Dsa Pyq 2022
Dsa Pyq 2022
Dsa Pyq 2022
Unit I
expression with the help of Infix to Postfix expression 7. What is Balanced Multiway Search Tree ? Explain its
algorithm : construction and applications. Consider a graph with five
X:K + L- M*N + (0 A P) * WIUV*T + Q vertices and six edges, then explain how to find out
Minimum Spanning Tree (MST). Also explain Warshal's
Also, discuss the advantages of Postfix and Prefix
algorithm. 15
expressions over Infix expression. 15
8. What is AVL tree ? Explain its need. With input data
A. Discuss the difference bctween simple queue and circular
125, 112, 117, 130, 15, 69, 11s, 114, 137, 127, 140, 129,
queue. Also, consider any array and write the pseudo 128 depict step by step construction of an AVL Tree.
code for how elements are enqucucd and dequeued from Also, delete 140, 129, 128 from the AVL tree and draw
the circular queue along with their overflow and underflow the final one after deletion. 15
conditions. 15
Unit III
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23C Haze