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Gana A. J. & Okoye S. S. C.: Department of Civil Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Bida, PMB 55, Bida, Niger State

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CARD International Journal of Science and Advanced Innovative Research (IJSAIR)

ISSN: 2536-7315 (Print) 2536-7323 (Online)

Volume 2, Number 4, December 2017

Comparison and Analysis in using British Standard

Code of Practice [BS8110] and Euro code [Ec2] in the
Design of Structural Elements: A Case Study of Floor
Slab in a General Office Building Complex

Gana A. J. & Okoye S. S. C.

Department of Civil Engineering

College of Science and Engineering, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Kwara state
Department of Civil Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Bida, PMB 55, Bida, Niger State
Email: Doctorgana@yahoo.com, Phildebo123@gmail.com
Corresponding Author: Gana A. J

Design codes and standards are used in designing structures in different parts of
the world. Each country has a standard code of practice for designing structures for
human’s use and services. The codes under consideration in this study are BS8110
and Euro code [Ec2] as they applied to the design of different structural Elements.
This study specifically compares the design applications of these two codes and
draws a conclusion from them.
Keywords: Comparison, Analysis, B.S. [8110] Euro-code [Ec2], Slab Design

INTRODUCTION standard code of practice (CP) of

Standards are usually employed various Editions; and Euro codes
by civil and structural Engineers of also various Editions.
during the design of every
structure; these standards are MATERIALS AND METHOD
available in most countries where In carrying out this study, a
civil and structural Engineering typical floor slab in a general office
professions are being practiced. Building complex is chosen; with
These standard are Usually the application of British standard
employed in order to meet the [BS8110] code and Euro-code
strength, economy, service-ability, [Ec2].the design is then carried out
e.t.c by any structure that is design under the various processes in the
work are usually published in the two methods and finally a
form of code of practice, such as comparison is then drawn from
Nigerian Standard code of practice the two methods of design.
(NSCP), Reinforced concrete
Designer’s Handwork, British

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CARD International Journal of Science and Advanced Innovative Research (IJSAIR)
Volume 2, Number 4, December 2017

Design of Structures Slabs in buildings are used to

Design of structures is a step by separate vertical height of
step procedure through which an buildings. In bridges, it forms the
economical section or part of a surface called the bridge decks on
structure is chosen and design to which the vehicles are supported
safety withstand the effects of the while crossing the bridges.
applied loads to that particular
section of the structure. In design, Comparison between BS8110 and
each element is considered Euro-code [2]
separately, and the element being A comparison between BS8110
designed is considered balanced to and Euro-code are clearly stated
withstand the applied loads i.e. below in their applications during
the structures should be in the design of structures: Ultimate
Equilibrium statically. Moment of Resistance for Beams
and Slabs Computations.
Slab Design: A slab is a solid -B.S8110:- MU= 0.15fcubd2
plate like surface structure which Euro-code: - MU= 0.167fckbd2
is used to support vertical loads.
Area of Tension Reinforcement for Beams and Slabs Computations
Euro-code: - AsI =M
III. Lever arm(z)
BS8110:- z =d [0.5+0.25-k
Euro-code:-z = d [0.5+(0.25-3k)

25 | Gana A. J. & Okoye S. S. C.

Comparison and Analysis in using British Standard Code of Practice [BS8110] and Euro
code [Ec2] in the Design of Structural Elements: A case Study of Floor Slab in a General
Office Building Complex

Relationship between BS8110 and Euro-code2

BS8110 Euro-code
Fcu= 20N/MM2 fck=16N/MM2
Using concrete cube using cylinder
Fy= 250N/MM2 Fy=250N/MM2
Mild steel Mild steel
Fy= 410N/MM2 fy =460N/MM2
High steel high steel
Design load(n)= design load(n)=
1.4xdead load+ 1.35xDead load+
1.6x imposed load 1.5xImposed load
Or or
N=1.4gk+1.6qk n=1.35gk+1.59k

Determination of k under BS8110 with other known values


Determination of k under Euro-code [EC] with other known values


Typical Analysis and Design Using BS8110 and Euro-code [EC2]

For a floor slab in a general office Building complex

Figure 1: Typical Floor Plan of Slab in a Five Storey Building Office


General Description having Foundations,

I. The Structure above is a five Concrete slabs, Reinforced
Storey Building with Concrete Beams, Columns
Structural Framed Concepts

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CARD International Journal of Science and Advanced Innovative Research (IJSAIR)
Volume 2, Number 4, December 2017

and the Block Walls used as V. Basic Wind Speed

a Fill Material =32m/Sec.
II. The Columns are used VI. Required thickness of
to take of the Vertical the slab as a guide:-i.e.
and Lateral loads due to the longest span of the
wind effects. continuous slab given
III. The intended use of the as: 6000 = mm.
structure is for general 30
purpose. Therefore, the preliminary design
IV. Foundation:- the for slab thickness = 200mm
allowable bearing
pressure on ordinary

Loadings on the Slab

I. Self weight of 200mm slab = 0.2x24 KN/m3 =4.8KM/M2
II. Finishes using 50mm concrete screed =0.05x24KN/M3=1.2KN/M2
III. 150mm blocks as partitions 0.15x15KN/M3=2.3KN/M2
IV. Characteristic dead load = (4.8+1.2+2.3)=8.3KN/M2
V. Characteristics imposed load=2.5KM


I. Minimum Design load=8.3+2.5 CODE2
=10.8KN/M2 Minimum Design load = 8.3 +
II. Maximum Design load= (1.4x8.3) + 2.5
(1.6x2.5)=15.6KN/M2 =10.8KN/M2
Consider the slab in unit Meter width Maximum Design load actions
Load = 15.6KN/M i.e. permanent (dead) and
variable (imposed) load = (1.35
x 8.3) + (1.5x2.5) = 15.0KN/M2
Consider the slab in unit meter
width load=15.0KN/M
Loading Types Loading Types
Type I maximum load on all spans Type I maximum load on all

27 | Gana A. J. & Okoye S. S. C.

Comparison and Analysis in using British Standard Code of Practice [BS8110] and Euro
code [Ec2] in the Design of Structural Elements: A case Study of Floor Slab in a General
Office Building Complex

Type II maximum loads on alternate spins Type II maximum loads on

alternate spins

Design with BS8110 Design with Euro-code2

Using the ratio coefficient method Step1
continuous span 6:4:6 Using the ratio coefficient method
Divide through by the value in the first continuous spans6:4:6
span from the left hand side i.e. Divide through by the left hand
6: 4: 6 side i.e.
6 6 6 6: u 6
1: 0.67:1 6 6 6
1:0. 7 : 1 1: 0.67:1
M120.084X 15.6X62=47.2KNm 1:0. 7: 1
M23=0.021X15.6X62=11.8KNm M120.084X 15.0X62=45.36KNm
M34=0.084X15.6X62=47.2KNm M23=0.021X15.0X62=11.34KNm
M2=0.82X15.6X62=46.05KNm M34=0.084X15.0X62=45.2KNm
M2=0.0082x15.6x62=46.05kNm M2=0.82X15.0X62=44.28KNm
To check for reinforcement M3=0.082X15.0X62=44.28KNm
Stab thickness for preliminary To check for reinforcements
analysis = 200mm Slab thickness for preliminary
analysis =200mm
Effective depth = Effective depth – reinforcement cover
Total depth – reinforcement –
cover – ½ Diameter of Reinforcement ½ Diameter of Reinforcement
Effective depth – 200 – 20 – ½(12) = 174mm 200-20-1/2(12)
To find the lever arm factor z/d =174mm
z/d= 0.5+0.25-3k/3.4)
Where Fck= characteristics compressive
Where k0=M
cylinder strength of concrete
M=Design ultimate moment
Or in the alternative B=Width of section
Table of lever arm and neutral axis depth D=Effective depth of the tension
factors can be used see the table below reinforcement
Z=lever arm

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CARD International Journal of Science and Advanced Innovative Research (IJSAIR)
Volume 2, Number 4, December 2017

K=M/bd2fcu Z/d x/d

Area of steel in continuous slab

0.05 0.94 0.13
using the formula
0.06 0.93 0.16
ko =M
0.07 0.91 0.19
(fck bd2)
0.08 0.90 0.22
fck 0.67fcu
0.09 0.89 0.25
Using 25N/ mm2 for compressive
0.100 0.87 0.29
cube strength
0.104 0.87 0.30
fck 0.67 x2516N/mm2
0.110 0.86 0.32
ko = 45.4 x 106
0.119 0.84 0.35
16x 1000 x (172)2
0.130 0.82 0.39
0.132 0.82 0.40
0.140 0.81 0.43
Z=d {0.5+0.407}
0.144 0.80 0.45
0.150 0.79 0.047
As =M12 = 45.4x 106
0.156 0.775 0.050
0.87fyk x z 0.87 x 410 x 0.9 x 172
Area of steel in continuous slab using
Where fyk = characteristic strength
the formula For span M12
of reinforcement
K=47.2 X 106
20 X 1000 X (172)2
Looking through the steel table
Area of steel: - use Y12 @125c/c
Substitute, k=0.08 into the main equation
Z/d = 0.5+(0.25-0.08/0.9)
Therefore: z=0.9d
As=M12 = 47.2 x 106

0.87fy x z 0.87 x 410 x 0.9 x 172

Using the lever arm table
K=M12 = 0.08 z/d=0.9
bd fcu

As = M12 = 47.2 x 106
0.87fy x z 0.87 x 410 x 0.9 x 172

29 | Gana A. J. & Okoye S. S. C.

Comparison and Analysis in using British Standard Code of Practice [BS8110] and Euro
code [Ec2] in the Design of Structural Elements: A case Study of Floor Slab in a General
Office Building Complex

The spacing and the size of the

Reinforcement can be found through
the first principal
Or through the standard table.
Area of steel, use Y12 @ 125c/c
(905mm2) bottom

From Basic Principle

Number of 12mm diameter iron rod
required within 1 metre length is
Area of reinforcement (obtain)
Area of iron rod
i.e. =854.8
i.e. for 12mm  rod =854.8
 x (6)2
=7.56 8
i.e one need 8 No of 12mm  iron rod in 1 linear metre

Spacing required is a matter of Area of steel for span 2-3

Proportion i.e. unit metre M23= 11.34kNm (Hogging moment)
No of iron rods As = 11.34x106
I.e. 1000=125mm center apart 0.87x 410 x 0.91 x172=203mm2
8 Ditto as Left Hand Side
Area of steel for span 3-4
M34 = 45.4 kNm

8 No Y12@ 125c/c or 8-Y12@125c/c

Area of steel for span 2-3
M23=11.8 KNm(Hogging moment)
As = 11.8 x 106

30 | Gana A. J. & Okoye S. S. C.

CARD International Journal of Science and Advanced Innovative Research (IJSAIR)
Volume 2, Number 4, December 2017

0.87 x410 x 0.9 x 12

Use minimum reinforcement allowed Top & bottom
The negative value indicates that the Reinforcement is really necessary at the
top of the span rather than at the bottom of the span.
Area of steel for span 3-4
M34 =47.2 KNm

Ast = 47.2x10 6 Asts = 47.2x10 6

0.87x410x 0.9x 172 0.87x410x 0.91x 172
=854.8mm2 = 813.2mm2
Areal of steel for support 2 Use Y12 @ 125 c/c Bottom
Ast =*-46.1x106 Areal of steel for support 2
0.87x410x9x172 Ast =*-44.3x106
=835mm2 0.87x410x 0.91x172
Use Y12 @ 125 c/c =793MM2
*The negative value indicated that the Use Y12 @ 125 c/c Top
reinforcement must be placed at the *The negative value indicated
top of support 2
that the reinforcement must be
Areal of steel for support 3 placed at the top of support 2
Ast =*-46.1x106 Areal of steel for support 3
0.87x410x9x172 M3 = 44.3KNm
=835mm2 Ast = 793mm2
Use Y12 @ 125 c/c Top Use Y12 @ 125 c/c Top


BS 8110 provided a standard table for There is a standard table of Ec2
Basic span/effective depth ratios for which gave the Basic ratio of
rectangular or flanged beams. The span/ effective depth for
Table can equally be used for slab
reinforced concrete members
because slabs are normally designed as without axial compression.
beams per unit metre width.

Support Rectangular Flinged beams

conditions Beams with bw/b<0.3
Cantilever 7 5.6
Simply 20 16.0
continuous 26 20.8

31 | Gana A. J. & Okoye S. S. C.

Comparison and Analysis in using British Standard Code of Practice [BS8110] and Euro
code [Ec2] in the Design of Structural Elements: A case Study of Floor Slab in a General
Office Building Complex

The values obtained from the ii) The areas of steel BS computed
design and analysis above shows under the BS8110 method is
the following: higher than that computed
i) Appropriate bending memento under Euro-code 2 i.e
values:- The values computed
from both methods design are
slightly different.
i). 854.8MM 2
ii). 213.7MM2 203MM2
iii). 835MM2 793MM2

CONCLUSION by ASROS limited Lagos

To ensure a good construction Nigeria
practices, the various codes of
practice provides a guide to the Victor O. Oyenuga (2009). Design
structural use of concrete, which and construction of
should be use always by practicing foundations (2nd edition),
civil and structural engineers. The published by ASROS
available codes has also taken into Limited Lagos Nigeria
account the climatic conditions
and the Evolution of civil and NSCP (1979). The structural use of
structural engineering practice in concrete in buildings
different countries. For good published by Nigerian
Engineering practice, professionals standard s organization,
should be very familiar with the federal ministry of
contents of these codes. Registered industries Enugu.
Engineers should always ensure
that all works comply with the B. S. (1969). The structural use of
codes available for carrying out reinforced concrete in
the design of every structural buildings published by the
Element British standards house,
REFERENCES A. H. Allen (1988) reinforced
Victor .O. Oyehuga (2008). concrete design to
Simplified reinforced BS8110,published by E$F.N
concrete design, published Spon Limited, London

32 | Gana A. J. & Okoye S. S. C.

CARD International Journal of Science and Advanced Innovative Research (IJSAIR)
Volume 2, Number 4, December 2017

O.W. Olokunola (2005).

Simplifying concrete
structural elements.

Charles E. Reynolds, James, c.

Steedman (2005).
Reinforced concrete
designer’s hand book,
published by spo press,
taylor and Francis Group

Euro code (2015). Structural

Engineer’s pocket book,
published by taylor and
Francis group London

Structural engineering (2002). The

journal of the Nigeria
institution of structural
Engineers, vol.2, November
2002, Lagos Nigeria

Lawrence .O. ETTU (1997). Design

of Reinforced concrete
Elements (to bs8110 (1997),
published by charismatic
forum publications limited
Owerri, Imo State Nigeria

T.C. Syall, A.K. Goel (2010).

Reinforced Concrete
structures (4 th
Edition), published S. Chad
and company limited, New
Delhi, India.

33 | Gana A. J. & Okoye S. S. C.

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