the

gme direction as
sdmeotrecnonas I tr II t NEGATIE
the.cunentona I tn* (toop votta,, .
We to delb conuetsions: res$arlce I trf

f;+ \
frb b wve conversions:

20. A power transmission line carries current from :
6000 V generabr to three loads4 B aM C Tr.=
loads are located at4,7 and 10 km from tfre
generator& draw 50, 30 and 100 A respectiveh
If resistors are iden$cal.ffi# The equirralent resistance of the line is b.f off:
Determine the volbge at load C.

NETWORK I.AWS & THEOREMS 21. Find the voltage Vab in the network shown.

. KrdthffsCumntlawfiA) 50 6n
'"Ihe a[ebraic sum of the oinents at any junction
or node of an electrip circuit is zero.,

4i-n By KCL:

ffiF"s+" 50

N&l Node Methd - a modification of the

t Kitdthotrs Volbge taw (WL) Kirchhoffs Cunent Law
'The algebraic sum of the emfs aM the
rFFn e vgttage drops in any closed loop of an NdeA
etectic cirqJit is zero."

Loop enters on
negative terminal
& goes out on
pcxtt ve terminal

omtwt tde or referene'&

Apply KCL at node A:

city omce@ 251-,

. Theueninb Tharem

:::: After sofuing br the node voltaoe Vq, cur$lB L,

3nd 13 can be sofued

"i. Determine the power delivered by ttre 3-A source.

4 Linar Netwalr
36V I I 40
t 3A
Note: A linear circuit is ore wtpse oulgrt is linearly
related (or directly proportional) to ibs input)

Thevenin's equivalent circuit at terminals a & b:

Soure Tmiormation Methd

I- @
t? Etr'
= voltage measured across tenninals and b
= resistance measJred at Erminals a and b,
normalty called Thanenint looking baek
-:rn roltage source to flJrrert source: resis;tane as seen from teload

- maximum power is tranfffied b the load when
the load resistance equals the series resisbnce.

3. find the power delivered by the 24-'V current

source. 24. FInd the maximum power that ean be delivercd to
6t) resistor R

20t? I :srz
+ 30 6{) 20
t + ) t+ov R + 90v
24v 1A




!. The resi$tance of a conductor of length I and cross-section :{

,r qiven b)
P:e A
here p is the sPecifia resist&nce
'., or reststiaity of the material of the
of a material is define d as the res'istance between
th, ,e;;;i;'i;iLt i1 nxetre cube of that material'
If R is in ohms, , in metres and A in m2' then p is in ohm-rn'
increases with riT ilt
2. The resistance of metallic conductors
a at 0oC'-81 at
temo€rature. If ,80 it",t,"'t"tit*ce of. .conductor
connected bv the
;fr,Xe;H; ti* # i."#r*"*, it'"" tr'" three are
R1:R6 (l f aol)
at and ir
where oo is the ternyterafiure--"irflc;rnt of resistance

defined as
the dncrease in res'i,stanae g,er ollm of original resistance for o rise
in temyterature of 7"C lrttm 0oO'
well as fall
The above relation also holds good both for rise as
in temperature.
3. It is found that the value of ternperature'coefficient is not
the same at all temperatures, even for a given materlal'
on which the
-t Its value depends gPon- the initial temperature
increment in resistince is based'
If c(0:tempt. coeff' at ooC
a1:tempt. coeff. at floC
dt:temPt. coeff. at f2oC

then or:*ft ,, and or:dk t.'Ea[#gm!!r

Hr.- EE- t:ltrraE
The relation between and is given by Frqr,cr rd@M lil lrm{
.r,1 a1

ar:jfi@f, I
PEnFtr&uhed rr S*&
4, The resistivity, like resistance, also increases with tempera- fsa- acqr lfo@lm'il
ture and the increase is given by the relation, EaIc 1-3' - s'il:uf,
u'1,: ilor*tg e rfiuf'fotr'il
Pr:Po(l +do ,)
t|de i nrylrE,il4r i'&Prirmufi &'il
5. According to Ohm's lau, the ratio of Ttotudial ilifference Soldir- 5"mmuun.n
(V) between any two yto,i,nts on cr, coniluctor to the cument (I) fl,owing
between them is corlsta,nt,ltroaid,ed. the temperalure of the coniluctor iloes i[:,;
not change.
In other words 7 e .I or V:IR (
Eg1 ''-irll u(
where -B is the resistance of the conductor between the two points. I
I,:zu d
r--;t :t -', d
6. The equivalent resistance of three resistances Rr, R, and .r?, I
joined in series is given by r-iz'r +z :- :.IG;- Fr;i:rtBtt'

drsilrerr- ry r$'5 nm 5 il
R:nL+R2+ns "cl'fre

When they are joined in 'parallel, the equivalent resistance is given by

I ffiL.d ar:fru umr-r "'4d
lllt Srhh fu:t
R B1'R2 'Rs' ;a -fl:: mlm
* S3s.- -f,:.ol
Solved Examplee
Example 1-I. In the airauit skow?L in ?ig. 7-1., ileterm[,ne the l{=: I -- **a
aohage rise lrom A ia C anil, th,e power q,bsorbed bg the portion AD.
(A.M.I.E. Dec. 1974) ' =".-4-i-iJ
* - -:5* .-{
Solution. As seen from Fig. I-l , ABCD is an active series
circuit containing three batteries one of which is connected in series- T"
opposition. lr-- Iia"nrut {
Net driving voltage :(45+-5)-10:40 V -t* iilta- rrd' r rd
Total circuit resistance:5+2+5+ 8:20 O ;.q*-'a m,*' rG

Circuit current :4A120:2 A f.or;& fl-f, ]gm' {

ic emmflel ra* 's @Utryr i' {
This current flows clockwise round the circuit from B to C to A
and back to B. As we go-from A to C in direct opposition to the
flow of current, following voltage changes occur :
aho,:ltlarc 0u'.? lx '
eurwr {
Dd*'m,l-" 6u
(i) a rise of l0 V due to I l- , ;W-. C"{il 8i'l16 ry etr
battery because we pass from
its -ve terminal to *ve Sdrtu- ::@
:,tr &.x
terminal. acd :cPcr rrnr'=
C:ga:l;:lr'lro$tt uir
- (ri) voltage drop or ,/.B'
drop over 8-O resistance. [ts Carc:arrrm"{'tt q
numerical value:2 x 8: l6 V. c&* SEETEEITB 5c fl
This represents an increase in x*I
Fig. l.l our potential
going 'uprtream'.
because we are qa
(idi) an increase in voltage:2 x 5:
ol i0 V'
''-- lfarf,- to C:10*16+10:36 V'
Hence, total voltage 'i'" f'om '4
nby Power absorbed by 10-V battery
:10x2:20 W
Power absorbed by 8-A resistance
:!av$:32 W
Total power absorbed by portion
AD:52W '
so increases with tempera- of a' 100 r'n length of
n. Erarnple 1-2' Calculate the resistonce
ay-a^ of ti't mmz iJ the wire
tire unifonn"l'"'i'i"tlo"al if
haoin4 a
5'0x"10-8 Q'm'
ma.ite o! rnanganin
tio c[ poturrtial il,ifferenae
r to the current (I) flowing Solution. Formula used :
ature of the coniluctor iloes R'I=e -V
P:50x l0-8 O-m ; tr:100 m '4:10-?
:t\\'een the two points. E:50x i0'8x 100/10-?:500 O
d'eoelovs d' power oJ 1" kW
resistances Rr, R, and J?. Erample l'3' A1' electric heater
resistanc' mire of 7he heoter h'as a
wtun run on 230-V
'"iii''-*ij'ihe ii'do"10 8 L)'m' find' the mini'
itiameter o! 0'5 mm .'l{':
iii ti"gin of the wirev tc\w"'w'
rient resistance is given by (Elect' Engg' Diploma U'P' 1974)
Solution. Heater Power :Vgf R watt
8:!tQ2/1000:52'9 O
Ys/R:1000 ;
Now, R:PtlA
n Fig. 1-1, d,etermi,ne the Here A : rcil'f4:r, x (0'5 x l0-0)'/a :ff *10-8 m?

zd by the portion AD.

(A.M.I.E. Dec. 1974)
s2'e:qI-lgEIJ ; t:17'3 a
I^BCD is an active series
icir is connected in series- Z-x l0-t n'"'t"*"i:
,40 v *uo."o*i1.,H"#iHT?.1t,,u33"?.,i:ilill::;Ti"'ll!?o"t"f
ifr"i"J *."td bo proportionately less'
20cl 7'5 m tong is connecteil'
Erample 1'4' An aluminiurn wirewhen
circuit I'rom 3 to C to A inoarollelwitho "o,p;;; i*| ';i-ii"lo"ia thata the
amlong. current o! 1Ai'*
cu*ent intke
direct opposition to the oaised throush *" ?iiit"*"ttin," oitn' wire is 1 mm'
ituminium wire 'i's ;;:''*;;;";;i*ii" wire' Resistirtitg of copper is
Determine the diam'iler of the
: copqter
1i1 a rise of l0 V due to i ; ;
iid 2: 8 x 0's a' m'
iV";' ;'"rn- o7
r because we pass from of the aluminium
-ve terminal to *ve Solution. Let R1 and E' be the resistances
nal. and coPPer wires resPectivelY'
Current through aluminium wire' 'I1:!
1ii) voitage drop or ..LB' I2:2 L
over 8-O resistance. Its Current through coPPer wire
rical value:2 x B: l6 V. to resistances'
Since currents are inversely proportional
'epresents an increaae in
)tential because we are
'upstream'. *="::?
1i,flmml,.ffi':$t s".rfil rf,
Now Rr:prl,rf 41 and Rr:psl2lA7
. .8, _ l, ,,Az u?t
-p: r;n7[^{'
or 2 7.5 A" 2.8
T--6-*er*tl Dalrydrr: :
A2 2 .. 6
nTE .t.7 34 fg.Y:" t,' -eTr"m; t "" {
E,: -z ^T.a r05 *-* * grin'q m*
-- *l8're'-',:m :
rdzl* 34
d:l5liT6{:0.56e am
:1t ;;i.r
rxl2l4 105 ftuh" tr
-_ Exllnple l-5. A sem,icircular rdng of coytper has an ,dnnes
railius af 8 cm, railia,l tltickness 4 cn, and ariit thiicness 6 cin. Ca,tw-
late the.res,istance af the ring at 50oC betweeru its twri erzd face.s. Speci-
fia res'istanoe af copper at 20'C:1.724y1Q a g-r*". Resisia,nce ,-
'E:rutr t.!t'
t.emperature coeficient o! coltper at 0.C:0.0045|"C. "

(A.M.I"E. Dec. 1974) 5*:: d

Solution. The semicircular ring is sholvn in Fig. l-2.
Mean radius.:(l2f B)/2: l0 im
Length of the semicircular riiig f .*.;ry"llt -.j&"
*. r--u'!i I '{fl
:r.r: l0 n cm:31.4 cm ',:; ;t. a'r lfl.,,i d
Area of cross-section -,,j;ti;ua; ,:rL ''"I
:6x4:24 cmz
Now, cxo:g'00431"C

oro : 0.0043
: 0' 00 396 /"C
pm:pzo[ +ars(50-20)]
:1.724 x t0-o{l +30 x 0.00996)
:1'91 x 10-6 C)-cm
D psoxl _l.9lx10-6x3i'4
,nro:--T-- ------IT--
:2.5 x 10-6 O l :: -l :ilil
fig" 1.2 t- l:::: ' l
Example 1-6. A specimen ol copper w'ire h,as a specific
resistance o! 1'7x10-8 ohm-m at 0'C and has tem,perature-coeficient
of 1125a'5 at 20'C. Iinil the specific resistance temperature _
F rI,-@rE
coeficient at 70"C.
-anil May 1968)
(A.M.I.E. ,I I ;ill 1* 'flfiil

Solution. Given : ,,ffi ,, ,,lq

po: l'7 x l0'8 ohm-m ; uso:l1254'5

Now azo:
1 1- 6,.;i 2o
5rc,i,lll[,tlolD: I
1- :--ls- 4:11234.5

25+'5 l120ao
do : ll23+'5 - 1
\orv a zo: T176., ( t T7o-EE5 3-mE
Pzo:Po(if 70ao):l'7x 10-8 (tO #")
:2'2OBx 10-e ohrm-rn

Erample 1-7. A con'iluctor has a eross'section' of l0 cmz ond

,pr,;fr'f,7r;;;;r;, ,f ;'i pa';i- 0'c' What witt be i'ts resietanac
irt Qtkm u'hen thp tunprioTi''i';; i|'b
-- - i Tot'o temoerature'cofficie*t'
1^L'rvl't'E'' Summer
/s?l0t:o's69 rnm oJ the materiat : |'{ttti'p'r';Lb"
Solution. ?o:7'5y 10-6 f)'-crn : a :0'005 'C-1
pro:po (l |40 a)
capper has an inne2"
:7.5 x t0-6 (t 140 x0'005)
ihi,.k,te.<s 6 cin. Calat-
e tu',, l rid
fn"cs. Speci- :9 x l0-8 Q-cm
0 -E A-cm. Resistz,nce
li'('. Now, Rno:Pno
(A.M.LE. Dec. 1974)
Here, t:l km-105 cm ; '4:10 cmr
;n in Fig. 1-2.
fin,:9 x l0-s; iQs/10:0'(R 0
:rl2+.8)/2:10 cm
e semicircular ring Exarnple l-8. Find' the resislance of a rable of
9'660 nt' long nnd'
rp 3'i"C ' essuwr'ittg
= i0 ; cm:31.4 cm
'i ,'ro.ss-scctiori 64'i tl'mz 'rt 17 tttc(t tL tpmper'rt'tt ar.eLt"ia ll58 O 'tt 2C'('
,h,1t th, resistancL ,.1 I ; lri"'"i'1"".
-'^'!. -!-'.it',"2
t at AoC
-section ,tnd, the temTteruttrrt co'sciint ii lltl+'i'C' '

1:24 cm2 a0
Solution. ,ro:
o+3i 'c L+2oro
G+3 I oa_r
- t ,@tE+5) "
ai50 - 20)l No1, lfar6(50-20)]
and I mm2 cross-section at
Tl're r-csistance of a cable I m long
0- 6(1
-- 30 x 0.00396)
at ll5'C is
t-€ O-cm 20-C is'ij58 il. Heirce' its resistancc
-1 I
lr 1
_1.91 x 10-6x3i.4 n,: r'u L, .,.ia (35 2o)_l = * "
-a (.)
The resistance of a cable 9,660 m long artcl c|oss-section
64 5 mml at 35"C is
'.tire h,as a speaifi,c
L !,;et- :2.72a
t e m 7s e r atur e - co efi ci ent
6't 5
ortc€ and, temperature lam'p takes 1 'l wlten'
(A M.I.E. May 1968) Exaragrie 1-9' A 100'V carlLon 'lt-"-y"rtCalculate the moment-
,tl,)rl'i tl,t uith n, \'t,rme,t-i')'p''iuti" o1 -lb-lS'C ' o'f
;:,t! t'ti)'t'ttt?t rL'ltcn tlte;';;;"it'i;t;''u'iicn,.il ort irt an airtemlteratu're
rrt.rbrttL rtrtrtr hr !ttl:p,
tt, :
t.j t 'i'il,,'n''''", 'i"r"t'r'. "J of tcnperal't t'p 'ttt'lnr
i'i,, !r,ttltcral','r""!") rt'iii'i""1:"
,' ['ltittt!4.ii \t pr r l"i i ll'" r',i'i"
,, ,rsiti,1'4ii',t,.
"""1''i"' 'C i
Solution. Hrors:100/1 - 100 Q ; 21"='='--0'0002655
Nos' firort'-'Fr5ll i615 -15)l
\: i 1234'5
11234'5 I
: | +jaoG - GTmm-34.
'rlA, Norv d.? o
o - mffi 5 )

pro:po(1f 70a6) :l'7xt0* (r* #r)

:2.208 x lO-s ohrn-rn

Example 1-7. A cond,uctor has a cross'section of. l0 cmz on'd

apecific resi'stance of 7'5 pQ-cm a! 0'C. What will,be ils resiatonoa
;1 Ajkm when the teinperrtture is 40"C ? Take temperature'aoeficie*t
3+7rt-i:o.sog rarm oJ the materiat : 0'0{iS f)er oC. (A.M.I.E. Surnmcr 1976;
Solution. po:7'5 X 10 6 C)-cm : a :0'005 "C-1
?lper hqt an ,innet"
ht,;l;;7p,qt 6 cin. Calcu- '-:: ;:r( liJ-O., l * no x o oo5)
lu,',, et,tl Je"cs. Soeci- :9 x l0-6 Q'cm
'a Q,-cm . Resisi,tnce

1e.rr,f .l"f . Dec. lg74)

Now, A*:Pno
r in Fig. i-2. Here, t:l km-105 cm ; y':10 cmx
(12-.8)/2:10;m fin:9 X l0-s x 105/10:0'00 Q
remicircular ring Exarnple 1-8. Iind, the resistance of a rable 9,66tJ mlong and'
0; cm:31.4 cm ,tJ cross-.secti;t-, 64.5 mmz ui & t,tedh tetnyterattr.re oJ"35-".C_,^ assumingl
rtion thnt tn" resistanct of I n oi ct)PPcr o! 1-ttt'ri'z ayel i's 1!58 A ':tt 20'U
,rnd, the temyteraturi coeficient is 11234'i'C L at }oC'
=24 cmz
,3/'C Solution.
"o- il2ooo
_ _11234'5 _ _ I_ o"_,
Mg:o'oo3go/"c = l;@iri+s) -zs+'s "
- 20)l
Nou' B5o:fi20[ t * azo(50 - 20)]
1l -r- 30 x 0.00396)
Tl,re rcsistance ol a cable I m long .and I mmz cross-section at
20^C is l/58 O. Fle:rce, its resistancc at Il5oC is
9l;lg-oX3i"4 lr i 'r I
_-__-r'7--_ n*- ,r*,; (35 2o)_.1: + r:
aa ;L L,
The resistante ol a cable 9,660 m long arrd cross-section
64 5 mm: ;rt 35'C is
ire hao a :zlzo
z and temperature
-l)3 ' '.'9u=o
M.I.E. May t96B) Exanaple 1-9. A 1A0'V carbon rt)a'metft lamp takes 7 -4 when'
rtluu:i.ttQ tuith^a, fi,ktment tcnt,perature of -16.15"C. Calculate tke moment-
:,';:,-;,;',',;;,;l;rhitn the tantp is first 'stt'.iiched .ott in an &irternperatu're of
5 l5' (' 'i'lt.t tcitt,terntrte i',,,:.{l{cietfi oJ' rr'*i;t'nttcc ttf ca'rbon'
ntuti be tal''en
,t.\ A.(i0016.j;t i) pr, ,1,u, iit l5oC otcr the ra,n,ie o.f terttperott,'e i,t4or
, ,insideraliott.
Solution. firors: l00i I :100 Q : 7tr''= --0'0002655 'C 1

t 1234.5 l{ot' Rr6r^' '1?1bll } rr5( I615 -15)l


:R$(l 600 x 0"0002655) :.8ro X 0'5752 l:b'- ; :' i' j t r'ut *

I 00 - I
Itu "i;:. ;i* :c l's'or':rruu"l'?
.Er6:100/0.5752 Q 1t.. -a- t ,ng" rt'o.grrqq

Momentary current when the larnp is first switched on Sohti- Prry;E: P=

:_ 100
--E; -T00re5752 o-Er52 A
- -- -"
Eremple 1-10. A coil of oa'pper wirc haa a res;st&nce o! 90 Q ,_l
at 20'C and, 'i.s connecteil to o 23a-V su.pply. By hoto rnuch rnu'st S:t*
the mltq4e be increased, in oril,er to m,aintain the curren constant if the

teinperul'ure oJ the coil' rises to 60'C ? Take the temperalure coeficient

of rlsistenae of coytper as 0'00428 frottl 0"C.
ao:0'00428 'C I
F6E!J- il-3 It
Current at 20"c:236790:23/9 A '' *-.i C ;d fri''- 3r,l' d
dft 0'00428 i{Ft. fdnJ ttd q'ilni*ilmm![
uro:rTioao- lT6T656 FLC r.r iL: r.;f*rmt *rrtil'!m. I
: 0.00428i I'0856 : 0.00394 oC-r Salrtir- Rrymm
Now Bm :.Bso[ ] ar6(60 :flfimfi]- {
- 20)l
+40 x 0'00394): l0*'lB o 1-r::-ar-; 3E:stilil
If the current is to be maintained constaat at its previous value, :ruflr.- {
then voltage required
:(2319) x 104' l8:266'24 V i{toce ::c:mai" ld
Voltage increase :268'2+-230::16'24V ==.,fri.,:

I-e:A:-OS:arOm Uq
Example l-11. The reaistanoe of two coi.ls conneateil in series
is il Q at 78"C and 11Q at 60"C. Tloe resi,stance terrufterolure coefi' f :"*. :cmmmry* d
cient of the wire i,n one coil is 11234'5 p* "C d A'C and, that o! the Comitreoa:u' ::.lllril
wire inthe other coil is 11fi00 gter oC at 0"C. Find the resiatance af gg:gr,ffi_*fr
eaah coil at 35oC.
Solution. Let R6 and .Bo' be the resistances of the two u'irbs EreryL I-I* -d' ril

at 0"C. Then .l.1 :;*-;[-a."lo ry l'ilnltr 5

iiLn:. tr&iE{fi.rrd rJr'ilffi@c# ciin
,816:-H6 (l *aox lB) .{- ;is -c,r,-&,i.ir,:s rd ilrfr,il d
:fto I r +- ( I 81234.5)] : 1.0767.80 .-L1,-1,.1 ".1 --.li+j -ry1- i
R$' :ks' (i + l8 x t0-3): 1'0l8Bo' *'-r, --- '-":15.'*t -r't --tI
'#;n- 1-'.*tt,,- a r.'* rt
l'0767.80110I880':10 ...(i)
;: ::,f,,S,r,: ;in ,rdo,lLilr*l fl
-a6s:" Ecl 1 + (601234.5)1,: r. 2s6no
ir.+a f"{-5$ilrn{
.E*':.86,'11 + 60 x l0-3): l'06R0'
t'256R0+ l'06-E0',== 1 ...(ii) Sclsrh. i". -t* I
:t -.; -1a-S ; an"r- i -gs@

Soh.ing for 1?o and Bo', rve get :E--': i l:]EjFr:-d lffrElEM
fio:4'36Q ; Eo':5'21 O ::5,,;--13at x.,: ;4fr ::l'lllrm
B&:J?o(l: 35ro) --::-- -r: "l
:4.35(l +3s/234.5):5 01 f) ih}m rm:r': -:.!lruil
ftas':5'21(l+35 x 1g-a;:5.39 f) -:-. '-: -8. - -:"1*;:s "
i "* :rr-r ::$lgiiiril!:Tl {
Example 1-I2. The heating
elenzen{ oJ an eleclric f,re has o
u,orking tentperature o!' 75A'C, al ,,:ltich, 'it takea l kl[ u:hen operating
lrom a 250-V suppl,g. lr,thm S.r.st switched an, il takes an inilisl

=8ii X 0'5752
cyVen! of 6'5 A when the air tenpemlure.is 20oC. Delennine Jrotn.
th;s duta, the temperature coe.fi,cieit oy ttn, nnterial front whici the
r':tched on wirc is monufaatureil.
Sotution, Power P:VzlRwatts
a reti$eltte of g0 A Rza:250211000:62'5O
Bg h.nt mwil must Now Ru:25016.5:500/l3Cl
ti"€r.t canst;znt it the
,rt ?e rGlure co efi,a i e n t E?6o:Rm[l ia16(750-20) l
62's:(500/l3)(l 730 a,o)
qm:0'(XX)857'C- I

--Ep-p!9f 13. Two coils connected in series hate r.esista,nces

,,1-990 A_."4 300Q anil tempt. . ol 0:1% anit 0.41, respectir;cty at
?fC. Xind, ttu resistance- o!--coeJf
tfu combiiit,ion at ;"te;6i.-;i 50"C.
r3g4 "c-r Wlw,l is the etfectiae tempt. coefi. of combi,nation ?

Solution. Resistance of 600O resistor at 50oC is

.ltE.l g o :6oq I +o.oot(so_20)l:61 s o
,t its previous value, Similarly, rhe resistance of 300e resistor at 50oC is
:300[l +0.004(50-20)]:3gO O
u4 \' Hence, the total resistance of the combination at 50.C is
Y :618*336:954 O
I connecled in series Letf :l6sistance temp€rature coefficient at 20oC
, tcmperalure coeffi-
0'C and that of ihe Now, combination resistance at 20oC:900 O
d the resiataiu o! Combination resistance at 50oC:g54 Q
954:966111p(50-20)l .'. p:0.002/.C.
r of the two u,ires Erample !-\a,^^! reaistor ol 8! A resistance haoing a tempera-
ture aoefic.i,ent of 0.0-0-27 per ilegree C is
to be e,onstrueted,. WirTs ol
two malerials of auitabl,e croes-sectional area are aoailable. xor materiil
' i.0767.80 A, tlw resistance is 80 ohms per 100 ntetrea and the tentperalure
t.0l8J?o' c^oeficient is per ilegree c. .For marerial B, the correipo,nil,ing
. . .(i) fil1rr1s-ary 6!^0'003
ohms per 100 metres aniL0.0015 pe, degre" U. ialcutatb
suilabl,e lengths of wires of male,riols A anil B io be clonnected in series
t.256.80 t.o oonst.ruct the required res'istor. All ilata are rejerrei! torthe sanre
1.06B0', temperalure.
.. .(,,, ) $olution. Let -Eo and -Bn be the resistances of suitable lengths
of materials A and B respectively which when joined in series ivill
have a combined temperature cileff. of 0'0021. -Frence, combination
.at an-y temperature is (-E"nno). Suppose, i"" h.^i-ilre..
materials through J'C.
_ When heated, rcsistance olrvjre ,4 increases from orieindl Value
Xo to R. (l+0.003r).
n ei+ctric _fire lwe a
l:lf u,Itenbperating Similarly, resistancc of B increases from llu to E, (l +0.0015r).
tt takes an initial combina tion'1"'i?ffi6iiff ugh i'Q
iTf, J'H
fhe combination a being given, value of combination resis. R,ESISTANCE A}TD O}I}T"S '-.'W-
tance can be found directly as
:(8o+.Ebxl +0.0021 ,) Solution. (a) Re-':':;-:c
(.Bo+.Bbxl +0.0021 ,):.Bo(t +0.003r)+.80(l +0.0015 ,)
:: :,,: u

Simplifying the above equation, u,e get

\-o ltage droP::: --i=
" -r
motor curre'':
'' ':

_3 . _: t =I
-E;-' ..,(,)
(b) Voltage drc,r -: -- ' rE
Nou', Ro+ftD:80 . .(i,) - =''
Substituting the value of rB6 from (i) into (oi), u,e get t- "'r*:
Currettt a:
Rc+*Bo:80 .'. R":32 O and Er:48 o "

lf Lo and Lo are the required lengths in metres, then .- ,,t1yo.< eorh hrLr'i,t,l - . {
'hp rnblr iJ r,.*isti,'. ::' -:
,":# xg2:tot-; ,r:l# x4B:Bo m
Example 1-15. ?wo rnoterial.s ltace resistance tem'petature Solution. F-:.: -l;;r;u@
co-efi.cients oJ 0.004 q,nil, 0.0002 respectit)ely at a. giaen temperature. ' ,r.rl resistancc .i . - . :: - ''tr
Inwhat rotio shoulil the wires maile ,f A B
:e|enth of the resl. -.: : {
tkese materials be cannecteil in ser,ies so as 0'00( 0'0002
to haue a?L oneraltr teipeiature co-effcibnt \ / -
of 0'002 ? (A.M.f.E. Surnmer 1980) \ ,/ 1-800 = -.:-J :
c_ -;
Solution. A quick way of finding / \ Combir.e'- =: i :- '
the answer is illustrated in Fig. l-2 (a). rarallel is
,/ \
0'0018 A a o.ool8 o.oo?
.. Exoraple t-16. The base of an irtcandrrrr,,fii;l;'r|ll,n o ,rngrrufu
liLament is nr.arked, 120-V,60-14t. Measuremertt of ihe resistanie o!
the l.a,mp on. a Whealstone briilge indicates Z0 e at' an am,b,ient t.m?te-
rature o! 20'c. wh,at is_the norrnal operating temperalure of incandes-
ccnce. of fi.lament, i.f the resistance-temperalure coefi.cient'oJ tungsten
ia 5x10^the
r per"C at 20"C? (A.Ivi.I.E. triov. 1"970y
Working currerlt o[ the lamp.-60/120:0.5 A
Hot resistance of the lamp :12010.5:2+O d)
Let i'C be the normal rvorking remperature oi the lamp.
'Ihen, Rt-240 (2 ; 1?ro:!$ g; ;a2o:$x l0-,/"C
Now, fir:Bm[l -t-trog -201)
.r. 240-20U+U_20)x5x10-31 t:222A.C,.
Exaaple l-17. The leads to u D.C. ntotor are each 500 m
long and han;e a resist@nce of 0.0015 Q per metre. The aokaqe at the
leeding point is 250 V. At the motrent o| switchinll on, the aollage at
the notor term,inals lalls to 226 l' oild eraduilly rises to 235 Y as t,he ..i _ tfrfl

rnotor conrcs up lo speed,.

-Find, the cun'ent taken by the motor
(n,) when starting (b) when nrnning tt fiil| speed.
-it- ! :il*

)AL Ttg11116166y
€ombination resis. RESISTANCE AND OHM'S LA'IV 9

Solution. (a) Resistance of the leads (both u,a1's) is

-o.ool5 ,) :2 x 500 x 0.0015: l'5 O
Voltage drop:!$Q- 226:24 Y
motor current at the moment of su'itching on
. ..(r) :2+lt's:16 A
(b) Voltage drop on the leads when motor rllns at full speed
...(i4 :250_235:15 V
, i\e get
nd P.:49 o Current at full speed: l5/l'5:10 A
es. rhen Example l-18. An 800 m long copper cable is nrude 'up oJ
i toire,s each haring o, ilia,nteter of 1'7 nr,,m. Calculute th.e resistanct of
I trO
=6-[ ,,48:80 rn t.he cebla if resistit'ity of coplter is-1"1 5x10 I Q-nr,
qaLe Icmperature (Elect. Elrgg., Diploma, U.P. f970)
gt,'en lemperature. Solution. First, resistance of each wire will be found. The
I total resistance ol such seven wires connected in parallel lvill be one -
0'0002 seventh of the resistance of ole ltire.
(l'7?1l! 11:r.issx 6 ml
^, ,t:':!-^
\,/ t:Boo - 4- ro
c 0c2
R:l'75 x l0-8x80011'135x l0'6:12'33 ()
Combined resistance of scven such resistances connected in
\ Parallel is
0. :n3zr7:r.76 o
l. j ,cl
Exa'aple l-19. A uolttneter has a resistance oJ 20 kO. lYhen,
.P t,'tth a tunq.slen cottttecteil in series uith o,tt eilernol resista,nce a,cross a 23Q-f .*upply,
th, re.sisttnic oJ tlrc in,stnrmetd reads 16() V. lVhat is the ualue C the erternal
n .uttbtent lcmpe_ yr.cislrlle e 1.

alttre of inconde,s_
frr, r rrt'of lunostett Solution. The circuit is shorvn in Fig. 1-3. The voltage
t.f E Xov. t"9701 R:230- 160:70 V
drop across external resistance

the lamp.
-3 :C
-_27,20"c. I
ere each i00 m -_ 404
The tokage at the Fig. r-3 Fig. l-4
w. the uobage at
re to 235 V as the Circuit crrrrent is
1:160/20,000: r/r25 A
\u\r' IR 70 ,|r.n rc
,E-8,750 O
BEEIETTSCE .Utr :EtrA' l-'5


Ree:-ar"t -:;r.um $lM
t 10 and 10 Q
1ly'+1"' ;* "f X' ;f#;:{fil't, ii,Y"! b :o A ia leil inlo -i

is shown in Fig' l-4. Thc
Solution. The parallet combination
equivalent resistance E is given t-
t I t t,l t4

a:?+ 6=T0-40 T
. " ',I

l0--5*4* I 20 I
:_-6-:6-n \o'. . i- e:t i: -: ::ruI fl
' R:2 tl :a:a.-::.ce l0 f,' :-: : -yd
B is 4Qx2:80 V fil!
P.D. Points ^C and -
""roo law to each branch' we get
Now, applying Ohm's
I.:8014:ZO L, 'Ir:80/8:10 A :-:::: =f,
lr:ao)to:8 l, Ia:80144:2 A'
of thtee reaiat'onoea 12 9' l'--,-:.'- -j':-'+-: -
Ereoplc 1'21' A aircuil' oonaiatin4-
n a and 36-Q respecti''i!"i;!'"9 o:4::!i'uf,i:T#"1\';#i
Th'e whole is
it[ i iirin resistince' i"7i'iiit-'"'.i3io"o'' is 36 ll" ' Determne
fiwr th; owser ilissipa'a *' tiia p^*' dia*ipdeil' in the . P- ----'E---:tr
i r -- --'
the oalui of the fmtdh;;';;i;';*-'"na -: - --lls:''irri"
grwP. P D. ;:::*
P D. :.-:*ss I :lsu';--
Solution. Por'r'er dissipated:|zrlB u'atts (fig' l'5)
. vr :36 P D' ::::'s I .]. -:s"'r' -
t. lzn 12 f--rple13. . ^''cu
;'-: 't--;i.i: .:t-. -r :'r - '' il
or Yz:1lY'36 'r-. ;Zr.-r:"-i ; -'--:
! j :L-i "'*- ' E
n-.i t;tt n ,w :i*:"'br: '-' $
or l':r{l2x36
:20'78 v Solntiol ;,--l:r j=:;::;'d
:"-- :*l
Voltage droP across
n:oi-zi.l8:39 22 v .il-- I
l'ig. 1-5 /r-"'."+*--'-
A ; I':20f8ll}: I'154 A
I1:20'7}ll2:l'732 A

Ii:20'78136:O'577 A \ I:l'7g2+l'154+0'577:3'463 I

"' l+ --' !
R:39'2213'+63-11'33 O -:
voltage X t::al current ll.;
Total power consumed:applied r
==00x3.463:207'8 w ;

resistunce ol the follou:ing

Erarnple l-22' Calculute the i'iti'i'J'''t a cross c a ch re si stance -t
e,ombin ati on o1' r' * i "''tunf,e':' ;;:4" .;;i "'u
poitd*'A anit B' :L:-'.:-l'- - - -

when a P.D.,lJ'l)tt V ii npptieillrltoeett ' rlild

i-:a- :et*tl'-l-*

betu'cen J and O (Fig' l'6)

Solution, Resistance
-6 l-3

1, 8, 10 afld, 0 A Rcsistance of branch ACfi:lB-t-2:20 O

tt of ilO A is leil into

m in Fig. l-4. The

Fig. l-6
Norv, there arc two parallel paths between points A and D ot
resistance 20 () and 5 O. Hence, resistance bett'een A and [t

e get :ffil:nn
lA. Resistance betr+'een Aand, B-4+g:f2 O
Totai circuit current:60112:5 A
ee resiatancea 72 Cl,
cornecteil in aeriet
i0 Y and it ia tounl
Current through 5 O resistor:S;<
ff :+ e
36 Tl'. , Determdoc Current in branch .{C1) :S :l A
eer die*ipaleilin thc " *1J
P.D. across 3 O and 6 O resistors:l x2:2 V
s l-s) P.D. across l8 O resistor : 18 x i :18 V
V? P.D. across 5 O resistor :5x4:20 V
12 --36 P.D. across B O resistor :Bx5:{0 V.
Example 1-23. A resi$,ance af fi A is connecteil in series wi.l,h
Y2: 12 y.36 t-too reaista,rces each oJ 15 Q ata*geil,-in parall.el. What resi,stance must
be slnrnted across this series-parallel cambination so tkat the total cur-
r':{12t36 renl talcen, by the circuit be l.J A wittt, Z0 V appti,ed,.
(G.8. Pant Polytechnic Delhi ; l9?0)
:20.78 V Sohstion. 'fhe circuit is shc,wn in Fig. l-7. Resistance
benveen points.E and B:1572:7.5 O.
Voltage drop across
60-20'78:39'22 V
A-.0'577:3.463 A

al curr.ent
nice oJ the lollouting
:rtts.s eo ch resiatance
dR. Rcsistance be tu'een .{ and -B: l0 1- 7'5: 17 5 (}
;. l-6) is resistance is given by
rtl .(i)
R', n tz.s

Also, the total resistance :20/l'5-+013 O

311 n:56 ()
40 - R -17.5'
Example 1-24. Two resistors, o,f 25 Q and, 5 {l respectit,elu. are
connecteil'in series to a, 240-Y suprytly. Celculate the ualue oi a third,
resistor ta be connecte.il in paro,llel u,i.th 25 Q re.sistor ,go thqt thr tolnl
pouter rli.ssiptaterl shall bc trebled.

Solution. Porver:72/-Ertatts
In the first case, 1-24O2130-. 1320 \'\'
Po.,ver dissipated in the seconC casc is
P":3Pr:3 x 1920:5760 W
,d,s shou,n in !'ig. 1-8, let the value of the tirild resistor be R
ohms, II' r?' is the combirred resistance of the three resi,qtances,
f, . 24nt,17$ur iC
rcsistance oi tire
parallel group
iI .lU 'l-l !l
,l 111
240 r 25- i
Fig. l-8 R':2514':6'25 tt -
1{ l: :.
- _- iic,

Tutorial Problerns
l. A 127-Y generator supplies l0 ^\ at 120 V to a rr.roior situa,ted iit s.
distance of 150 rn from it. Cnl':ulate tlre cross--"ection of the corrductoi' if ii is
rnario of (a) (,opper and (b) alumininm. Hesistivity f?rr Ou is 1.75 x i0-8 Q-nr
and for aluminium u 3 * 141-8 Q-ni. L@) 15 mrm2 (b) 25.7 mur2]
2. -4. potent'ial differerrce of 60 V exists betrveon the entis of a N'ire of
length 110 cm. If ite diameter is 0.I4mrn *nt] the curront through it is 2 A. 16 -1 : -::.:'
calculate the speci{c resistance" [42x10-s Q-rn1
- :1::a. : : ::S: ::::' :--'

3. What length of No. 30 S. \'\"" G. Euroka rviro of diamr:ter 0.315 rul

will be ;equired to constnrct a eoil of rcsristance 10 () ? Speeific rL..sistance of
Eureka:49 microhm por crn [159 cm]
4. Two *-ires -4 and B are joinerl in series and the temperatrrre coeffi-
cient of combination is 0. 1o/o at 0'C. The resistatrce of B is 3.5 times that of ,l
at 0oC. If tempelature coefficiont of z1 is 0 4;od per "O at 0'C, find its vaiue for
B at that temper&turc. t0.01439/ol
5. A carbon-fiiament iamp has a resistance of 280 Q at I700oC and
500 O at 16"C. What is the temperatrrre coefficiout of rc'sistance of cttrbon over
this t,emPerat,uro range ? t-0.0o26fc1
6. It is found that resistance of a coii of rvirc increases from 50 f,l at 19. Tr: o-:ig lsr: I -*rufr(
l6oC to 60 () at 55oC. Calculate thc lesigtancr,-temlrt. coefficient at OoC of t !, r:::, :rJ:r-.::,i:- : :Era-]fl- :'/d
the conductol material. [c6:1/185 per'C]
(A.M.I.E. May 1969)


7, Fincl the current flowirig st tho ilst&nt of ewitching on s-100-W

:-::al-fiLamont, Itrmp onto a ZOO-V ciicuit, givon that the inc*ndescenf, fflament
:if,Der&ture is 20O;C 8nc1 the resistance.t;tnpt. coefficiorlt ftt tlro room tompe-
r:::ire of 20oC is 0'005 oC-r' t0'95 Al
(G. B. Pant' Polytechnic Delhi 19701
I,,:l,rclitelL/. rre
, tl.r: o.f q tllird 8. Tho fllament of a 240-v metsl fflament ig to be conetructsd frorD a
.- . l,,,ri:rg a diamoter c,a0'02 mrn and a rosistivity at t0'C of 4'3; l0r8-Sl'rn'
i :-. tlly thr totrtl .: a-0 0057oC, what Iongth of filament ic necossary if tho lamp is to diueipate
-. iY nt a hlament temporatltre of 242Oo C 'r t54 cm]

9. One metrtl of a rricirrorne wile, iirea of closs-section 0'5 rnm2 has

'- ::,rr., e al 2'2 {L. Catculat" (a) rhc resistivit;' of :richrorno (61 t}re Iorrgth
:''... rvire rvhieh. eonnectoa irr pnrall*l wit'lr I m Iongth, will givo u coml-rinad
''-is.ance of 2(l' t(a) 1r0x 10-8 Q'rn (b) 10 lnl
-7A. Iwo conduciors, orre of oopper trnrl the other of ton, are connoctcd
' :rallel arrri at 20oC nqral cu.ronts. What' proportionof cutront' will
thi t,dmporature is raised to 100"C ? For copper
:r.,. through each. if "*,lr:ry
ii:,: :t.;:1,,t'i;e fi = --,r.r-o43/.caucl f<rr
iron o:o.ooe$1"c. L52'81L ; 47'2%]
it-:ia t'a)i. iallccs,
11. Tho resisttr.lrce of sltuut, rvintlilgs of a d'c' goneratol bofore 'rrrrl
.:-,:: ir long rut ie 65Q antl 65O respect,ivoili If for coppei aq:tt 00428fC finrt
( - r)) =tutLriu list ot'rvirr,tirrgs. [2{'5'Cl
2= ; -f1r_i _. 10 o 12, The piatinurn *.irc of a resisrance thennomoter has a resistance of
: ,:::---e of : i :'.i0'C. Who^n heated, its resistartco incroaeee to 7'48O. If &verage--te{r-p-t'
the 'f. for platinurn is ii'00i41'C, finri the final temperature. t206'7Cl

i:5 13. ArL armature has a resigtanco of 0.2o at L6oc trnd the oC' &rnttrture
- i,l
- ^:-: i-. to be limitetl to 600 wi]tts rvith il. tompol'ntule rise of 55 If ag
_l : : iu is 0.00431"C, rvhat is the rnnxirnum cullont ihat cot, be passorl !Uq"g!
r. j - srrn&ture 'l [5o'8 A]

-:r + -6.25 !-J f4. Tt is founcl thrt resiEts,nce of a rvit'e incroasos from l00O at 20oC
-ii Q at 84oC. Irirrl the temper&tltre coefficierlt of tho colrtluctor material
: .''C. tas:11236 Per
[Elect. Engg. for Electronlce U.P' 197t[]

l ::: -il:uate(l iit s

i I llclot t1 ;i r: 15. .\ bulb ratrtl 110-Y, 60-rvnlts is cor.urected with another bulb rated
i i; x ifi 6 -rr
--. -. .i-. 100 \1' ac;.osg a 220-V mains. Calculaie tho reeieiance which ghould bo
"::. i in parallel rvith the first, bulb so that' both the bulbs moy takc-their
r: i 25.7 rran2l "::=,_i
oo\4ler. t302.54]
ra .rrr i .tf a $-irr] of
r;L lr js 2 A. 16. A culreni. of 20 A {lows into a circuii conaisiing of 2, 4, 5, and 20Q
Q-rnt- r::i:ance respect,i\/ely irr para1lel. lJetermine tlte current in eaoh r€sista'noe.
l:r-:]r:.l (1.315 lintr [l0A; 5A;4A; lA]
).-:a: t.-srstance of
i!59 cm] L7, Two r:oils oonnectetl in paraliel acrose 100-Y supply m&ins' t-ake l0A
::'::r: thelire. The power dissipateil
^ in one coil is 600 \Y. \Yhat ig the roeig-
:::rrerat rrle coeffl- :::.:: of the othsr coil ? I25 ()]
'.1 :unes that of -4
l. :--: ri : t s vaiue for 18. An aluminium rvire 5 m iong and 2 mm diamoter is comocted in
i0 01439.61 ,'a:eliel with a coppor wire 3 m long. The total current ie 4 A and that in tho
i' Q, ar 17O{)o(; a1r,1 :-::eniurn wiro ls 2.S A. Find the diamcter of the coppor wire. The ree'
,l - t: c,Lrbon OVer ::::rve reeietivities of coppor ancl aluminium a,re l'? end 2'6 pO-em.^ --
_ 0.00261"C1 [0'97 rna]
-- ;:l rtt 5Lt Q at 19. Ts'o wirog havo a rogietanco of 26 O when connoctod in seriee and
r::,1::tt at OoC of
-:;,:1 185 per.Cl i Q, xhen connecterl in parallei. Calculate thsir rosistanooe' tfO Q ; f5 O]
(Elect. Engg' DlPloaa U'P' 197!1
r.Il.I.E May t9691
network between points "4
Cdculato the totel rosiatance.o! the i"
n. tr'-"' p O]
ud I of Fig. l-9. Th" oirliiltpJint"*itt*to""

Fi8. r.9 il
forEed is
* p'to'0"H,1"'uJ'ro*3
Rosi'tor. Ta"ffH#rl't;I
in sones'wrEa-,L^-;-f
.iI"TL'i"i-1.L .-"Irii""u
HIt#]": uit*t rmi, m*t;*t* Ls:I""':: :"':::' "f
t(d) 2ro (dd) {al
2. A oircuii ooneists of ;;"[;"two paaallel^reaietors of 16 O and 36 O +'he I
peotivelv coanoctod r" ggii?rli of 9'6 O' firo ourrent tbrcugh
-' O
- t&i"tot
-f"l i. Z e. Estimst€
parallel branchoe " ThE EI..S :!e
: 'fril I
abe oquivelaat reEistanco of the
iil the crirront through eaoh of tho brench roei'stors
i *', "rntfaT 6^r cxnrlil;
t'he wbole circuit -td**.-'.l&
i.; tbe voltage ocro$ufl;fft"n1rf - --:-=a$Dfl
iA the toter-pow* 0.6 a (o) .0
'H,"ill': (d) 0 rvlv ,.-,,t-=.-ZJn--l
shown in Fig' 1-r0' flnd tho voluage 5 IfIitMEd
D. In tho circuit ffi*iiltl
curont in oach element. 3A; s g l"1jy, ff ; I O : Ey, tAl -=ErEE -
[5O:l3Y'3A;2O '5Y'
3fI * I(ea Tmtr"i@
2n 9rI
*M tn

mE {t
: '- =r :. ii
Fig' r-ll :--= :f L- \ c -t=
I.ig. l-10
t{. Dotormino the curront f in the circuit shorn io Fig' 1-ll'
t2tAl [A'M'I'E' $rract ryrr)

1 F- =o=s's4; {
r -I:l; ft@

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