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Design and Analysis of Pre-Engineered Building With Subjected To Seismic Loads Using E-Tabs

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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

5, Issue 04, 2017 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Design and Analysis of Pre-Engineered Building with Subjected to

Seismic Loads using E-Tabs
Dharmalingam G1 Silambarasan G2
PG Scholar 2Assistant Professor
Department of Structural Engineering 2Department of Civil Engineering
Dhirajlal Gandhi College of Technology, Salem, India
Abstract— Pre-Engineered Building (PEB) concept is a new fabricated in the factory after designing, then transported to
conception of single storey industrial building construction. the site in completely knocked down (CKD) condition and
This methodology is versatile not only due to its quality pre- all components are assembled and erected with nut-bolts,
designing and prefabrication, but also due to its light weight thereby reducing the time of completion. Pre-Engineered
and economical construction. The concept includes the Building concept involves the steel building systems which
technique of providing the best possible section according to are predesigned and prefabricated. As the name indicates,
the optimum requirement. This concept has many this concept involves pre-engineering of structural elements
advantages over the Conventional Steel Building (CSB) using a predetermined registry of building materials and
concept of buildings with roof truss. Technological manufacturing techniques that can be proficiently complied
improvement over the year has contributed immensely to the with a wide range of structural and aesthetic design
enhancement of quality of life through various new products requirements, as in. The basis of the PEB concept lies in
and services. One such revolution was the pre-engineered providing the section at a location only according to the
buildings. Pre-engineered building creates and maintains in requirement at that spot. The sections can be varying
real time multidimensional, data rich views through a throughout the length according to the bending moment
project support is currently being manually design and same diagram. This leads to the utilization of non-prismatic rigid
has been verified with analytical software. E-Tabs software frames with slender elements. Tapered I sections made with
packages for design and simulation which is essential for built-up thin plates are used to achieve this configuration.
concluding the safety of the structure with respect the Standard hot-rolled sections, cold-formed sections, profiled
loading of wind, self-weight, seismic and snow load etc. My roofing sheets, etc.
proposed plan is going to execute with all sort of design
B. Need for the Project
parameters in Salem city.
Key words: Pre-Engineered Building, light weight  The materials used in conventional steel building
construction, ware house, Conventional Steel Building consume more cost, so to overcome this “PEB
(CSB), E-Tabs structures” are needed to reduce the cost of the project.
 In order to reduce the self-weight of conventional steel
I. INTRODUCTION buildings PEB can be used. Generally PEB can reduce
up to 35% of self-weight when compared to
Steel industry is growing rapidly in almost all the parts of
conventional steel buildings
the world. The use of steel structures is not only economical
but also Eco-friendly at the time when there is a threat of C. Objective of Our Project
global warming. Here, “economical” word is stated  Drafting of pre-Engineered building plan using the
considering time and cost. Time being the most important AutoCAD software.
aspect, steel structures (Pre-fabricated) is built in very short  Manual load design of PEB structure.
period and one such example is Pre Engineered Buildings
 Foundation design of PEB structure
(PEB). Pre-engineered buildings are nothing but steel
 To determine the seismic response of the PEB using
buildings in which excess steel is avoided by tapering the
sections as per the bending moment’s requirement. One may
think about its possibility, but it’s a fact many people are not  Comparison of results between CSB and PEB using
aware about Pre Engineered Buildings. If we go for regular ETABS analysis.
steel structures, time frame will be more, and also cost will
be more, and both together i.e. time and cost, makes it II. METHODOLOGY
uneconomical. Thus in pre-engineered buildings, the total The selection of the type of structure is selected and
design is done in the factory, and as per the design, members dimensions of the warehouse are done and mainly type of
are pre-fabricated and then transported to the site where they loads acted on the structure is studied. The warehouse is
are erected in a time less than 7 to 9 weeks. initially theoretically designed by using the IS methods. The
analysis is carried out with the help of IS loading conditions
A. Pre-Engineered Buildings
and E-Tabs. The results are finally analyzed and compared
Presently, large column free area is the utmost requirement to produce the better results.
for any type of industry and with the advent of computer
software’s it is now easily possible. With the improvement III. DESIGN
in technology, computer software’s have contributed
immensely to the enhancement of quality of life through A. Design Data (Ordinary Structure)
new researches. Pre-engineered building (PEB) is one of  Frame Type - Clear Span, Rigid Frame.
such revolution. "Pre-engineered buildings" are fully  Support- Pinned

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Design and Analysis of Pre-Engineered Building with Subjected to Seismic Loads using E-Tabs
(IJSRD/Vol. 5/Issue 04/2017/400)

 Building Width (W)-20.04 m F= (-0.4+0.2) x6.46x20.04x1.44 = -37.457KN/m

 Building Length (L)- 26.06m F= (-0.6-0.2) x6.46x20.04x1.44 = -149.83KN/m
 Bay Spacing- 6.46m F= (-0.6+0.2) x6.46x20.04x1.44 = -74.91KN/m
 Building height- 9.5 m (upto 10m given existing 4) Member Design
journals) 1) 1.5X 0.646+ 1.5 X 4.845 =
 Roof Slope- 1 in10 8.2365KN(TENSION)
 Purlin Type- Roof Purlin- Continuous 2) 1.2 X 0.646+ 1.2 X 4.845+ 1.2 X -262.2 = -
 Spacing - 1.35m c/c
3) 1.5 X 0.646+ 1.5 X -262.2 = -
 Panel Type - Roof- Galvanized sheet.
1) Calculation of Static Loads
4) 0.9X 0.646+ 1.5 X -262.2= -392.72KN
Dead loads are considered as per Table-2 of IS 875 (Part-1)
– 1987
5) Vertical Member
 Weight of the G.I sheeting = 0.05 kN/m2 (class 1
Area = load / stress
G.I sheeting, thickness 0.5 mm)
= 765.33 / 100 = 7653.3mm2
 Self-weight of section = 0.05 kN/m2
 Let us assume ISHB300.
 Total weight = 0.10 kN/m2
 Area = 7485mm2
 Spacing of purlin = 1.35 m
 Depth of section = 300mm
 Bay spacing = 6.46 m
 Width of flange = 250 mm
 Total weight on frame = 0.10 x 6.46
 Thickness of flange = 10.6mm
 = 0.646kN/m
 Effective length of rafter panel about ,
 Live load are considered as per Table-2 of IS 875
 Major axis = 0.85 L = 0.85 x 9500 = 8075mm
(Part-2) – 1987
 Minor axis = 1L = 9500mm
 Live load on the sloping roof = 0.75 kN/m2
 L/r = 8075/129.5 =62.36mm
 Live load on rafter = 0.75 x 6.46
 Total = 4.845kN/m
2) Earthquake Load
 For seismic analysis, following data has been used
as per IS 1893 Part I-2002.
 Zone III (SALEM)
 Response reduction factor-5 (For Steel frames with
concentric braces)
 Importance factor, I, is taken as 1.0, though it is 1
as per IS code, to be on safer side. Fig. 1: Foundation Design
 Damping ratio- 3 (For Steel Buildings)
 Time period in X and Y directions- IV. E-TABS REPORT
Tx = 0.085 H¾ A. Structure Data (CSB Structure)
= 0.45S
 Time period in both directions- 0.458 Sec This chapter provides model geometry information,
including items such as story levels, point coordinates, and
 Therefore, Sa/g=2.5,
model frame element connectivity.
 Horizontal Seismic Co-efficient, Ah,
Ah = 0.04
Therefore, Base Shear, Vb,
Vb= Ah x W
=0.04 X1329.07
= 53.162 kN.
3) Wind Pressure Coefficients
External and Internal wind coefficients are calculated for all
the surfaces for both pressure and suction. Opening in the
building has been considered less than 5% and accordingly
internal coefficients are taken as +0.2 and -0.2.The external Fig. 2: Model Frame for CSB
coefficients and internal coefficients calculated as per IS
875 Part III (1987).Wind load on individual members are
then calculated as below.
F= (Cpe – Cpi) A Pz
Where, Cpe, Cpi are external coefficients and
internal coefficients respectively and A and P are Surface
Area inm² and Design Wind Pressure in kN/m² respectively.
F= (-1.2-0.2) x6.46x20.04 x1.44 = -262.2KN/m
F= (-1.2+0.2) x6.46x20.04 x1.44 = -187.28KN/m
F= (-0.4-0.2) x6.46x20.04x1.44 = -112.37KN/m
Fig. 3: Shear force CSB

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Design and Analysis of Pre-Engineered Building with Subjected to Seismic Loads using E-Tabs
(IJSRD/Vol. 5/Issue 04/2017/400)

Fig. 8: Shear force PEB

Fig. 4: Bending Moment of CSB

Fig. 9: stress diagram PEB

Fig. 5: Stress diagram
B. Structure Data (PEB Structure) V. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION
This chapter provides model geometry information, A. Results
including items such as story levels, point coordinates, and The Table 1 shows the difference between the Normal
model frame element connectivity. Structure and PEB Structures
S.No Factor CSB PEB
1 Quantity of Steel 19.70 MT 9.10 MT
2 Bending Moment 1758.10 kN-m
3 Shear Force 1336.6 kN
B. Conclusion
A Pre-engineered steel structures building is to choose a
material which offers low cost, strength, durability, design
flexibility, adaptability and recyclability. Steel is the basic
material that is used in the Materials that are used for Pre-
engineered steel building. It negates from regional sources.
Fig. 6: 3D Model for PEB Infinitely recyclable, steel is the material that reflects the
imperatives of sustainable development. As it is seen in the
present work, the weight of steel can be reduced for the
building, providing lesser dead load which in turn offers
higher resistance to seismic forces. PEB building cost is
35% lesser than the cost of CSB structure. For longer span
structures, Conventional buildings are not suitable with clear
spans. It is also seen that the weight of PEB depends on the
Bay Spacing, with the increase in Bay Spacing up to certain
spacing, the weight reduces and further increase makes the
weight heavier. To Conclude “Pre-Engineered Building
Construction gives the end users a much more economical
and better solution for long span structures where large
column free areas are needed”.
Fig. 7: Bending Moment for PEB
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Design and Analysis of Pre-Engineered Building with Subjected to Seismic Loads using E-Tabs
(IJSRD/Vol. 5/Issue 04/2017/400)

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