Ccna Notes Full
Ccna Notes Full
Ccna Notes Full
Introduction Cables, Connectors Standards Ethernet Token Ring FDDI OSI Reference Model Types of Service
II. TCP/IP Basics III. TCP/IP Addressing and Subnetting IV. CISCO Router Hardware Basics V. CISCO Router IOS Basics VI. CISCO Router IOS Management VII. ROUTING VIII. WAN Technologies IX. ACCESS LIST X. SWITCH Basics XI. VLAN Concepts and Configuration XII. INTER-VLAN Concepts XIII. VTP/STP Concepts XIV. NAT
NETWORK ESSENTIALS Types of Network 1. LAN 2. WAN 3. INTERNET Types of LAN 1. Client/Server 2. Peer to Peer Network Components 1. Network Hardware 2. Network Software Network 1. 2. 3. 4. Hardware Network Interface Card ( NIC ) Transmission Media Two or more Computers Network Devices
Network Software 1. Network Operating System ( NOS) Transmission Media 1. Twisted Pair Cable 2. Coaxial Cable 3. Fiber Optic Cable 4. Wireless LAN TIA Standard (Telecommunication Information Association) Twisted Pair Cable 1. Unshielded twisted pair ( UTP) 2. Shielded twisted pair ( STP) UTP categories a. b. c. d. e. e. f. CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT 1 2 3 4 5 5e 6 used for telephone (1 pair) 4 MbPS for token ring (2 pairs) 10 MbPS for Ethernet (4 pairs) 16 MbPS for Fast Token Ring (4 pairs) 100 MbPS for Fast Ethernet (4 pairs) 1 GbPS for Gigabit Ethernet 1 Gbps for Multi Gigabit
CABLE SPECIFICATIONS Gigabit Fast 1000 BASE T 10 BASE T 1000MbPS 10 MbPS Baseband Twisted Pair (100 mts)
100 MbPS Baseband Twisted Pair (100 mts) 100 MbPS Baseband (220 mts)
RJ 45, RJ 11, RS- 232, RS -449 155 MbPS Connections 1. 2. STRAIGHT THROUGH ( T568A T568 A ) CROSS OVER ( T568A T568 B)
STRAIGHT THROUGH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. T 568 A Green White (TX +) Green (TX-) Orange White (RX +) Blue Blue White Orange (RX-) Brown White Brown [1-3, 2-6 ] CROSS OVER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. T 568A Green White [TX +] Green [TX -] Orange White [RX +] Blue Blue White Orange [RX -] Brown White Brown T 568 B Orange White Orange Green White Blue Blue White Green Brown White Brown T 568 A Green White Green Orange White Blue Blue White Orange Brown White Brown
COAXIAL CABLE [RG /68] 1. 2. THIN NET [ 0.25 ] THICK NET [0.4 ]
10 Base 5
Thick net
Connectors BNC [BAYONET- NEILL-CONCELMAN] It includes T-connector Parallel connector Terminator VAM PIRE TAP BNC FIBER OPTIC SPECIFICATION 1000 Base LX km] 1000 Base SX 10 Base F FIBER OPTIC Multi Mode Single Mode Connectors * SC * ST NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES 1. 2. 3. ETHERNET TOKEN RING FDDI [Fiber Distributed Data Interface ] used LED used in LANs used LASER used in telephone network Long wavelength, Multimode [3 km] or Single Mode [100 Short wavelength, 2000 mts Standard Ethernet [thick net] Thin Ethernet
ETHERNET 10 MbPS Revisions o Fast Ethernet [ IEEE 802.3U ] 100 MbPS o Gigabit Ethernet [ IEEE 802.5 ] 100 MbPS or 1 GbPS
CSMA/CD [Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection] Ethernet` at Data Link layer is responsible for Ethernet addressing, commonly referred to as hardware addressing or MAC addressing
Ethernet is also responsible for framing packets received from the network layer and preparing them for transmission on the local network through Ethernet CONTENTION Media Access Method
PRE Preamble 7 bytes in alternating 1s, 0s indicating the receiver stations that frame is coming SFD Start Frame Delimiter / synch 1 byte 1,0,1,0,1,0,10,1 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Alternations all 1s 1, 0 PRE uses either SFD or synch DA Destination Address 6 bytes LSB is 0 Individual Address 1 Group Address TOKEN RING [IEEE 802.5] No collisions Ideal for applications [factory automation] 4 or 16 MbPS Logically a ring but physically a star configuration to MAU relays Token ring LANs continuously pass a token or a Token Ring frame MAU [ Outstation Access Unit] FDDI [Fiber Distributed Data Interface] 100 MbPS Token passing network Fiber optic cable with mass length of 2 km Dual-ring architecture for redundancy Used for corporate and carrier backbones CDDI [Copper Distributed Data Interface] implements FDDI over STP and UTP cable Dual Ring Architecture Primary ring for data transmissions Secondary ring for reliability and robustness Components Single attachment station ( SAS ) for PCs Dual attachment stations ( DAS ) for servers Concentrator
FDDI concentrator also called as Dual- attached concentrator (DAC) Building block of an FDDI network Attaches directly to both rings and ensures that any SAS failure or power-down does not bring down the ring NETWORK TOPOLOGIES Defines Network Device Organization Four common types BUS Topology TREE Topology STAR Topology RING Topology Topologies are logical Architecture Actual devices need not be physically organized in these configurations BUS and TREE Topology TREE Topology branch with multiple nodes. STAR Topology used in Ethernet and Token Ring 5 to 100+ devices OSI Reference Model Application layer, Presentation layer, Session layer, Transport layer [segment] Network layer [packets], Data link layer [frame], Physical layer [bits] APPLICATION LAYER Provides network services to application processes like e-mail, File Transfer, and Terminal Emulation. PRESENTATION LAYER Data representation Ensures data is readable by receiving system Format of data Data structure Negotiates data transfer syntax for application layer Compression, decompression, encryption and decryption SESSION LAYER Inter-host communication Establishes, manages, and terminates sessions between applications
TRANSPORT LAYER End-to-end connection reliability Concerned with data transport issues between hosts Data transport reliability Establishes, maintains, and terminates virtual circuits Fault detection and recovery Information flow control NETWORK LAYER Addresses the best path Provides connectivity and path selection between two end systems Domain of routing DATA LINK LAYER Access to media Provides reliable transfer of data across media Physical addressing, network topology, error notification and flow control PHYSICAL LAYER Binary transmission Through wires, connectors, voltages, data rates TCP/ IP A suite of protocols TCP Rules that dictate how packets of information are sent across multiple networks Addressing Error checking IP Determines where packets are routed based on their destination addresses Breaks packets into smaller packets and reassembles them. OSI
model Application Presentation Session Host-to-host Transport Internet Network Network Access Data link Physical TCP/IP PROTOCOL SUIT PROTOCOLS The Process / Application layer protocols 1. Telnet Terminal Emulation
allows a user on a remote client machine called the Telnet client, to access the resources of another machine, the Telnet Server [ virtual terminal ] [Port no. 23] 2. File Transfer Protocol FTP is a program operating as protocol Used for file transfer between two systems Can access both directories and files and can accomplish certain types of directory operations. FTP uses Telnet to transparently log on to FTP server. Uses authentication secured with user names and passwords. ** Directory Manipulation Typing file contents Copying file between hosts It cant execute remote files as programs. [ port no. 21] 3. TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol Stock version of FTP Fast No directory-browsing abilities Sends or receive much smaller blocks of data than FTP No authentication, so its insecure [port no. 69]
4. NFS Network File System protocol specializing in file sharing allows two different types of file system to interoperate port no 5. 6. SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Used to send mail or e-mail POP 3 used to receive mail [ port no. 110] Port no. 25 LPD Line Printer Daemon designed for printer sharing LPD along with LPR [ Link Printer Program] Allows print jobs to be spooled and sent to network printers using TCP/IP Port no.
X WINDOWS * Designed for client-server operations on a GUI * Port no. SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol collects and manipulate valuable network information it receives BASELINE a report delimiting the operation traits of a healthy network this protocol stands as watch dog [ AGENTS ]
Agents send an alert called a TRAP to the management Port no. 161 / 162
DNS Domain Name Service it resolves host name alternative to IP address port no. 53 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol it assigns IP address to hosts can provide following information * IP, subnet mask, domain name, default gateway, DNS, WINS BOOTP Boot strap protocol port no. 67,68 NETWORK PROTOCOLS 1. IPX / SPX Inter Network Packet Exchange / Sequenced Packet Exchange Netware Core Protocol developed by Novell. NETBIOS / NETBEUI Network Basic Input Output System / NETBIOS Enhanced User Interface Developed by IBM refined by Microsoft Used by Windows NT for LAN management For file and printer sharing TCP / IP Set of protocols used in Internet APPLETALK Used by MACINTOSH computers DLC / Data Link Control developed by IBM To connect Token- ring based workstations to IBM mainframe. Also used by printer manufacturers to connect remote printers to network print servers.
3. 4. 5.
Host-To-Host Layer Protocols 1. TCP Transmission Control Protocol Connection-oriented Sequenced Full- duplex Reliable and accurate Error checking Segment ( 20 to 24 bytes )
Windowing Flow control UDP User Datagram Protocol Connection-less Fast No acknowledgement Un sequenced No windowing or flow control
Internet Layer Protocols 1. IP Internet Protocol 2. ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol It is a management protocol and messaging service provider for IP 3. ARP- Address Resolution Protocol finds the MAC address of the host from a known IP address 4. RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol Requests for IP address with help of MAC address in diskless machines IP HEADER Source IP address Destination IP address Protocol TCP or UDP Checksum 4 DF 5 Time to Live [TTL] 60 TTL value which determines how long the packet lives on the wire before its discarded IP on the router Decrements the TTL Calculates new checksum Obtains hardware address Forwards the packet In IP layer, the packet is defragmenter into three parts. Each part has the following information (header) Eg. FLAG Indicates other fragment follows Flag is not added to the last packet because no other fragments follow it FRAGMENT ID Identify all fragments that belong together FRAGMENT OFFSET IP ADDRESS [32 bit 4 octets] IPV 4
IPV 4 32 bits IPV 6 128 bits Subnet mask Class A Class B - Class C - Subnetting Reduce network traffic Optimized network performance Simplified management Facilitates spanning of large geographical distances
0741CISCO LAYERS 1. Core Layer: Responsible for transporting large amounts of traffic both reliably and quickly to switch traffic as fast as possible 2. Distribution layer (workgroup layer): Routing Implementation of tools such as access lists, packet filtering, address translation, firewall Redistribution between routing protocols, including static routing Routing between VLANs, and other workgroup support functions Definitions of broadcast and multicast functions 3. Access layer (desktop layer) Static routing, demand dynamic routing and Ethernet switching
ROUTER 1. Microprocessor ( MOTOROLA 68030 series OR Orion/R4600 series 2. Motherboard / Chipsets 3. Memory Dynamic RAM (volatile) current configuration file [Running config] NVRAM [Non Volatile] shared configuration file [Starter config] SRAM(STATIC DYNAMIC RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY) FLASH - IOS resides ROM [BIOS] POST BSL Boots from : FLASH / TFTP / MINI IOS MINI IOS 4. Interfaces Console [con 0] Asynchronous serial port [RS 232] Connects to Com port of the system Auxiliary port [Aux 0] For remote configuration Supports modem 5. LAN Interface AUI [Attachment User Interface] Ethernet E 0 Others - Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI 6. WAN Interface i. Serial 0 ii. Serial 1 iii. Others: ISDN, Frame Relay, ATM, DSL, VOIP 7. I / O Slots EDITING TOOLS Ctrl A move cursor to beginning of the line Ctrl E - move cursor to end of the line Esc B - move cursor back one word Esc F - move cursor forward by one word Ctrl B - move cursor back by one character Ctrl F move cursor forward by one character Ctrl D or Backspace deletes a single character Ctrl U Erase a line Ctrl R redisplays a line Ctrl W erase a word Ctrl Z ends the configuration mode and returns to Exec mode Tab finishing typing a command Ctrl P shows last command typed Ctrl N shows previous command entered IOS BASIC COMMANDS
Router Router Router Router Router Router Router Router Router Router RAM
>? Help > show? Lists all the commands in Show > s? Lists all the commands starting with S > show terminalshows terminal configuration and history buffer size > show version shows the version > show flash shows details of flash > enable to enter privilege exec mode # show history show last ten commands # terminal history size 20 to set history size to 20 # show running-configuration to display contents of Dynamic
SETTING PASSWORDS 1. To set console password Router>enable Router# config t Router (config) # line console 0 Router (config-line) # login Router (config-line) # password <pw> Router (config-line) # Ctrl Z Router# wr to save the settings 2. To set privilege password Router>enable Router# config t Router (config) # enable secret <pw> Router (config) # Ctrl Z Router# wr 3. To set telnet password Router>enable Router# config t Router (config) # line vty 0 4 Router (config-line) # login Router (config-line) # password <pw> Router (config-line) # Ctrl Z Router# wr 4. To set auxiliary password Router>enable Router# config t Router (config) # line aux 0 Router (config-line) # login Router (config-line) # password <pw> Router (config-line) # Ctrl Z Router# wr 5. Encrypting password
Router>enable Router# config t Router (config) # service password-encryption Router (config) # Ctrl Z Router# wr 6. To recover passwords o o Step Step The default configuration register value is 0 * 2102 To ignore NVRAM content register value is 0 * 2142 1. Press Ctrl + Break when router boots 2 types 0 after creating break >0 >o/r 0 * 2142 >I .. .. Want to go to setup mode [Y/N]: N
NAT NETWORK ADDRESS TRANSLATION NAT allows a host that does not have a valid registered IP address communicate with other hosts through the internet NAT uses a valid registered IP address to represent the non-registered IP address PRIVATE ADDRESS o Non-registered IP address used inside a network RANGE IP ADDRESS CLASS A 10.X.X.X ( to CLASS B - 172.16.X.X ( to CLASS C - 192.168.X.X ( to NAT - Static Dynamic Overloading Static NAT 1 private address: 1 public address Eg: private public Router (config) # IP nat inside source static Router (config) # int e 0 Router (config # ip nat inside
Router (config) # int s 0 Router (config) # ip nat outside Router# show ip nat translation Static NAT
Dynamic NAT Sets up a pool of possible inside Global address and defines criteria for the set of inside local IP addresses whose traffic should be translated with NAT Address is dynamically assigned
Dynamic NAT
Inter Net
Dynamic NAT Router (config) # access-list 1 permit Router (config) # ip nat inside source list 1 pool hcl Router (config) # ip nat pool hcl netmask Router (config)#int e 0 Router (config)# ip nat inside Router (config) #int s 0 Router (config) #ip nat outside Router (config) #debug ip nat [*ping from source] Router (config) #show ip nat translation
(config) #ip nat inside source list 1 pool hcl overload (config) #ip nat pool hcl netmask (config)#int e 0 (config)#ip nat inside (config) #int s 0 (config)#ip nat outside (config) #debug ip nat [*telnet from source] (config) #show ip nat translation
Overloading NAT with PAT PAT Port Address Translation to support lots of inside local IP addresses with only a few inside Global, publicly registered IP address, NAT overload uses PAT. Instead of just translating the IP address, it also translates the port number.
1. 2. 3. Static Default Dynamic
Static Routing Administrator manually adds routes in each routers routing table. Command Ip route < destination network > < mask > < next hop add or exit interface > < administrative distance > < permanent Eg. Ip route To show routing table # Show ip route Default Routing Used in stub network where there is only one way Ip route Administrative distances
Rate the trust worthiness of routing information received on a router from a neighbour router. Default administrative distance Connected interface 0 Static route 1 EIGRP 90 IGRP 100 OSPF 110 RIP 120 External EIGRP 170 Unknown 255 (this route will never be used) DYNAMIC ROUTING Protocols are used to find networks and update routing tables on routers Routing protocols Used to determine the path. Eg. RIP, IGRP, EIGRP,OSPF etc Routed protocols That carries the packets, e.g. IP, IPX, and AppleTalk. Routing protocols * Interior Gateway Protocols- used to exchange information inside the same autonomous system. * Exterior Gateway Protocols - to communicate between autonomous systems. Eg. BGP IGP Distance vector RIP, IGRP Link State OSPF, NLSP Hybrid IS-IS, EIGRP
RIP Routing information protocol IGRP Interior Gateway Protocol (Cisco proprietary) OSPF Open Shortest Path First NLSP Network Link Service Protocol IS-IS Intermediate System- Intermediate System EIGRP Enhanced IGRP (Cisco proprietary) RIP 1. Max. Hop is 15 2. Metric is hop IGRP
3. 4. 5. 6.
Max. Is 255, default is 100 Composite metric (Bandwidth and Delay) default Also Reliability, load and MTU (Maximum Transmission unit) No asynchronous uses autonomous system no. Full route table update every 30 sec 90 sec Administrative Distance 120 100 Route by R Route specified by I
Maintains 3 tables A. routing table B. topology table C. neighboring table 2. Maintains one path to destination maintains multiple path 3. Advertise / update every 30 sec every 30 mins 4. Advertise are broadcast packets. Multicast packets 5. Entire routing table advertised. Only changed entries 6. High traffic, bandwidth consumption less traffic, no bandwidth consumption And full in performance. 7. The metric is hop. Bandwidth, time delay, cost, traffic. 8. Max. Hop is 15, 16th unreachable. Unlimited. 9. Doesnt support classless routing. Support classless routing. 10. The route specified by R. Route specified by O. 11. Administrative distance is 120. AD is 110. 12. Delay in convergence. No delay in convergence. 13. Bellman ford Algorithm. Dijkshetra Algorithm. EIGRP 1. Multiple paths to destination. 2. Classless routing. 3. Cisco proprietary protocol. 4. Supports IP, IPX, Appletalk. 5. DUAL Algorithm ( Diffusion Update Algorithm) 6. Reliable Transport protocol (RTP) for advertise. 7. Multiple autonomous systems in same router. 8. AD is 90. 9. Route is D. 10. Metric Bandwidth, time delay, cost, traffic. Extra commands to verify the configuration # Show protocols displays all the routed protocols and the interfaces upon which is enabled # Show ip protocols shows only ip protocols # debug ip rip # Debug ip igrp events source destination updates and no. of routers # Debug ip igrp transactions show transactions # undebug all to turn off debugging Or # UN all Configuration of RIP Router (config) # router rips Router (config-router) # network (e 0) Router (config-router) # network (s 0) Router (config-router) # exit
Router # show ip route OSPF used LSO (Link State Update) to indicate the other router to update with the new link status, when the old fails. RIP propagations Router (config-router) # passive-interfaces s 0 Allows receiving rip updates but does not send out any updates Configuring IGRP # Router igrp 10 # Network # Network EIGRP classless , distance vector protocol communicates with other routers via, RTP ( Reliable Transport Protocol ) selects the best path via Diffusing update algorithm ( DUAL ) Supports IP, IPX, Appletalk Supports multiple autonomous system on a single router Supports VLSM and summarization Metric bandwidth, delay ,load and reliability
Configuration EIGRP Router # config t Router (config) # router eigrp 20 Router (config-router) # network Router (config-router) # network To prohibit the interface from sending or receiving hello packets Router (config) # router eigrp 20 Router (config-router) # passive-interface s 0 Verifying EIGRP # show ip route eigrp # show ip eigrp neighbors # show ip eigrp topology Trace route command Router # trace route Open Shortest Path First [OSPF] OSPF calculates the best/shortest path to every network in the same area based upon the information collected in Topology database and algorithm called SPF (shortest path first) Configuration
Router (config) # router Ospf 20 # Network Very configuration # Show ospf interface # show ip ospf neighbour # Show ip protocols # show ip ospf database
area 0
Standard all decisions are made based on source IP address Router (config) # access-list < number > [deny/ permit] [host any] Router Router Router Router Router (config) # access-list 10 deny host (to deny a single host) (config) # access-list 10 deny (config) # access-list 10 permits any (config) # int e 0 (config-if) # ip access-group 10 in
Router (config-if) # int s 0 Router (config-if) # ip access-group 10 out # # # # Show ip interface Show access-list [access-list no/ access-list name] Show ip access-lists [access-list no/ access-list name] show running-config
Extended Access list Checks source address and as well as destination address. It can block depending upon port no. # ip access-list 101 permit tcp eq 21 # ip access-list 101 permit tcp eq 23 # ip access-list 101 deny tcp host # ip access-list 101 permit ip any any Standard access list # Ip access-list standard Siva Std- nacl # deny # permits any # Exit # Int e 0 # Ip access-group Siva out
Types of WAN connections 1. Leased line connections 2. Circuit switched connections 3. Packet switched connections Leased-line connections can be called a point-to-point ( dedicated connection ) Provides a single, pre-established WAN communication path. Synchronous Speed T3 ( 45 Mbps ) Synchronous communications involve digital signals that are transmitted with precise clocking Very expensive. Circuit-switching Provides a dedicated physical circuit, which stays in place between the sender and the receiver for the duration of the communication session. Telephone company network uses the system to provide basic telephone services or ( ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ) Basic telephone services are asynchronous serial communication. Packet-switching Packet-switching method involves network devices sharing a single point-to-point link. Point-to-point link is used to transport packets from source to destination over a telecommunication carrier network. Statistically programmed switching devices provide physical connections Packet headers are used to identify the destination Less expensive Synchronous serial lines Speed 56 Kbps ( T3 ) Physical items needed for WAN link 1. Customer Premises Equipment ( CPE ) 2. A Demarcation ( DEMARC ) 3. A Local loop ( last mile ) copper wire 4. a central office ( CO ) switch 5. a full network Types of serial cable supported by CISCO devices Serial cables can support leased-lines and packet-switched connections. 1. EIA / TIA 232 2. EIA / TIA 449 3. EIA / TIA 530 4. X.25 5. V.35 DTE Data Terminal Equipment is your CPE.
DCE Data Communication Equipment to convert the user data from DTE into a form thats acceptable to the WAN service provider The synchronous serial ports can be configured a either DTE or DCE, depending on the attached cable. EIA / TIA 530 serial ports can be configured as DTE only. External clocking from the channel service unit/ data service unit ( CSU/DSU ) or other DIC device is needed when the port is configured as DTE. When traffic is crossing the WAN link, each WAN connection uses a protocol to encapsulate it. WAN encapsulation protocols operate at layer 2 of the OSI model. The choice of encapsulation protocol depends on the WAN technology and the communication equipment.
WAN protocols 1. HDLC High-level Data Link Control 2. PPP Point-to-point protocol 3. SLIP Serial Line Interface protocol 4. X.25 5. Frame Relay 6. ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode HDLC frame format
HDLC The default encapsulation type on point-to-point, dedicated link is HDLC. Its typically used for communication between two Cisco devices and is a bit-oriented synchronous protocol. SLIP SLIP predates PPP. It uses a variation of TCP/IP and is a standard protocol for point-to-point serial connections PPP PPP provides router-to-router and host-to-network connections over synchronous and asynchronous circuits. Can work with IP and IPX. Security mechanisms such as PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) and CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication protocol) are built into PPP. Configuring PPP Router (config) # int s 0 Router (config-if) # encapsulation PPP Router (config-if) # exit
Configuration PPP authentication Step 1. Setting username, password for remote router connecting to your router Router (config) # hostname Router A Router A (config) # username Router B password Cisco Router A (config) # # exit Step 2. Router A Router A Router A Configuring PAP or CHAP (config) # int s 0 (config-if) # PPP authentication chap pap (config-if) # exit
Verifying PPP encapsulation Router A # show int s 0 PAP contains four main components 1. A physical layer International Standard for serial communication. I.e. EIA/TIA 232 C, V.24, V.35, and ISDN. 2. A method for encapsulating datagram over serial links. i.e. HDLC. 3. A method of establishing, configuring, maintaining and terminating the point-to-point connection. LCP Line Control Protocol 4. NCP Network Control Protocol to allow communications of multiple network layer protocols. PPP Session Establishment 1. Link-Establishment Phase uses LCP. 2. Authentication Phase a. CHAP ( Challenge Handshake Authentication protocol ) b. PAP ( Password Authentication Protocol ) 3. Network Layer protocol phase NCP X.25 * It is a ITU-T standard (International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization sector. * It is an International body that develops world wide standards for telecommunication technologies. * It defines how connections between DTE and the DCE are maintained. * These connections are used for remote terminal access and computer communication in public network. * X.25 is a precursor of frame relay, and it specifies Link Access Procedure Balanced ( LAPB ), which is a data-link layer protocol. Frame Relay It is an Industry Standard Protocol. It can handle multiple virtual circuits, and is streamlined to cut out some of the lengthy processes that X.25 employs. ATM It is an International Standard for cell relay.
Cell relay is a network technology based on the use of small, fixed-size packets or cells. It allows data, voice, and video to be conveyed in fixed-length cells of 53 bytes. Fixed-length cells reduce transportation delays by allowing processing to occur in hardware. ATM used high speed transmission media such as 1. E3 ( 45 Mbps) 2. T3 ( 56 Kbps) 3. SONET ( Synchronous Optical Network ) Configuring 1900 Series Switch 1. User(s) how active on management console 2. User interface menu [m] Menus [k] Command line [i] ip configuration Enter selection: k Switch > enable Switch # config t Switch (config) # enables password level 1 Cisco (Setting password for user mode) Switch (config) # enables password level 15 Cisco (Setting password for enable mode) Switch (config) # enables secret Cisco (Setting secret password for enable mode) Switch (config) # hostname 1900switch (Setting hostname) # Ip address # Ip default-gateway To show VLAN information Switch # show vlan brief To show information about VLAN 2 Switch # show vlan id 2 To view the Spanning Tree information for a VLAN Switch # show spanning-tree vlan 2 Assigning IP address to a switch Reason - * for using Telnet To connect to router for inter-vlan
* IP address should be given to default vlan i.e. vlan 1 Switch > enable Switch # config t Switch (config) # int vlan 1 Switch (config if) # ip address Switch (config if) # no shutdown Switch (config if) # exit Switch (config) # ip default-gateway Switch (config) # exit
Dial-on Demand Routing ( DDR) Router A (config) # ip route bri 0 DDR with Access-lists Router (config) # dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 110 # access-list 110 permits tcp any any eq SMTP # access-list 110 permits tcp any any eq telnet # Int bri 0 # dialer-group 1 Configuring the Dialer information Router (config) # int bri 0 # Ip address # no shut # Encapsulation PPP # dialer-group 1 # Dialer string 8350661 Or # Dialer map ip name Router B 8350661 Basic Rate ISDN (BRI) 2 B + D = 16 Kbps 2 B = 64 Kbps Q 921 & Q 931 for D channel signaling
Configuring ISDN Router Router Router Router A A A A > enable (config) # isdn switch-type basic-dms 100 (config) # int bri 0 (config-if) # encapsulation ppp # Isdn sped 1 # Isdn sped 2
SPID Service provider identification Verifying ISDN connections # Show dialer # Show isdn status # Show ip route Frame-Relay configuration Router (config) # int s 0 Router (config-if) # encapsulation frame-relay ( cisco or ietf) # Ip address # frame-relay lmi-type ansi # frame-relay interface-dlci 101 # Exit Monitoring frame relay # Show frame lmi # Show frame PVC # show int s 0 LMI Local Management Interface signaling standard used between the router and first frame relay switch Standards are * CISCO ANSI Q.933A DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier ( !6-1007 ) Given by the service provider to identify the PVC ( Permanent Virtual Circuit ) IETF Internet Engineering Task Force Resolving hostnames 1. Building host table 2. using DNS 1. Building host table IP host < hostname > < tcp port no > < ip address > Eg. Router (config) # ip host iiht
To see the host table Router # show hosts 2. Using DNS Router (config) # ip domain-lookup # Ip name-server # Ip domain-name # Exit
Ethernet switches operate at layer 2 of the OSI model and function in a similar way to bridges. Ethernet switches and bridge forward and filter traffic based on MAC address. Switches and bridges identify host locations through a process known as Address learning. Switches and bridges provide Loop avoidance function in a network. When a switch is first initialized, its MAC data base is empty. So it forwards the received message to all its port. This is known as Flooding. IEEE 802.1 Specifications defines a time limit of 300 seconds for MAC database entries to remain in the database. When the frame reaches the switch, the destination MAC address is compared to the entries in the MAC database. The switch then transmits the frame only to the port which matches the MAC address. This is known as FRAME FILTERING. Bridged and Switched networks are often designed with redundant devices and links in order to prevent a single point of failure in a network. Redundant systems can cause bridge loops. Ie problems caused due to bridge loops. a. Broadcast storms b. Multiple frame copies c. Instability in the MAC database. Some layer-3 protocols use Time to line (TTL) mechanism which eliminates looping packets. TTL Field in IP header to indicate how long a packet can travel before it is returned or discarded. Layer-2 protocols like Ethernet are unable to prevent packets from endlessly looping. To prevent broadcast storms, multiple frame copies and MAC database instability, a loop avoidance mechanism is used. i.e. SPANNING TREE PROTOCOL ( STP )
STP is a link management protocol that allows redundant systems to exist in the network but prevents undesired bridge loops. STP is a part of IEEE 802.LD standard, so it can function with Complaint Bridge and switches from other vendors. STP works by forcing certain redundant data paths into a standby or blocked state. When the topology of the network changes, STP reconfigures bridge ports to prevent the creation of new loops or loss of connectivity. Each port on a bridge or switch is included in STP support. All switches in a LAN participating in STP gather information on other switches in the network through an exchange of data messages. This is known as BRIDGE PROTOCOL DATA UNITS ( BPDU )
ROOT BRIDGE ELECTION Default priority of the bridges is 32,678 Root Bridge will be a bridge with less Bridge ID. If the bridge ID is same for all the bridge, then the MAC address is considered. A bridge with less MAC address will be the rest bridge. Root path cost Path cost = 1000 / speed in Mbps Port Speed 1 Gbps 100 Mbps 10 Mbps 56 Kbps STP Cost 1000/1000 = 1 1000/10 = 10 1000/10 = 100 1000/56 = 17857
Root path will be path with less cost. BPDU- BRIDGE PROTOCOL DATA UNITS Information Protocol 10 Version Type Flags Root B ID Root path cost Sending B ID Port ID Message age Max. Age Hello time Length 2 bytes 1 1 1 8 4 8 2 2 2 2
Forward delay
Bridge ID Bridge priority + MAC address 16 bytes + 48 bytes Root Path Cost Cost of the path from the Root Bridge, identified by the bandwidth. Root Port Port connected to the root bridge. Designated port Port coming out of a root bridge towards the destination
Difference between Bridge and Switch Bridge Switch 1. Software based Hardware based, it operate with ASIC. 2. Uses software based STP process Application-specific Integrated Circuits and a high-capacity switching bus. 3. Slower faster 4. One spanning tree instance per port many spanning tree instance per port 5. Less number of ports (max. 16) more number of ports (>100) 6. Used to separate LAN traffic into segments used to connect directly to end-users and other switches. 7. Cannot offer dedicated bandwidth to each segment can offer dedicated Bandwidth to end users Two ways of transmitting frame through a switch 1. Store- and Forward a. Forwarding does not take place until the entire frame has been received by switch. b. Switch reads the destination and source address and performs CRC to ensure the frame is not damaged. c. If damaged, the frame is discarded. d. Latency time is high since it has to check the frame and also varies with regard to size of the frame. Latency time is the delay between receiving a frame and forwarding 2. Cut-through a. Forwards the frame just by seeing the destination address only. b. Latency time is constant and less.
1. Static - Administrator creates VLAN. 2. Dynamic uses VMP3 (VLAN management policy server) to create VLANs. Creating VLANs 1900 (config) # vlan 2 name sales # Vlan 3 name mark # Exit # Show vlan Assigning switch ports 1900 (config) # int e 0/2 # vlan-membership static 2 # int e 0/3 # vlan-membership static 3 Configuring trunk port 1900 (config) # int f 0/2l # Trunk on 1900 switch only runs on DISK (Dynamic ISC) encapsulation. VTP VLAN Trunk Protocol 1. Messaging protocol that is used to distribute VLAN Configuration information. 2. Supports mixed-media backbones. 3. Takes control of addition, detection, and name changes on the network. A VTP management domain can be either one switch or multiple interconnected switching sharing the same VTP server. VLANs are not propagated over the network until 2 VTP domain name is specified or discovered. VTP operates in three modes. 1. Server ( default ) 2. Client 3. Transparent Server mode Switch acting at this mode can create, delete and modify VLANs for the entire VTP domain. Advertise its VLAN configuration Synchronize its VLAN configuration with information received from other devices in the domain. Forward VTP advertisements received from other switches in the domain.
It saves VLAN configuration into NVRAM and recreates VLAN whenever the switch is booting.
Client mode create VTP advertisements synchronize its VLAN configuration Forward VTP messages. VTP transparent switch can create and modify VLANs. But it is confined to the local switch only. It is not transmitted to other switches in the domain. Does not participate in domain. ** VTP advertisements are automatically sent every five minutes or whenever a change occurs in a VLAN configuration. Advertisement includes 1. Configuration-Version number *** VTP PRUNING- technique that uses VLAN advertisements to determine when a trunk connection is flooding messages unnecessarily. Configuring VTP 1900 (config) # vtp server # Vtp domain iiht # Vtp password cisco To see domain status, use # show vtp (statistics)
To configure VLAN
Step Step Step Step Step 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Configure VTP (optional) Enable trunking Create VLANs Assign switch ports to one or more VLANs Configure a router for inter-VLAN communications (optional)
Step 1. Configure VTP Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch > enable # vlan database (vlan) # vtp domain iiht (vlan) # vtp server (vlan) # exit (vlan)
Switch # show vtp status Step 2. To enable Trunking Switch # config t Switch (config) # int fa 0/24 Switch (config) # switch port mode trunk Step 3. Configuring VLAN Switch > enable Switch # vlan database Switch (vlan) # vlan 2 names Siva Switch (vlan) # vlan 3 name kumar . .. Switch (vlan) # exit Step 4. Configuring ports
Switch > enable Switch # config t Switch (config) # int fast Ethernet 0/2 Switch (config-if) # switch port mode access Switch (config-if) # switch port access vlan 2 Switch (config-if) # int fast Ethernet 0/3 Switch (config-if) # switch port mode access Switch (config-if) # switch port access vlan 3 .. # Exit Step 5. Configuring router for Inter-VLAN Router > enable Router # config t Router (config) # int fa 0/0 Router (config-if) # no ip address Router (config-if) # no shutdown Router (config-if) # int fa 0/0.1 Router (config-subif) # ip address Router (config-subif) # encapsulation dot1q 1 Router (config-subif) # int fa 0/0.2 Router (config-subif) # encapsulation dot1q 2 Router (config-subif) # ip address Router (config-subif) # exit CDP Cisco Discovery Protocol
to collect information about both locally attached and remote devices can gather hardware and protocol information about neighbour devices
CDP timers and hold time information Router # sh cdp Sending packets every 60 sec Sending hold time value of 180 sec To configure cdp timer and hold time Router (config) # cdp timer 90 Router (config) # cdp hold time 24 Router (config) exit To turn off cdp completely Router (config) # no cdp run To turn off cdp for an interface # No cdp enable To turn on cdp for an interface # Cdp enables Gathering cdp information 1. # sh cdp neighbour 2. # sh cdp neighbor detail 3. # sh cdp traffic
Definition allows link redundancy and prevents layer two loops Port states BPDO Root election Root path cost Root and designated ports Convergence Port States Turn on the switch Blocking Enabled STP Disabled 1. Listening the port listens for any message regarding the blocking state. This listening time is known as Forward Delay Timer ( default is 15 sec) 2. Learning (default 15 sec) if no message is received regarding the blocking state till 15 secs the ports moves to the learning state. In
learning state, the switch identifies where it is located in the topology and maintains a database for forwarding. ie. Is known as Forwarding database 3. Forwarding state forwards the data NAT Network Address Translation allows a host that does not have a valid registered IP address communicate with other hosts through the internet NAT used a valid registered IP address to represent the non-registered IP address. Private Address non-registered IP address used inside a network Range Class C 10.X.X.X ( to Class B - 172.16.X.X ( to Class C - 192.168.X.X ( to NAT Static Dynamic Overloading Static NAT 1 private address: 1 public address E.g. Private public
Static NAT Router Router Router Router Router Router (config) # ip nat inside source static (config) # int e 0 (config) # ip nat inside (config) # int s 0 (config) # ip nat outside # show ip nat translation
Overloading NAT with PAT PAT Port Address Translation To support lots of inside local IP addresses with only a few inside global, publically registered IP address. NAT overload uses PAT. Instead of just translating the IP address, it also translates the port number.
PAT Router (config) # ip nat inside source list 1 pool hcl overload # Ip nat pool hcl netmask # Int e 0 # Ip nat inside # Int s 0 # Ip nat outside # Debug ip nat (* telnet from source) # show ip nat translations Dynamic NAT Sets up a pool of possible inside global address and defines criteria for the set of inside local IP addresses whose traffic should be translated with NAT. Address is dynamically assigned. Router Router Router Router Router Router Router (config) # access-list 1 permit192.168.10.0 (config) # ip nat inside source list 1 pool hcl (config) # ip nat pool hcl netmask (config) # int e 0 (config) # ip nat inside (config) # int s 0 (config) # ip nat outside # Debug ip nat (* ping from source)
Password recovery
Router Router Router Router Router Router