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“Access to e-Voting” under e-Voting services and you will be able to see e-Voting page.

Click on
company name or e-Voting service provider name and you will be redirected to e-Voting service
provider website for casting your vote during the remote eVoting period or joining virtual meeting &
voting during the meeting. 2) If the user is not registered for IDeAS e-Services, option to register is
available at https://eservices.nsdl.com. Select “Register Online for IDeAS “Portal or click at
https://eservices.nsdl.com/SecureWeb/IdeasDirectReg.jsp 3) Visit the e-Voting website of NSDL.
Open web browser by typing the following URL: https://www.evoting.nsdl.com/ either on a Personal
Computer or on a mobile. Once the home page of e-Voting system is launched, click on the icon
“Login” which is available under ‘Shareholder/Member’ section. A new screen will open. You will
have to enter your User ID (i.e. your sixteen digit demat account number hold with NSDL),
Password/OTP and a Verification Code as shown on the screen. After successful authentication, you
will be redirected to NSDL Depository site wherein you can see eVoting page. Click on company
name or e-Voting service provider name and you will be

redirected to e-Voting service provider website forcasting yourvote during the remote e-
Votingperiod orjoiningvirtual meeting& voting duringthemeeting You can also login using the login
credentials of your demat account through your Depository Participant registered with
NSDL/CDSLfore-Voting facility. After Successful login, you will be able to see e-Voting option.
Onceyou click on e-Voting option, you will be redirected to NSDL/CDSL Depository site after
successful authentication, wherein you canseee-Voting feature. Click on companynameore-Voting
service provider name andyouwill be redirected to e-Voting service provider website forcasting your
vote during the remote e-Voting period or joining virtual meeting& voting during the meeting.
Importantnote: Members who areunable to retrieve User ID/ Password areadvised to use Foreet
User ID and Forget Passwordoption available at abovementionedwebsite. HelpdeskforIndividual
Shareholders holding securities in dematmodeforanytechnical issues related to
lopinthroughDepositoryi.e. CDSLandNSDL Logintype Individual Shareholders holdingsecurities in
DematmodewithCDSL Individual Shareholders holdingsecurities in DematmodewithNSDL
Helpdeskdetails Membersfacing any technical issue inlogin can contact CDSL helpdeskby sendinga
requestathelpdesk.evoting@cdslindia.com or contactattoll free no. 1800 225533 Members facing
any technical issue in login can contact NSDL helpdesk by sendinga request at evoting@nsdl.co.in or
call at toll free no.: 1800 1020990 and1800 2244 30 Step2 : Access through CDSLe-Voting system
incase ofshareholders holding shares inphysical modeandnonindividual shareholders indematmode.
(iii) Login method fore-Voting for Physical shareholders and shareholders other than individual
holding in Dematform. 1) The shareholders should logon tothee-voting website
www.evotingindia.com. 2) Click on “Shareholders”module. 3) Now enteryourUserID a. For CDSL: 16
digits beneficiary ID, b. For NSDL:8 Character DP ID followed by8 Digits Client ID, c. Shareholders
holding shares in Physical Form should enter Folio Number registered with the Company. 4)
Nextenterthe ImageVerification as displayed and Click on Login. 5) If you are holding shares in demat
form and had logged on to www.evotingindia.com and voted on an earlier e-voting ofany
company,thenyourexisting passwordis to be used. 6) Ifyou area first-time userfollowthe steps given
below: 9I| PP a g e a g e AARCON FACILITIES LIMITED 31 st Annual Report 2023-2024 redirected to e-
Voting service provider website for casting your vote during the remote e-Voting period or joining
virtual meeting & voting during the meeting Individual Shareholders (holding securities in demat
mode) login through their Depository Participants (DP) You can also login using the login credentials
of your demat account through your Depository Participant registered with NSDL/CDSL for e-Voting

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