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CSE307 Microprocessors

Class Lectures

Serial Input / Output data using 8085

8085 Microprocessor has two Serial Input/Output pins that are used to read/write one bit data to and from peripheral devices. SID (Serial Input Data) line -There is an One bit Input line inside the 8085 CPU (Pin number 5) -1 bit data can be externally read and stored using this SID line -The data that is read is stored in the A7th bit of the Accumulator -RIM instruction is used to read the SID line Fig1:

0V Pin 5 SID Pin

8085 CPU


Register A Example Pseudocode: 1) RIM 2) A7 (SID) As seen from the figure 1, if the SID line is connected with +5V and RIM instruction is executed, then the Accumulators MSB bit will be loaded with a Logic 1 (Fig 2) 1 = 80H

Fig: 2: Accumulator Content after the RIM instruction is executed if the SID line is connected with 0V (GND) and RIM instruction is executed, then the Accumulators MSB bit will be loaded with a Logic 0 (Fig 3)

= 00H

Fig: 3: Accumulator Content after the RIM instruction is executed

By: Mohd. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AUST

CSE307 Microprocessors SOD (Serial Output Data) Line

Class Lectures

-There is a One bit Output port inside the 8085 CPU (Pin number 4 -1 bit data can be externally written in this port. -To write data into this port, SIM instruction is used. -The data that is to be written in this port must be stored in the A7th bit of the Accumulator. - Bit A6 of the Accumulator is known as SOE (Serial output Enable). This bit Must be set to 1 to enable Serial data output. Fig: 4 8085 CPU 0V LED +5v Pin 4 SOD Pin

data SOE

Register A

Example Pseudocode: To write a logic 1 in this SOD line, Load the accumulator with C0H 1 1 = C0H

Data SOE

Fig: 5: Accumulator Content after the RIM instruction is executed Pseudocode: A C0H SIM SOD (A7)

To write a logic 0 in this SOD line, Load the accumulator with 40H 0 1 = 40H

Data SOE

Fig: 6: Accumulator Content after the RIM instruction is executed

By: Mohd. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AUST

CSE307 Microprocessors Pseudocode: A 40H SIM SOD (A7)

Class Lectures

Problem: The SID Pin of an 8085 microprocessor is connected with a 0V/+5V source and the SOD Pin is connected with a LED. Write down the Pseudocode that will read the SID pin of the microprocessor and glow the LED if the SID pin is connected with a +5V source otherwise Turn the Led off if the SID Pin is connected with GND (0V)

8085 CPU 0V LED +5v Pin 4 SOD Pin

Pin 5

SID Pin +5V

The Solution is not provided here, See the Class lecture for the solution.

By: Mohd. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AUST

CSE307 Microprocessors The 8085 Programming Model

Class Lectures

The 8085 is an 8-bit microprocessor made by Intel. It has:

6 general purpose Programmable registers. There are other Temporary registers. But, they are not available to the programmer for programming. An accumulator A flag register A stack pointer A program counter Accumulator B D H
Program Counter Program Counter Stack Pointer

Flags C E L

The Registers
The 6 general purpose registers are 8-bits wide each.
They are to be used as needed. They are called B, C, D, E, H, and L. They can be used as 16-bit register pairs: BC, DE, HL.

The accumulator is technically part of the ALU.

It is 8-bits wide. It is one of the inputs to every ALU operation. The result of any operation is always stored in it. It is known as Register A.

There are Five flip-flops known as Flag register that are set (Set to Logic 1) or reset (Set to Logic o) after an operation.
They are Z (zero), CY (carry), S (sign), P (parity) and AC (Auxiliary Carry). These flags are used when the microprocessor tests for data conditions.

See the Class lecture / Book for the detailed explanation of the Flag register

By: Mohd. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AUST

CSE307 Microprocessors

Class Lectures

The 8085 Instructions Classification

-Instruction is a binary pattern to perform a specific function -it is a command to the microprocessor to perform a given task

Since the 8085 is an 8-bit device it can have up to 28 (256) instructions.

However, the 8085 only uses 246 combinations that represent a total of 74 instructions.
Most of the instructions have more than one format.

These instructions can be grouped into five different Classes:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Data Transfer Operations Arithmetic Operations Logic Operations Branch Operations Machine Control Operations

Details are not provided here. See the Class lecture / Book (Page 34-36, Section: 2.2) for the detailed explanation of this instruction classes.

Addressing Modes
The microprocessor has different ways of specifying the data for the instruction. These are called addressing modes.

The 8085 has Five addressing modes:

1) Implied Addressing mode: In this type of addressing mode, No operand (register or data) is specified in the instruction. The operand is inherent to the instruction. Example: CMA (Complement Accumulator) , SIM , RIM etc 2) Immediate Addressing Mode: In this type of addressing mode, immediate data byte is provided with the instruction. Example: MVI A 47H, MVIB CFH etc. 3) Direct Addressing Mode: In this type of addressing mode, the 16bit memory address is directly provided with the instruction. Example: LDA C5 00 etc 4) Indirect Addressing Mode: In this type of addressing mode, the 16bit memory address is indirectly provided with the instruction using a register pair Example: LDAX B (Load the accumulator with the contents of the memory location whose address is stored in the register pair BC) 5) Register Addressing mode: This type of addressing mode specifies register or register pair that contains data. Example: ADD B, MOV B A

By: Mohd. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AUST

CSE307 Microprocessors

Class Lectures

8085 Instruction Set

Study the use of the following 8085 instructions

Data Transfer Instructions

MOV reg, reg i.e. MOV B A MVI reg 8bit data (immediate data) i.e. MVI A 32H LDA 16bit address i.e. LDA C0 05 Load the Accumulator with the content of the memory location specified by 16bit address STA 16bit address i.e. STA C0 05 Store the content of Accumulator to the Memory location specified by the 16bit address LDAX Rp ( Rp = Register pair) i.e. LDAX B ( Load the accumulator with a data contained in a memory location where the 16bit memory location is stored in the BC register pair) STAX Rp ( Rp = Register pair) i.e. STAX B ( Store the content of the accumulator to a memory location where the 16bit memory location is stored in the BC register pair) IN portaddr i.e. IN 00 ( Reads data from the Input Switch, 0 0represents the port address of the input switch) OUT portaddr i.e. OUT 00 ( Writes data to the Display device where 00 represents the Port address of the display)

Arithmetic Instructions
Addition ADD reg i.e. ADD B [A] [A]+ [B] ADI 8bit data i.e. ADI 47H [A] [A]+ 47H

By: Mohd. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AUST

CSE307 Microprocessors
Subtraction SUB reg i.e. SUB C [A] [A] - [C] SUI reg i.e. SUI 5FH ; [A]

Class Lectures

[A] 5F

INR reg Increment the Content of a Register specified by reg i.e: INR B Increments the Content of Register B by 1 DCR reg Decrement the Content of a Register specified by reg i.e: DCR D Decrements the Content of Register D by 1 INX Rp Increment the Content of a Register pair specified by Rp i.e: INX B Increments the Content of Register pair BC by 1 DCX Rp Decrement the Content of a Register pair specified by Rp i.e: DCX B Decrement the Content of Register pair BC by 1

Logical Instructions
ORA reg ORI 8bit data ANA reg ANI 8bit data XRA reg XRI 8bit data CMA - Complements the Content of the Accumulator (Performs the NOT Operation ) CMP reg - Compares the Content of the Accumulator with the register specified by reg If (B) > (A) , then Carry flag is set If (B) = (A) , then Zero flag is set If (A) > (B) , then No flag is set CPI 8bit data - Compares the Content of the Accumulator with the immediate data specified by the 8bit data

By: Mohd. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AUST

CSE307 Microprocessors

Class Lectures

Branching Instructions
JMP 16 bit address [Unconditional Jump] The program sequence jumps unconditionally to a memory location defined by 16bit address 16 bit address [conditional Jump] The program sequence jumps to a memory location defined by 16bit address if the Carry Flag is set 16 bit address [conditional Jump] The program sequence jumps to a memory location defined by 16bit address if the Carry Flag is not set 16 bit address [conditional Jump] The program sequence jumps to a memory location defined by 16bit address if the Zero Flag is set 16 bit address [conditional Jump] The program sequence jumps to a memory location defined by 16bit address if the Zero Flag is not set



Machine Control Instructions

For Details, See Section 2.5 (Page number: 46-50 (Fifth Edition) of your Text Book)

OPCode Formatting:
See Section 2.3.2 (Page number: 39-41 (Fifth Edition) of your Text Book)

By: Mohd. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AUST

CSE307 Microprocessors

Class Lectures

16 bit Operations
Memory location C0F0 , C0F1, C0F2 contains 05H, 07H, 09H data. Write a program to display these three data one by one. MVI H 03H MVI D C0H MVI E F0H LDAX D OUT 00 Add a DELAY here INX D DCR H JNZ HLT C0F0 C0F1 C0F2 42H 47H A9H

To Load Register Pair with immediate data LXI Rp 16bit Memory address i.e. LXI H C0F0 Loads the HL register pair with C050 data, Register H is loaded with C0 and Register L is loaded with data F0 Similar Examples : LXI B C0F0 LXI D C056



There is no LDAX / STAX instruction for HL Register Pair To Load Register Pair HL , MOV instruction is used MOV A M MOV M A : : A ((HL)) A [ Equivalent to STAX Rp instruction ]


8085 Advanced Instruction 16bit Data transfer

LHLD 16bit address LHLD C050 Loads data from C050 memory location to Register L and Loads data from C051 memory location to Register H


By: Mohd. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AUST

CSE307 Microprocessors
SHLD 16bit address Example: SHLD C050 Stores data of Register L to memory location C050. and Stores data of Register H to memory location C051.

Class Lectures

XCHG Exchanges the content of HL and DE Register Pair

Problem: Memory Location 2050H and 2051H contains 3FH and 47H respectively. Register pair DE contains 856FH. Write assembly code to exchange the content of DE with the content of the memory locations Soln: LHLD 2050 XCHG SHLD 2050

Study the following problems and solve them Problem 1: There are 10 data stored in 10 consecutive memory locations. Write 8085 assembly code to find the maximum of these 10 numbers and display the maximum number in the display device. Problem 2: There are 5 data stored in 5 consecutive memory locations starting from C0F0. Write 8085 assembly code to copy these data bytes in reverse order to some different memory location starting from CF10.

Problem 3: There are 10 data stored in 10 consecutive memory locations. Write 8085 assembly code to display the numbers that are in the rang 50H-70H

By: Mohd. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AUST

CSE307 Microprocessors 16 bit addition instructions

Class Lectures

DAD Rp : Adds the content of the HL register with the content of the Register pair specified by Rp and stores the result in the HL register pair Example: DAD B Adds the content of the HL register with the content of the BC register pair stores the result in the HL register pair HL HL+BC

41 01



DAD B will result in :

47 03
H L What DAD B does : 4101 [ HL ] + 0602 [ DE ] -------------4703

0100 0001 0000 0001 0000 0110 0000 0010 -----------------------------0100 0111 0000 0011

Rotating instructions:
RLC RRC RAL RAR RLC (Rotate Accumulator Left) Every bit of the Accumulator is shifted one bit left and the MSB bit of the Accumulator is copied into the Carry flag and into the A0th bit

1 Cy

1 1

After the RLC instruction is executed the content of the Accumulator and the carry flag will be

By: Mohd. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AUST

CSE307 Microprocessors

Class Lectures

1 1

Cy A0 An Cy A7 An-1 A7

RRC (Rotate Accumulator Right) Every bit of the Accumulator is shifted one bit Right and the LSB bit of the Accumulator is copied into the Carry flag and into the A7th bit

1 1

1 Cy

After the RRC instruction is executed the content of the Accumulator and the carry flag will be

Cy A7 An Cy A0 An+1 A0

RAL (Rotate Accumulator Left through Carry) Every bit of the Accumulator is shifted one bit left and the MSB bit of the Accumulator is copied into the Carry flag and the Carry flag value is copied into the A0th bit Cy 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1

After the RAL instruction is executed the content of the Accumulator and the carry flag will be

By: Mohd. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AUST

CSE307 Microprocessors

Class Lectures

Cy 0 1 0 1

1 0

A0 An Cy

Cy An-1 A7

RAR (Rotate Accumulator Right through Carry) Every bit of the Accumulator is shifted one bit Right and the LSB bit of the Accumulator is copied into the Carry flag and the Carry flag value is copied into the A7th bit Cy 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0

After the RAR instruction is executed the content of the Accumulator and the carry flag will be

Cy 1 1 0

A7 An Cy

Cy An+1 A0

By: Mohd. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AUST

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