MartialPower Polearm
MartialPower Polearm
MartialPower Polearm
the polearm. You prefer a weapon that extends your
“Victory is easier to achieve when your reach is longer.” options and your reach, understanding that it’s better
to keep monsters at a distance. With such a weapon
Prerequisite: Fighter at your disposal, you not only deal wounding blows to
your adversaries and cut wide arcs through multiple
The versatile polearm is easier to manufacture than foes, you also better protect your allies by command-
a sword, and often easier to use effectively. In its ing more of your surroundings.
simplest form, the polearm is a longspear—a short
blade on the end of a long shaft. Since reach is an
advantage, even the humble longspear is an effec- Polearm Master Features
tive weapon in unpracticed hands. In the hands of a Lunging Action (11th level): You can spend
master, its deadliness can be unparalleled. an action point to increase the reach of your reach
More complex polearms offer even greater rewards weapons by 1 square until the start of your next turn,
on the battlefield and off. They combine the best instead of taking an extra action.
aspects of spear and blade or axe, allowing the user Forceful Reach (11th level): If you use a reach
control and damage unmatched by other weapons. It’s weapon to deliver a weapon power that pushes, pulls,
little wonder that whole units of soldiers use polearms or slides a target, you increase the distance of the
in war, and that city watches use these weapons to forced movement by 1 square.
protect citizens, as well as keep them in line. Longarm Grasp (16th level): If you’re wielding a
Because polearms are so common and easily reach weapon, whenever an enemy within 2 squares
crafted, learning to use one is part of most basic mili- of you and marked by you shifts or makes an attack
tary instruction. Advanced skill isn’t so easy to obtain, that doesn’t include you as a target, you can make a
but the trials of regular combat serve as well as, if melee basic attack against that enemy as an immedi-
not better than, the training ground. The ability to ate interrupt.
use a polearm against a variety of foes can seldom be
learned through the rigors of soldierly education. Polearm Master Exploits
Leveraging Strike Polearm Master Attack 11
You use your weapon to move your target where you want.
Encounter ✦ Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding a two-handed reach
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you slide
the target a number of squares equal to your Wisdom
Miss: Half damage, and no slide.
CH A P T ER 1 | Fighter