1. Self-assess health-
related fitness (HRF)
status, barriers to
activity assessment
participation, and one’s
Physical fitness test is a set of
measures designed to determine
one’s level of physical fitness. It has
two components namely: Health-
Related and Skill-Related Fitness.
A. Components of Health-Related Fitness
Health-related fitness components are
composed of cardiovascular endurance,
muscular strength, muscular endurance,
flexibility, and body composition. These
components promote health and prevent
Cardiovascular Endurance – it is the ability of the heart,
blood vessels, and lungs to produce oxygen to the
functioning muscles during dynamic physical activity.
There are some ways to assess cardiovascular
endurance. These are:
• 1-kilometer run Swimming
• Biking Dancing Zumba
• Playing sports Jogging
• Aerobics 3-minute step test
Muscular Endurance – it is the ability of the
muscles to perform physical activities repeatedly
without getting tired easily.
The following are the examples of physical
activities to assess muscular endurance:
• Push-ups Pull-ups
• Squats Sit-ups
• Body weight squats Planking
Flexibility – the ability to move the joints through their
full range of motion. The sit-and-reach test is a good
measure of flexibility that usually expresses how far a
joint can be moved or the degrees through which a joint
can be moved.
Other physical activities to assess flexibility include:
• Sit and reach Zipper test
• Toe touches Bending
• Lunges
Body Composition – refers to the makeup of the body in
terms of lean mass (muscle, bone, vital tissue, and organs)
and fat mass.
Formula for Computing BMI
Weight (in Kilograms)
Height (in Meters)²