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Rwanda Summer 2012

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Rwandan youth, and also how the country is attempting to rebuild today.

Human Rights Delegation Rwanda Summer 2012 Location: Dates: Level: Rwanda August 2 23, 2012 Student/Professional (ages 18-35) $2300
Participants at a meeting with the Rwandan Ministry of Youth

Program Tuition:

Application Deadline: January 30, 2012

During this GYC delegation, International participants from the USA and Canada will join with Rwandan peers to explore the human rights situation in Rwanda (and the world) and to take concrete action steps together to support current and future efforts for human rights protection and promotion, both in Rwanda and abroad. Through a combination of workshops, site visits, advocacy meetings, and volunteer service with grassroots NGOs, we will learn and act on numerous key human rights issues in Rwanda, including but not limited to: gender and human rights, human rights of children, LGBTI populations, historically marginalized indigenous groups, refugees, domestic workers, poverty reduction, public health, juvenile justice, freedom of expression and the arts. In advance of and during the delegation, all participants will examine the roots of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, and see how its legacy has impacted the country and its people, particularly

It was so wonderful to know that even during this intensive human rights learning experience we really took action in several important ways. I felt that we all, the Rwandans and North Americans working together, in collaboration with organizations, made a positive impact on a variety of issues in a variety of ways. -- Post Program Evaluation, Winter 2011

General Information
Thank you for your interest in applying to participate in a Global Youth Connect human rights delegation! This packet contains important information about the program. Please read through the following information very carefully before submitting an application. Information on how to apply and an application form can be found at the end of this packet of information. We also recommend that you take the following steps prior to submitting an application:

Find out more about Global Youth Connect

and why our work matters Read through the goals and activities of the human rights delegation program Learn some basic information about Rwandan history and culture

See what past participants in GYC programs

have to say about their experiences Review the answers to frequently asked questions Check out our fundraising ideas and tips and consider how you can find the money needed to participate Discuss the program with your family, friends, teachers and other important people in your life Reflect on why this program is a good fit for you, including what you hope to learn and what you hope to contribute

GYC was founded in 1997 by young people and leaders in the fields of human rights and genocide prevention who were intent on finding new ways to prevent the crimes against humanity then ravaging the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and other zones of conflict around the world. As a result, a group of international young leaders bonded together to build an organization whose goal would be to prevent such atrocities from occurring in the first place. The answer is clear: one key to preventing massive violations of human rights and protecting basic freedoms lies in organizing the world's youth to take action. Today, our programs and activities are challenging youth to work to transform the world around them. Our programs support and inspire the passions and lives of young people and help create change on a wide variety of human rights and social justice issues around the world.

Human Rights Learning & Action (HRLA) Delegations

GYCs HRLA Delegations are unique, first-hand opportunities to cross cultural boundaries and learn about the daily reality of human rights as experienced in a complex and increasingly globalized world. Each delegation brings together a committed group of young participants who are dedicated to working and learning together with their peers from a host country, like Rwanda.
Rwandan and International Participants at the Nyange School Memorial, Rwanda

Each delegation typically includes a mixture of the following general types of activities:

About Global Youth Connect

Global Youth Connects mission is to build and support a community of youth who are actively promoting and protecting human rights, and to educate and inspire the next generation to work for peaceful change. We believe educated, compassionate and empowered youth are the key to achieving tolerance, peace and justice. Our programs encourage young people to work together to stand up to abuses of human rights. GYC practices a holistic approach to youth education and action which is grounded in a commitment to the principles of human rights, community-building, reconciliation and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

Educational training workshop connecting the international and host-country peers during which they can share ideas, analyze problems and create collaborative projects with local NGOs which are also represented in the workshop/community. Site visits and dialogue with local human rights defenders, government representatives, youth and local communities, putting human rights concerns into context and exploring the organizations practical strategies to achieve change. Volunteer service projects with grassroots NGOs to gain hands-on experience and contribute to changes taking place in the host country. These projects ideally build upon the work already being done at the organization (sometimes work that has

previously benefitted from partnerships with GYC volunteers), and may include assisting with the preparation, implementation, facilitation, and reporting of advocacy conferences. For the past 12 years, GYC has been organizing delegations to human rights Learning and Action Communities in the following countries: Bosnia, Cambodia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Rwanda, and Venezuela. The topics and themes vary from program to program and have included: conflict transformation and peacebuilding, childrens rights, indigenous rights, human rights/social justice and refugee issues. This winter we are focusing exclusively on Rwanda. If you are not interested in going to Rwanda, check back in December for more information about GYCs Summer 2012 Delegations.

Participants will meet with leading human rights defenders, government representatives, international institutions, youth and others from local communities to learn more about the political, economic and social challenges faced by Rwandans today. A human rights workshop (learning community) will bring U.S. participants together with their Rwandan peers to build common frameworks of understanding, analyze shared human rights concerns, build new skills to promote and protect human rights, and share ideas for collaborative projects. Workshop topics may include: perspectives of human rights in Rwanda and the U.S., creating a shared definition of human rights, a case study analysis of international human rights standards, human rights in pre- and post- genocide Rwanda; human rights documentation and monitoring, educational strategies to promote human rights, and critical leadership and action skills. As a group, we will consider the ways in which young people in the U.S. can help raise awareness on the issues and provide collaborative support to young Rwandans already working to create change. Through hands-on fieldwork activities, participants will work side-by-side with Rwandans to find ways in which we can share our talents, experience and knowledge to help support existing efforts to strengthen a culture of respect for human rights.

Program Goals

Increase participants' understanding of both the context and practice of human rights activism. In particular, we aim to better understand how the promotion and protection of a human rights framework can be used as an effective tool to help prevent conflict, minimize the potential for mass violence and eliminate the threat of genocide Build the skills, knowledge and confidence of youth to raise awareness, take action and work collaboratively on projects to promote and defend human rights Facilitate cross-cultural dialogue, enable critical thinking and analysis of complex issues and encourage joint problem solving to address shared human rights concerns Foster personal and emotional growth by testing boundaries and limitations, reflecting critically on our own cultures, exploring how the choices we make affect the lives of others, building strong cross-cultural connections and finding positive outlets for service to promote human rights

Delegation Activities
Delegation participants will connect with young Rwandans, and get involved in a variety of collaborative projects aimed at promoting human rights, in all their complexity, in Rwanda.

"The past month has been an experience of my lifetime. The activities and volunteer work provide a great glimpse into the Rwandan culture, and human rights. The time here has

showed me how much I can contribute to the promotion of human rights, and how to do so. It was a humbling experience and has made me get to know myself in another spectrum. I am truly thankful for this experience." --Participant, Rwanda Summer 2007

Day 20 Day Off; Final Group Meal Day 21 Delegates Depart or Stay in Rwanda Solo

Program Staff Jesse Hawkes GYC Executive Director Program Director, Rwanda & NYC Programs
Jesse is a social activist, professional actor/singer, theatre director, writer, researcher, and youth development programmer. Jesse has served as GYC's Executive Director since 2009, and has also been GYC's Rwanda Program director since 2007, organizing an average of two human rights learning and action youth summits per year in collaboration with local Rwandan partner organizations. After receiving his BA in History from Harvard University in 1999, Jesse continued his performance career based out of NYC and soon began to pursue a life-long dream of contributing to community development theatre projects in other parts of the world. In 2002, he served as a visiting artist at the Community Arts Project in Cape Town, South Africa where he directed, wrote and facilitated a community development theatre project in the township of Langa in collaboration with South African artists and youth. Jesse lived and worked in Kigali, Rwanda for six years, where he co-founded Rwandans Allied for Peace and Progress (RAPP). Jesses work at RAPP included developing and managing a creative HIV prevention program for over sixty Rwandan high schools and communities, utilizing a combination of innovative theatre methods, peer education, and outreach activities. With RAPP, he cowrote a radio mini-series for the Rwandan Ministry of Education, and also directed four short films for PSI/CNLS and the first Rwandan Film Festival. He also wrote films about HIV Prevention in the Rwandan military and Condom Promotion for Population Services International (PSI-Rwanda). As a founding member of the Centers for Social Responsibility, Jesse led outreach campaigns to schools for the Rwanda By Invitation program, and led secondary school students on a trip to Rwanda. Jesse has performed in over forty plays, ranging from Shakespeare to musicals and opera, working with companies such as the National Shakespeare Company, the Williamstown Theatre Festival, the American Repertory Theatre, and the Living Theatre. In collaboration with the Rwandan

Sample Schedule
Day 1 Participants arrive from U.S. Day 2 Orientation, community-building and initial training, includes Tour of Kigali with Visits to Bright Future Womens Cooperative and Belgian Memorial Day 3/4Human Rights workshop begins with Rwandan participants Day 5 Day Off Homestay Visits Begin Day 6/7Site Visits with International NGOs working on Conflict Resolution and Development Day 8-11 Travel to Karongi District Visit Nyange School en route Meet District Officials Human Rights Learning Session with Youth Leaders in Karongi District Visit to Karongi District Hospital Small Group Visits-- Karongi District: Kiziba Refugee Camp Historically Marginalized Batwa Bwishyura Police Station Day 12 Day Off Day 13 Site visit to Memorial Church in Nyamata Day 14-17 Service projects

Day 18 Advocacy Visits: Government Offices, US Embassy, International NGOs Day 19 Alumni Meeting with previous Rwandan participants, Press Conference, Presentations

Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sport and Mashirika Performing Arts, Jesse performed at the 10th memorial service of the 1994 genocide at Amahoro Stadium, Kigali.

GYC Alumni Global Village

After you return home, you will join a growing network of Global Youth Connect alumni from around the world. The in-country is only the beginning of what our collaborative energy can accomplish. In fact, we strongly encourage all participants to remain involved with GYC programs, stay connected with other participants, and find ways to provide on-going support to youth and organizations in the program country. As part of its GYC Alumni Village, GYC generally organizes the following post-program activities: Listserv for all GYC alumni around the world to stay connected to each other and keep updated on how to remain involved Articles by alumni in the newsletter Retreats, events and meetings bringing together past program participants for renewed dialogue, reflection and action Involvement in on-going educational efforts, such as helping to organize speaking engagements in your local community

GYCs Board of Directors. Liz currently is on the Board.

We hope all program participants will take part and contribute their ideas and energy to the global movements of young human rights activists working together for compassion, human rights and responsibilities.

GYC Alumni, Hari Acharya and Elizabeth C.H. Lee at a recent event in NYC. Hari served on

Program Tuition and Conditions

GYC is committed to providing a high quality experience to all participants. We believe that our educational program offers significantly greater benefits than independent travel. We have done everything possible to minimize the costs to participate in this program.

payments made up to that point may not be refunded according to GYCs refund and cancellation policies.

Additional Estimated Expenses

International airfare Food Medical Cancellation Insurance Transport to Work Personal/Gifts $1,700-$2,300 $300 $150-$300 $135 (optional) $50 $200

Program Tuition
The program tuition for this delegation is $2300. Please note that the program tuition does NOT include the cost of international airfare, many meals and personal expenses. Please read below for a list of what is and is not included in the program tuition and a breakdown of how this money is spent to realize the goals of the program.

Actual costs will vary depending on where you are traveling from, your personal financial circumstances, your spending/eating habits and how soon you are able to purchase your plane ticket.

Program Tuition Breakdown

45% Staff support and project management in U.S. and Rwanda, including U.S.-based and Rwandan staff Hotel and project travel expenses Direct costs of training and service projects (excluding travel and hotel). The participation costs of the Rwandan participants are included in the program fee. GYC administrative costs

We recognize that financial obstacles are often one of the biggest challenges for our participants. It is our past experience that participants of all means and backgrounds have been able to successfully locate sources of funding to participate in our programs using many of the ideas and strategies presented in the GYC Fundraising Guide. You can download the fundraising guide from our website at the following link:

35% 10%


Included in the Program Tuition

Coordination and planning of workshops, meetings, site visits, fieldwork projects and other formal delegation activities Pre-trip departure information (including advice on fundraising and logistics), required reading packet, participant support and mentoring Costs associated with selecting and including youth participants from the project country in the training workshop and other activities Costs and expenses related to coordinating and planning fieldwork projects as organized by GYC. Please note that some transportation costs for fieldwork projects may not be covered for small group or individual projects. In-country orientation and community-building activities Logistics coordination Basic medical travel insurance

Payment Deadlines
Upon Acceptance March 31 April 30 May 31 $500 $600 $600 $600

Please note that all tuition payments, once received, are non-refundable and non-transferable to another GYC program. Accepted applicants are not guaranteed a spot in the program until the initial tuition payment of $500 is received. Selected applicants who fail to pay the deposit one week after their acceptance into the program will forfeit their spot to a participant on the waiting list. If a participant fails to make payments on the program tuition by the deadlines stated above they will forfeit their spot in the program and any tuition

Shared accommodations in culturally appropriate, low-budget hotels or guest houses Ground transportation for group activities, including airport transfer, with the exception of some transport costs for individual or small group fieldwork activities Experienced staff support, including a program director, program coordinator/assistant and local staff Post-program inclusion in a growing network of program alumni/ae working together to share ideas, resources, strategies and projects for human rights

Not Included in the Program Tuition

International airfare Meals and food expenses with some exceptions, (e.g., during the conflict transformation workshop) Personal expenses Vaccinations, medications and other health expenses Trip cancellation insurance (optional) Travel that is not a part of the formal program schedule travel to individual volunteer work placement offices in Kigali

Application Information and Procedures Application Deadline January 30, 2012 Application Instructions
To apply, please submit the following: Completed application form (at the end of this document) Current resume

Please send all completed applications and supporting materials to contact@globalyouthconnect.org.

Only electronic applications will be accepted.

Eligibility Requirements

Age 18-35 U.S. or Canadian citizen, permanent resident of the U.S. or Canada, or current student at a U.S. or Canadian university or college Demonstrated interest and experience in human rights, social justice, activism, community development, and/or international issues. Practical experience in any of these areas will be looked upon highly favorably. Emotional and psychological maturity and the ability to adapt to challenging circumstances Demonstrated interest in actively participating in all of the activities of the program, a strong desire to learn and serve, and a commitment to share the experience with others upon return to the U.S./Canada and to continue to work on collaborative projects building upon the delegation experience Commitment to raise the necessary funds to cover the program tuition and travel costs associated with participation in the program We strongly encourage individuals of diverse backgrounds, in terms of gender, race, culture, sexuality, class, nationality, and other backgrounds to apply. We are committed to bringing a team together that possesses a diversity of voices, opinions, experiences and perspectives.

Participants who are interviewed but not selected to participate and some of those who are not interviewed may be invited to serve as an alternate in case someone drops out of the program. All potential participants will be notified about their acceptance into the program on a timely basis. Applicants invited to participate in the program will be asked to make a decision within no more than 5 (five) days of being notified by the program director of their acceptance into the program. Those who accept the invitation to attend will be required to make an initial non-refundable deposit of $500 to hold their space in the program by no later than one week after acceptance into the program. Participation in the program is not guaranteed until an applicant has made the initial deposit. At least one GYC scholarship of $200 USD will be available to participants following the initial payment, with a separate application in October. *APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION ON NEXT PAGE*

Selection Process
Participants will be selected for this program on a competitive basis. As we keep the program size small (average program size can range from 10 - 16 participants), we typically receive more applications than we have spaces available in each program. Submission of an application does not guarantee participation. Therefore, we strongly advise you to take the application process seriously and respond thoughtfully and thoroughly to all questions. We will confirm receipt of all applications via email. Please contact us if you do not receive confirmation of receipt of your application. All applications will be reviewed by the program director. The final group for this program will be selected from those invited for interviews.


Rwanda Delegation (August 2 - 23, 2012)
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Before submitting an application, please read all of the program information in this packet to make sure you are familiar with the program goals, dates, activities and costs.

Application Deadline = January 30, 2012

Please submit this application to GYC along with a copy of a current resume. Applications must include a resume in order to be considered complete. Applications and attachments should be sent via e-mail to contact@globalyouthconnect.org. All applications will be acknowledged upon receipt. Please contact us if you do not receive confirmation from us that your application has been received.

Personal Information
First Name_________________________________ Last Name__________________________________ Current Address_____________________________________________________________________________ Permanent Address___________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone _______________________________ Cell Phone __________________________________ E-mail __________________________________________ Date of Birth_____________________________________ Age_______ ___ Female ___ Male

Occupation______________________________________ School/Employer_____________________________ Languages and Proficiency_____________________________________________________________________ Previous international travel experience__________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ How did you learn about this program? __________________________________________________________ Have you previously applied for a GYC program? If so, please indicate which program(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Select the top three skills that you would like to obtain by participating in this program. ___cross-cultural communication ___community development ___community organizing ___action planning ___program design and implementation ___media/communication ___fundraising ___advocacy ___awareness-raising/public education ___program evaluation ___other (please specify):

Select the top three issues you are most interested in learning more about during this program. ___human rights (general) ___children and youth issues ___womens issues ___indigenous rights ___humanitarian & foreign aid ___international law & politics ___education ___conflict resolution ___environment ___health ___democracy ___poverty and economic development ___other (please specify):

Please provide us with a one paragraph description of yourself, including any relevant personal information and your educational and professional background.

Why are you interested in participating in this program? What do you hope to experience and learn? What do you hope to bring to the team that will participate in the program with you?

What are your current goals in life? What do you hope to be doing in 5 years? How does that relate to the goals of this program?

How much do you know about Rwanda? What are your expectations of what the country will be like?

What are your main concerns about participating in the program?

What type of training, information or other support do you feel you need to receive before the trip in order to feel prepared?

Describe how you plan to raise the money necessary to participate.

How do you envision sharing your experience with others upon returning to the U.S.?

Is there anything else you would like to share with us that you feel we should know about your interest in participating in this program?

Please list the names of the two (2) people who can contact to serve as references on your behalf. Please include their name, title, affiliation, and both a phone number and an e-mail address where we can reach them.

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