Y1 2013 Dec
Y1 2013 Dec
Y1 2013 Dec
1) a) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. (51=5)
In my short career as a collector of other possessions , I had made a study of mens faces when they
had lost their goods. The greedy man showed Panic; the rich man showed anger, the poor man
showed resignation. But I knew that Anils face, when he discovered the theft, would show only a
touch of sadness, not for the loss of money, but for the loss of trust.
b) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the right
answer. (51=5)
I have lost my job. It was a good job, too. All I had to do was sit in the shop throughout the day and
sell saries and choli pieces; that was all we sold. They were very good saris and choli pieces,
specially woven in Mr. Ratnams little mill in Bangalore and only sold in Bombay through the shop
run by me.
ii) How long does the speaker suppose to sit in the shop?
1) through out the day
2) during the morning
3) during the afternoon
4) through out the night.
iii) What were the items sold in the shop?
1) pants and shirts
2) saris and shirts
3) saris and cholipieces
4) saris and pants.
iv) What is the name of the mill that was mentioned in the passage?
1) Mrs. Ratnam
2) Mr Ratnam
3) Ms. Ratnam
4) Mr Ratnamani
v) Where does the speaker sell the saris and choli pieces?
1) Bangalore
2) Bombay
3) Hyderabad
4) Delhi.
iii) The mother said, Where are you going? (Change into Indirect Speech).
iv) Ravi has been suffering with fever since Monday (Use appropriate preposition)
e) Fill in the blanks with suitable words given at the end of the list. (51=5)
v) She has been ____ from typhoid for the last three days.
f) Rewrite the following set of jumbled sentences to make them into a coherent passage. (3)
i) So when morning came he, went down to the rail yards to get some work.
v) He had no money.
Reading hobby - good and bad books - of hair and forever .... books as best companions - they
entertain, educate - enlighten - makes one forget mes loneliness - guides and makes ones life richer
b) Justify the title of the story God sees the Truth but waits.
ii) You are fortunate. It is god subramanya who has come to visit you.
iii) My hand found the edge of the mattress, slipped under it with the notes.
a) VV gV # V f$_ W V
$V *$ $$ $ ^${
V$O { $# Z
V$$$ $ $ $ V$ .
a) J$$$ f$.
b) M $! $ $ $?
c) M$P O M* V$V$$r M$V>
d) $$$V MP gV $$
a) >f{$ >r$$Z E.
b) G$$M$ {M$. $$ $ $$>! ^y
c) >YM ^a$ $V$Y {$$
d) Ay$ *$y B{gM gZV$
3) D {M Z A V $y JMM, B V $y JMM * *$ >$y. (28=16)
b) $*M&*>j $$ Z y.
a) G$M M ^ $ ^y.
b) ^{MM> $g$y
b) $ {^M ${ G W^ }} *_^y$?
a) $$$Z g$ *_ *$ ^y.
b) #r >$^$$ >{t* ^y.
a) Mw { ^{$ V*a y.
b) {f $ Z {$ V$_ >$y.
c) {f $ > ^$$ uM$ M_a .
6) D {M Z IsM y M>>$ >$y. (52=10)
i) $$ ii) AMP$
iii) >$ iv) O
v) $OM vi) {$$
vii) >{VV$y$ viii)
ix) >\$Q$y$ x) f$$$ .
SECTION A (33=9)
a) B`m H$s ~S>r ~oQ>r H$m Zm_ {ZXm h & Omo `{$ B`mbw hmoVm h, dhr `{$ ~wao {H$_ H$m {ZXH$ ^r hmoVm h &
b) AJa Bg boI H$mo _ AnZo H$_ao _| Q>mJ X Vmo `m Amn g_PVo h, CZ H$s pWaVm _| - AWdm OS>Vm _| -
H$moB AVa Am Om`Jm ?
c) Vwbo hE eXm| _| H${dVm H$aZo Ama VwH$, AZwmg Am{X T>yT>Zo go H${d`m| Ho$ {dMma - dmV` _| ~S>r ~mYm
AmVr h &
d) ^maVr` OZVm AnZo Eo{Vhm{gH$ OrdZ _| ~am~a XoIVr AmB h {H$ gm{h` Xoe H$mo {d^m{VV H$aZo H$m gmYZ
H$^r Z ahm, dh gXd Cgo g`mo{OV Ama gJ{R>V H$aZo H$m _m`_ ahm h &
2) {H$gr EH$ nmR> H$m gmame {deofVmAm| g{hV {b{IE & (10)
a) A{V{W &
b) ^maVr` gm{h` H$s EH$Vm
3) {H$gr EH$ nmR> H$m gmame {deofVmAm| g{hV {b{IE & (10)
4) {H$gr EH$ nmR> H$m gmame {deofVmAm| g{hV {b{IE & (10)
5) nmR>`H$_ H$s nwVH|$ _JmVo hE nwVH$-{dHo$Vm Ho$ Zm_ na n {b{IE & (110=10)
Amn Zo {H$gr WmZ H$s `mm H$s & Cg WmZ H$s {deofVmAm| H$m dUZ H$aVo hE AnZo {_ H$mo EH$ n {b{IE &
7) g~ Zm| H$m {bIZm A{Zdm` h & (102=20)
a) {dmWu nmR> nT>Vm h & (aoIm{H$V eX H$m qbJ ~XbH$a nyam dm` {b{IE &)
b) bS>H$m emoa _MmVm h & (aoIm{H$V eX H$m dMZ ~XbH$a nyam dm` {b{IE &)
c) MmoX` (eX H$m g{Y - {dN>oX H$s{OE &)
d) lrH$U Zo H$g H$mo _mam & (aoIm{H$V eX Ho$ H$maH$ H$m Zm_ {b{IE &)
e) nmn - nw` & (Bg H$m g_mg {b{IE &)
f) JmoXmdar H$s nmZr _rR>r h & (dm` ew H$s{OE &)
g) bVm JmZm JmVr h & (dm` ~X{b`o &)
h) _ _mg OmD$Jm & (Bgo dV_mZ H$mb _| {b{IE &)
i) AMaO (dm` _| `moJ H$s{OE &)
j) Branch Office (Bg eX H$m AW {hXr _| {b{IE &)
8) {H$hr Xmo eXm| Ho$ AW {hXr _| {b{IH$a dm`m| _| `moJ H$s{OE & (22=5)
2) a) What was parvatis answer to the criticism of siva made by the celibate?
4) Answer any FOUR of the following with reference to the context : (44=16)
Mdm[a ggX^ `m`mV !
a) ZjmUrd M_m !
b) XmZm``ZerbmM g`VmM {VJho !
c) `moJk gdH$_Um_ !
d) {ZpXVm{Z Z godVo !
e) eara_m Ibw Y_gmYZ_ !
f) Z aZ_pd`pV _`Vo {h VV !
g) g{Md, Zfmo@_w ` _`wg_` !
h) bmoHo$ XOZ H$Q>H$mo ZmpV !
5) Translate any TWO into English or Telugu. (23=6)
6) a) Write the forms of any THREE in other numbers of the given persons. (32=6)
iv) ApV
v) BN>{g
vi) H$W`m{_
b) Write the forms of any FOUR in the given codes. (42=8)
MVwUm Vm{^{$fw nm{U {bIV
i) \$b_
ii) dm[aUm
iii) ZXr
iv) _`m
v) a_`m
vi) {no
vii) H${d_
viii) XodmV
Section - A (213=26)
Answer any two of the following
7) Vedic Culture.
8) Astanga Marga
AtV *Y$$$
9) Satavahanas
10) Village Administration of cholas
^$ {V>$
11) Kautilya
12) Bhuvana Vijayam
$ f$$$
13) Taj Mahal
g $
14) Veeresa Lingam Panthulu
V $$
Section - C
Fill up the blanks. (12)
R$ N
15) a) Vandemataram was written by _______________
* X ^$$ _______________
1) Timmarusu 2) Ramalinga
1) $$$ 2) >$V
3) Krishna Devaraya 4) Durjati
3) M~>$$ 4) *js
c) The Ruler who was famous as Indian Napolen was _____________ ( )
Cy$ $ A { V>_ >k _____________
1) Ashoka. 2) Kaniska.
1) AZM$y$ 2) M$Py$
3) Harsha. 4) Samudragupta.
3) $y$ 4) $${ V$#y$
d) The other name of Gadha sapta sati is _____________ ( )
V> M $$$M $ _____________
Section A (4 4 = 16)
Answer any Four of the following
1) Micro economics
. D ((
2) Derived demand
H1 " | .| (
3) Consumers surplus
#$.Y ( (Y ((
4) Monopoly
KP + ( ((
5) Nominal rent
( .~ ' 2uP ((
6) Multilateral trade agreement
$(! !$( + N1 ((
7) International trade
D Am$( P ((
8) Demand function
| .| ( ((
Section B (2 8 = 16)
Answer any Two of the following
9) State causes for disequilibrium in balance of payments.
a@ ' C ((] D (1GP PA 2( @ (' ((2
10) Review the trade policy of India.
2 1 1C 1$' P 1 1 (1 a | 2
11) Distinguish between economic and non-economic activities.
EP E1PC PA 1P 121+11P ( ( C | ( @ | 2
12) How is price determined under monopolistic competition ?
Y ( A1 OvQ$] ( K1 YA R1 ((1+S 1a | B
Section C (3 16 = 48)
Answer any Three of the following
H+ H1 1P 1 WW W (( ( 1a ( ((2
Section A (4 4 = 16)
Answer any Four of the following
1) Journal
2) Contra entry
J ( ( (
3) Overdraft
N" ~yw
4) Provision
5) Suspense account
D" ( ( U2
6) Accounting cycle
DPGv$Y a P " #
7) Consignee
P c Re
8) Trial balance
Section B (2 8 = 16)
Answer any Two of the following
12) On 1-1-1997 machinery was purchased for Rs.25,000. On 1st June 1998, additions
were made to an amount of Rs.3,200. On 30th June 200, machinery of which the
original value on 1-1-1997 was Rs. 4,000 was sold for Rs. 3,000. Depreciation is
charged at 10% on original cost. Show the Machinery Account for the four years
from 1997 to 2000.
Section C (3 16 = 48)
Answer any Three questions
13) Describe different kinds of subsidiary books maintained in accounts.
DPGvc$] W$aC D" ( 'PA( " a (" #2
14) From the following details, prepare final accounts of Viswanath for the year ended
31st March, 2006:
Rs. Rs.
Capital 1,00,000 Furniture 15,000
Cash in hand 1,200 Sales 2,00,200
Purchases 1,20,000 Bills receivable 20,000
Bills payable 22,000 Rent, taxes 10,000
Stock (1.4.2005) 35,000 Wages 16,000
Debtors 50,000 Reserve for bad debts 1,000
Creditors 24,000 Salaries 20,000
Plant and machinery 60,000
Additional information:
i) Stock on 31.3.2006 Rs. 40,000
ii) Outstanding rent Rs. 2,000; Wages Rs. 3,000; Salaries Rs. 4,000
iii) Provide depreciation on Plant and Machinery At 5%; on furniture at 10%.
iv) Increase reserve for bad debts on debtors to 2 %.
75272644:S D " ($( " AP !$ " #Z' #$P S" ( P " A !$(S !$. (aC !$(| :
.2 .2
" $ " " # 50440444 a ( 590444
aC ] " Y ( 50644 D" (PA( 60440644
Pu" (YS!$( 50640444 " .( (( 640444
a@ ' (( 660444 D@ 0 " (( 540444
(P ( ,52826449- 790444 C ( 5:0444
#$Y (( 940444 A2 PQ KAu( 50444
#$ ( 680444 l ( 640444
+u(0 !$(~( :40444
D " ' " .^ " #:
i) 75272644: " (P ( .2 840444
ii) a@ a " W" C ( .2 704440 D@ .2 604440 l( .2 80444
iii) +u( !$(~Re 5% a Re 10% (Y ( KAu(2
iv) #$Y (eR A PQ KAu(" ( 2 1 % P ea | 2
15) A and B doing business separately as building contractors undertake jointly to
construct a building for a newly started joint stock company in Vijayawada for a
contract price of Rs. 2,00,000, payable as to Rs. 1,60,000 by installments in cash
and Rs. 40,000 in fully paid shares of new company. A bank account has been
opened in their joint names, A paying Rs.50,000 and B Rs.30,000. They are to
share profits and losses in proportions of 2/3 and 1/3 respectively. Their transactions
are given hereunder:-
Paid wages 60,000
Purchased material 1,40,000
Material supplied by A 10,000
Material supplied by B 8,000
Architects fee paid by A 4,000
The joint venture was closed by A taking up all the shares of the company at an
agreed value of Rs. 32,000 and B taking up the stock of material at an agreed value
of Rs. 6,000.
Prepare the joint venture account showing the profit or loss and the accounts of A
and B showing final distribution of cash.
A " (!$# B ( | | YA + " # aC !$#a (| 2 ( (WwYA i!$(| ] Pu YA
~+ a | " MP g #u( +wP ( P eP MP !$" " " # a (uP ( PA~sP (w (Pu (2 PA~sP (w .2
60440444( PAYA0 E @ # .2 50:40444( " Y ( .]" (0 (Z" .2 840444( QYA a@ b"
s .]" ( a@ a (uP ( MPu" | R@ (" 2 MP P ( R H" (| s S @ " | " 2 D (]
A .2 940444( @ #0 B .2 740444 @ # | +kvc$ aC W (2 ( " +w" ( " (YA
16) Rectify the following errors, prepare suspense account and find out opening balance
of suspense account:
a) A cheque for Rs. 220 received from a tenant for rent has been entered in cash
book, but not posted to rent account.
b) The total purchase returns book is undercast by Rs. 500.
c) The bill receivable book is overcast by Rs. 1,500.
d) Rs. 95 received for commission is not posted to commission account.
e) Cash Rs. 350 paid to Krishna has been posted to Hari account.
f) The account of Rama Rao, a debtor for Rs. 160 had been written off as bad,
had been posted to only Rama Rao account.
G P P " $ (( ~W0 D" $ R" ( !$. ( aC W0 ~+ !$' " ( P " (Yu" (" #:
a) | (Y P ( H" " (b D@ PS " bd" a@ P (S .2 664 ( " Y ( 'P ] ~W (2 YA0 D@ R]
" @ ( ( aC !$($ (2
b) Pu" (YS( ( 'P @ # " # P (S" YA P .| " .2 9442
f) #$Y (| #" A" .A" ' F" " W" @ #0 A PQ YA (b" 2 .2 5:4 (2 A" .A" '
R] " .~ C ( " @ . ( aC W (2
17) X draws a bill for Rs. 1,500 and Y accepts the same for the mutual accommodation
of both of them to the extent of X 2/3 and 1/3. X discounts the same for Rs.1,410
and remits 1/3rd of the proceeds to Y. Before the due date, Y draws another bill for
Rs. 2,100 on X under to provide funds to meet the first bill. The second bill is
discounted for Rs. 2,040 with the help of which the first bill is met and Rs. 360 is
remitted to X. Before the due date of the second bill, X becomes insolvent and a
dividend of 50 paise in the rupee in full satisfaction was received. Pass necessary
entries in the books of X and Y.
(u( PS X, Y ( .250944P ( ( ~W Y D[PA " # | (2 E ( @ # F (
637 " (!$# 537 ~PA a (P (s (2 X E (" ( .2 50854P | Su( aC W0 " .( D #" @ # ]0
537 v2 " ( Y P W| (2 Y | (" ' C P " # ( Y " (uP (" ( .2 60544P ( X ( ~W| (2 Y E
(" ( .2 60484P ( | Su( aC W0 " bd" ReP S @ # v$ ( a@ b| (2 (Z" @ # ] .2 7:4(
X W| (2 @ | " ( Y | (" ' C P " # ( X 2 !$(YA0 Q +S " #YA0 .+ #] 4294 Re(
18) On checking the bank pass book, it was found that it showed an overdraft of Rs.
5,220 as on 31.12.2006:
The following differences were noted:
a) Cheques deposited but not yet credited by bank Rs. 6,000.
b) Cheques dishonoured and debited by bank but not given effect in the ledger
Rs. 800.
c) Bank charges debited by bank but debit memo not received from bank Rs. 50
d) Interest on overdraft excess credited in the cash book Rs. 200.
e) Wrongly credited by bank to the account, deposit of some other party Rs.
f) Cheques issued but not presented for payment Rs. 400
You are required to prepare a Bank Reconciliation statement as on 31.12.2006.
752562644: | ( P ( + (P " ( a YA .2 90664( N" ~yw a .' (" 2 P
" +" ( P " (Yu" | R@ (" 2
Answer any Four Questions. (4 4 = 16)
1) Business.
+ " #2
2) Cooperative society.
$PA (" #2
3) Public sector.
~!$( Y " #2
4) Representative firm.
~+ 2
5) Small Scale Unit.
b" 2
6) Working Capital.
$$ " $ " " #2
7) Management.
8) Authority.
DPA " #2
Answer any TWO Questions. (2 8 = 16)
9) State the features of Partnership firm.
Y +" ( ( @ ('" #2
10) What are the measures of size?
~" .$ Pu ( K(B
11) State the approaches to the study of management.
$$ D !$(" " .A\( @ ('" #2
12) Classify plans with examples.
~P " ( H$ $S " \P a (" #2
Answer any Three Questions. (3 16 = 48)
13) Distinguish between formal and informal organisation.
a " ~+!$(" #0 a " ~+!$(" # PA " " " ( C y( @ ('" #2
SECTION - A (4 4 = 16)
Answer any Four of the Following.
1) Primary data.
~ " ( !$" #2
2) Mean.
" ( " (" #2
3) Matrix.
" .~P (2
4) Skewness.
R@ " (" #2
5) Correlation.
$ " #2
6) Regression.
~Y " (" " #2
7) Average.
8) Venn Oiler diagram.
@ c * D # b~ u" #2
SECTION - B (2 8 = 16)
Answer any Two of the Following.
11) The sum of three numbers of an A.P. is 33 and their product is 792. Find the
" $| ( T @ # " # D2S2 ] 772 v$ " # ;=62 E T" ( ~!$#" #2
SECTION C (3 16 = 48)
Answer any Three of the Following.
2 3 5 8 2 7
14) = ; =
4 5 9 12 3 9
Find A B and A + B.
A B " (!$# A + B P " (Yu" (" #2
500 6
600 13
700 20
800 24
900 27
1000 30
18) Given that the means of two variables X and Y are 68 and 150; Their standard
deviation are 2.5 and 20 respectively and co-efficient of correlation between them is
+0.6 ; Obtain the regression equations.
X, Y D" ( @ | ( A!$( DP " ( " (" # :< " (!$# 5942 v$ ~+" .$P a " " # " (YA 629 " (!$# 64