cpc note by Praveen B S Asst. Prof. Al Ameen college of Law
cpc note by Praveen B S Asst. Prof. Al Ameen college of Law
cpc note by Praveen B S Asst. Prof. Al Ameen college of Law
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
Every court has its own local or territorial limits beyond which it cannot
exercise its jurisdiction. These limits are fixed by the government. The district
judge has to exercise jurisdiction within his district and not outside it. The High
Court has jurisdiction over the territory of a state within which it is situate and
not beyond it.
3. Pecuniary jurisdiction: -
The code provides that a court will have jurisdiction only over those suits
the amount value of the subject matter of which does not exceed the pecuniary
limits of its jurisdiction.
Case laws:-
In K.K. Velusamy v. N. Palaanisamy 2011 (11) SCC 275. the Supreme
Court of India held that Section 151 does not confer any special jurisdiction
on Civil Courts, but only provides for the exercise of discretionary power to
secure the ends of justice, in accordance with law. This means that a court
cannot pass any such order that may be prohibited under any law in order to
secure the ends of Justice. This would lead to the conclusion that such
equitable jurisdiction is subordinate to the authority of the courts to enforce
the law.
In Shiv Kumar Sharma v. Santosh Kumar 2007 (8) SCC 600. The Supreme
Court clearly held that while in England Courts of Equity possess Equitable
Jurisdiction, Courts in India do not have any such exclusive power. It further
held that Courts in India exercise jurisdiction in both equity and in law, but
the Equitable Jurisdiction is always subject to the provisions of law. Equitable
Jurisdiction, similar to Courts of Equity in England, can only be exercised
when no law operates in the field.
2. “Every civil suit must be instituted before a lowest civil court competent to
try that suit”. Discuss? (Apr 21) (Dec 19 Old) (Dec 21)
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
to institute a civil suit in a competent civil court unless its cognizance is either
expressly or impliedly barred by any statute.
Jurisdiction may be defined to be the power or authority of the court to
hear and determine a cause, to adjudicate and exercise any judicial power in
relation to it. Thus, jurisdiction of a court means the extent of the authority of a
court to administer justice prescribed with reference to the subject matter,
pecuniary value and local limits.
But however, the consent cannot confer nor take away jurisdiction of a
court. The defect of jurisdiction goes to the root of the matter and strikes at the
authority of the court to pass a decree. But if two or more courts have jurisdiction
to try a suit, it is open for the parties to select a particular forum and exclude the
other forums. Whenever the jurisdiction of the court is challenged, the court has
inherent jurisdiction to decide the said question.
1. Territorial or local jurisdiction
2. Pecuniary jurisdiction
3. Jurisdiction as to subject matter
4. Original of appellate jurisdiction.
Under the Civil procedure code, a civil court has jurisdiction to try all suits of a
civil nature unless they are bared.
If a civil court has jurisdiction to try a suit two conditions have to fulfill:
The suit must be a civil nature; and
The cognizance of such a suit should not have been expressly or impliedly barred.
The suit must be a civil nature:
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
The word civil has not been defined in the code but, according to dictionary
meaning it pertains to private rights and remedies of a citizen as distinguished
from criminal, political, etc.
The word nature has been defined as the fundamental qualities of a person or
thing; identity or essential character, sort, kind, character; hence it is wider in its
Thus the expression civil nature is wider than the expression civil proceedings.
Thus, a suit is of civil nature if the principal question therein relates to the
determination of a civil right and enforcement thereof. It is not the status of the
parties to the suit, but the subject matter of it determines whether or not the suit
is one of a civil nature.
A suit in which the principal question relates to caste or religion is not a suit of
civil nature. But if the principal question in the suit is of a civil nature and the
adjudication incidentally involves the determination relating to a caste question
or to religious rights and ceremonies, it does not cease to be a suit of civil nature
and jurisdiction of a civil court is not barred.
The Explanation II has been added after the Amendment Act 1976. This
Explanation II Specifically provides that the suit relating to religious office is
maintainable whether or not it carries any fees or whether or not it is attached to
a particular place.
Each word and expression casts an obligation on the court to exercise jurisdiction
for enforcement of right.
Case law
In the case of Kehar Singh and Nihal Singh Vs Custodian General, the court
held that the court embellished the concept of Civil proceeding. It was determined
as a grant of private rights to individuals.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
The cognizance of such a suit should not have been expressly or impliedly
A litigant having a grievance of a civil nature has a right to institute a civil suit
unless its cognizance is barred expressly or impliedly.
A suit is said to be expressly bared when it is barred by any enactment for the
time being in force.
It is open to a competent legislature to bar jurisdiction of civil courts.
But every presumption should be made in favour of the jurisdiction of a civil
court and the provision of exclusion of jurisdiction of a civil court, the court will
lean to an interpretation which would maintain the jurisdiction.
But if the remedy provided by a statute is not adequate and all questions cannot
be decided by a special tribunal, the jurisdiction of the civil court is not barred.
A suit is said to be impliedly barred when it is barred by general principles of
Where specific remedy is given by a statute, it thereby, deprives the person who
insists upon a remedy of any other form than that given by the statute.
Similarly, certain suits though of civil nature are barred from the cognizance of a
civil court on the ground of public policy. Thus no suit shall lie for recovery of
costs incurred in criminal prosecution or for enforcement of right upon a contract
hit by section 23 of Indian Contract Act 1872.
Suits of civil nature
1. Suits relating to rights of worship, religious ceremonies etc.
2. Suits relating to accounts.
3. Suits relating to recovery of arrears of rent.
4. Suits relating to damages for a civil wrong.
5. Suits relating to the right to property.
6. Suits relating to specific relief.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
In the case of Dhruv Green field Vs Hukam Singh, it was held by the court that
whenever a special statute or law provides for the exclusion of the civil courts to
entertain a suit then it should be construed strictly but in a case where a civil court
has the power to grant any relief to one of the parts of the suit then it has the
jurisdiction to entertain such suit.
Conclusion: Suit of civil nature in cases is triable by the Civil Court only as per
section 9 of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908. Therefore, the cases which are not
of civil nature are expressly and impliedly barred by this section and such cases
can be triable by the Tribunals or special courts.
4. Res judicata.(Apr 21) 6 Marks
The phrase Res Sub judice is Latin maxim which means the “under judgment”.
The rule of the sub judice is based on the public policy which prohibits the
plaintiff to file two parallel cases on the same subject matter and restricts the
chances of having two contradictory judgments by the two courts. The purpose
of the doctrine of Res Sub judice is to prevent a multiplicity of the proceedings
and to refrain two conflicting decisions. The doctrine bars the parallel trial of the
suit where the matter is pending to adjudicate in the former suit. but it does not
restrict in filling the subsequent suit.
Section 10 reads as under:“ No court shall proceed with the trial of any suit
in which the matter in issue is also directly and substantially in issue in a
previously instituted suit between the same parties, or between parties under
whom they or any of them claim litigating under the same title where such suit is
pending in the same or any other court in India having jurisdiction to grant the
relief claimed, or in any court beyond the limits of India established or constituted
by the Central Government and having like jurisdiction, or before the Supreme
It is to prevent the courts of concurrent jurisdiction from simultaneously
entertaining and adjudicating upon two parallel litigations in respect of the
same cause of action, the same subject matter and the same relief.
It obviates the possibility of two contradictory verdicts by one and the same
court in respect of the same relief.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
Case laws:
In Sardar Bai Vs Mathari Bai (A.I.R. 2005, NOC 251, Madhya Pradesh) is a
quotable case on this point. In this case, there was a issue of completeness of title
due to adverse possession which was involved directly and substantially same
parties, in the earlier case. Again, the suit relating to title was brought. It was
considered prohibitory on the basis of doctrine of res judicata.
In R.P. Gupta Vs Shri Krishna Poddar (A.I.R. 1965, SC 316), the supreme
court has said that in the subsequent suit the issue involved was not that which
was involved in the earlier suit. Then, there the doctrine of res judicata will not
be applicable.
i. the issues in the earlier case were also involved in the later case actually
and substantially;
ii. such issues have been deciding finally;
iii. such finalization was done by a competent court; and
iv. the parties have been given the opportunity of hearing before deciding the
Thus for applicability of the doctrine of res judicata, all the above conditions must
be fulfilled.
If a decree is passed in contravention of sectionn10 it is not a nullity and
therefore cannot be disregarded in execution proceedings. It is only the trial and
not the institution of the subsequent suit which is barred under this section.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
Hence, if the parties waive their right and expressly ask the court to proceed with
the subsequent suit, they cannot afterwards challenge the validity of the
Recently, a bench of Supreme Court of India has made an observation
regarding the Doctrine of Res Judicata. The Court has held that this
doctrine would not be a ground for rejecting a plaint under Order VII Rule
11(d) of the Code of Civil Procedure. This has stirred an interesting
debate in the legal fraternity around the adjudication of plea of Res
Judicata, making it a significant topic to study with respect to the CPC.
Doctrine of Res Judicata Meaning
The doctrine of Res Judicata has been embodied in Section 11of the CPC.
This is a Latin term. It means “a thing/matter adjudged”. It indicates that
where a matter is already judged,no court will have the power to try any
fresh suit or issues
which has been already settled in the former suit between thesame parties.
Hence, when a competent body adjudicates upon an issue, involving the
same parties which were party to the previoussuit, cannot file another suit,
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
asking the court to adjudicate upon the issue, which is similar to the issue
already adjudicated upon in the previous suit.
Spencer Bower was of the view that the doctrine of res judicatarefers to
the final judicial decision given by a judicial tribunal that has competent
jurisdiction over the cause or matter in litigation and over the parties thereto.
Res Judicata is simply the shorter version of the original maxim ‘Res
Judicata pro- Veritate Accipitur’. It means that a thing adjudged must be
taken as truth.
In the case of Lal Chand v Radha Krishnan[(1977) 2 S.C.C. 88
(India)], the Apex Court was of the view that once the final judgement is
pronounced, the judges who are confronted witha suit which identically
similar to the earlier judgement, wouldapply the doctrine of res judicata to
save the impact of the main judgment. This would ensure that multiplicity
of the judgement
Explanation 8 states that where a former court becomes incompetent to try
a subsequent suit due to incompetency totry it due to limitation pertaining
to its jurisdiction, the doctrine of Res judicata will be applied.
Essential Conditions of Section 11 of CPC
There are certain conditions for the applicability of the Doctrine of Res
Judicata under Section 11 of the CPC. The
following conditions must be met with to avail the plea of ResJudicata.
1. Both the suits must be between the same parties or theirrepresentative. If
the parties to both the suits are different there would lie no ground for the
application ofthe doctrine of Res Judicata. Both, the parties as well as
their privies will be bound by Res Judicata.
2. They should prosecute under the same title. This refers tothe capacity of
the party.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
pending in the appellate court,as then the judgement of the court below
cannot be held to be final, and the findings recorded therein would not
operate as res judicata.
4. When the judgment is non-speaking.
5. Where the matter has not been decided on merit earlier,the doctrine of
res judicata is not applicable.
6. The doctrine of Res Judicata does not apply to criminalcases, where the
entire proceedings have been initiatedillegally and without jurisdiction.
7. When a matter involves a pure question of law, the doctrine of res
judicata will not apply.
In cases of Dismissal in on default, thedoctrine of res judicata does not
Difference Between Res Sub Judice and Res Judicata The sections
dealing with Res Sub Judice and Res Judicata aresection 10 and section
11 respectively. The former is applicableto the proceedings pending in the
court, while the latter is applicable to matters already adjudicated upon.
The doctrine of Res Sub Judice bars two parallel suits between the same
parties, i.e., it bars the trial of a suit in which the matter is pending for
decision in the previous suit. One the other hand Doctrine of Res Judicata
stops the second trial of the same dispute between the same parties.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
In the case of Rural Litigation And Entitlement Kendra vs. State of Uttar
Pradesh, it was held that the writ petitions filed in the Supreme Court are not
inter-party disputes and have been raised by way of public interest litigation and
the controversy before the court is as to whether for social safety and for creating
a hazardless environment for the people to live in, mining in the area must be
permitted or stopped. Even if it is said that there was a final order, in a dispute of
this type it would be difficult to entertain the plea of Res Judicata.
While discussing the doctrine of Res Judicata, it is essential to realize that
the main objective behind this doctrine is to prevent multiplicity of suits, to
ensure the court’s resources are not being misused or wasted, to prevent
injustice by ensuring that there is no unnecessary recovery of damages twice
for the same matter. Perpetual litigation would do no good to society at large.
The Doctrine of Res Judicata must be applied mindfully. We must realize
that this doctrine has a very wide scope and the application of which is
constantly changing and evolving.
The expression ‘place of suing’ signifies the venue for the trial. Section
15 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 requires the plaintiff to file a suit in
the court of the lowest grade competent to try it. Provisions for the immovable
property have been spread over Sections 16 to 18 of the CPC. Section 19
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
defendant or any other person on the behalf of the defendant where the relief
can be obtained through his personal attendance then suits may be instituted
in a court within whose local jurisdiction of either where the property is
located or where the defendant resides or carries out business.
Section 17-
According to this Section, when an immovable property falls under the
jurisdiction of two or more courts, then it is up to the discretion of the plaintiff
to decide which court to file the suit at. When a property shares the
jurisdiction of multiple courts, the plaintiff can choose as per their
convenience. E.g.-If a dispute relating to an immovable property spread over
Bangalore and Ramanagara arises, then the Plaintiff can file a suit in the court
of either Bangalore or Ramanagara, both courts have valid jurisdiction.
Section 18-
This section states that when the local limits of the jurisdiction of courts
is uncertain, and any of the courts is satisfied that there is a ground of
uncertainty, then such court can record the statement and proceed with
hearing the case and passing a final decree. The decree passed by such court
will have the same effect as if the property was situated within the local limits
of the jurisdiction of the said court.
In case the court taking cognizance of the case does not record the
statement and an objection is raised before the Appellate or Revisional Court,
the Appellate or Revisional court shall not allow the objections unless it is
satisfied that at the time of institution of the suit there was no reasonable
ground for uncertainty as regards to jurisdiction of Court and there has been
a failure of justice.
Movable Property– Section 19
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
When a suit has been instituted by a plaintiff in one civil of his choice, there may
be two choices available to the defendant: either to file his written statement, i.e.
accepting the jurisdiction of the court or to file application for transfer of the suit.
Section 22 and 23 of CPC confers power of the civil court to transfer suits from
one civil court to another on the application of the defendant. Section 22 is the
substantive section which confers upon the civil court the power. Section 23
specifies the appropriate court for this purpose.
Section 23- To what court application lies:
1.Where the several Courts having jurisdiction are subordinate to the same
appellate Court, an application under section 22 shall be made to the Appellate
2.Where such Courts are subordinate to different Appellate Courts but to the
same High Court, the application shall be made tot he said High Court.
3.Where such courts are subordinate to different High Courts, the application
shall be made the High Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the
Court in which the suit is brought is situate.
Section 24- General power of transfer and withdrawal:
1.on the application of any of the parties and after notice to the parties and after
hearing such of them as desired to be heard, or of its own motion without such
notice, the High Court or the district Court may at any stage-7(a) transfer any
suit, appeal or other proceeding pending before it for trial or disposal to any Court
subordinate to it and competent to try or dispose of the same, or (b) withdraw any
suit, appeal or other proceeding pending in any Court subordinate to it, and
a. try or dispose of the same; or
b. transfer the same for trial or disposal to any Court subordinate to it and
competent to try or dispose of the same;
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
c. Retransfer the same for trial or disposal to the Court from which it was
d. Where any suit or proceeding has been transferred or withdrawn under sub-
section (1), the Court which, may subject to any special directions in the case of
nay order of transfer, either retry it or proceed from the point at which it was
transferred or withdrawn.
Section 25- Power of Supreme Court to transfer suits, etc :
1.On the application of a party, and after notice to the parties, and after hearing
such of them as desire to be heard, the Supreme Court may, at any stage, if
satisfied that an order under this section is expedient for the ends of justice, direct
that any suit, appeal or other proceeding be transferred from a High Court or other
Civil Court in one State to a High Court or other Civil Court in any other State.
2.Every application under this section shall be made by a motion which shall be
supported by an affidavit.
3.The Court to which such suit, appeal or other proceeding is transferred shall,
subject to any special directions in the order of transfer, either retry it or proceed
from the stage at which it was transferred to it.
4.In dismissing any application under this section, the Supreme Court may, if it
is of opinion that the application was frivolous or vexatious, order the applicant
to pay by way of compensation to any person who has opposed the application
such sum, not exceeding two thousand rupees, as it considers appropriate in the
circumstances of the case.
5.The law applicable to any suit or other proceeding transferred under this section
shall be the law which the Court in which the suit, appeal or other proceeding
was originally instituted ought to have applied to such suit, appeal or proceeding.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
Suo Motu Transfer:- over and above an application by a party to the suit, appeal
or other proceeding, a High Court or a District Court has power to transfer a suit,
appeal or other proceeding even suo moru.
Application for transfer after hearing: - It is no doubt, true that an application
for a transfer can be made “at any stage”. At the same time, however, as the
discretionary power of a suit, appeal or other proceedings requires to be exercised
in the interest of justice, the court may refuse such prayer if it is made mala fide
or with or with a view to obviate an adverse decision after the hearing is over.
It is submitted that the following observation of Krishna Iyer, J. in the
leading above case, “assurance of a fair trial is the first imperative of the
dispensation of justice and the criterion for the court to consider when a motion
for transfer is made is not the hypersensitivity or relative convenience of a party
or easy availability of legal service or like mini-grievances. Something more
substantial, more compelling, more imperilling, from the point of view of public
justice and its attendant environment, is necessitous if the court is to exercise its
power of transfer. This is the cardinal principle although the circumstances may
be myriad and vary from case to case.
Conclusion: - As discussed above, the power of transfer must be exercised with
extreme caution and circumspection and in the interest of justice.
1. Introduction
Section 2(6) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC) defines a
foreign judgement as a judgement of a foreign court. A foreign court is
defined by Section 2(5) of the CPC as a court situated outside India and
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
The object behind this provision is to give respect to the judgement
of competent foreign court and a legal obligation arises to satisfy the
claim. In Private International Law, certain rules are regarded as
common to civilized nations. This recognition is accorded on the rules of
justice, equity and good conscience.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
ii. Foreign Judgement has not been given on the merits of the
As it has been stated earlier, a foreign judgement creates res judicata
between the parties to a claim. However, for res judicata to apply, the
judgement by the foreign court must have been given on the merits of the
case. A case is said to be decided on the merits when the judgetakes all the
evidence into consideration in the absence of any technical or emotional bias
and decides what is right or wrong after thorough examination of the case.
Thus, the dismissal of a suit owing to the non-appearance of the plaintiff or
when a decree has been passed owing to the default of the defendant in
furnishing security, such judgements are not on merits.However, it needs to
be noted that a decree being ex parte does not necessarily mean that it was
not on merits.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
2. Execution Proceedings:
A foreign judgement may also be enforced by proceedings in execution
in certain specific circumstances mentioned in Section 44A of the Code
which provides that when a certified copy of a decree from any of the
superior courts of any reciprocating territory is filed in a District Court, it
shall be executed in India. It is open to the defendantto file any objections
open to him/her under Section 13 of the Act when the foreign judgement
is sought to be enforced under Section 44A. It is to be noted that the
judgement must comply with all the conditions specified under Section
Ex parte foreign decree whether enforceable or not.
Even though a decree has been passed ex parte it will be binding if evidence
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
was taken and decision was given on consideration of evidence. The real test
is not
whether decision was or was not ex parte but whether it was merely formerly
passed as a matter of course or by way of penalty or it was based upon a
consideration of the truth or otherwise of plaintiff’s claim.
1. Sri Ramesh has instituted a suit against his wife Aruna in the civil court at
Dharawad. Aruna is residing at Kalaburagi with her parents. She has no income
of her own and hence, she is finding it difficult to travel to Dharawad frequently
to attend the proceedings. Advise her. (June 22)
1. State the provisions of CPC relating to joinder of parties. What is the effect
of non-joinder of necessary parties? (Apr 21)(Apr 21A)(Dec 21)
The civil cases, start with the institution of the case by one party against
the another party and the competent court decides the rights and liabilities of the
parties. Order 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 deals with the the parties
to the suit and also contains provisions for addition, deletion and substitution of
parties, joinder, non-joinder and misjoinder of parties and objections to
misjoinder and non-joinder.
There is persistent anxiety while filing a civil suit as if all the parties to the
suit are taken into consideration for an account or not. Additionally, if any
party(s) are missing, they can be taken into consideration also and can be added
or joined later in a suit as another issue, provided, the CPC has any provision to
remedy to add party(s) to the suit by the procedure of “joinder” and the remaining
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
pertains to the discretion of the Honorable Court under Order1- rule 2 and rule 3
read with Order 2 rule 3 and rule 4 of the CPC.
Joinder of Plaintiffs:
Anybody or anyone may join in one suit as plaintiffs as per the required
conditions under Rule 1 of Order 1. These conditions that are necessary to be
consummated are the right to relief claiming to exist in each of the plaintiffs that
come out of the same act of transaction; and the case is such of a character that,
if such person got separate suits, any common question of law or question of fact
may arise.
Joinder of Defendants:
Just the opposite to the joinder of plaintiffs, that, a persona can join as a
defendant as per the provisions of Rule 3 of Order 1. The conditions that are
necessary to be satisfied in the case of a defendant is the right to relief claiming
to exist against them comes out of the same act of transaction; and the case is of
such a nature that, if separate suits are brought against such a person, any
common question of law or question of fact may arise.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
A right of relief has to be present against such a party with regard to the
matters involved in the suit.
In the absence of such a party, the court must not be in a position to pass
an efficacious decree.
Nonetheless, the aforementioned tests, as provided by the Honorable
Bench of Allahabad High Court were explained as true tests by the
Honorable Supreme Court of India in Deputy Commissioner, Hardoi v.
Rama Krishna.
The joinder or incorporation of any person as a party to a suit, opposite to
the provisions of the Code is known to be a misjoinder. Grounds for a court
ruling that there is a misjoinder incorporate that:
The parties to the suit do not have the same rights to a judgment.
They have a conflict of interests.
The situations in each allegation must be unique or contradictory.
Even to a bit, the defendants are not involved in the same transaction. In
the case of a criminal prosecution, the most usual cause for misjoinder is
the defendants are found to be involved in various claimed crimes or the
charges are based on separate unique transactions.
However, a misjoinder may be a misjoinder of plaintiffs or a misjoinder of
the cause of action.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
Where two or more persons may have joined as Plaintiffs in one suit but
the Right to Relied claimed to exist in each plaintiff, does NOT come out of the
same act or same transaction (or series) and if separate suits were brought by each
of the plaintiff, no common question of fact or question of law may have arisen,
there shall be a misjoinder of plaintiff.
Misjoinder of Defendants
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
Where there are two or more plaintiffs in a suit and two or more causes of
action, the plaintiffs shall be interested jointly in all the causes of action. If not,
the case is one of misjoinder of plaintiffs and cause of action.
Misjoinder of Defendants and Cause of Action: Multifariousness
Where there are two or more defendants in a suit and two or more causes
of action, the suit will be bad for misjoinder of defendants and causes of action,
nonetheless, if unique causes of action are joined against different defendants
separately, such a misjoinder is technically called multifariousness or assortment.
Meaning: -
When the plaintiff files a suit, the defendant has to be informed that the
suit has been filed against him, and that he is required to appear in the court to
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
defend it. The intimation which is sent to the defendant by the court is technically
known as “summons”. Though the said expression has not been defined in the
code, according to the dictionary meaning. “A summons is a document issued
from the office of a court of justice, calling upon the person to whom it is directed
to attend before a judge or officer of the court for a certain purpose”.
Mode of Service of Summons. Rules 9-30
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
c) In a suit relating to any business or work agent a person, not residing within
the territorial jurisdiction of the court issuing the summons, it may be served to
the manger or agent carrying on such business or work.
d) In a suit for immovable property, if the service of summons cannot be made
on the defendant personally and the defendant has no authorised agent, the
service may be made on any agent of the defendant in charge of property.
e) Where there are two or more defendants, service of summons should be
made on each defendant.
Service by Court- Rule 9
Summons to defendant residing within the jurisdiction of the court shall be
served through court officer or approved courier service. Summons can also be
served by register post, courier service, fax, e-mail or by any other permissible
means of transmission. Where the defendant is residing outside the jurisdiction
of the court, the summons shall be served through the officer of the court within
whose jurisdiction the defendant resides. The court shall treat refuse of
acceptance as a valid service. Where summons is properly addressed, prepaid and
duly sent by registered post acknowledgment due (RPAD) there will be a
presumption of a valid service of summons even in the absence of an
acknowledgment slip.
Service by plaintiff- Rule-9A
The court may also permit service of summons by the plaintiff in addition
to service of summons by the court.
Substituted service- Rule 17, 19-20
“Substituted service” means the service of summons by a mode which is
substituted for the ordinary mode of service of summons. There are two modes
of substituted service. They are:
Where the defendant or his agent refuses to sign the acknowledgment, or
where the serving officer, after due and reasonable diligence, cannot find the
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
defendant who is absent from his residence at the time of service of summons
and there is no authorised agent nor any person on whom service can be made,
the service of summons can be made by affixing a copy on the outer door or some
other part of the house in which the defendant ordinarily resides or carries on
business or personally works for gain.
Where the court is satisfied that there is reason to believe that the defendant
avoids service for any other reason the summons cannot be served in ordinary
way, the service may be effected in the following manner-
By affixing a copy of the summons in some conspicuous place in the
courthouse, and also upon some conspicuous part of the house in which the
defendant is known to have last resided, carried on business for personally
worked for gain, or in such manner as the court thinks fit.
Where the court can orders service by an advertisement in a news paper,
the newspaper should be a daily newspaper circulating in the locality in which
the defendant is last known to have actually or voluntarily resided, carried on
business or personally worked for gain.
Service by Post:-
When an acknowledgement purporting to be signed by the defendant or his
agent is received by the court, or the defendant or his agent refused to take
delivery of summons when tendered to him, the court issuing the summons shall
declare that the summons had been duly served on the defendant. The same
principle applies in a case where the summons was properly addressed, prepaid
and duly sent by registered post, acknowledgment due, and the acknowledgment
is lost or not received by the court within thirty days from the date of issue of the
summons. Where the summons sent by registered post is returned with an
endorsement “refused”, the burden is on the defendant to prove that the
endorsement is false.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
Conclusion: - These are the five method of serving the summons to the
defendants and it will be done one after one initially the court will send summons
through post if it fails to serve the summons to the defendant then the remaining
method will be adopted one after one by the plaintiff through the court.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
the order, or if no time is thereby limited then within 14 days from the date of the
order, he shall not be permitted to amend after the expiration of such limited time
as aforesaid or of such 14 days, as the case may be, unless the time is extended
by the Court.
Pleadings are the backbone of legal profession. It is the foundation stone on
which case of a party stands. The case of a party must be set out in the pleadings.
Pleadings do not only define the issues between the parties for the final decision
of the court at the trial, they manifest and exert their importance throughout the
whole process of the litigation. Pleadings provide a guide for the proper mode of
trial. They demonstrate upon which party the burden of proof lies, and who has
the right to open the case. They also determine the range of admissible evidence
which the parties should adduce at the trial. They also lay down limit on the relief
that can be granted by the Court.
The expression “plaint” has not been defined in the code. However, it can
be said to be a statement of claim, a document, by presentation of which the suit
is instituted. Its object is to state the grounds upon which the assistance of the
court is sought by the plaintiff. It is a pleading of the plaintiff.
Rules 1 to 8 of order 7 relate to particulars in a plaint.
Rule 9 lays down procedure on plaint being admitted.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
xiii. The interest and liability of the defendant in the subject-matter of the
xiv. Where the suit is time-barred, the ground upon which the expression
from the law of limitation is claimed.
There must be two parties in every suit, namely, the plaintiff and the
defendant. There may, however, be more than one plaintiff or more than one
defendant. But there must be at least one plaintiff and one defendant in every suit.
All particulars, such as name, father’s name, age, place of residence, etc., which
are necessary to identify the parties, must be stated in the plaint.
The plaint shall be rejected in the following cases:
a) Where plaint does not disclose cause of action: If the plaint does not disclose
any cause of action, the court will reject it. To reject it on this ground the court
must look at the plaint and nothing else. And even if the court comes to the
conclusion that the allegations set out in the plaint are proved, the plaintiff would
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
not be entitled to any relief. In such a case the court will reject the plaint without
issuing summons to the defendants.
b) Where relief claimed is undervalued: Where the relief claimed by the plaintiff
is undervalued and the valuation is not correct within the time filed or extended
by the court, the plaint will be rejected. In considering the question whether the
suit is properly valued or not, the court must confine its attention to the plaint
only and should not look at the other circumstances which may subsequently
influence the judgment of the court as to the true value of the relief prayed for.
c) Where paint is insufficiently stamped: Sometimes the relief claimed by the
plaintiff is properly valued, but the plaint is written upon a paper insufficiently
stamped and plaintiff fails to pay the requisite court fees within the time fixed or
extended by the court. In that case, the plaint will be rejected. If the plaintiff
cannot pay the court fees, he may apply to continue the suit as indigent person.
d) Where the suit appears to be barred by law: where the suit appears from the
statements in the plaint to be barred by any law, the court will reject the plaint.
For Eg. Where in a suit against the government, the plaint does not state that the
notice as required under Section 80 of the code has not been given, then the plaint
will be rejected.
Where the plaint is rejected in the court, the judge will pass the order in
the effect and will record reasons for it. If the plaint is rejected on any of the
above grounds, the plaintiff is not thereby precluded from presenting a fresh
plaint in respect of the same cause of action.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
8. What is written statement? Under what circumstances can the set off
and the counterclaim be pleaded?
9. Written statement. (Dec 21)
10.Difference between Set-off and Counter Claim. 6 Marks.
11. Counter claim. (June 22) (Dec 21)
written statement is a pleading of the defendant in the answer of the plaint
led by the plaintiff against him. It is a reply statement of the defendant in a suit
specially denying the allegations made against him by the plaintiff in his plaint.
The provision regarding the written statement has provided in the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908.
The expression Written Statement has not been termed in this code. It is a
term of specific meaning ordinarily signifying a reply to the plaint led by the
plaintiff. In other words, it is the pleading of the defendant wherein he deals with
the material fact alleged by the plaintiff in his plaint and also states any new fact
in his favor or takes legal objections against the claim of the plaintiff.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
(1) New facts, such as the suit is not maintainable, or that the transaction is either
void or voidable in law, and all such grounds of defence as, if not raised, would
take the plaint by surprise, or would raise issues of fact not arising out of
the plaint, such as fraud, limitation, release, payment, performance or facts
showing illegality, etc. must be raised. (Order 8 Rule 2)
(2) The denial must be specific. It is not sufficient for a defendant in his written
statement to deny generally the grounds alleged by the plainti, but he must deal
specially with each allegation of fact which he does not admit, except damages.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)
(3) The denial should not be vague or evasive. Where a defendant wants to deny
any allegation of fact in the plaint, he must do so clearly, specially and
explicitly and not evasively or generally.
(4) Where every allegation of fact in the plaint, if not denied specifically or by
necessary implication, or stated to be not admitted except as against a person
under disability. The court may, however, require proof of any such fact
otherwise than by such admission.
(5) Where the defendant relies upon several distinct grounds of defence or set-off
or counterclaim founded upon separate and distinct facts, they should be stated
separately and distinctly.
(6) Any new ground of defense which has arisen after the institution of the suit is
a presentation of a written statement claiming a set- off or counterclaim may
be raised by the defendant or plaintiff in his written statement as the case may
(7) If the defendant fails to present his written statement within the time permitted
or relaxed by the court, the court will pronounce the judgment against him or
pass such order in relation to the suit as it thinks that and a decree will be
drawn up according to the said judgment.
(8) No pleading after the written statement of the defendant other than by way of
defense to set-o or counterclaim can be led.
Civil Procedure code notes unit I and II by Praveen B S (Asst. Prof. of Al Ameen College of Law)