of Printed Pages—16
( Old Course )
Full Marks : 80
Pass Marks : 24
Time : 3 hours
General Instructions :
/55 [ P.T.O.
( 2 )
( Prose )
(e) The narrator and her family would have liked to take
off their coats but did not because
(i) they were afraid of falling sick
(ii) they would have to run any minute
(iii) they were wearing more clothes than usual
3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the choices
given in the brackets (any three ) : 1×3=3
(a) “You wicked girl ! You ....... You little devil. Get to
your room !”
(i) Who said this and to whom? 1+1=2
(ii) Why did the speaker term the girl as ‘wicked’? 1
( Poetry )
(a) “I will arise and go now, for always night and day
Innisfree? 1
( Rapid Reader )
(f) Who were ‘the three very old friends’ in the story
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ?
11. Who was Sir Danvers Carew? How did Sir Danvers
Carew die? What was found at the crime scene? 1+3+2=6
Why did Dr. Jekyll invent the transcendental medicine?
How did he feel when he took the drug? How did it bring
about his death? 1+2+3=6
( The Count of Monte Cristo )
11. Who was Abbe Faria? Why was he placed among the
mad prisoners? Describe his appearance. 1+2+3=6
How did Dantes persuade the telegraph man to send a
false message to Paris? What was the message? How did
the false message affect Danglars? 2+2+2=6
( Grammar and Composition )
15. Read the passage given below and answer the questions
that follow :
Polythene shopping bags and wrappers are a potential
threat to urban environment. Once we have discarded
them after use, we do not lose our link with them. They
return to us in a variety of ways, though we do not
realise it. For example, they choke our drains and
provide breeding facilities to deadly germs. A recent
study has shown that about 250 tonnes of plastic wastes
come from various colonies of major cities everyday. This
disrupts or blocks the sewer system, the essential
arteries of city life.
Questions :
(f) Find words from the passage which mean the same
as :
(i) thrown away
(ii) cause disorder in ½+½=1
(a) While travelling by bus in your town, you lost a
bag containing your certificates. Write a classified
advertisement for a newspaper under the heading
‘Lost and Found’. 3
(i) Friendship
Points : Introduction—necessity of friends—
proper selection of friends—conclusion.
(ii) You recently spent a holiday with a friend in
his/her city. Write a letter to thank him/her and
describe some of the things you enjoyed most
during your stay there.
(c) “But where can we spend the night and the whole of
tomorrow?” Who spoke these words and why?
(d) “I almost get a creepy feeling that they will all walk
in through that window.” Who said this and to whom
was it spoken?
19. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the choices
given in the brackets : ½×4=2
( dawn/dusk )
( black/gray )
( Larks/Thrushes )
(d) Where the clear stream of _____ has not lost its way.
( vision/reason )
( The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde )
(c) “If you fail tonight, I am lost.” Who said this and to
( The Count of Monte Cristo )