Process Economy
Process Economy
Process Economy
3.4 - Power for water pumping facilities and other electrical equipment is provided by diesel
generators. Another option is generators that run on natural gas, but it would take a few years
before gas would be available in remote locations. Estimates indicate that switching to gas
would save $22,000 annually if started in the third year from today. With an interest rate of 8%
per year, calculate the present value in year 0 of the projected savings that will occur in years 3
to 10.
3.34 – Four entrepreneurial students who recently graduated from electrical engineering have
a plan to start a new solar energy equipment company based on ETS (solar thermal energy)
technology. They turned to a group of investors to request a loan of $/5 million. They agreed
that the loan would be repaid by assigning 80% of the company's annual profits during the first
four years. In the fifth year, the organization would pay the balance in cash. The company's
business plan indicates that no profits are expected next year, but in years 2 through 4 they are
estimated to be $1.5 million annually. If the investors accept the deal with an interest rate of
15% per year and the business plan works perfectly, what is the amount expected for the last
payment (in year 5)?
Factors found in FA and FAS tables
P= $/5 000 000 $/5,000,000 = $/1,500,000 * [P/A, 15%,3]*[P/F, 15%,1] + X *[P/F, 15%,5]
3.54 - The present value in year 0 of a lease that requires a payment of $/9000 now and
amounts that increase by 5% each year through the tenth year, with an interest rate of 8% per
year, is:
a. $/73 652
b. $/79 939
c. $/86 335
d. More than $/87,000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
n= years
V i= 8%
$/9000 per
Present value in year 0 requires a payment now of $/9000 and amounts that increase
8% annually
4.4- For an interest rate of 1% bimonthly, determine the number of times the interest will be
capitalized in:
a) Two months
b) Two semester periods
c) Three years
4.34- NRG Energy plans to build a giant solar plant in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, to supply
electricity to West Texas Electric. The plant will have 390,000 heliostats that will concentrate
sunlight on 32 water towers to generate steam. Enough energy will be generated to supply
30,000 homes if the company spends $28 million per month for two years on building the
plant. How much do you have to get each month from years 3 to 22 (i.e., for 20 years) to
recover your investment more than 18% annually, compounded monthly?
i= 18% monthly
n= monthly
4.54- Many small companies use accounts receivable as collateral to obtain loans for the
purposes of continuing operations and paying payroll. If a company borrows $300,000 today at
an interest rate of 1% per month but the rate changes to 1.25% per month after four months.
How much will the company owe after one year?
$/300 000
0 1 2 3 4 12
n = monthly