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211110207 SEM VII SEC B

Chandigarh was developed in the 1950s as a

planned city, post-Indian independence, to serve as
the new capital of Punjab.

Sector 17 was designed to be the central business

district (CBD) of the city.

The city's layout is based on a grid pattern, and each

sector is self-sufficient with its own residential,
commercial, and recreational spaces.
Sector 17 -"Commercial Hub" of Chandigarh, heart of the city.

Designed by - Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier.

Architecture - Modernist , minimalist , functionally designed.

Used as -Commercial activity , public spaces

Area - 1.2 km x 0.8 km.

Known for - Large public plazas and green spaces, which are
integral to Le Corbusier's vision of a "garden city.

Other uses - Central plaza is used as pedestrian to host the

events, and cause for social gathering.

North-East Quadrant: Government offices, including the

Chandigarh Administration and Municipal Corporation.
North-West Quadrant: Shopping arcades, banks, and financial
South-East Quadrant: Open spaces, including the Sector 17
South-West Quadrant: Cultural and recreational facilities,
including the Neelam Cinema.
Shopping and Retail:

Sector 17 is the premier shopping destination in Chandigarh, with a

mix of local and international brands.
The shopping arcades are designed to be open and spacious,
allowing for a pleasant shopping experience.

Cultural Events:

The central plaza in Sector 17 often serves as a venue for cultural

events, including music concerts, festivals, and exhibitions.
This makes it a vibrant space that caters to both residents and
Demographic and Economic Urban Planning and Technological
Trends Infrastructure Advancements
Chandigarh’s population is expected to Sector 17 was designed with modernist The future relevance of Sector 17 will likely
grow, which could increase demand for principles, emphasizing open spaces, depend on how well it integrates smart
commercial and residential spaces in and functional architecture, and efficient city technologies. This includes traffic
around Sector 17. zoning. management systems, digital public
services, and smart infrastructure.
This might lead to pressure on existing These elements provide a strong
infrastructure unless managed properly. foundation, but the aging infrastructure Ensuring that the sector is digitally
will need ongoing maintenance and connected will be crucial for attracting
As the economy evolves, with greater upgrades to remain functional. businesses and visitors.
emphasis on the service sector and
technology, Sector 17 may need to adapt To remain viable for the next few decades, Implementing sustainable practices, such
by integrating more office spaces, co- continuous investment in infrastructure as energy-efficient buildings, waste
working hubs, and tech-oriented (e.g., roads, public transport, utilities) is management systems, and renewable
businesses alongside traditional retail. essential. energy sources, will be essential in keeping
Sector 17 in line with future urban
Smart city initiatives, such as digital development standards.
infrastructure and green building
practices, could enhance its sustainability
and relevance.
TechnEnvironmental Competition and
Sustainabilityological Advancements Urban Dynamics
Sector 17’s design includes significant green spaces, which will be a valuable Newer sectors and commercial developments in and around
asset in the future, given the increasing importance of urban greenery for Chandigarh may challenge the dominance of Sector 17.
air quality and public health.
To remain competitive, Sector 17 must continuously innovate and
However, maintaining and expanding these green areas will be necessary to offer unique experiences that newer developments cannot easily
counteract urban heat island effects and other environmental concerns replicate.

As climate change continues to impact urban areas, Sector 17 will need to Ongoing and future revitalization efforts will play a critical role in
adopt climate-resilient infrastructure. ensuring that Sector 17 remains a preferred destination.

This might include improved drainage systems, sustainable water This could involve enhancing public spaces, upgrading facilities,
management, and buildings designed to withstand extreme weather and introducing new cultural and recreational activities.
Population Density
DENSITY Building Density
Sector 17 is primarily a commercial and administrative area, so In terms of building density, Sector 17 is well-planned with a mix of
it has a relatively low residential population density compared low-rise and mid-rise buildings.
to other sectors in Chandigarh.
The density is moderate, allowing for wide streets, ample green
The population density is not a primary characteristic of this spaces, and large public plazas.
sector as it is designed to accommodate businesses,
government offices, and commercial activities rather than The layout avoids overcrowding, adhering to Le Corbusier’s vision
housing. of open, airy spaces.

Building Height Spatial Volume
The volume of buildings in Sector 17 is generally low to mid-rise, The spatial volume is characterized by the interplay between built
with most structures ranging between two to four stories. structures and open spaces.

This maintains a human scale, avoiding the overpowering effect The buildings are arranged to create a sense of openness, with large
of high-rise buildings and ensuring that the sector remains gaps between structures to allow for light, air, and movement.
visually open and accessible).
The central plaza adds to the sense of spaciousness, offering a large,
unbuilt area in the heart of the sector.
Street Layout Building Typology Public Spaces
Sector 17 follows the gridiron pattern The buildings in Sector 17 predominantly The sector is known for its large public plazas and
characteristic of Chandigarh’s design. follow a modernist style, with functional green spaces.
forms and minimal ornamentation.
The streets are wide and organized, The central plaza, in particular, is a key feature of the
allowing for efficient traffic flow and The use of concrete and glass is common, urban fabric, designed as a pedestrian-friendly area
pedestrian movement. reflecting the brutalist architectural style. that serves as a focal point for social and cultural
The sector is divided into quadrants, The buildings are generally uniform in height,
each with specific functions (e.g., which contributes to a consistent urban These open spaces are integral to the fabric of
commercial, administrative, cultural). fabric. Sector 17, providing a balance between built
environments and nature.


V3 ROADS (Primary Arterials)
Function Layout Impact on Sector 17

The V3 roads in Chandigarh These roads are broad, The V3 roads around Sector
serve as major arterial roads, typically with multiple lanes, and 17 ensure that the sector
facilitating high-speed traffic are designed to carry a large remains easily accessible
movement across different volume of traffic. They are while preventing heavy
sectors of the city. In Sector intended to provide swift traffic from congesting the
17, the V3 roads form the access to different parts of the internal roads. This helps
boundaries of the sector, city while keeping through- maintain the sector's
separating it from adjacent traffic out of the quieter, pedestrian-friendly
sectors. internal roads. character.
V4 ROADS (Sector Dividers)
Function Layout Role in Sector 17
V4 roads serve as secondary In Sector 17, the V4 roads are The V4 roads help to
arterial roads, running parallel slightly narrower than the V3 segregate the different
to the V3 roads and acting as roads but still capable of quadrants of Sector 17,
sector dividers within the city. handling significant traffic. allowing for organized
These roads are crucial for These roads often have service traffic flow and easy access
distributing traffic between lanes and parking spaces along to various commercial,
sectors and providing access the sides, catering to visitors to administrative, and cultural
to the inner parts of each the sector. areas within the sector.
V5 ROADS (Distributor Roads)
Function Layout Importance on Sector 17

V5 roads are distributor V5 roads in Sector 17 are V5 roads ensure that the flow
roads within the sector, narrower than the V4 roads and of traffic within the sector is
connecting the main V4 roads often lined with trees and smooth and efficient, directing
to the smaller internal roads pedestrian pathways. These vehicles towards parking areas
(V6). These roads are designed roads are essential for providing and minimizing congestion in the
for lower traffic volumes and direct access to shops, offices, core pedestrian zones.
serve to distribute vehicles to and public spaces.
specific destinations within
the sector.
V6 Roads (Access Roads)
Function Layout Role in Sector 17

V6 roads are local access These roads are the narrowest V6 roads are critical to the
roads that serve the internal in the hierarchy and are often pedestrian-friendly nature
circulation within Sector 17. designed with wide footpaths, of Sector 17. They allow
These roads primarily cater landscaping, and minimal visitors to move comfortably
to pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicular lanes. The emphasis is between different areas
low-speed vehicular traffic. on creating a safe and pleasant within the sector, such as
environment for pedestrians. from shopping arcades to
plazas, without the
interference of heavy
Pedestrian Paths and Plazas
Function Layout Significance in Sector 17

The pedestrian pathways and These areas are entirely These pedestrian zones are
plazas form an integral part pedestrianized, with no access crucial to the identity of Sector
of the road hierarchy, to vehicles, creating safe, open 17, reinforcing its role as a
designed to prioritize foot spaces for walking, socializing, commercial and cultural hub
traffic over vehicles in key and cultural activities. The where people can gather without
areas of Sector 17. central plaza is the most the disturbance of vehicular
notable example, serving as a traffic.
focal point for the sector.
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