Online and Social Media Marketing (1)
Online and Social Media Marketing (1)
Online and Social Media Marketing (1)
By:- Venu Prajapati
Class- XII-K
Roll no. 21
Importance of Online Marketing
Reach Cost-effectiveness Measurable Results
Online marketing allows you to reach a Compared to traditional marketing Online marketing provides valuable
wider audience, expanding your methods, online marketing offers a more insights into campaign performance
customer base and building brand cost-efficient way to reach your target through data analytics, allowing you to
awareness. audience. track your progress and make necessary
Defining Social Media Marketing
Twitter LinkedIn
A microblogging platform where A professional networking
users share short messages and platform used by individuals and
updates, ideal for real-time businesses to build connections
engagement and news sharing. and promote their careers.
Developing a Social Media Strategy
Define Goals
What do you hope to achieve with your social media efforts?
Target Audience
Who are you trying to reach with your social media content?
Content Planning
What kind of content will you create to engage your audience?
Platform Selection
Which social media platforms will you use to reach your target audience?
2 Engage your audience by sharing stories that connect with their emotions and experiences.
Interactive Elements
3 Encourage audience participation through polls, quizzes, and contests.
Behind-the-Scenes Content
4 Give your audience a glimpse into your business by sharing behind-the-scenes footage and personal stories.
Measuring and Optimizing Social Campaigns
Track Engagement
1 Monitor likes, shares, comments, and other interactions to gauge audience interest.
Analyze Reach
See how many people your content reaches and understand their demographics.
Measure Conversions
3 Track website visits, leads generated, and sales conversions attributed
to social media campaigns.
Optimize Content
4 Adjust your content strategy based on data insights to improve
1 2
Reach Engagement
Online marketing allows you to reach Build stronger relationships with
a wide audience, expanding your your audience through interactive
customer base. content.
Measure your progress through data
analytics and make adjustments as
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