Impact of World War II on Global Politics
Impact of World War II on Global Politics
Impact of World War II on Global Politics
After the Second World War, the International System came to be a
totally different system from the classical (19th century)
international system. The classical international system was Euro-
centric and it worked on the principles of balance of power, war as
a means, secret diplomacy as an instrument, and narrow
nationalism as its objective.
The two wars, particularly the Second World War destroyed the old
international power structure and gave rise to a new structure.
Before the war, only European nations, particularly Britain, France,
Germany and Italy, were the major actors in world politics. The
USA used to follow isolationism and the USSR, after 1917, had
remained fully occupied with the process of internal consolidation
of the socialist system.
(ii) Britain and France also became weak due to the heavy war
losses suffered by them;
(vi) A weak Europe set the stage for the liberation of Asian and
African countries from the clutches of imperialism and colonialism;
After World War II, the weakened position of the European imperial
powers and the strengthened spirit of national self- determination
and liberation among the colonies became instrumental in initiating
a process of end of colonialism and imperialism in the World. The
anti-imperial & anti-colonial movement began registering a
stupendous success.
In the era of the cold war and alliance politics, some states,
particularly some new states, decided to remain away from the cold
war and the superpower alliances. States like India, Yugoslavia,
Egypt, and Sri Lanka. Burma (now Myanmar) and some others
decided to follow such a policy. This comes to be known as the
policy of Non-alignment.
After the end of the Second World War, several big structural
changes in the International system as well in the Balance of Power
system reduced the operation ability of this device. This rise of two
superpowers, the transformation of war into a total war, the
emergence of nuclear weapons, the establishment of the United
Nations, the emergence of the process of decline of imperialism-
colonialism, and several other such factors made the Balance of
Power system almost obsolete.
The final end of the Second World War came with the use of atomic
weapons by the USA against Japan. It symbolized the beginning of
the nuclear age in International Politics. For the first time, some
countries came to acquire means capable of destroying the entire
world. The nuclear factor divided the nations into nuclear nations
and non-nuclear nations, the former enjoying superiority in power
relations over the latter.
The two World Wars within a short span and the possibility of a
much more destructive, rather totally destructive, Third World War
made humankind highly conscious of the need for preserving and
strengthening international peace and security. The urge for
securing peace became stronger than ever before.
The change in the concept of war from a simple war to a total war
gave a new dimension to international relations. The revolutionary
developments in the fields of transport and communication
increased the scope and frequency of relations among nations. The
rapid technological development in the developed countries made
them economically and militarily stronger enough to maintain a
neo-colonial control over the newly emerged developing countries.
The two World Wars within a short duration and the possibility of a
much more destructive, rather totally destructive Third World War
made humankind highly conscious of the need for preserving and
strengthening international peace and security. The urge for
securing peace became stronger than ever before. There appeared
a welcome peace movement in international relations. This
encouraged nations to work for mutual welfare and development.
They became highly conscious of the need for development through
mutual cooperation and goodwill.
(5) Peace, security, development, and prosperity for all the nations
got recognized as a value in international relations.
(8) The presence of the United Nations gave a new look to the post-
war international system.
(9) New and Open Diplomacy came to replace the old and secret
(11) The transformation of war into a total war made it much more
dreaded and the nations became more and more interested in
preserving international peace and security.
(12) All the nations became conscious of the need for preserving
peace through a better and effective device of power management
i.e. collective security.
Thus the Second World War had a big impact on the nature of
international relations. The post-War International system came to
be a system totally different from the pre-war international system.