4.1 Objective 1: Learn the history of Philippines Educational System
Exercise 1/ Activity 1
Direction: Read carefully the article below and answer the questions that follows:
Schools enjoy a permanent and unchallenged place in Filipino culture.An educated and law-abiding citizenry
speaks for the ends and means of education. A democratic state like the Philippines requires a literate, socially
responsible and useful citizenry. Thus, our government through the Department of Education, Culture and
Sports (DECS) has provided a comprehensive school program that is both constitutionally sound and
educationally desirable.
Since the Philippines is committed to a democratic way of life, all schools whether public or private, have the
principal duty of promoting the democratic way of life and developing democratic ideals and principles.
The present educational system of the Philippines is the result of a long process of educational evolution.
Pre-Spanish Period
Before the coming of the Spaniards, the early Filipinos has a culture of their own. The Filipinos had a system of
government, social organization, laws, language, writing, literature, property ownership. and religion.
Education was informal. However, as race experience accumulated formal instruction began in the home by
means of crude apprenticeship. Institutionalized education began in the form of initiation rites and religious
ceremonies. The priests called Babylon or sonats provided specialized training for would-be priests.
Spanish Regime
With the coming of the Spaniards, education became organized. During the early part of the Spanish regime,
schools were set up for the upper social classes. The first schools founded by the Spaniards were for the Spanish
youth, to train them in virtues and letters.
Filipino boys and girls attended the parochial schools where they were given religious instruction. Since the
Spaniards wanted to spread Christianity, education was predominantly religious. The children learned Christian
doctrine, sacred songs and music, and prayers required for the sacraments of confession and communion. The
rudiments of reading, writing, and arithmetic were given to brighter pupils.
A reform in the educational system was effected with the promulgation of the Educational Decree of 1863. This
law gave Filipinos a complete system of education from the elementary to the collegiate level. The law provided
for the establishment of elementary schools, one for boys and another for girls, in all municipalities in the
country. Although religion was the core of the curriculum, the subjects included were reading, writing,
arithmetic, history, Christian doctrine. the Spanish language, vocal music, agriculture for boys and needlework
for girls. Attendance in these schools was compulsory between the ages of seven and 12. Secondary education
was given at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Ateneo Municipal de Manila. and in seminaries. Collegiate
instruction was provided by the University of Santo Tomas which offered courses in civil law, jurisprudence,
canon law, philosophy and letters, medicine, pharmacy, physics, and chemical sciences. For the training of
teachers, normal schools were established in Manila and Nueva Caceres. Students in these normal schools
studied theory and practice of good citizenship, moral life and methods of teaching.
American Regime.
As soon as the Americans occupied Manila in 1898, they immediately reopened schools. A teacher of English
was assigned in each school under the supervision of Reverend McKinnon, Captain of the First California
Regiment. The Americans, imbued with democratic principles, established for the Filipinos a system of free
public education as provided for in Act No. 74. In as much as the First teachers of English were the army men,
the United States government sent a group of professionally-trained American teachers as soon as it was
possible. These teachers were popularly called the “Thomasites” because they came aboard the U S Army
transport Thomas.
The Americans established the first primary schools in 1901 and intermediate schools in 1904. To provide for
secondary education, Act No. 372 required all provinces to maintain a provincial high school. The Philippine
Normal School (1901) and the Universrty of the Philippines (1908) were founded to afford the Filipinos higher
education. These schools followed the pattern of U S education. English was used as the medium of instruction.
Education aimed at training Filipinos in the democratic way of life, citizenship, moral character and
fundamentals of vocational education. Ultimately, the Filipinos were trained for self-government preparatory to
the granting of independence after a ten-year transition period.
With the establisment of the Commonwealth government in 1935, there was a reorientation of educational
polices to carry out the educational mandates of the Constitution. Commonwealth Act No. 586 (the Educational
Act of 1940) overhauled the elementary and secondary curricula. Grade VII was eliminated and the double-
single session plan was introduced so as to accommodate more pupils of school age.
Japanese Regime.
Before the provisions of the Educational Act of 1940 could be implemented, the Pacific War broke out on
8, 1941, and the Philippines came under the Japanese Occupation. In 1942 the Commander-in Chief of the
Japanese Imperial Forces issued Order No. 2 which spelled out the basic principles of education during the
Japanese period. Emphasis in education was placed on vocational education and the dignity of manual labor.
The Japanese rulers wanted to eliminate English and to introduce the Japanese language (Nippongo). The
Japanese exerted all efforts to wean the Filipinos from reliance on the Western powers but they did not succeed.
1. What do you think is the greatest contribution of the following in the Philippine Educational system
specifically in the curriculum?
A. Spanish
B. Americans
C. Japanese
4.2 Objective 2
Identify what comprises curriculum planning
Exercise 2/ Activity 2
Direction: Read the paragraph and complete the sentence that follows:
Therefore, the experienced curriculum is necessarily unique to each school, and designing or re-evaluating a
curriculum is a complex and challenging task. Schools should regularly evaluate their outcomes against
intentions, ensuring that they are optimizing learners’ educational experiences in line with the school’s vision
and mission.
School vision, mission and plan:
The school vision is a compelling sense of the future direction of the school. It should inspire commitment from
the whole school community and be widely shared. Most schools also have a mission statement, which is a
written declaration defining the school’s educational purpose. Educational aims might be included in the
mission statement or listed separately. Together with the vision and mission, they provide focus and guidance on
what the priorities are. The school strategic plan gives practical direction to the vision, mission statement and
aims. This should include a statement headlining longer-term priorities/objectives of up to five years ahead, and
a detailed one-year implementation plan.
4.3 Objective 3
Reflect on the different principles fundamental to successful curriculum design
and implementation.
Exercise 3/ Activity 3
Direction: Read the article below and answer the question that follows:
The curriculum is at the heart of schools’ strategies to raise achievement and improve outcomes for all learners.
There are principles that are fundamental to successful curriculum design and implementation in all situations:
1. The school curriculum should deliver a broad, balanced and consistent programme of learning with
clear and smooth progression routes designed for the needs of all learners. When planning the school
curriculum, the school leadership must choose both the subjects to be studied for each year, as well as a
sequential programme from one year to the next. Time and resource limitations mean that school leaders must
carefully prioritize and make choices when planning a curriculum. Different societal or cultural norms will
influence this process of prioritisation and there is no one-size-fitsall solution.
Certain considerations are, however, universally significant:
• The values and educational aims of the school must guide all decisions about the curriculum.
Normally this results in a balance of subjects and activities covering different educational processes, objectives
and content, developing a holistic set of skills and knowledge.
• Quality is more important than quantity. It can be tempting to add more subjects and/or content to
the curriculum, with the noble intention of maximizing learning. Too much content, however, does not allow
time to support depth of understanding and the practice students need for deep learning. Less can actually be
• Progression through the curriculum must be consistent. The curriculum should give learners the
understanding, knowledge and skills they need to allow them to progress to the next educational stage.
• A spiral approach to skill development is supported. Each successive stage revisits critical learning
areas and builds on them, respecting the learners’ developmental stage. In addition to these universal
considerations, other aspects for a school to consider include:
• Consistency – This is concerned with progression in knowledge and skills from one stage to the next.
Do the different stages align? Are learners appropriately prepared and challenged at each stage? It is reasonable
to expect changes in emphasis and approach as learners become more mature. Consistency does not mean that
the curriculum will stay the same, but it is important for changes to be planned rather than unintentional.
• Balance – The concept of breadth and balance will be illuminated by the school’s vision and
educational aims. A balanced curriculum normally includes mathematics, languages, sciences, technology,
humanities, creative arts and physical education. A broad curriculum allows learners to experience, acquire and
develop essential and valued learning from a variety of contexts. It may be that some disciplines, for example
information technology, are infused in the teaching of other subjects rather than being taught as a discrete
subject. There is still the need for a clear identification of these activities, supported by a written curriculum that
helps define precisely who is responsible for their development. It is also important that literacy and numeracy
are supported by teachers of all subjects, not just in languages and mathematics.
• Preparation for higher education – In the senior years of schooling, some narrowing of the
curriculum may be expected as learners prepare for specific qualifications required for progression to higher
education. Learners should still be expected to take part in activities and programmes that are complementary to
the academic qualifications they are preparing for, and the school should provide a breadth of activity and
engagement in support of the school’s mission.
• Combining curricula – The school is combining Cambridge qualifications with others, it is important
to consider compatibility issues. It may be that other qualifications or programmes of study incorporate different
approaches to teaching, learning and assessment from those described in this guide. This will require careful
planning and coordination to ensure that any differences are clearly understood and accommodated.
• Effectiveness – Cambridge’s syllabuses, teacher support material, teacher professional development
and assessments are designed by subject experts to support a smooth progression from primary to upper
secondary, but it is up to the school to make it happen. It is essential that schools create their own schemes of
work and lessons plans to make the Cambridge syllabuses locally relevant and make sure teachers are teaching
these effectively. The curriculum is locally constructed in the school.
2. The instructional system is well aligned and coherent. A well-designed instructional system is more than
the sum of its parts. A curriculum is coherent when the prescribed content, textbooks, resources, and approaches
to teaching and assessment are aligned and reinforce one another. The learning experiences should be
thoughtfully sequenced to respect students’ developmental stages. The content of the curriculum, the
pedagogical approach and the assessment approach must also be aligned in order to maximize learner
development and achievement.
3. The curriculum supports the development of learners and teachers who are confident, responsible,
reflective, innovative and engaged. Learning habits describe how students and teachers approach a given
situation, environment or challenge. They include a combination of values, attitudes, knowledge, skills and
strategies and assume competence – the skilled and appropriate application of the attribute. Many schools have
additional learner attributes, reflecting their school mission, and the way that the attributes are used varies
4. Each subject curriculum should provide learners and teachers with inspiring and relevant content
and an appropriate breadth and depth of subject knowledge. Subject curricula should be formulated
chronologically in a learning spiral so they provide appropriate progression from one stage of education to the
next. The knowledge, understanding and skills acquired at each year level forms the foundation for learning at
the next. In order to develop a deep level of understanding, while building a solid foundation for future
progression, learners need to revisit and practice important knowledge and skills repeatedly in a number of
different contexts. In planning the curriculum, time for this needs to be allowed so that depth of coverage is
supported, reinforcing prior learning and creating links to new learning.
5. The school curriculum should recognize the language background of learners and provide them with
the support they need to access the curriculum. Schools almost always have learners with a range of
exposure to and competence in different languages. This reality must be reflected in curriculum planning and in
a coherent language policy reflecting the school’s situation. Language needs to be prioritized in the curriculum.
Learners need to have excellent skills in their native or first language as this will directly influence their
cognitive development in all subject areas. They also need to have excellent English language skills in order to
access the curriculum if it is taught through the medium of English. Students attending international schools are
often learning the curriculum through the medium of English, so developing a high level of English language
competence will help them learn.
6. Assessment has a number of purposes that are essential to the educational process. These purposes
include assessment for learning (providing feedback in support of the learning process), and summative
assessment (determining a learner’s level of performance). Assessment is an integral component of each
subject’s curriculum. Pedagogy and assessment are inseparable in the teaching and learning process, as
development in one reciprocates change in the other. Assessment for learning practices are essential teaching
strategies that inform teachers and learners about the current level of understanding and skill acquisition during
the actual teaching phase, providing guidance and feedback for subsequent teaching.
7. Clear and meaningful educational standards are essential to ensure accurate measurement of
progress and achievement and allow for international benchmarking and comparability. Clear standards
are necessary for defining learning expectations, measuring progress, setting targets, comparing performance
and certifying attainment. They are also critical to help teachers understand learners’ strengths and weaknesses
and to help learners understand their own learning progression. Assessment of specific and transparent
educational standards enables the benchmarking of learner achievement on a local (school), national and
international scale.
8. Teachers are the most powerful influence on student learning. Reflective practice supported by
professional development is an essential and continuous part of a teacher’s life. Curriculum is intertwined with
pedagogy and effective teaching practice is a necessary condition for effective curriculum implementation.
Teachers make the curriculum real by translating learning and assessment objectives, syllabus aims, subject
content and school policy into meaningful learning experiences. The learner attributes apply to both teachers
and learners, as teachers are required to exemplify the processes and practices expected of learners.
9. The pedagogy required to optimize learning using curricula requires that the active engagement of
the learner. Good teaching practice is not something that can be easily prescribed, and there are important
cultural and local influences that will help to define what ‘good’ means. One universal principle fundamental to
all effective approaches is that the learner must be actively engaged in their own learning. Knowledge and
understanding cannot be transmitted from the teacher to the learner. The learner’s existing mental models must
be challenged and extended. Teachers have to constantly listen to the voice of the learner, both in the classroom
and in the work they produce, and engage with it to support learning and understanding. This process helps
learners become independent, as they start to model the teacher’s approach. Active learning requires teachers to
lead learning, not just be facilitators of learning. This involves constantly monitoring the impact of their
instructional approaches and adjusting what they do based on feedback. They need to build meaningful links in
learners’ minds between prior and newly acquired knowledge and understanding, while providing appropriate
10. Strong leadership is a necessary condition for sustained school improvement and curriculum
development. School leaders contribute in a variety of ways to the design and successful implementation of the
school curriculum. Schools are a complex web of interdependent parts, and responsibilities of school leadership
include getting the best out of both individuals and the system, and developing the system to better achieve the
school’s mission.
11. Curriculum development involves an ongoing process of evidence gathering and evaluation. Schools
are in a constant state of development, evolving as they respond to changing internal needs and externally
imposed requirements. Conducting regular reviews of the school curriculum, and the effectiveness of its
implementation and delivery, should be a priority. School leaders and teachers need to be concerned with
measuring the impact of the curriculum. Is it actually delivering what it intends? How do we know? What are
the perceptions of students? Such reviews are fundamental elements of the annual school management cycle – a
process of goal setting, monitoring, evidence collecting and evaluation leading to affirmation or refinement of
the school’s strategic plan.
12. The curriculum needs to ensure all learners fulfil their potential. Effective schools can be defined as
those that successfully progress the learning and development of all of their students, regardless of intake
characteristics, beyond the normal development curve. Schools support all learners to fulfil their potential and
overcome any barriers to learning they encounter.
Among the principles that are fundamental to successful curriculum design and implementation, what do you
think are most essential? Choose at least 3 principles and explain why?
4.1 Objective 1
Learn what is curriculum.
Exercise 1/ Activity 1
Direction: Read carefully the article below and complete the sentence based on what you understand.
Each phase has several steps or tasks to complete in logical sequence. These steps are not always separate and
distinct, but may overlap and occur concurrently. For example, the curriculum development team is involved in
all of the steps. Evaluations should occur in most of the steps to assess progress. The team learns what works
and what does not and determines the impact of the curriculum on learners after it is imple•mented. Each step
logically follows the previous. It would make no sense to design learning activities before learner outcomes and
content are described and identified. Similarly, content cannot be determined before learner outcomes are
In the experience of the author, and confirmed by other curriculum specialists, the following curriculum
development steps are frequently omitted or slighted. These steps are essential to successful curriculum
development and need to be emphasized.
Two types of evaluation are included in the Phases and Steps illustration: (1) Formative provides feedback
during the process of developing the curriculum, and (2) Summative answers questions about changes (impact)
that have occurred in learners because of their learning experiences. Summative evaluation provides evidence
for what works, what does not work, and what needs to be improved.
In every step of the curriculum development process, the most important task is to keep the learner (in this case,
youth) in mind and involve them in process. For example, the curriculum team members, who have direct
knowledge of the target audience, should be involved in
con•ducting the needs assessment. From the needs assessment process, the problem areas are iden•tified, gaps
between what youth know and what they need to know are identified, and the scope of the problem is clarified
and defined. The results may prompt decision makers to allocate resources for a curriculum development team
to prepare curriculum materials.
4.1 Objective 2
Identify what comprises curriculum planning
Exercise 2/ Activity 2
Direction: Read the paragraph and complete the sentence that follows:
The planning phase lays the foundation for all of the curriculum development steps. The steps in this phase
Analysis, the second part of this needs assessment step, describes techniques on how to use the data and the
results of the information gathered. Included are: ways to identify gaps between knowledge and practice; trends
emerging from the data; a process to prioritize needs; and identification of the characteristics of the target
"As the twig is bent, so grows the tree" PHASE II: CONTENT AND METHODS
Phase II determines intended outcomes (what learners will be able to do after participation
in curriculum activities), the content (what will be taught), and the methods (how it will be taught). Steps
This section includes: (1) a definition of intended outcomes, (2) the components of intended outcomes
(condition, performance, and standards), (3) examples of intended outcomes, and
(4) an overview of learning behaviors. A more complete explanation of the types and levels of learning
behaviours is included in the Addendum as well as intended outcome examples from FAO population education
The scope (breadth of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours) and the sequence (order) of the content are
also discussed. Intended outcomes of population education with content topics is provided in the Addendum
section as an example and application of how intended outcomes are linked with content.
Design a framework illustrating the relationship of four phase of Curriculum development process.
4.2 Objective 3
Reflect on the different principles fundamental to successful curriculum design and implementation.
Exercise 3/ Activity 3
Direction: Study the illustration below and answer the following question:
On the illustration above, how will you explain the relationship of curriculum development on planning, content
and method, evaluation, implementation and youth?
4.2 Objective 2
Identify what is program of study.
Exercise 2/ Activity 2
Direction: Read the paragraph and complete the sentence that follows:
Program of study or "plan of study" means planning a sequence of academic, career and technical, or other
elective courses that (i) incorporate secondary education and post secondary education elements; (ii) include
coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant career and technical
content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses that align secondary education with post
secondary education to adequately prepare students to succeed in post secondary education; (iii) may include
opportunity for secondary students to participate in dual or concurrent enrollment programs or other ways to
acquire post secondary education credits; and (iv) lead to an industry-recognized credential, license, or
certificate or an associate degree at the secondary or post secondary level or a baccalaureate or higher degree at
the post secondary level.
Design a framework illustrating the relationship of four phase of Curriculum development process.
4.3 Objective 3
Identify what is prospectus.
Exercise 3/ Activity 3
Direction: Read the paragraph below and answer the following question:
A prospectus for colleges or schools is a document sent to potential (prospective) applicants to attract them for
admissions. It normally includes information on the organization and the courses available, including advice on
how to apply and the advantages of accepting a position. For each course or group of courses that they offer,
several universities have an individual prospectus. Most universities are split into an Undergraduate Prospectus
and a Postgraduate Prospectus, with both online and paper versions of their prospectus. An application form can
be submitted if requested. Typically, the prospectus includes information on the individual classes, the staff
(professors), prominent alumni, the campus, special facilities (such as music school performance halls or drama
school acting stages), how to get in touch with the university and how to get to the university. Some colleges
also have an audio recording of their prospectus for the sight-impaired being read aloud on CD.
On the above above, how will you explain importance of prospectus in the curriculum and in school in general?