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Advance Hair Studio

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& ANR. ( ) ;,1){-J s;.i l' i"i I,A1{'l'l }i$



1. ilpit i,,i bet,aifui tht: o1-,Jpos;ite Parties

along rvith supporling Ailiicl ir ''.ri t
2. Aprtglsure R-l
Board Resolution dated 13 .o3.2021 7\
3. A"ne""* RC_-
A copy of the R.eceipt datectecl 10.1 1,2019
for Rs. 500/- towarcls cons >nsriltartion

A copy of the Declaratiorrrr (Consr.tltation) 7\.LE
form signed by the Comprplaitrrrtrl
5. A$nexu{e R:4 (99!lX)
Copies of tlre Reply dertecl r0.r2.'2020
aiong with Courier/Postal l:ltlcrltls anr,l zr-3iq
Delivery Report
6. Vakalatnama i.it';3e






VcI stls
& ANR. ()t'l)ost.tl PAR].[ES





l. That the Complainant has lilcd thcr present Consumer

Complaint against thr: Op;tosi1t, Pirr'1it,s i.nter allcr seeking
for refund of Rs.2,18,ll0O/- irlor-rg with Rs.1O,lOO/-
towards hospital expeDSCS. 'l'lrc Conrplainant has further
prayed for Rs.50,OO0l- as ool])l;crrsaticln towards rnental
agony; Rs.50,000/- asi cr-rur1-x:rrsat,ion torvards physical
trauma and Rs.25,OOOl "tourirr"cls liligatior-r expenses. The
Complainant has also prlr.l,crl I'rtr ')4t'/,, ir-rterest olt the
aforesaid amounts. The plest:nt l{t::1-lly is being iiled by
Advanced Hair Studicl Pvt. Lrcl throrrgh its autirorized
representative, Ms. Char.lr Al-ol'ir, who wars duly
authorized vide boarcl rc:sohrtiondated l3.03 .2O2l.The
true copy of the board resolution rlated 13.03.2021 is
annexed herewith as Annexure R-1.

2.That at the outset, it is sul;rnittt:cl lhat each ernd every

allegation made in the Complairrt. is clenied as false and
submittecl that the l;rt:stlti Complaint is not

maintainable qua the Opllostlt: I)itttitrs'

by tlre oppo$ite Pr,rrtir:s. 'l'ltc cotttlrhinatrr has uriserably
failed to show any dr:ficictrr:y itt st'rvir:er rln the part
of the

opposite Parties or tltat lltr:y llitVt' irrtlLrlgcd irt any ur-rfair

Protection Act, 20L9 (ircrcittalIt-:t. reierrecl tct aS
Act"). Hence, the presetrt Ct-rrrrlllitittt is liallle to dismissed
qua the OPPosite Parties'

4. That the brief facts pertaitrirrg lo tltt: ciise are as lollows:

a. Thaton 10.11.20i9, tlre Ccrrr:plairrant approecile(l

treatment for his herir k:ss condition subsequent to
which the Cornplerinirrrt urrclerwe:rtt a minirnum 60-
90 minutes of prolessicrtterl c-:onsultirtiorr ers provided
by the consultants ot'thc opposite Parties tbllowed
by an lrair clrt.:c:lt irrc:lr:rlirrg eln audio-
visual presentation. Ilast:c1 oll Lhe advanced hair
loss conditions srill'f'crccl b.y the cot],lplaiuant, the
information pertairrirlg t<l tlrt: relevant procedures
offered by them sti that llte ('t-rtrtlllaillatrt nray rnake
10.11 .z}rc for lls' 500/- 1.r:rvatt'cls consultation
copy of the I)eclerrution (Corrsultation] signed
' :
rr1;...1' ,f$
. \\
by the CcltnPlzritt;'rttl is annexed herewith as

Annexure R'3.

b. That dr,rring the consultaliorr, the cotilplainant was

provided with an opport.tttrity to disct-tss any doubts
ancl get all Clrtt-ii'it:itliotrs 'uVit.h rcspect to the
opting for any p:,tt'tit;ttlitt pt<;cedure' Ac<;ordingly'
the complainant, lli.rscrl ()n liis hair ioss condition
and expect:r.tions nncl at iris solc cliscretion without
any influence, made an inlornrecl decision and opted
(hereinafter referrecl to its tl-re "said Procedure").
Moreover, the Cornplilinarrlt further confirmed that
he had understood ali lhc inftlrmzrtion provided to
him with respect to tl"re slrid llroceclttres'

C. subsecluently, llre 1)0nrplititlittrt ltgain visited the

the oppositc Par|i(,lj l.(,I)I"(.1-;t,Ittlttivc agiritr explained
hirn about thc 1.lt.or:tlcit.,it.tl(s), its e f fect.s, tlre st.eps
involved ancl the t;os1 lirt tltt'si,tl.t.lc.'l'l-rart in view of
the same, the Cotnl:laritrattt at his own discretion
and without any unclue inlluence from the Opposite
opted for the saicl Procedure. The c)ornplainant
decided to opt tbr the saict f'rot:eclure ou the basis of
the stage of his iittir loss, ager, hr:aith issues'
personality and t:x1-rt't:tlt t iotls'

d. That. accordinglv, l.lrt: (l()t.rrplrritrltrtt signerl up for the

said Proceclurr: olt I (). 1 ',,].20 I 9 atrd (luotation
said Quotationrvils tlr'rly acceptcd by him'
of 11s.2,18,300/- (Rupees
Accorclingly, an auroltn1
Two Lakhs Digirteen Thous:rud Three
Only) vuas paicl by the Complainant through
'lwenty Five
installments of Rs.25,000/- (Rr-rpces
Thousand Onty) anci lls' 1,93'300/- (Rupees One
Lakh Forty Seveu 'l'hor'rsatnd One Hundred and
Ninety Two Only) to the Conrplarirlant' pursuaut to
which Receipt(s) dirit:rl lo' i2'?019:rnd another

ComPlainant resllcctivt:lY'

expressly mentionecl irl lllc saicl Quotation form

signed by the Compltrinitnt that there shall be

refund of payrnent utldt-'r any circumstances
whatsoever'. Additionally, the Complainant further
signed a Declaration (Strzrncl by Strand - Cosmetic)
on lO.l2.2}lg whereitr cletatiled terms and
mentioned, whiclr itllvtr llt:cn signecl by the
Compiainant altct' t't:i-rclitrg ?rnci completely
provision there()f'. 'l'ht: r;:titl l'rrt:1 oI utln-rcfund of the
recorded in the Declarzrt.ion duly signed and
executed bY the ComPlainat'rt'

f. That subsequently, the Cornplainant requested and

accordingly underwent tht: saicl Procedure at the

submitted that the contlllirittrtnt post undergoing
any kind
the said Proc:edttrc tlrri t'lol ''rtltttlllitilr allout
of heaviness or hcitcliri:ltt' ol' lltty isst-tes 'uvhatsoever
and iustearcl, was thri.v t'1.'" said
:' ' ,.\ -,\\ '
i! '
\ "- '"ri'1"i'1
,f ...., \
It is sigttiflir:at-rl ltl trote that even when
the Complainant in thc llrst week of November 2A2O
satisfaction ancl clicl not lllontiol) any complications
or problenrs of ally nlanncr wlratsoever arising out
of the said Proceciurc"

g. That however, ol) '21' ' I l"'2\')t), to the utter shock

and dismay, the Opposite Parties received the Legal
Complainant, whcreby inler alia the

' assertions agairt:;t lltc ()1>positt' Pat'ties'

h. That therealter', tirc olrlIrsiltr Pi.trties vicle their

baseless allegatic:lrs ier,t:ltltl lrgiilrtst thenr irr the

said Reply wils duly clelivr:recl ancl served upon the
counsel for the Complairrant on 12'12'2O2O'
However, despite receiving the said Reply to the
Legal Notice, the Cornplaitlant has filed the present
baseless arllegatior-rs rrgaitlst llre O1l;lrlsite Parties,
with rnalaiicle intcrrtiotrs rtttcl ttlttrrior t:rcltives solely
for the purposcj of illt'13rrll.y (jxtorting uloney from
of the complariilatrt. i.rl'e lirrtlrtlr r:viclent frorn the fact
that the conrplairriirrt rlClilrtrratel-y concealed the
said fact and purpr>seiy tlicl trol' lttrnex/place on
record the Reply Legal Notice dated 10'12'2020
along with his Complaint, solely for the purpose
misguicling this llon'ble Forum' True copy of the
Reply Legal Notice datecl 1O'I'2'2O'2O along with

courier/postal re<,ilr'r .iiirl [)elivery Report are

annexed herewith as Annexure R-4 (Colly).

5. That it is subrnitted that thc Cornplainant was duly

inforrned ancl intirnated ilbrlrrl t'irt:h ancl every detail
about the serid Proceclur-c irrciuclirrg the i:robable outcome
of the san1e, cluring thc irrrlial r:rirrst,rltirtiot-r sessions and
the same were repeat.ecl itt vrrt'ious st.ages cluring the said
Procedure.It is further sui;nriltr:<l thal the Complainant
was fully satisfied witlr 1lrt,r scrvic:es of the Opposite
Parties and did notconvey illry rlissiitisfaction whatsoever
until the issuance of tlrc sirirl l,cgirl Notice basecl on false
and frivolous facts.

6. That it is submitted that tiit'clor:tur.tct.tts strltrnitted by the

Complainemt nowhere inclit:i.tl"es tlrat tl're Opposite Parties
failed to provide set-vices or wars rrcgligent in providing the
said services or that ti-re Cornplainernt suffered any
medical illness resulting frorl the services provided by
the Opposite Parties. It is lurllrer sr-rbmitted that the said
Procedure is a
pr-rrely non-tncrlir:i'tl lrrocedure which is
done above the scalp o[ tlrc lrcacl so asj to cover the bald
area and thr:reforc, thcrc is tro <1t-tr:stion of any medical
side effects of any kincl trrising or.rt ol'the seud Procedure.

7. That it is most respecti'ully sul-lnrrttecl that the rredical

records plerced on reccrcl b.1, 11,,' Orttnltl:titrant ari: not only
false, frivolous, forgecl rttttl i'itlrt-ic:itlcci but trot even
substantiates t.tre false rrllt'grrt iorts tuacle by the
Complainant. It is pertir-retrt to tnetttiot-t that the rnedical
records placed on record of this Hon'ble Consumer
Forum are neither signecl by iI qualified doctor nor
indicates that the allegecl cotrclitiotr of the Cornplainant
arose out of the satirI I)t-ttt:ccltlt-t:. [l'rtrtltr,:r, rlo expert
evidence has been pla<:ed olt ro( ot'tl ttl sr"rtrstanliate the
ill\-I'J , :;:,; ,roli1
Said false arrd ft.ivtlltir'ts l ol. l llr: Complainant
ir iit.1;; i rr ,i

against the oppositt: l)rrttitr;, irrilirrgi which the said

dispUted question of fltt:I t:rtttttot irc rl<ljr.rclicated and
decided by this I{ou'lllt: [itlt'rtttt ili it sLtlllllti]ry proceeding'

8. That it is submittecl tl-rat ti.rc clainr of complainant based

only on averments macle by the complainant in the
complaint without any corroboretLive evidence cannot be
a110wed ashas been hel<l in the case titled "sahib singh
Vs. Sonu, 2006(2) cPc 175 chd, by Chancligarlr State
Consumer Folum.

9. That it is subnritteci 1lllr1 llrc t'ottrlilitittitnt had not raised

any.Concern regardiitii tltt' srrirl l't-occcittt't: durilg the
course of proceclure ()r t ltt lirllorv-up clone by the
representative of thc oppOsitt: ['rrt'tics itncl wers in fact
duly satisllccl with 1ht: r't:sulls rrt:ltit:vccl tllror-rgh the said
procedure. The aforesaicl position is lurther- evident front
the fact that the Complzrinant hers never compiained
about the outcome/rcsults of the said Procedure
undergone by the Cotnl;laiuattt, l;efore issuance of the
Legal Notice and thcrclbt'C, tlrt' Prcsct.tl. Cornplairrt is
devoid ol any rnerit. rritrl ltts lret:n iit.a by the
Complainant, merely ir.s un itllt't'tllottght, lli"rsecl 0n false,
frivolous zrrtd r:t)trcrtr:lr:il iirr:t:;. Ilt lhis regarcl , it iS
submitted thart the pr"t.:,t'trt r:oltl1:lllint iiled by the
complainant is conrltk:1r::l.y sltaltt ltt'tcl thtr sertne has been
filecl solely with a rnalallclt' ititt:ttliotts to t-rtal<c r'vr6ngful
Parties, tarnishing tlic gootlw'ill attrl l'\lputattion of the
opposite Parties ancl rvith ttllt:t'iot' tttotivcs lr-r illegally
extort money from the Opposite Parties'

10. That it is <>nce agttin reiterated that the said

Proceciure is il non-rneclical ltrrlcedure which is done

above ttre scarlP of the hcirrl sio tls to cxlvet the bald area
i l.,dl''..['''l
said fact is expressly startccl itr thtr Dcclarartion (strand by
Strand cosmetic) signed b1' the complainant'
Furthermore, the oppositc Parties I'tas lleen performing
the said Procedure for sevelal yettt's arld has not received
any such complair-rts frotn i1s c:tlstotners with respect to
the said Procedure.

11, That the Conrpltrittztttl ltas frrilcrtl to nrirl<c out a case

against the opposite Pirrtir)S rutrl lttrs rniserably failed to
show any cleficiency or nt:glig3nC(' oll llzrrt of the opposite
Parties or its indulgencrt: or ittr,Olvcftlt:trt in a.ny un{air
trade practices unclct- 1hr: 1lt'orrtsiotts rl{ the Consumer
Protection Act, 2019. I'Ierrcr:, llrt' l.rrcsent Comlllaint fails
to satisfy the necessaryr ingl'cclit:tt1s ol Section 2(6) of the
. consumer Protectiou Act, 20lg qr-ra the opposite Parties
and therefoi-e, the prescrtl cotrilllititlt. is liable to be


12. That the prayer tor cotrtlltrtrsattion raised in the

present complaint is n()1 t(:uitblt: ils per thc principle of
law laid down by l lrC I Ioti'lrlc Nal icit-rerl consttmer
Disputes Reclress;ai (.ltirrrrtrissi0tt, Ne r,v Delhi, in the
matter of ..surend.ro Kurno;r Tgagi vs. Jagat Nursing
(N.C.) wherein the Nal.ionlrl ootnrtrissiot"t expressly held
that the "compensartir-rn sltt.,uitl l)() ()()ll)llletlsurette with
loss and injury, sufferecl lry thc cotnplainant. The

consumer Forum is not meant to enrich the consumers,

at the hands of the service providers, by awarding unfair,
unjust and excessive Compens.ttion,,. The Cornplainant
has failed to commensurate its claims with the
'i'ht: cornpiainant has in
injuries/losses sufferecl ll-v hinr.
fact not suff'ereci anll irr.1r-rr-.y/loss 1]riging,roUt':ibf any
,, .,, .,.,' ,'...fr.
.''\i'X r,,,.1,t,r,r'i

act/omission on P of tlrc ();rpr"rsite Parties, as wrongly
claimed bY the plainarnt in his CornPlaint'

13. That it is ubrnittcrl lltrrl therc are compiex

questions of fac: artrcl lerw itrvolved in the present

complaint, which cal'tttot lit: ad.jucliczr.ted by the

Consumer Forum i sLlnrrlllir.y pl-o(:(:redillgs and the same

can best be iatecl itt lcttrts o{'cietailed evidence to

be led bY nnd on trirll' oi' lirt: lrrtt'1ies. Sitlce, the facts
alleged by the laittitnt t't-rtlttit'r-'s clt:t:riled enquiry and
triai, the same ca r only bc eslablished before the civil
courts/ errbitrrll tribuual, .ls Provided under the

contract(s) dulY ted betwecn the Parties'

14. That the Pr is tiot tnaiutainaible as

r-rt Cornltlitit-rt

. the Decla'ration form, Cotrst.tltzrtion Receipt dated

10.1 1 .2019, Aclv nce Ret:ei1;l [or Its'25,000/ -dated
10.12.2019, Recci t for Rs.1 ,(Jll,ll(X)/- clated 20'12'2019

and ReceiPt rociuct lturcllitst:tl for an amount of


Rs.1,390/- datecl q.10.2020 sigrretl between the parties

contain atl arbit ticltr clitttst: r,vlr it:h states that any
dispute l-retwcen thc liitrl it:s sllall bc subject to
arbitration at De i by srtlt: r-rrlrilt'irtot lo bc i-rllpointed by
the OpPosite es. liurthct', the Quotation, said
Receipts, Declara n Forru atrcl Aclvance I{eceipt signed
by the ComPlai t expressly states that the courts of
Delhi shall havc jurisdictiot't tt't the exclusion of all
other courts. It is ubrnitt.ecl thal only tl-re courts in Delhi
have the jurisdi ion to acl.itrrlicatL' upon any matter,
claim or disPute arising llctweern the llarties herein'
Therefore, in iew of ltccL:sszlry requiretnent of
evidence/trial tcr concluctccl to clfectively adjudicate
the alleged clis s ltt.lct sr' lrt'tw(lt:ll lirc parties, it is
most resPectful[Y ubrtrittt:cl llritt this i-lou'ble Forutn
no jurisdiction entertrtitt llrt' l)l-(:rsent C;omplnint and


any dispute be tlte ltiirlicr'; iLlttl satne be adjudicated

upon and shcrll be fcn'c:c[ to rrt'iritrlltion in accordance
with the arbitration greetnettt rlttly t:xecuted between the

15. That it is surb ittecl tirat tlrt: present Complaint is

liable to be dismi d cltil.i tlrt: Opposite Parties on the
ground that no of a.cliott hrts arisc:tl agatinst them.
In this regard, it is submittr-rcl lhitt llrc Complainant has
failed to prove anY eficiency in scrvices or unfair trade
practices on the part of the OPPosite Parties and
therefore, rto caus of action hars errisen tbr filing the
present ComPlaint by Iht: Cotttplttinant against the
Opposite Peirties.

16., Thdt it is sr-rb ittecl Llurl tlit' Crinrplaittant ilas not

approached this (lot:srttttt:r ["til t.tttl wittr clea.n hands
and therefore, thc' presel)l Ootrrlrlair-rt is liable to be

dismissed solely ot-r this groirrtcl rilotlt:. In thi:; regard, it is

submitted that the: Cotrrplatttattt Irrrs; deliberately with a
malafide intention s statccl in his Complaint that the
Opposite Parties till clate not rcplied to his Legal
Notice despite the t that tl-rc Reply datect lO.l2.2O2O
sent by the ite Partics wils dtrly delivered aud
served upon the plainirrrt rlrt 12 .1'2.'2O2O.

17. That in view <tt' t hr: ubovt', it rs tuosl- hunrbly

submitted thart tht' 1rt'cscttl Oorlrplzrint is not
maintainable cluit i-ic O1';prisitt' I)ttt'lit:s atltl the seime is
Iiable to be disrnis


1. That the contents of Pari.t No.1 of' tlrc Clornplzrint are

denied for want knowledgc .Incl thc CornpiSifigir,
- rr\r l.
put to strict Proof "

2-4, That the contents o Para [.ltr{s} .] to 4 of the Complaint

are a matter of . Il rs srrirtnitted that that the
Opposite PartY is a il-l<rrnrt,tr r'r)llll)0.1)y dealing in hair
replacement, hair -growlit ittt<l h;tir extensions. It is
further submittr:d nt art Lltc litttt: of cotlsultation, the
Opposite Parties nduct it lttrrg preseutation session
whereby all the ures ofJ'ercci by thern are explained
to their clients/ mers. It is further submitted that
the clients/custom rs of the Opposrte Pzrrties are also

provided with all e cleteiils related to each of the

applicable Proced conclt-tctctl bY them and the
Opposite Parties appreciules a trcl clncourages its
clients / customers to scei< r:llrl'il'it:iltious on all the
procedures to rnetkc ern ittiot't'trc<l clroicc and decision with
.regard tci the choicc of the 1tt-t-rccclurt: to bc opted.

5. That the contents I'at'a No. 5

f 5) ol' tire Conrplaint are

wrong and theretb , clenir:cl. It iris ittcorrect and denied

that the ComP t reachcct tltc' str-rclio o[ the Ollposite
Parties at Murnbai arfter hc wzrs called by the Opposite
Parties' rePresenta ve for explaitring l-rirn the procedure
as alleged in this a. In this regarcl, it is submitted that
the Complainant voluntarily visited the Opposite
Parties studio at lhi on lO. I I .2019 lrlr consultatiort
and had also Paid nsttllanc-y t:ltitt-gcs of Ils.50O/- vide
Receipt dated 10.1 .2019.

6. That the conten'i-s f Pat'ir No. (r o1'tlte Complaint are a

matter of record trencc, treecls tro reply. However, it is
submitted tl-rzrt. il rninimum
thc Coutl>llrittitttt rttttlerwenl
60-90 minutes of rofessional t;ritrsttltation as provided
by the Consultarrts of the Oppr-rsite Parties foilowed by an
advanced harir heck inclr-rding an aridio-visual
presentation. Duri the presentation, the Complainant
parties and the mtrrketing tttatet'irtl in c1etail. Additionally,
the complainant was proviclc:rl with an opportunity to
discuss and clerrify lhc lll'or;c<ltrre(s) t-rffered by the
opposite Parties prior to rrirrl<illfl irlt itrforntecl decision for
opting for a,ny pa.rl-ictlltrt llt ot:trtlt t i t"

7. That the contents of P:rra No. '/ ol' the coml:laint are
incorrect ancl denied to [htr cxtcnt theit the Complainant
was influenced by the opposite Pzrrties while choosing
the said Procedure. llowevul-, t'cst of the contents of the
corresponcling Para are a matter of record. It is subrnitted
that the complainant agait-r visitccl the studio of the
Opposite Parties at Dt:llri orr 1O'12'2OL9 amd ttreir
representative again explalllc(l tlrc cornplainarrt about
,the prclceclurre(s),
its t:l-ii:r:ts, litil stelrs involvecl and the
cost for t[e sarnr,: prrr-str:rrrt 1o rvltit:lt tlle complainant
himself, after propcrly rrrrcit:t"s;l.rttrtltng thc sarrre, at his
own discretion a.nd 'uvitll0ttt ill'1.\,' t.'oct'ciott, prcssure or
undue influence fronr tht: (-)lrlrositt: Patrties, tnade an
informed choice and cler:isiOrr nncl tlptecl for the said
Procedure i.e., strand by stra.ncl (cosmetic). It is further
submitted that the said Procedure is a non-medical
procedure which is done above the scalp of the head so
as to Cover the bzrkl ilrezt zttlcl tht:rclilt-e, h;rs no side effect
of any kind.

8. That the contents of l)rtt'rt Nr.i. Fl ol' tltt,: (.)olnplaint are

incorrect erncl denie<l. It is; tlt:trit't[ 1[rir1 t]rc: cornplainant

paid to thr: Oppositt: [)itr'1ies, ils' 25,OO l- on'l'tre Complairrlrrll tltot-tglt paid zrn anloullt of
Rs. 1,93,1100/- via N EI'-[' trrr 2l) '12"2C)19 a'nd paid Rs'
1,390/- on lg.7o.20'20 fcu' llrtt'r'lrirstr of a product from
the opposite Parties, In this rcgarcl, it is subrnitted that
the complainant was quotccl;ttr alnouttt of lis.2,18,300/-
(Rupees Two Lakhs Eighteen 'l'Jrousand Three l{undred
Only) for the said Pl'c)r'1]lr,'' 'r'it't:lt wils llaid by him
through instalhnents of lis;. 25,000/- (Rrrpees Twenty
Five Thousand Only) c-rrr I 0. t:1.2o I 9 zrttcl [ts. 1,93,300/-
(Rupees One Lakh Forty sr:vt:tr 'l'housancl one Hundred
and Ninety Two Only)on 20.1'2.2019. lt is further
that post treatrnent, the corrrplainant had
purchased a hair styling proclttct from the Opposite
Parties on 19.10.2O2O fbr whir:h, he paid Rs'1,390/- to
the Opposite Paities.

9. That the coptepts 9l l,irrrr No. (J ol'lire C)ornplz-rint are

incOrrect, frivolous iitt<l tlcrrit'rl. Il is vehctrtcr-rtly denied
the opposite Partics, thc cornplainant started suff'ering
from heaviness and pairr urrrl tlirrl lie informed opposite
Parties'representative ari;Orrl llrc silnrc. It. is further wrong
anb deniecl that the Oppositc I',rties infcrrmed the
complainant that sincc the saicl Proceclurc was just
carried out, the said complications will get resolved on its
own. It is also denied that when the said complications
did not get resc,lvecl for two morc da.ys frotn the date of
said procedure, then tlre Colrtplaitlant <:ontacted ttre
Opposite Parties aucl ilrlbt ttrt:tl tllcm itbout the same
pursuant to which the Opl"r0sitt: I)trrties assttred him that
the same would gt:l t'ttstll'"'t'tl ir', ',2 '1 days' In this regarcl,
it is subrnittccl tlrirt (iottrl;littttritlt- recluested and
accordingly undervu'eut thc s;lticl l't'oc:edttre at the Delhi
Studio on 19.lO.2O2O. It is liit'tlrc:t' subntitted that the
Complainant post the saicl Proccclure, liever complained
about any kind of heaviness or headache and instead,
was satisfiecl and happy wjth the outcorne and results of
the said Procedure.

10-11. That the corrtents 0f [)ara No(s). 10 & 11 of the

Complaint are wrong urrrcl r.leniecl in totality. It is
specificalll, deniecl tftat thc Corrrlrl;-rii.rr,nt, arftEi?'trusting
the opposite Parties, v",rlt"r1, l-t.1t.t rired back to his

residence in Gwi,rlior, ltoltlvcr, lilter rctLlrning the

complainant,s r:ornpliciltitlrrs wol'sLrllcrcl to an extent

where ttre said contplicali()r]s wuuld have become life
threatening had the complainant ignored the same' It is
further denied that conrplatriartt's t'elzrtives admitted him
in R.D. Memorial Hospital <tn'2'2.1O.2O2O after which, the
doctors at the said hospital treated the complainant and
informed him that the said complications have arisen due
to the said Procedure carriecl out by the opposite Parties
and that the said compiications were so serious that the
same woulcl have resultecl int<; lhe death of the
complainant had he not gt'rt l.l'ic tt'ear1.l:teut on time, It is
submittecl that even thotigh tllt: rttttltt:nticity a-trd veracity
of the documents fileci b1, thr: CollrpliLiutrnt along with tfie
complaint are deniecl lt.y tlrt' ollpOsite Parties and the
same has nclt even beerr signecl by a doctot., I{owever, a
mere perusal of the saicl clor:r-irnents clearly shows that
the Complainant was suffering with high blood pressure
and the false and fabri<;ateci pl'escription placed on
record by the compl:riniint cloes ttot advises hirn in
relation to hypertension despite of the fact that the
s5rmptoms alleged by the complainant were squarely
relatable to hlpertensior-r. Moreovcr, the said aileged
medical prescriprtiot: lllltr:t)<1 ()11 recrlrcl by the
compiainant, tLrclurgh 1c1vis6; littn 19 relnove the hair
piece as an abunclant ltrecaution l;t-rt cloes t'tot anywhere
state that the allcged rneclical conditiorr of the
Complainant was t"esttlting fronr the said Procedure. It is
further denied that the doctors also iuforrned the
complainant that 1.hc ltI()ccrrltrrr: t:urriecl ctlt by the
opposite Parties is seriorrs ani citt-tscs clamage to human
bodies. It is vehemently clenied t.|1t tire Cornplailant
paid Rs. 10, 100/ - towat'ds rneilical expenses for the
above mentionecl treat-rtrent' Iit this, .rregard, it is
l/ "rt/ \
representative contactecl ttic
(lotlllllalnant in the month
of November for a follow-utp, lrowever, the Complainant
did not mention anythirrg as rrllegcd in the cornplaint'
subsequerrtly, also the ()Oll.t1;iititttltrt czrlled the oP's
representative on 29.1 1.'r9!{.), llt: clicl not rnentiol
anything about the saici cc-rnrltiicalious atld expressed his
complete satisfaction prirsltant 1o uridergoing the said
procedure and wars in fact hapl;y atld satisfied with the
outcome and results of the said Procedure. It is further
submitted that the sericl Pror:e clrtl'e is a non-medicai
procedure which is donc al;t>ve tlre scalp of the head so
as to cover the bald area ancl tltt:t'clbre, lias no side effect
of any kind. Moreover, thr: oorrrlllllinant has annexed
fabricateci bills so ars tc., illr:grr.lly t'xlrlrt il1oney from the
Opposite Patrties.

t2. That the contents o1' I)ttrrt No. Ill ot' the Cclrnpiaint are
wrong and derried. It is s1-rt:c:ilit:rtlly clenied thert the
complainant after trusting tltc opposite Parties' false
misrepresentations clt:cided to undergo the said
Procedure which turned out to be life threatening for
him. It is further incorrect and denied that the

cornplainant is suffering from tnental ergony due to the

actions of the opposite Parlir:s, Il, is i,vt cltrg at-rd denied
that the opposite Pat"tres lravtr rllteirted the complainant
in any manner wharts0r,:vr-:r'. ltr tilis; rcplarcl, lt is submitted
that on multiple visrts, lite (),rlripliritratrt was explained
ali the proceclures relirltrtl to ltitit' lclss conclitions offered
by opposite Parties purslli:lltt rvltit;h, Ltie cornplainant,

at his own disct'etion arrct witlroltt itt-ty ltrtdue iufluence

from the opposite Parties, lrliidt: att tttfi:rrned choice and
d.ecision and opted for the said Ptoccdure. The satne was
also confirmed by the Complainant rn Dne.ciaration

*"'t. :"';'I'i'rr"'
13. That the contents of Peu'a i\(). i,i of the Complaint are
wrong, frivolous, defetrnattlr.y lttlcl hcnce, denied in
totality. It is denied thart Ll-re opposite Parties did not
provide the Complainant with c;ort-ect and complete
inlbrmation with respect 1O the said Pr<.rcedure and also
failed to inform the Complainzrnt that the said procedure
has serious effects on hunriln ltocty as erlleged in the
complaint. It is submitteci that the sarid Procedure opted
by the Complainant does t-:ot ltttvt: ar-ry side effects. It is
vehemently denied tlrrrt the ( )llposite Parties have
committed the clffencc of i:llt:itlitlg atrcl I'raud against the
Complainant by not llroviclilrg t:olttplcte atnd correct
information with respecl tO the sirirl pr-Ocedure and by not
conducting the said Procedure c:ot't-t:c:tly clespite claiming
to be an expert in the salnc. In this regat'd, the contents
of the preceding paras rtl' tl'ris; I{e1lly rnay be read and
referred herein, a1d the salne are not being reiterated for
the sake of brevity.

14. That the contents of Para No. 14 are aclmitted only to the
extent that the Complainant issuccl a. Legal Notice dated
23.71.2O2O and the rest of thc' c<-rntents of the
corresponding pa1'rl ill'(' it ti:tit't-t't:l i.tltd der-ried. It is
specifically denied that- tltt: ()p1;tisitc l):rrties; erre extorting
money from custoltlct-s ll.y misleadirrg and
misrepresenting them. lt is vehetnently denied that the
Opposite Parties have trot reltli,::cl 1o the said Legail Notice
till date. In this regrtt cl, it is sr-rbmitted that the
Complainant has leveleci falsc trtid trivolous allegations
against the Opposite Parties and tl-rey replied to the said
Legal Notice vide Reply dated 1O.12.2O2O and the same
was duly delivered and served upon the Courrsel for the
Complainant on 12,122020, prool' of wirich has been
placed on record by the OPPosite Parties along with this
wrong and d'enied' It is clcniecl that when the
Complainant contactecl t'lrt: Oplrosite l)arties to refund his
money, the opposite ['zrrt.i(]s l-(:rfttsoti 1o clo 1lre sarle and
therefore, the saicl arct o[ tlrt: c)pllositc Parties comes
under the definition of deficiency. lt is submitted that the
Parties and there is no deficiency in services provided by
d,ismissed. in tiris regarcl, it is ltrrther submitted that the
receipts signed b)' the Uotillllait'rltttl t:xllressly mentions
that nO refttnd shall be givt:ll rtttcler atry cirt;umstances' It
is further submittecl tlrat 1hc o1>posite Parties a"re not
liable to refund any anlouttt to thc Cotlplainer"ut as they
met all the comrrittnents 1.rt'oviclt'tl b.;'thcm and there is
no unfair trade lrracticc or clclicicncy in the service(s)
provided by the Opposite Prrrtir:s'

16. That the contents of PErre No.16 of the conrplaiint are a

matter of record and hence, neecls no reply'

17. Thatthe contents of Parii No. 17 of the Complaint are

wrong and deniecl. It is clr:tticrrl tlral this Ld. Forunl has
the territorial jurisclit:tiorr 1o irrl.irtclic'ittc r,lpon tire 1:resent
ciispute, ln this regirt.rl, it is sttl;rtlitlctl tllal present
clispute cantrOt lle arijrrlliCiilt:rI b.t'r'r'rilY of stlmmary
proceeclilrgs sincc it invglvc:r cOtitl:lex and nri:xed question

of facts ancl law, which c:irn e:l'1'cctively be arlir"rdicated by

leading evidenr:e ancl cottrlttt:tttrg triill in the matter'
MoreOver,the entire Cause 6f att:1iot-t occu;red 1t Delhi apd
Quotation and Declaration Ftrrtn slgned by

complainailt, the courts in Delhi ita.re exclusive

jurisdiction to arljuclicate 1lpot1 "rn)',;3n;,ltter;" claim or
i:6r,i''J''' \[}[',...,.,.-.1\, ..
-./ \ l: ,;..,,
ri -'\
dispute arising tweert tlie pirrtics herein and the
jurisdiction of all ther courts are ousted by virtue of the
agreement the parrties, therefore, this Ld. Forum
has no jurisdictio to adjudicate and decide the present

18. That the conten of Pura No.l8 oi the Oomplaint are

denied to the ex t tlrerl thc Opposite Parties have till
date not replied the saicl Legal Notice zlnd the rest of
the contents of t L:orr-erslloncling para are a rnatter of
record. In this , it is subrnitted that the Opposite
Parties have rep tt-r Lht: saicl l,egeil Notice vide reply
dated lA,L2.2O2O whir:h was cluly ctelivered and served
upon the Counsei r tirc: Compiaittant on 12.12.2020.

19. That the contents of Parer No. l9 ol the Complaint are a

matter of record hence, needs no reply.

That the contents of rs sought by' the Cornplainant are

incorrect and deniecl 1) totirlily. 'l'lrr' ( )pposite Parties are
neither liable to pay rr:lttrrrl iurv ilrrrottnt or cot-Itpensation
as there was no deficie irr scrvir:c or ttnfair trade practice
on the part of the O ite Parrties.

In view of the facts cirr:urnstilr.rccs tnetttioned herein

above, it is most res fuli1, sr-rbnritl.ecl that this; Flontrie
Forurn maybe pleasecl o ciisnris;s llrc prcscrrt Complaint filed
by the Complainerut wi exemplary cost.







I, Ms. Charu Arora, D/o Virencler Kurnztr Arora R/o 100617

Mehrauli, New Delhi - 110030,aged about 36 years, working

as Studio Manager - Delhi, with Advancecl Flair Studio Pvt.
Ltd, do hereby solemnly state eir-rd affintl as undet':

1. I state thnt I arn ar.rtlrr l-'iz<:d lt:1rrcr.;cntat.ive of Advanced

Hair stuclio Pv1.. Ltcl i.C., tlrr' 0plrositc Parties in the
above stateri tnatter atrcl llt:ing 'uvcll collvfirsant with the
facts of the case and as su<:lt I llttt <:otlrlletctrt tcl srvear 0n
the present Affidavit. I stalt: ttrarl I h:rve lteen authorizecl
Al$t depose before this Lcl. Iiorurn vicle tr botrrcl resolution


t the contents of the prcsetrt reply are true and

rect to the best of rny l<ntlwleclgc arud belief. I further
state that information statecl l'rerein is l-li-rsed on the
records available rn tht: olllcc ol Lltt' ()1t1lr;site Parties. I
state that nothing nratcr-iirl lr,is l,;t,t,rr cr.riiccaled therefrom

and that no Part of it is firlsi'


I, the above named nent clo hereby solemtrly affirm on
oath that the contents present Aflidarvit zrre true and correct
to the best of mY ledge and belief and that nothing
material has been there from and that no Part of it

is false.
day of .-----,,.,2021. nl! "


I! s H.1R tur

8 t'tA R l:rllt
fir,nq,uro ('l

13TH il/IARC}{'

Dellri 110 030, as
,ffi,-{ffiffira,'aiout 36 years, residing at 1006i'7 Me'rreruli, New r'tre r-ron'bre
- Ftir'lrinf
,.ffii;;r;;; rli"rJsentative to represenr *re c,rn;r,,,rnybef,re I ('^,.i^h',/r
l;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;lior ciry, Gwatior (rvracirry,, r,r:,,r",:;rr) irr rrrs; rnaur:r of saujanva

To iile, sign and verify all plearlrrrgs ancl tlcrcutnents in respect of the
aforementionecl Consumer Cornplairrt rrrclrrclirrg re1:lylwrittcn
t;tatentettts' etc'
applications, replies, rejoinders, afi'icJavit:i,evitlr:rtct.r,
rltvehec<.rrd statement, to conduct
To appear before the couruTribunel/Ftrru6, 16r
(ii)ctllLtuttls, to rtlceive docuntents,
admission/denial of documents, to filc orillinarl
()r recotd evicience,
to apply for court fees, to apply for certiltecj r;.11"1y, to glvt:
depose before the Courtffribunal/t-orrtrn, sit;ii a1<J filtl uviclence
by way of
or compromise
atfidavit, to depose before the Court/l'ribunatl/[::'rtrnr. to witlrdraw
the matter, etc. on behalf of the Conipany.
To appoint Advocate(s), Pleaders, Vakil, PerUkitt ur futtlrer ar"tthorize any
person to do such appointmetrt ancl tc sigrr;lrltj doliver Vakalatnanta' for
Acts which
above purposes arid to do ancJ p<;ttorm all otlter deeds, thir"rgs and
are not specified in respect of the aiorentcnlionetl consutter case fclr and

behalf of the Cotnpanyfor the bettermont of tllD $irme anci the acts, deeds and
things lawfully dorre by hinr slrall be colrtitill()rJ ;*; at;ts;, deeds arrd thirrEs dorte by
the Companyand his statements anrj actions slr;rll ire birlcJinr; upon thc Company.

llTUDlO IlFtVAl-E l-.llvlll Ft) 1.

L-----"- ,"/''' l,


r qll

AWfAh{Uffi ffi ffi"ulffi &[i' ff$', iluffi$ffiil ffi wffi ' yeal, ot

r)1r lLrfti'
Nnol^l i rl
& ltSl ti

Ahrmddrrd Erngdoru Chdm.l U.lhl 6ur0uo{ }t}-(l&ntrflrl fiNuml}4i P!tr, Punlrb (Ludhls[r)
4900s191 r9l80l0o9o.it00 r8l444i1?19'tg1 r911149119191 ig11?a{14!1!r1 'r,14u.ur1tji}191 19l,i?it:!{il}$rg1 '!1?0titi309191 rr'l ltil 4tu191$1
enrrurv1g 0-L LL
Hoir Studio


Supply Recelpt

of Advanco noto

Saujanya Gupta
building, hospltrl road lasrkar

lD; DELC14575, TN-GSIIN / UIL)

Arnount of advance
Descrlption Place of Supply
Now Dellri 423.73
sGST@9.00% 38.14

Amount 500,00

for choosing Advanred Hair Studio

lf or A(lvanced Hair Studio Pvt,Ltd.,
Arrthorlsed signatory
& Condilions:
No. 07MGCA7603NlZG
bques are subject to realization.
payments are Non Refundable & Non Transferable.
and Conditions of declaration end quotation sirall bc read as a part uf lhis i(ccurpl
disputes subjcc* to arbitration at Dolhi by sole arbitrator appointcd by Advarrccd Hair Studiq Pvt. Ltd


- EO.: Subject to excluslve jurlsdlction af courts tn Delhi Only in exclusion of all

any kind of feedback, p/ease mall us at: feedback@advattcedhairstudioittclia.corn

ADYANCED HoirSiudio, years of

r l(gt^R(!
n.girLnd Otllo.: Advrneil H!i. Studru, Nril Keril W{di li(,dJ. Oll lro'ry r,,u6i {{,' d. ()ll ()irlor Rortl, $,rrdru lW), MuDrUur {U0 U5U, kujs
B..Udm ClrDt.i Drllil O(rug,ur Srdorruud Mumbrl Puna Puni.o (Ludhr.n!,
.91 79{90tJ9191 +9t 80{9090000 +0'l a4 l021gtC1 }91 '11 a911{)101 {{,1 1?4 1ar4 I,t1l! ,'r1 40 4111,911r.l ,lJ1 2:r 33Blr91!}l }i}t 20 30500101 .91 l0l 4049191

Hoir Studio'
l,SA. tlK. AU$'f RAuA' gouTtt ArRJc/\

ru Itants of

gaUalYg-Qldg clearly-understand that I will be undergoing a nrininlurr 60-90

Mvanc€d Hair Studio Pvt. Ltd. inclu(ing presentation

minutes of [,rofessional Colsultation by the

- visuil
I understand thst tho consultation session does not involve any medical test/application and it wilt be provided by
onal providlng gen€ralinlormation about the hair loss stage and nol by tt rrerlicai professionats
" if
and understSnd that post consultatron: medical practitioner shall be involvod I decide to opt for any rTtedigal,procedule
give my consent to Advanced tiair Studio to co;tduct a
0eneral information sess;ion

I A,ccc'pt

Advanced I lttil Strr<lio. All I(rulrts ltr.scrvtrri

ADYANCED Hoir$tudio'
Omca: Advoocsd H&lr Sludlo. Ntw Kant Wadi lload, Ofl f,orry Cross l()ad, Oll Crrter Roa(1. tlan(lra (W), Mrnnbri 4U] 050, lrdio
years ol
tta€l t aNaa

t.@krr Cli.nn.l Llhl drrrro,rm {yd.,.b.d luab.l Fun. Punj.6 (Le{hi.,!.}

+9i 79 10000191 +010040000e00 +ei{,l02rglgl *9l ll4gllg19l }91 12411i491$l i1rl,l0n115{)t0l .llr?2:Jit6$0191 +ril203050gt9l +91 l6l 40,{919,
CIN i U$J02UMBZOO6ts t! I /,56{ I tr(rtr : rrrm I WoDafa i tlw itrlvdr(rilllandllxhrrxtil rrnn
Ftncr,rrt &8


by $r,ina - Cosmetic)(Each page to be signed by Cllenl)

Date :

olProfeegional Consultation as provid€d by the Consuliants o{ the Aovene Hsir Studio

,including Audio-Vrsuel Prerentation' thoroughly explainmg the course and
Proc€dure and its objoctive3 and limitatronJ. I hav6 abo madc multiple
t'efric ano bonfirm that I have thoroughly ancl moticulously understood th6 presonlation made
cqduta and also studiod and understood the marketing malerlal and ell my doubts-have baen clarilisd to my
by AHS.
duly tillgd the ettached Confdential Consultstion Ouestionnairo and undertake thal tho information lirovidsd thsroin is
best of my knowledoo end lshall be complotely responsible and liable for the samo
thqt Adyanced Heir Sludio can provide me lour dltfar€nt solutions for hair loss and the said for hair roplocemont
?re,a9 follor rs -

and my expectations , I have agreed and decidea to opt for 9trand by Strand-
,H€ir. Studio ifl 1gE.rJ vrhi',h is a non-nodical procodure pedormeti by non-modical
:'elnlahEC tipcorr,plute ptooedprs Garrrcd out tJl,iic: lhtj StiailrJ by aitrand (uosmetrc) an, all lts ob]ectives,
iFlndc; 6tc. I h6ua riropqrly underslood th6 complete proceduro with r6sp6ct to strand by llrand (cosmetic)
iqulstion qr doubt what6o6ver pertainjng to its pri)ceduru and its ob;eclives. beneflti. limitations and

'{ad lMllslrand.By:Strand (Co6motic) is a non-modrcal procedirri-. and thus the sarne cannol causo any medical
in Cabe any rnodical igeue.qr problem arises, then I shall consult and visil a doctor, physician or a medical praclilioner for
and AHS is absolved of any civil or orit'ninal liabihty of any mannBr wlth respect lo the aforesald proc€dure.
ely claar to me tha! basBd on my expeclations; Al-jS wili croate the sze of the nrembrane, thickness, dlrnsity end volume
bo attaohed to the 6aid mernbrane. Howover, I agree and confirrn that eveniually I shall be responsible for combing,
styling and wearing ol tha Customlsed Hair Skin (Membrane with llair) in an approFrriate rnanner as r€commended by

and agrco that Strand by Strand Cosmohc (a non-medical procedure) is a comprehensive sorvi@ irrogranr, which is
virtue ofusing multiple producls and methods. I understand thal the products used in the said proceduro lncluding but not
CuEtomised Halr Skh (Membrane with Hair), adhesives, grip stflps, other products and methods (alruady usod / to be
.procadUrg) ar€ th6 proporly of AHS and shall not be handed over to rno or any third pady at any stago in any
taBoovel.'Apart kom the Customisqd Hair Skin (Mombrane with Hai0 that is placed on my scalp, I shall neither
o i{ndouer tfro renlainint Customi$ed Hak Sktr (Membreno with l'lair\ or any other such product(s) at any given point

lhal I am advised by Advancrd Hsir Studio to keep nr,nrmum of 2 (two) Cuslonrrsed l'l;rir Skirr (Menrbrarre with
up at alltimos beside tho one orl my scelp [o avoid arry mishaps All thosc baoked up Cuslomised Hart Skin (Msmbrane
b0 kept by Advancsd Hslr Studlo and wlll b€ replaced when my current hair skin is ready lor replac€meilt.
or clarifbd that Customis€d Hair Skin (Membrans with Hai0 hils r life span and basod on the usdpe ai regular interval'lt
ire replacamont. At the time of replacement of ths Cuslomised Hair Skin (Mnmbrane with llair), the used hair skin shall bo
to AHS and AHS shsll digcsrd the 3ame for hygicne or any other reasons whalsoevor.
n performlng of Strand by Strand, Cosmelic scrvic€ program, I agree and rrnderlake lo visil AHS in a routrno mannet botweon
to 6 wc€ks for rbfusion and maintenance progr.lm which will be por{ortrled by prclcssionally tralned non-medical practitioners
ith replacornent of the old halr skln with new hair skin. ln case, I fail to hllow th(. specjfrc instructions or recomnendations of
respsct to the tim€ly and routine vislts to,AHS or rn crse the Cusl,lnlrsed Hair Skrn (Membrarre with llair) i$ tanrpered by me
party then AHS shqll not be responsibl0 or liable for effective rcsults and durabilily end longevity of the t)roduct(s) used in
thg f6ct thal maintananc€ of daily hygiene and slesnlinos$ rs absolutely essential for llris procecure and if I fail to
lha samo, it may result in hygiene relat€d probl8irs and AllS shall rrut be responsrble or liable rn any nranler whatsoever in
I turthel agree and underBtand lhat in case of 0ny such problems altribute to the lack of maintenance oi persoDal hygiene
a medical prsctitionor may be consult6d and AHS is absolv0d frorn any civil or criminal lrability in this regar,ls
that in ordsr to rovi6w the resultg, AHS will captur€ irnag6s bel,ra ail(j af'ter the procedu:e rs perlormed ald will save th€m
tor in-studio use and I shall not.aisB lny obloclion(s) whatsoever to lho same
this Dcclaration, I acknowledge that I have been i,lfornxld irrat
by Strand (Cosmetic) solutlon as providcd b7 AHS ls a non-mcdifirl hrr rcl)lli:on)ent proLi:Jure perfornt(d by non-medical

Strsnd by Strand (Cosmetic) solution,oxternal nlembrane |ke layr:,r of lraLr rs luscd orr nry scalp and tire same shall be
natural hair,
by Strand (Cosm€tic) solution, hair littsd on external m€mSrare liko layer does nol grow,
by Skond (Cosmotlc) solution ls not a perrnanont solution but it is a pernanent program and the Customised Hair
Hair Skin(Mc.nrbrane wath Hair) asli bo al rsgular

'rili$f,,ril4ffiHiln0'D FI O if
R.Cba.rcdo'rlico:AdvancedHDirStudro.N.wKsnlWadiRoaij OlIPEflyOossRr)ad,()fiCa|lerlioad Bandr.{W).

Ahm.d.btd B.rC.lon Ch.nnil oclhl oortnrarn Hyd.rtb.d

+s179{9009191 +9r8049000900.}01,14402t9',191 +911148,',10191 +0!124.(519191 i914011159191 +91 27



lambian€ with Hait, is a produd supported oy a aeruiE i'he.dursbility and

;'illj:;; l;';,;ili,,"11Jttro tr," .i'i'i' h^as to oe f:-rnr1l""d-bv a crnni fot
i"il;,-ilH;il i,ii'"iiiliv'r.i t-;ifitv-oi strand-Bv-strand Hair Proc€rrure
Ie lO lhe
to ;il;1'h;r; ;;ltGnince ptotocolie"ommonded bv Arls
tns ln:tlrlop anq ar lrerrrE
'eppropditc Custornised ttair Skin(Mer{Drane with Hair);
AHS Procoduros rocomended by AHS fot rnainlena nc.e'oi ure

in anv manner whatsoever for eny mistreatment, accrdont' n€gligonca'
m"'ntun.n* in rospect of ths Cu$tonrised Hair Skin
;ffi';ffi;ri uito

t,, rn6 to Al{S rs rrJri'relund;D,. ufldcr any circunrstances whltsoever' I further

rnd {QosnleucJ rs a pr)giam crsr.mrzeC to nry expectatron: ?tq 1"qYil:ll'u.lq1l1
;;Hy ffii;ii;.,s^,'ior lhii dediration, then I shall be liable to make

as pe'the agrec:: p;ynlenl scheduie from me siuce the sama would

ililiirirJ^I1,, of pron.\otionatoliers, i ar r required ro pay rhe e.tire i!.rountfor
tms. a6 lnformod bY AHS
r,cns as staied r,e{ein above i,ut or mv rree wirr ancj oonsent
Hat#ffil[i,lt'il:tff;#;;.;;'iil;;;; "";
'preBslr&,coetcion and undue;#;';;;;;Atls.oiJ"91:'-", ::''.t'jl':11'i:T31?3f,10]:::]["8,::]",;,:Tii:
iftffJ;;l;';.i'iitil iii'iiil;'"""'".t r"' ..i",goine t re strand-By-stra.c (cosmetict Proceduro at the
slrail be subltLl tr: attlttaLion at Dcllri try sole ajDilrator appointed
arising out of the quotation, this declaratron or invoice



Hoir Sludio'
Of Por.y qoss Road, Orl Culor Road, Baoda (' ), l'luttp - 400 05O, l'dl'
years ol
aKtll ttr(I

Ahmedrbrd Emgdon Channd Dalhl Guruglom . Hvd'abid ilumb'l Puh' Punls! {Lodhi.nl)
.Sl llil.r0lgl9l
+91 7919&9191 .01!0a90g@00 +g1{4492i919t *c:rr-i6ilgrsr *sr-tiqi5agrsr 'gtioltt50tgt .el22336991E1 ts1203os09lgl


.rncrrre Q-4 (crrttr)

A-9, Niz-anrudclin East, New Delhi ' I10013' INDIA
I(anth & Associates I'h., +91-11-?4359s93 I 24359594 I 24359597
Fax : +91'l 1'41825223
Arrortrvs & trrtrxrrroMr Lecru Coxsuurrxrs
E-nruil I inlo@kantlrartdassociates'com

I)ate: Decetnbcr 10, 2020

ll ilhout l'reiudice

.l Yadav, Advocatc
Roshni Ghar Road,
, Gwalior - 474009,

Subject: Reply to Lcgal dated 23.1 1.2020 (reccived ott 2'7 'tl'2t)20) on behatf of
Advanced Hair Pvt.l,td.

DeaL Sir,

and under the instructions of'our Clrctrt, Aclvartccd

Ilair Sttrrjio Pvt t'td" a privutc
We act for
w E dur lul qlrs
Plot No'
;n#;";, "ic.*rr"ics Acr,2013, having ils ollccs atMu,rbai-400050 Nabita
.nn/\cr\ /L,,-^i-.fr-'
H:'-:ffir"*"d,,'on, perry (_.ross rtoacr, Ira,dr-, (wcsr), r I rl--.:^^ l^.^l
,r ;r". tt,cnt"). our clicnt has handcd ovcr a copy ol'the Lcgal NoticeGupta,
;;;; Mr, Saunjaya
(..Legal Notice,,) to'.1s, sel]t by yiru, on bohal f.tll.your clielrt,

Bcfore giving a para wisc rellly to thc l0f()t'(".rrcdtl

t'cgal Noticc, it is subnrittcd at rhu vcty otttsct
Lcgal Notiotr against our Client are
thatall the allegations and assertions ntadu by !'otl itr thc saiu
inconect and misconceived.
your olienl has lo1 appriscd your gootl sell with the correct facts,
which has led to the issuance of false and bascles,s Lclitl

rvitlrout plc.luciicc to the rights and

Irunher, please be notified that rhis Rcply is lrcing issucti
Ntrthirrg in tlris lteply' I'cgal Notice
contentions of our client, in law, colltract atttl olllerrvisc
;;ll ;; ;;rrfirred in any manner to iimit thc rights ol'our olicnt to rnitiatc such action
your client, as ar'e availablc to it undcr thc law

The facts of this case are as follows:

Our Client is a pioncer ancl leatling namc iu tltc arca c'i

ilair'l'reatrnent' Hair
Iransplantation and other Ilair Carc l'rcatmcnts an<J is having
ils cxistcnce for the last 45
/ r\, r , ;) J{'t '-ut

years having its operations fronr New Zealand to IJSA, includirrg India and is having
around 300 studios all over the World. Within lrtdia also, our Client is a highly
parts of the
and largest hair replacement organization having its opcrations in different

) As a part of its standard proccsses, our Clicnt conducts a long presentation session
whereby all the procedures offered by our Client arc explained to thcir clients/customers.
The clients/customers of our Clicnt are also providccl with all the details related to each
of the applicable proccdurcs conductecl by our (llient and our Client appreciateri and
encourages its clients/customers to scok c'larilications <ln all the proccdures in order to
make an informed choice.

3. 1'hat your clielt our (.lliunt rrt rts l)clhi Srurlio otl 10.11.20 l9 to seek
treirtment for his hair loss condition, Thrt birsctl ott titc advanccd hair loss conditions
suffered by your client, oul clicnts provirlc<i all thc ltcccssary inlbnnation perlaining
.the relevantprocedures oflbred by t;ur clrcnr so that your client lnay gho()se to undergo a
suitable procedure. Your clicnt underrwcnt a tninitntrtn 60-90 minutcs of professional
consultation as provided by the Consultants ol'out L-licnt Ibllowcd by an advanced hair
check including a11 audio-visual prcscntatiou. Nlorct)vct. your clicnt was provided
with an
oppormnity to discuss an1, douhr and gcl all clarillcations with rcspeot to the

otfered by our Clicnt prior to opting ftrl atry particular proccdure. Accordingly, your
client, based on his hair loss conditir-rn and cxpcctations and at his sole discretion withoul
any influence, made an informed jecision and optcd to undcrgo Strald By Strand -
Cosmetic Procedure (hereilafler rcfbncd to as thc "said Procedurc"). Your client further
confirmed that he had understood all thc inibnnation provided to him rvith respect to the
said procedures.

4. Thereafter, your client again visitcd our Cliont's studio at Dclhi on 10. 12.2019 and our
Client's representative again cxplaincd him about thc l)roceduro(s), its eff'ccts, the steps
involved and the cost for thq sanro.'I'hal your clicnt himscll; lri llis own discretion and
without any undue influeuce liorn orrr Client, rrtarlc rrtt irtlitrnted cltoir:e and decision and
opted for a procedure called Strarrrl try Strancj (Oosrnctio) (hcrcrnalier relerrcd to as the
',said Procedure").'l'hat you: client tlccidc<J to opl lbr the said lrocedure..rn the basis of
thc stage of his hair loss, alrc^ hcalth issuc;s, l)cls()nalit_v artd crllcc;tations.

5, l'hat accordingly, your clicnt sigrrcd up irrr thc saict l'roccdttre on i0. 12.20lt9 and
quotarion bearing No. Q/DEL/GS'|/00228/19-20 datcd 10.12.2019 fbr the cost for Strand
by Strand (Cosmetic) was issuccl to your clicnt and thc said Quolation was duly accepted
by your client. Accordingly, an arnount of lls.2,il{,300/- (l(upccs'l'rvo Lakhs Eighteen
Thousand Three Hundred Only) rvas paid by 1,er.,, client tlrrough installments of
Rs,25,000/- (Rupees Trventy litve Thousatrt{ Onty) arrd I(s.1,93,300/- (l(upees One Lakh
Forty Seven Thousand One llundlcd and Niuety 'l'wo Olly) to our (-llicnt, pursuant to
payment of which Receipt(s) tlated 10.12-.1019 and another Reccipt dated 20.12'2019

,l':| ',rd A&/


that it was clearly nlentioned that

were issued to your client respectively. lt nray be notcd
whatsoever' Your client
there shall be, no refund of paymcnt under atty cirsunstances
further signed a Declaration (stranrt by strand cosmetic) on l0'12'2019 wherein
bccn tnenlitlned, which have
detailed terms and conditions ltlr thc said l)roi:ctlurc hitvc
'l'hc said lirct of non-rcfund of the
been read, understood and cluly signctl bv yoLtr clitrnl.
monsy ir: any circulnstanccs whalsot:vt:r is rlrrlv r,'r',,rilecl in thc Dcclalation duly signed
and cxecuted bY Your clicnt.

6. l'hat thereafter, your client requcsteti arrtl irccortlitrgly utltlerwcnt the said Procedure
the Delhi Studio on 19.10.2-020. In this rcgarcl, it is srrbnrittcd
that your client post the
procedure did not cornplain about any kintl ol hcavincss tlr headache
or any issues
whatsoever and instead, was satisllcd rvitir 1hc saitl l)rocctlurc
Morcover' when our
Client's representative contactecl your clicnt irr tltc Itronth of Novenrber 2020 for a
(lrd not lncntion any complications
follow-up, your client exprcssccl his:;arrslirctir)rr orr(i
or problems of any manncr whatsocvcr iIIlslllg tlut ol'thc said l'roccdure'

the Legal Notice

7, That on 27.11.207]0, to thc uttcr shook and dismay, our Clicut received
dated 23, 11.2020 from you on behalf of youl client, whereby
inter ulia yow client has
made t-alse, frivolous and basclcss asscrtions, rvltic'h arc dcnicd
in totality unless
'l'hc said Lcgal Notioc is c,ompletel)' baseless, tiivolous and
explicitly admitted herein.
and intimated about
concocted. It is significant to note that your clicrtl was cluly inlbrmcd
each and every detail about the said l'rocedurc including the probable outcome
of the
same, during the initial consultation scssittlts arrd the salle wsre repeated
at various
stages during the said Procedure. In lht:l, yrlur clicrtt was fully satisficd with the services

of our Client and did 6ot ooltvcy any dissatislirr:tiotr w'hatsocvt:r until the issuance of the
Legal Notice based on falsc and ll'ivolous lacts. Ycrur clicnt has raised such false and
frivolous disputcs and basclcss irllcliations aliainst our Cllienl, with nralaf-ide intentions
and ulterior motivcs solely lbr thc purposc ol'illcgally cxtorting lrloney il'om our
thereby causing wrongful losscs ttl otrr (lltctri.

The contents of the above submissions shall bc road a.s part and parccl ol tlle oolltents of the
reply on meritS, sinCe the same have not bectt rcpcatcd lirr thc sakc ol'bre"'ity.


l-2. jl
That the contents of Para No(s.) I and of lhc Lcgal Noticc arc a rnattcr of reoord' It

submitted that that our Cliclt is a wcll-known uon)pany dealing in hair replacement, hair
re-growth and hair extensions. lt is further subnrittccl that at the tirne of consultation, our
Client con{ucts a long prcsentation session whcreby all the prooedurcs offered by our
'l'he olictrts/custorners of our Client are
Client are explainecl to their clients,'custornors.
also provided with all the details rclated to each ol'thc applicahlc procedures conducted
by our Client and our Clicnt appreciatr:s and cncouragcs its clients/custorrters to seek
clarifications on all the proccdurcs to make ln inlirrtttcd cltoice.


3. That the contents of Para No. 3 of the Legal Notice are wrong and denied. lt is denied
that your client reached our Client's stutlio at Murnbai aller he was called
by our Client's
regard, it is
representative for explaining him the proccdure as allegcd in this para' In this
submitted that your client voluntarily visitcd our
(llicnl's studio at Delhi on 10.11.2019

for consultation and ha<i also paid consultartcl, ch'11'gsc ol Rs.500/- vide Receipt dated
10.1 1.2019.

4. That thc col)tsnts ol lrara No. 4 ol thc t,ugul Noticc ilre lllatlcl ol'rocord. It is subnlitted
that your client underwent a nrinirnunr 60-90 rttinutes o1' prolbssional cotlsultation as
provided by the Consultants ol'our Clicnt lollowcd by un advanoccl hair check including
an audio-visual presentation. During the ircscntutlon, your client was explained all
rnaterial in dctail. Additionally, your
procedures offered by our Client antl thc markcling
client was provided with an opportunity 1o discuss and clarify thc procedure(s) offered
our Client prior to opting for any partioular proccdltrc b1' your clicrlt'

your client was

5, That the contcnts of Para No. 5 arc incorrcct arrd dcrtiod to the cxtcrtt that
influenced by our Client whilc choosing thc said I)rocedure. However, rcst of the contents
of the conesponding Para are tnatter of record. It is subnritted that your client again
visited our Clieni's studio at Delhi on 10.12.2019 and our Client's representative again
and the cost for the
explained him about the Procedure(s), its effects, lhe steps involved
same pursuant to which your client hirrrsell; at ltis orvn cliscretion arrd without
any undue

inl'luence from our Client, macie au infbnned chttice and decision and opted lbr a
proccdure called Strancl by Strancl ((--osnrctic). lt is turthcr subrnittcd that the said
procedure is a non-ntedical procedure whiuh is dorrc atrtlve tl.tc scalp of'the head so as to
cover the bald area and t|erelbre, has no sicle cllcct ol'any kirld. Iiurthermorc, otrr Clicnt
has been perlbnning the said Procedure {irr scvcral yuuts attd has not received any such
complaints from its custorners witlr resptct ttl tlrc sartl I)roccdure.

6. That thc coutclts ol'l,ara l,Jo. (i ol'tlrc Lcg.rl l.l()tiuc itrr: \vt()rll4 arttl clcnictl. ln tlris rcgard,
your r.;lient was quotcd un arlr(,r.lrrl ol'Its.2,18,300/- (RupeesTwo
it is submitted that
Lakhs Eighteen Thousanri Thrcc llundr"cd Only) {irr thc said I'rocr:dtrre which was paid
by your.client through instalh:rents of Rs. 25,0001- (ltupees Twenty Irive Thousand Only)
on 10.12.20 l9 a1d Rs.1,93,300/- (ltupcr:s Onc Lakh Irorty Scven Tirousartd One Hundred
and Ninety Two Only) on 20.12.2019 It is {irrther subrnitted that post treatrnent, your
Clier:t had purchascd a hair styling lrrtiduc:l liottt oLir (llicnt on 19.10.2020 lbr rvhich, he
paid Rs.1,390/- to our Cllient.

't. That the contents of Para Nu. 7 aro iucorrcct, liivoltius and rlelried. It is vehemenlly
denied that as soon as the said Procedurr: was ciin'ied out bY our
(llient, vour client started
suffering from heavincss and pain anri tltat yor.rr clicnt irrformcd our Client's
representative about the saure. lt is lurther wrorrg urtd dcnicd that our Client intbnned
your client that since the said Procedure was just carried out, the said complications will
lhtrn -' Yl^'!)

get resolved on its own. lt is also clenied that whcn thc said cornplications did
not get
your client contacted
resolved for two more days from the date of said procedure, then
assured him
our Client and informed him about the samc pursuant to which our Client
that the same would get resolvod in 2-4 days. ln this regard, it is submitted that your
client requested and accordingly undcrwent thc said Procedure at the Delhi Studio on
19.10,2020. It is further submined that your clicnt post thc said Procedure,
and happy
cornplained about any kind ofheavincss or hcatJache and instead, was satistrcd
with the outcome and results of thc said Ptoct:dure:

g-g. That fhc contents of Para No(s). tt and 9 ol the l.-egal Notics are wl'or1g and dcnisd in
totality. It is specifically dcnied that ytlur clir:nt, alicr lrusting r:ur Cllicnt's word, retumed
back to his resiclence in G',,ralior, howovcr, alicr ru(urtritlSi your clicnt's oornplications
worsencd to an extent wSerc the said crrnrplications would havc bccome li[c threatening
had your olient ignored the sarnc, It is tirrthcr dr;nicd that your clicnt's re latives
rvhich, the doctors at the said hospital
hirn in R.D, Memorial Hgspital on22.10.2020 aitcr
treated your client and infonned hinr thal the said ournplications ltave arisen due to the
post treatment,
said proccdure carried out by our Client. In tlris rcglard, it is subnritted thitt
our Client's reprcscntative contacted your clicnt on 27.1 1.2020 {br a follow-up' however,
your client did not answer the call, Subscqucnlly, whr:n your client called back our
Client's rcpresentative on 29,1L.2O2O, he did not rncntion anything about the said
complications and cxpressed his complcte satist'action pursuant to undergoing the said
procedure and was in fact happy ancl satisllsd with the outcorne attd results of thc said

10, That the content$ uf Para No. lU o1'tirc Lcgal l.iotioc ar!) wrollg and elcnicd. lt is
specifically denicd that your clicnt aftcr tlustrng our Clicnt's false nrisrepresentations
decided to undergo the said Proceclure which turrrcd out to bc Iil''J threatening for hirn. It
is further incorrect and denic<J that your clicnt is sLrllcring liour mental agouy due to the
actions of our Client. It is wrong arncl r.lenicrl that our Clicrrt has che atcd your client in any
manner whatsoever. In this rcgard, it is subrnittcd that on multlple visits. your client was
explained allthe procedurcs rdatcd to hair loss cottrlitiolts offercd by our Client pursuant
to which, your client, at his own discrctiou and without atty ttttciue intluence tionr our
Client, made an inlbrmeci cltoicc and dccisi<-rn and optcd lbr tho said Procedurs. The same
was also confirmed by your Clicnt in the, Declrrraliott Fonn datcd 19. 10.2019 signedby

11. That the contents ol' Para Nc. I I arc wrolllt arr-i tlrniod. It rs dsnicd that our Clicnt is
extorting money fiom its customers by dcceit and lirlsc tnisrepresentations. It is further
denie{ that our Client is liable to pay to your clicnl un aulourlt ol'Rs 2,18,300/- (Rupccs
Two Lakhs Eighteen Tliousand 'lhrcc hlundrecl Only) towards rufund of the said
'l'housand Only) towards hospital cxpcnses;
Procedurc; Rs. 20,000/- (Rupces Twcttty
Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One t.akh only) towards tncntal aSony; ancl l{s. 15,000/- (Rupees
Fifteen Thousand Only) towards cost o1'thc Lcgal Notioc. It is submitted that all the

l'ltnrr*u il^et

claims of your client are lalse and rolous ancl thc satne have been made by your clicnt
with malafrdc intentions and motives solely to illegally extort money from our

light of the aforesaid, the rtary or othcrwise, rr-rade by you on behalf

retary of your
are completely baselcss anci ved and are thus categorically denied by our Client'
may be noted that our Client has with alt its obligations and duties with respect to the
ices providcd with regard to occ<Jure with complete diligence and cfficiency'
any claim of your clien rding lofund or conlpensation fiom our Client is
baseless, superfluous and utted.

view of the aforementioned lacts we, on of our Client, herebY call

you to advise Your client to w the said Legal Notice immediate cffect, failing

ich our Client rcserves the right approlrriatc lcgal actitr against your client at the
risk and consequences of . It is further advised to initiate any I'alse and
frivolous legal procccdings against ient otherwise; the satne ll bc defended by our
Clicnt at the risk, cost and your client.

any such costs enci dantagcs from

Our Client further reserves its right
your client, which maY alreadY or lnay bc incurred or or suffercd by our
Client in future.

Noticc is Rs.55,000/- Filiy-F'ivc Thousand

has been rctaincd in lbr furthcr action, if


For Kanth & Associates

IL;n*: Ft"'t't
Shivani Kher, Advocate


mOf olffi Uu lwr &r{b51{h$c4ill, M

S Wmr l{l.lAl'ru$}il{ li() {lliliti:'rl
Cfturtrt l'lor?. l{l I ilrll0?li' l11 rl' :
IurfutUL YfrlSJ.ll
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ra{h I s4{i4lto'll
S/dr. 1 g,!rp.lLulhotr.lq

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G. [^.**'*

/osj, IrJ{r t SURIA0&

I wdrrefttrthJt rll dn[rji{ Il4orlvdd l'iltiil,lioNliilll0i t$ $liil ,[ fic'n! i]irr

6iv(r[ htrd$ sro, $u$ find

tsrorod, I lft{,Bt ih$ ttlrtl,
.cf d[lrtr0lo; }lru
ll'lfflrl I ll i* yni ,r {t,ri (ll,]ri l}!{u

1.1$Jil* #l J [
Hi]ril|]ffi [illli#r; li]iff $'fl,/l#H' Ffr IME ;TBACK.



F o
r5 o


ll,;:|fi llfty&Icrrtlmqn/&itu1 yhrlff.ei ox

COMPLAINT No':- 9'l 12021

Gupta ......Pctitioncrir\llpcllaut/ Applicnttt


Hair Studro & Atu. ,....... ltcs1tondcr rti l)c lL'ntlat t t/

ircslrondctrt /Non-aPPlicaut
(s) bclow tc. aPPuar, act aud
below do hereby appoiut cngagcd and irutltorizctl atlYocatc
pr:ococdi.g rcvicw atrtl
aforesnid casc / prococding rc'ic*'111111 to,:ltll
a'tl rcVicw'lttltl 10,:ltll {,1't)l(lcls in these proceedirrgs, in
i iu aforesaid
court or any othel Oourt iu which thC salllc l'l1ll\/ [rc trit:ti ltclrrtl l)l with and also in the
,Ilate, revisional, or Executing court iu rcspcct ol'tltc 1:roccctling arisi filc plcadings aPPea[, cross

petitions afficlavits, or othcr doctttt'tctlls ;rs ll)ir\' [rc tlccluctl or proper for the
fence ofthe said casc ll1 all its stagc atttl itlso aglcc to ratily continrrcd acts douc bY

In witness rvhereof I/wc do hcrcby sct lltay orlr hattd tltcsc llrcsel thc oontetrts ol'which havc

duly understood by me/us, this .,..........day rrl' "02" " "'2021

,articulars (in block letters) of eaoh party cxccutittg Vakitlatnattta

Name and Registered Mail (If Any) .St"il- Full

Father's or Address irt (lastr Signature
Husband's Nrrrnbcr /'fhumb
(ll Anv) I rnpressio

/'f i
air Studio
!riur i tr.,",.1 i iii L,,
,( )'
( )l)llr)srl "-:'.), ','L
lvfu:hrauli, c lhrty
New Dclhi,
l I 0030
No' 14 )

D/o Mr.

Acccpted: Pariiculars (in block letturs) ol'cach atlrrocalc itcqt:lttitrg -V'n(Al,AI'N.{NI-A.

't' liull
S. Name Enrollntent Fl,i,ril A,l,l..rt Signal.ut c
Number N urnbcr ,\rrv)

Chetan Kauungtr MtY37Ui20l3 ((ll[ltltiti l.0ol])

2, Purushottarn Ml,/i-trioi;- l'rIrr rshottar tt.

Tanwar trltrlvar()t ) I
(irygrnlil.cott I

3. Vishal soni Dl676bl20l Vislral.sorri0l
(tlyrrlttto.cotI r

4. Shivam Tripatlii MP/r49 .(hivurnl5,rilirr

(algrrrl ii.cortr
'l ,

dI 6
ll i,

i:' J R;k;'il1.r*; e\226't611



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