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Grade 8 awarded: eight dark red "triple-word"

squares, 17 pink "double-word" squares, of

Physical Education which one, the center square (H8), is

marked with a star or other symbol; 12 dark
Third Quarter blue "triple-letter" squares, and 24 light
blue "double-letter" squares.
INDOOR &  In 2008, Hasbro changed the colors of the
premium squares to orange for TW, red for
RECREATIONAL DW, blue for DL, and green for TL. Despite
this, the original premium square color
ACTIVITIES scheme is still the preferred scheme for
Scrabble boards used in tournaments.
Indoor - situated or done within a building/room  Tiles are usually made of wood or plastic and
Recreational - done or used for pleasure or are 19 by 19 millimeters (0.75 in × 0.75 in)
relaxation rather than work square and 4 mm (0.16 in) thick, making
Activities - the state or process of doing something them slightly smaller than the squares on
or being active the board.
Indoor recreational activities - are voluntarily
undertaken for pleasure, exercise, EQUIPMENTS
relaxation, and leisure. It is a way of
rejuvenating the mind and the body especially
when you are caught in situations such as hectic
jobs and routine chores.

 Game Board
 Tiles
 Racks
 Opaque Bag
 Clock or Stopwatch for the time
Scrabble is a word game in which two to four
players score points by placing tiles, bearing
a single letter, on to a game board which is
divided into a 15×15 grid of squares. The
tiles must form words which, in crossword
fashion, flow left to right in rows or downwards in

"Scrabble" - a real word which means "to scratch

The objective of Scrabble is to have the highest
number of points at the end of the game when the
extra letters run out, and one person doesn't have
any letters in their 'hand'.
Players 2–4
Age range 8 years old above
Setup time 2–6 minutes SEQUENCE OF PLAY
Playing time NASPA tournament game: 50 minutes  Before the game, a resource, either a word
Skill(s) required list or a dictionary, is selected for the
Vocabulary, spelling, Anagramming, purpose of adjudicating any challenges
strategy, counting, bluffing, during the game. The letter tiles are either
probability put in an opaque bag or placed face down
on a flat surface. Opaque cloth bags and
1938 - American architect ALFRED MOSHER customized tiles are staples of clubs and
BUTTS created the game as a variation on an tournaments, where games are rarely played
earlier word game he invented called Lexiko. without both.
 Next, players decide the order in which they
GAME DETAILS play. The normal approach is for players to
 The game is played by two to four players on each draw one tile: The player who picks the
a square board with a 15×15 grid of cells letter closest to the beginning of the
(individually known as "squares"), each of alphabet goes first, with the blank tiles
which accommodates a single letter tile. In taking precedence over A's. In North
official club and tournament games, play is American tournaments, the rules of the US-
between two players or, occasionally, based North American Scrabble Players
between two teams each of which Association (NASPA) stipulate instead that
collaborates on a single rack. players who have gone first in the fewest
 The board is marked with "premium" number of previous games in the
squares, which multiply the number of points tournament go first, and when that rule
yields a tie, those who have gone second the Penalties for unsuccessfully challenging an
most go first. If there is still a tie, tiles are acceptable play vary in club and tournament
drawn as in the standard rules. play, and are described in greater detail
 At the beginning of the game, and after each below.
turn until the bag is empty (or until there are  Under North American rules, the game ends
no more face-down tiles), players draw tiles when (1) one player plays every tile on his or
to fill their "racks", or tile holders, with seven her rack, and there are no tiles remaining in
tiles, from which they will make plays. Each the bag (regardless of the tiles on his or her
rack is concealed from the other players. opponent's rack); or (2) when six successive
 During a turn, a player will have seven tiles scoreless turns have occurred. (For several
on his or her rack (with the exception of the years, a game could not end with a
endgame). On each turn, the player has cumulative score of 0-0, but that is no longer
three options: the case, and such games have since
- Pass, forfeiting the turn and scoring occurred a number of times in tournament
nothing play, the winner being the player with the
- Exchange one or more tiles for an lower total point value on his or her rack.
equal number from the bag, scoring [14])
nothing, an option available only if at  When the game ends, each player's score is
least seven tiles remain in the bag reduced by the sum of his or her unplayed
- Play at least one tile on the board, letters. In addition, if a player has used all of
adding the value of all words formed his or her letters (known as "going out"), the
to the player's cumulative score sum of the other player's unplayed letters is
 A proper play uses one or more of the added to that player's score; in tournament
player's tiles to form a contiguous string of play, a player who goes out adds twice that
letters that make a word (the play's "main sum, and his or her opponent is not
word") on the board, reading either left-to- penalized.
right or top-to-bottom. The main word must  Scoreless turns can occur when a player
either use the letters of one or more passes, when a player exchanges tiles, or
previously played words or else have at least when a player loses a challenge. The latter
one of its tiles horizontally or vertically rule varies slightly in international
adjacent to an already played word. If any tournaments.
words other than the main word are formed
by the play, they are scored as well, and are MAKING A PLAY
subject to the same criteria of acceptability.  The first played word must be at least two
 The first word played must cover H8, the letters long, and cover H8 (the center square).
center square. The word must consist of at Thereafter, any play using one or more tiles can
least two letters, extending horizontally or be formed by
vertically. H8 is a premium square; the first - Adding one or more letters to an existing
player to play a word receives a double word word, e.g. (JACK)S, HI(JACK), HI(JACK)ING.
score. - "Hooking" a word(s) and playing
 A blank tile may take the place of any letter. perpendicular to that word(s), e.g. IONIZES
It then remains that letter for the rest of the with the S hooked on JACK to make (JACK)S.
game. It scores no points regardless of what - Playing perpendicular to a word, e.g. JACK,
letter it is designated or its placement on a then YEU(K)Y through the K.
premium square. But its placement on a - Playing parallel to a word(s) forming several
double-word or triple-word square does short words, e.g. JACK, then CON played
cause the corresponding premium to be under that to make (J)O and (A)N.
scored for the word in which it is used. In one - Managing letters in the rack can help players
variation of Scrabble, blanks actually do solve difficult moves. Words that ends in –
score points corresponding to the letter ING, -ER, -ED, and –S can be moved to the
which the blank is used to represent. For right. Words that start with RE-, IN-, and UN-
example, if one played blank to represent a can be moved to the left. Grouping the
"Z", it would get ten; a blank to represent a letters in the rack helps players find words
V or an H would get four; a blank to that they might actually miss.
represent a D would get 2 and blank to  Any combination of these is allowed in a play,
represent a T, N, L, S or R or any of the given that all the letters in each play lie on a
vowels would get one. straight line and are connected by a main word.
 After playing a word, the player announces Plays must read either left-right or top-bottom.
the score for that play, and then draws tiles Diagonal plays are not allowed.
from the bag to replenish his or her rack to
seven tiles. If there are not enough tiles in SCORING
the bag to do so, the player takes all the PREMIUM SQUARE COLORS
remaining tiles.
 After a player plays a word, his or her
opponent may choose to challenge any or all
Squar and
the words formed by the play. The player
challenged must then look up the words in
e Mattel

question, and if any one of them is found to Double

be unacceptable, the play is removed from Light blue Blue
the board, the player returns the newly
played tiles to his or her rack and the turn is Triple
Dark blue Green
forfeited. In tournament play, a challenge is letter
to the entire play rather than any one word, Double
and judges (human or computer) are used, Pink Red
so players are not entitled to know which
word or words made a challenge succeed. Triple word Red Orange
Point values Scrabble Letters
0 Blank tile
1 A,E,I,L,N,O,R,S,T and U
2 D and G
3 B,C,M and P
4 F,H,V,W and Y
5 K
J and X
2x L (Double Letter Light Blue Cells Chess is a two-player strategy board game played
on a chessboard, a checkered game board with
3x L (Triple Letter Scores) Dark Blue Cells 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight
2x W (Double Word Score) Light Red Cells grid. It is one of the world's most popular games,
3x W (Triple Word Score) Dark Red Cells played by millions of people worldwide at
home, in clubs, online, by correspondence,
The score for any play is determined this way: and in tournaments.
• Each new word formed in a play is scored  Each player begins the game with 16 pieces:
separately, and then those scores are added up. one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights,
The value of each tile is indicated on the tile, and two bishops, and eight pawns. Each of the six
blank tiles are worth 0 points. piece types moves differently. Pieces are used
• The main word (defined as the word containing to attack and capture the opponent's pieces,
every played letter) is scored. The letter values of with the objective to 'checkmate' the opponent's
the tiles are added up, and tiles placed on DLS and king by placing it under an inescapable threat of
TLS are doubled and tripled in value, respectively. capture. In addition to checkmate, the game can
Tiles placed on DWS or TWS squares double or triple be won by the voluntary resignation of the
the value of the word(s) that include those tiles. opponent, which typically occurs when too much
• If any "hook" words are played (e.g. playing material is lost, or if checkmate appears
ANEROID while "hooking" the A to BETTING to make unavoidable. A game may also result in a draw
ABETTING), the scores for each word are added in several ways, where neither player wins. The
separately. This is common for "parallel" plays that course of the game is divided into three phases:
make up to eight words in one turn. opening, middle game, and endgame.
• Premium squares apply only when newly placed - Opening (A chess opening is the
tiles cover them. Any subsequent plays do not group of initial moves of a game (the
count those premium squares. "opening moves").
• If a player makes a play where the main word - Middle Game (The middle game will
covers two DWS squares, the value of that word is start when most pieces have been
doubled, then redoubled (i.e. 4× the word value). developed. Players have to form plans
Similarly, if the main word covers two TWS squares, based on the features of the position.
the value of that word is tripled, then retripled (9× - End Game (The stage of the game
the word value). Such plays are often referred to as when there are few pieces left on the
"double-doubles" and "triple-triples" respectively. It board.)
is theoretically possible to achieve a play covering HISTORY
three TWS squares (a 27× word score), although  Chess is a game that has been played for
this is extremely improbable without constructive centuries and was thought to have originated
setup and collaboration. Plays covering a DWS and in India in the 15th century. Long ago, it was
a TWS simultaneously (6× the word value, or 18× if considered a game reserved only for kings
a DWS and two TWS squares are covered) are only and members of the upper classes.
possible if a player misses the center star on the Nowadays, chess is played by common people
first turn, and the play goes unchallenged (this is even at an early age.
valid under North American tournament rules).  The modern design of chess pieces bears the
• Finally, if seven tiles have been laid on the board name Staunton, who was an English master in
in one turn (known as a "bingo" in North America, a the mid-18OO's. These are the type of pieces
"scrabble" in Spain and France, and a "bonus" that are now used in all tournaments worldwide.
elsewhere), after all of the words formed have been  The first international chess tournament
scored, 50 bonus points are added. was the London Tourney played in 1851. A
When the letters to be drawn have run out, the final German named Adolf Anderssen won the
play can often determine the winner. This is game.
particularly the case in close games with more than  The first official championship chess
two players. tournament was played in 1866 in London,
with sand clocks to restrict the length of a
1. Developed camaraderie among my peers RULES
2. Established good relationship with my family

3. Make intelligent decisions in life

4. Be smart in which I can used in my life

5. Enhanced my capabilities in terms of vocabulary

Chess is played on a square board of eight
rows (called ranks and denoted with numbers 1 to
8) and eight columns (called files and denoted with CASTLING
letters a to h) of squares. The colors of the 64
squares alternate and are referred to as "light" and Castling consists of moving the king two squares
"dark" squares. along the first rank toward a rook (which is on the
player's first rank ) and then placing the rook on the
The chessboard is placed with a light square last square the king has just crossed.
at the right-hand end of the rank nearest to each
player, and the pieces are set out as shown in the
diagram and photo, with each queen on a square of CHECK
its own color.
The pieces are divided, by convention, into
When a king is under immediate attack by one or
white and black sets. The players are referred to as
two of the opponent's pieces, it is said to be in
"White" and "Black", and each begins the game
check. A response to a check is a legal move if it
with 16 pieces of the specified color. These consist
results in a position where the king is no longer
of one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two
under direct attack (that is, not in check).
knights, and eight pawns.
Although the objective of the game is to
• The KING moves one square in any direction. The checkmate the opponent, chess games do not have
king has also a special move which is called castling to end in checkmate—either player may resign
and involves also moving a rook. (The king is the which is a win for the other player. It is considered
most important piece, however it is also considered bad etiquette to continue playing when in a truly
one of the weakest. The king only moves one hopeless position. If it is a game with time control, a
square in any direction - up, down, to the sides, and player may run out of time and lose, even with a
diagonally. The king may never move himself into much superior position.
check (where he could be captured).
• The ROOK can move any number of squares Games also may end in a draw (tie). A draw
along any rank or file, but may not leap over other can occur in several situations, including draw by
pieces. Along with the king, the rook is involved agreement, stalemate, threefold repetition of a
during the king's castling move. (The rook may position, the fifty-move rule, or a draw by
move to any square as far as it wants, but only impossibility of checkmate (usually because of
forward, backward, and to the sides. The rooks are insufficient material to checkmate).
particularly powerful pieces when they are
protecting each other and working together.) As checkmate from some positions cannot
be forced in fewer than 50 moves (such as in the
• The BISHOP can move any number of squares pawnless chess end game and two knights
diagonally, but may not leap over other pieces. (The endgame), the fifty-move rule is not applied
bishop may move as far as it wants, but only everywhere, particularly in correspondence chess.
diagonally. Each bishop starts on one color (light or
dark) and must always stay on that color. Bishops TIME CONTROL
work well together because they cover up each
other’s weaknesses.)
• The QUEEN combines the power of the rook and
bishop and can move any number of squares along
rank, file, or diagonal, but it may not leap over
other pieces. (The queen is the most powerful
piece. It moves in any one straight direction -
forward, backward, sideways, or diagonally. As all
the other pieces, except the knight, it cannot move
over any intervening piece.)
• The KNIGHT moves to any of the closest squares
that are not on the same rank, file, or diagonal, thus
the move forms an "L"-shape: two squares vertically Chess matches may also be played with a
and one square horizontally, or two squares time control, mostly by club and professional
horizontally and one square vertically. The knight is players. If a player's time runs out before the game
the only piece that can leap over other pieces. is completed, the game is automatically lost
(Knights moves by going two squares in one (provided his opponent has enough pieces left to
direction, and then one more move just like an “L” deliver checkmate).
shape. Knights are the only pieces that can move The duration of a game ranges from long
over other pieces.) games played up to seven hours to shorter rapid
chess games, usually lasting 30 minutes or one
• The PAWN may move forward to the unoccupied hour per game. In tournament play, time is
square immediately in front of it on the same file, or controlled using a game clock that has two displays,
on its first move it may advance two squares along one for each player's remaining time.
the same file provided both squares are
unoccupied; or the pawn may capture an
opponent's piece on a square diagonally in front of NOTATION FOR RECORDING MOVES
it on an adjacent file, by moving to that square
(black "x"s). (Pawns move forward, but capture
diagonally. They can never move backwards. On its
first move, the pawn can advance two squares at a
time. Succeeding moves will be one square at a
time). The pawn has two special moves: the en
passant capture and pawn promotion.
A domino set may consist of
different number of tiles and dots. The
traditional Sino- European domino set consists
of 28 dominoes.
Each domino is a rectangular tile with a line
dividing its face into two square ends. Each
end is marked with a number of spots (also
called pips or nips) or is blank. The backs of
the dominoes in a set are indistinguishable,
Chess games and positions are recorded either blank or having some common design.
using a special notation, most often algebraic chess The name "domino" is from the
notation. Abbreviated (or short) algebraic notation resemblance to a kind of hood worn during
generally records moves in the format "abbreviation the Venice carnival. " A domino is a kind of
of the piece moved – file where it moved – rank hood worn by the canons of a cathedral
where it moved". church. Later the name was given to a
For example, Qg5 means "queen moves to the g-file mourning-veil for women and later still to
and 5th rank" (that is, to the square g5). If there are two pieces
half- masks worn by women when travelling or at
of the same type that can move to the same square, one more
letter or number is added to indicate the file or rank from which a masquerade, for disguise.
the piece moved, e.g. Ngf3 means "knight from the g-file moves Dominoes are called "bones"
to the square f3". The letter P indicating a pawn is not used, so because the earliest domino tiles were made
that e4 means "pawn moves to the square e4".
from animal bones or ivory. In addition to
If the piece makes a capture, "x" is inserted before the
destination square. Thus Bxf3 means "bishop captures on f3". "bones", dominoes are also called "tiles",
BENEFITS DERIVED FROM PLAYING "stones", "men", “tickets”,or “spinners.”.
 Chess increases the mathematical and scientific HOW TO PLAY DOMINOES
skills of the students. It also enhances the The proceeding sections detail the basic
problem solving skills, concentration ability, as rules and regulations in playing dominoes.
well as logical thinking ability of the students. 1. Shuffling the Dominoes
 It develops a sense of confidence and self-worth Before you start a game, the dominoes must
of a student. be shuffled to make a boneyard. You need to shuffle
 It also increases communication skills of a the tiles all face down moving them in random
student. motion. Make sure that no one knows the location
 It gives a lesson of hard work and commitment. of any given tile.
 Aside from intellectual exercise, chess provides 2. Decide who will make the first
entertainment and relaxation. This game is free move.
and can provide entertainment even for the You can do it in two ways:
observers. • Each of the players choose a domino at random,
 Chess also has health benefits. It is considered with first move going to the player holding the
as a form of recreational therapy. Chess keeps "heavier" domino (these dominoes are returned to
the mind healthy and a healthy mind results in the boneyard and reshuffled), or
healthy body. It is used by therapists to help • The players draw their allotted number of tiles
people suffering from cognitive functioning such (which varies according to the game being played),
as anxiety and depression. and the holder of the "heaviest" domino goes first.
 Chess a form of indoor recreational activity can 3. Drawing Tiles
be used to strengthen family bond. The Once you begin drawing tiles, they are
members of the family can play with each other typically placed on-edge so that you and your
while at home. opponent can see your own tiles, but none can see
In a way, the chess pieces can represent the family the value of other players’ tiles. Every player can
members. Each member of the family has a role to thus see how many tiles remain in the other players
play. In chess, the pieces also have specific hands at all times during the game.
function to perform to win the game. 4. Placing The First Tile
After you and your opponent have drawn
dominoes, the first player places the first tile,
usually a double-six, on the table. If no one holds
the double-six, then the double-five is played, and
so on.

5. Playing Subsequent Tiles

You can only put domino tiles to “open
ends”, i.e., no other tile is connected to it. A double
tile is usually placed cross-ways in the layout,
straddling the end of the tile that it is connected to.
LESSON 3 – All four sides of a double are open allowing
dominoes to be connected in all four directions.
DOMINOES(Domino) 6. Drawing a tile from the boneyard
("draw" games) or you must "pass"
Dominoes (or dominos) generally refer to the if you cannot make a move ("block"
collective gaming pieces making up a games)
domino set (sometimes called a deck or pack) As you take turns placing tiles with your
or to the subcategory of tile games played with opponent, if someone cannot make a move, you
domino pieces. In the area of mathematical can do either two things. In "block" games (or if
tilings and polyominoes, the word domino there are no tiles left in the boneyard), you must
often refers to any rectangle formed from "pass" if you cannot make a move. In a "draw"
joining two congruent squares edge to edge. game, you can draw a tile from the boneyard.
Depending on the game, you can then either play it
(if it fits, and if the rules allow), pass (if he cannot you to prevent opponents from setting down
play the drawn tile), or continue drawing until you scoring tiles.
can make a move or the boneyard is empty. Be aware when you use blocking strategy
Currently, most rules allow the boneyard to be too early in the game, it could backfire on you
emptied completely. However, some rules do not especially when your opponent must draw tiles from
allow the last two tiles in the boneyard to be the boneyard. They can draw tiles that can work
removed, and at the end of a game, the winner against you, and not increase your score at the end
receives the value of the tiles in the boneyard. of a round.
7. Ending A Game
The game ends when you have played all SCORING
your tiles, or when a game is blocked. When you In blocking games, scoring happens at the
play your last tile, tradition requires you to say end of the game. After a player has emptied his
"domino"! (when this happens, the other players hand, thereby winning the game for their team, the
are said to have been dominoed. A game is blocked score consists of the total pip count of the losing
when no player is able to add another tile to the teams' hands. In some rules, the pip count of the
layout. remaining stock is added. If a game is blocked
When playing a multi-round game, domino because no player can move, the winner is often
games are typically scored by awarding the number determined by adding the pips in players' hands.
of pips on opposing player's tiles to the winner. In scoring games, each individual can
Doubles may be counted as one or two (if one, a 6-6 potentially add to the score. For example, in
counts as 6; if two, a 6-6 counts as 12), and double- Bergen, players score 2 points whenever they cause
blank may either count as 0 or 14. (These rule a configuration in which both open ends have the
variations must be agreed upon before the game same value and 3 points if additionally one open
begins!) The player who reaches the target score end is formed by a double. In Muggins, players
(100, 200, or whatever is agreed on among the score by ensuring the total pip count of the open
players), or the player who amasses the most points ends is a multiple of a certain number. In variants of
in a given number of rounds wins the game. Muggins, the line of play may branch due to
Here are some useful tips in playing domino. BENEFITS FROM PLAYING DOMINOES
These are tips which can give you advantage over As any indoor recreation game, playing
other players who aren't using any real strategy at dominoes provides fun and interaction for the
all. family. At the same time, the game provides
• Set down doubles early. Do not get stuck with learning opportunities to stimulate the mind. It also
doubles. Lay them down early in the game or encourages socializing and important social skills
whenever you have the opportunity. such as learning how to win/lose, teamwork, and
• Set down your heavier tiles early. Play your other values. These are values which cannot be
heavier tiles early in the game so you won't be gained from playing online games which children
caught with a high score of points for your play on their own.
• Hold on to a variety of suits. Try to keep as
many different suits as you can in your hand as long
Proper and Acceptable Behavior
as you can. This will give you a range of options When Participating In Indoor
when it comes to the tiles you can set down and Recreational Activities
prevent you from being unable to make a play at all
and having to pass on your play. 1. Never boast over a victory or show rude
• Note your opponents weak suits. Take note behavior over a defeat. Always show
of the tiles your opponent doesn’t have. This will sportsmanship.
allow you to block them later in the game.
• Work out your opponent's hand. Study the 2. Minimize talking when at the event venue.
layout of already played tiles and the tiles in your
own hand to guess what your opponents are 3. Refrain from giving comments on another
holding in their hands. You'll soon learn which tiles game that is in progress, it may distract the
in your own hand to play to block your opponents. other players.
• Always be aware of the board count. This is
the total of all open ends on the layout. In games 4. Do not make it obvious if you make a mistake
like Fives, players score points when the board or you see someone else make a mistake
count is a multiple of five. while playing. It might be that your opponent
• Evaluate the tiles in your hand and how they will not notice your mistake if you play
can change the board count. Determine the quietly.
difference between suit values on either end of a
tile so you quickly know how they will change the 5. Never blame others for something they did
board count. For example, 5 and 3 on each end will not do or lie about your move in order to save
change the board count by 2. Connecting the lower a point.
end to the open ends of the layout will raise the
board count, while connecting the higher suit will
lower the board count.
• Use blocking strategies near the end of a
point game, when the opportunities for scoring
points diminish.
• Control and manipulate the board count.
Push the board count up when you can set down
scoring tiles, and down when you can't. Knowing
the suits your opponent does and doesn't hold will
help you alter the board count accordingly, allowing

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