Omsimnida Sir Nat
Omsimnida Sir Nat
Omsimnida Sir Nat
Submitted by:
Clemente, Clerhins G.
Submitted to:
Teaching is one of the most fundamental pillars of society where it shapes every individual
in profound ways. The Bachelor of Elementary Education Program had opened numerous
gains and opportunities to me to become what I am now. It extends on an activity where
it shapes my mind, behavior, and perspective where it prepares myself on what I’ll expect
when I step up through the field of teaching. This extension program namely ‘Gabay Turo’,
is a type of program that extends assistance and aids the Day Care Center Pupils to
better guide them through their learning process. The program happened in Carillo Day
Care Center consisting of seventeen (17) pupils and a teacher. We are accompanied by
Dr. Ferdinand Alcantara, Ma’am Marjorie Efondo, and Ma’am Athena Grecia Agustin
where they lead us to be better and for the program to succeed. This extension program
is an initiative from Bulacan State University that reaches out to the community to lend
help and deliver knowledge, as well as skills.
Goals are the driving force that shapes the direction and defines the purpose of every
program. This program aims to assist, teach, and deliver fun to the pupils. It is vital for
every child because we should shape their foundations effectively while they are still
young, for them to give their best soon. Furthermore, the pupils are still young so they
seek for some games, that’s why we should balance the teaching and give them time to
play with their peers. This program is essential to the community, especially for the
assigned teacher, to lend help to her on handling the pupils and assisting them in their
educational process. It is also beneficial for me, as a future educator of elementary
students, to gain participation, experience, and opportunities that will be very helpful for
me in the future. It is indeed relevant to the school and community because it provides a
pathway that is very beneficial to both students’ end.
Personal reflection offers a meaningful pause that gives me a chance to step back and
examine my experiences. I have learned a lot from that extension program that equips
me now, as a Field Study Student, that I can use to my students in elementary school on
how to handle behaviors, attitudes, and habits. Handling such kids with an average age
of four (4) to five (5) is not so easy. They are on the stage where they are still figuring out
some things about how it can be and why it should be. Despite having those kinds of
challenges, it indeed enhanced my skills on how to handle such situations with
compassion that will be very helpful to my students. I know that my current path will not
be very tranquil as it is expected but having those experiences will equip me to be better
and aim for the best. Furthermore, seeking their curiosity and excitement was one of the
best lessons for me because it taught me that it is essential for every grade-schooler. It
gives them a feeling that they will be rewarded every time if they do things right.
When we conducted the activity, the parents of the pupils from Day Care Center were
also involved. They knew that we were assisting their children in their learning process,
and we were aiding the teacher by providing some help for the pupils. We only had three
(3) meetings, but we knew it for sure that we somewhat made differences to their child’s
learning. It is a success from both party – the program provider and the program receiver,
because we both benefited to it and gained a lot especially for the children’s learning and
enjoyment. Additionally, it is very important that, as a future educator, I should engage in
programs and activities like this because it helps me learn more, gain experience, and
acquire opportunities that are very beneficial on my career path. The role of the teachers
in the community is also vital for the reason that they can teach and nurture individuals
that can help for the future of our society. Teachers’ shapes and molds individuals from
the community not only to be literate but also to become better people with high moral
value and mutual respect.
I, Clerhins G. Clemente, am very grateful that I am a part of this extension program that
extends help to the community, especially for the children, to share some knowledge and
assist help for the betterment of the learning process and well-being of the pupils. I’m
hoping that my co-students can participate in this kind of activity because it will open your
mind and heart of how and why teaching is very fun and interesting. I know for sure that
this is not the end for me of extending aid to the community, and I should maximize my
time to reach out and hear them. Having the initiative to be part of something that I know
can make difference to others is something that I can be proud of myself. Some people
out there are waiting for my hand and lips – hand to grab when they need help and lips
for them to be their voices. We, as future educators, are the pathways of aspiring
individuals to reach their dreams so be their guide to achieve it. As a future educator, we
are builders of productive and fruitful students that can help rebuild a strong and wealthy