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Lecture 5

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EENG 860 Special Topics: Digital Image Processing

Lecture 5: Introduction to Fourier Transform

Dr. Ahmadreza Baghaie

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
New York Institute of Technology

Spring 2020

Readings: Chapter 4 (sections 4.1-4.4)

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How to read: MATH Alert!
Table of Content


Preliminary Concepts

Fourier Series of Periodic Functions of One Continuous Dimension

Fourier Transform of Functions of One Continuous Dimension

Convolution in the Fourier Domain

Sampling and Fourier Transform of Sampled Functions

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Fourier Series: any periodic function can
be represented as the sum of sines and/or
cosines of different frequencies, each
multiplied by a different coefficient.

Fourier Transform: functions that are not
periodic, but have a finite area under the
curve, can be represented as the integral of
sines and/or cosines of different
frequencies, multiplied by a weighting

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Progress of digital computers and the discovery of Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) algorithms, revolutionized the field greatly.

For an MxN image and an mxn kernel, MNmn operations is needed.

If the kernel is separable, then MN(m+n) operations are needed.

If the same filtering is done in a the frequency domain, using FFT,
2MNlog2MN operations are needed!

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Complex Numbers

A complex number is shown as:

C  R  jI
with R as the real part, I as the imaginary part and j is the imaginary
number, equal to  1

The conjugate of the complex number is:
C*  R  jI

Other representations of a complex number:
● Vector: <R, I>
● Polar coordinates: C | C | (cos   j sin  )
● Euler’s equation: e j  cos   j sin  C | C | e j
● 2D graph
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Complex Numbers

Other representations of a complex number:
● Vector: <R, I>
● Polar coordinates: C | C | (cos   j sin  )
● Euler’s equation: e j  cos   j sin  C | C | e j
● 2D graph

In the above equations:

|C|= √ (R + I )
2 2

θ =arctan

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Periodic Functions

e jθ −e− jθ
sin(θ )=

e j θ +e− j θ
cos(θ )=

Any periodic function, has a period shown by T.

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Periodic Functions

In general:

A sin( f  t   )  B

Amplitude Frequency Phase shift Vertical displacement

A cos( f  t   )  B 2
Period: T

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Fourier Series

Can periodic functions be expressed as a
sum of sine and cosine functions of different
frequencies, multiplied by different

Joseph Fourier has studied this subject,
and confirmed that it is possible.

Expansion of a periodic function into its
consisting sine/cosine components is called
Fourier Series representation.

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Fourier Series

Let’s assume a 1D continuous periodic function f(t), with period T.

The Fourier Series expansion of f(t) is defined as:
 2n
j t
f (t )  c e
n  

where the coefficients cn are defined as:

1 T /2 j t
cn   f (t )e T
dt n  0,1,2, 
T T / 2

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Impulse Functions and Their Sifting Properties

The unit impulse function of the continuous variable t, located at t=0 is
defined as:  t  0
 (t )  
0 t  0

This function satisfies the following constraint, which means that the spike
of infinity amplitude and zero duration has a unit area:

 (t )dt  1

Sifting Property:

f (t ) (t )dt  f (0)
if the function f(t) is continuous at t=0.

Sifting yields the value of the function f(t) at the location of impulse.

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Impulse Functions and Their Sifting Properties

● What if the impulse is shifted to t=t0?  t  t0

 (t  t0 )  

The integral constraint is still satisfied.  0 t  t0

The sifting property now is:

f (t ) (t  t0 )dt  f (t0 )

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Impulse Trains

What if we have a train of these unit impulses? How are they represented?

sT (t )    (t  nT )
n  

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Discrete Impulse Functions

So far we saw impulses in terms of a the continuous variable t.

What about in discrete case, in terms of the discrete variable x?
1 x  0
 ( x)  
0 t  0

What about the integral constraint? It can be shown using summation for
the discrete variable as: 

  ( x)  1
x  

What about the sifting property of the impulse function?

 f ( x) ( x)  f (0)
x  

 f ( x) ( x  x )  f ( x )
x  
0 0
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Discrete Impulse Functions

What about the discrete impulse train? It is defined similar to the
continuous case.

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Fourier Transform of Functions of One Continuous

As said before, Fourier Series is defined for functions that are periodic.

The Fourier Transform (FT) of a non-periodic function f(t) is defined as:

{ f (t )}   f (t )e  j 2ut dt
where u is the continuous frequency variable.

The FT, also shown as F(u), is a function of only u, because variable t is
integrated out.

The inverse of FT is defined as:

f (t )   F (u )e j 2ut du

The function and its Fourier transform can be show as a pair:

f (t )⇔ F (u)

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Fourier Transform of Functions of One Continuous

Using the Euler’s formula: e j  cos   j sin 

We can rewrite the FT as:

F (u )   f (t )[cos( 2ut )  j sin( 2ut )]dt

The inverse FT can also be rewritten as:

f (t )   F (u )[cos( 2ut )  j sin( 2ut )]du

This means that any function f(t) can be expressed as a weighted integral
of sine and cosine functions.

Remember, for the periodic function, it could be expressed as the
summation of weighted sine and cosine functions.

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Fourier Transform – Example 1

What is the FT of a box function, defined as:

e jθ −e− jθ

The last step is done by using the trigonometric identity: sin(θ )=
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Fourier Transform – Example 1

What is the FT of a box function, defined as:

The function is called a sinc function:
sin ( π x )
sinc ( x )=

The Fourier Spectrum is defined as the magnitude of F(u): |F(u)|

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Fourier Transform – Example 2
 t  0

What is the FT of a unit impulse located at the origin?  (t )  
0 t  0

Using the FT definition, and the sifting property of the impulse function:
F (u)= ∫ δ (t )e
− j 2π u t − j2π u 0 0
dt=e =e =1

● What about the FT of an impulse located at t=t0? Again we use the

definition of FT, and the sifting property of the impulse function:
F (u)= ∫ δ (t −t 0 )e
− j2π ut − j 2 π u t0
dt=e =cos(2 π u t 0 )− j sin (2 π u t 0 )

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Fourier Transform – Example 3

What is the FT of the impulse train: sT (t )    (t  nT )
n  

Its Fourier series, with period ΔT, can be written as:
 2n
j t
sT (t )  c e
n  

2 n
1 T /2 j t
cn 
T 
T / 2 T
s (t )e T
● The coefficients cn are calculated as:
2n 2n
1 T / 2 j t 1  j t 1 0 1
cn 
T  T / 2
 (t )e T
dt 
T 
 (t )e T
dt 
e 

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Fourier Transform – Example 3

This means we have an alternative way of writing an impulse train as:
 2n
1 j t
sT (t ) 
n  
j t

Therefore, the FT of the impulse train reduces to finding the FT of e

Because of the symmetry property of the FT: if f (t )⇒ F (u), then F (t)⇒ f (−u)
2π n
ΔT n
FT {e }=δ (u−

Combining these, we can find the FT of the impulse train as:
∞ 2π n
1 j 1 ∞ n
S (u)=FT {sΔ T (t )}=FT { ∑
Δ T n=−∞
e ΔT
}= ∑
Δ T n=−∞
δ (u−
which means the FT of an impulse train in the signal domain, is an impulse
train in the frequency domain!

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Convolution of two functions involves flipping (rotating by 180 degrees)
one function about its origin, and sliding it past the other. At each
displacement, we perform the computation (sum-of-product).

Convolution of two continuous functions is defined as:

f (t )  h(t )   f ( ) h(t   )d

The FT of the convolution is:

{ f (t )  h(t )}   f (t )  h(t )e  j 2ut dt

   f ( )h(t   )d  e  j 2ut dt

 

 
  

f ( )  h(t   )e  j 2ut dt  d

 
   
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…… 
 f ( ) H (u )e  j 2u d

 H (u )  f ( )e  j 2u d

 H (u ) F (u )

In conclusion:
f (t )⊗h(t ) ⇔ H (u) F (u)

f (t )h(t ) ⇔ H (u)⊗F (u)
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1D Sampling Theory

So far we only talked about continuous
functions, either periodic, or non-periodic.

Continuous functions need to be sampled
and quantized to be processed by a

Sampling can be modeled by multiplying
the function f(t) with a train of impulses
ΔT apart:

f (t )  f (t ) sT (t )   f (t ) (t  nT )
n  

f k =∫−∞ f (t ) δ (t−k Δ T )dt =f (k Δ T )

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Fourier Transform of the Sampled Signal

How to find the FT of the sampled signal? Remember the convolution
property of FT:
f (t )⊗h(t ) ⇔ H (u) F (u)
f (t )h (t ) ⇔ H (u)⊗F (u)

This means that: F (u )  { f (t ) sT (t )}  F (u )  S (u )

Remember the FT of the impulse train:
2π n
1 ∞ j 1 ∞ n
S (u)=FT {sΔ T (t )}=FT { ∑
Δ T n=−∞
e ΔT
}= ∑
Δ T n=−∞
δ (u−

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Fourier Transform of the Sampled Signal


Therefore: F (u )  F (u )  S (u ) 
 F ( )S (u   )d
 
1 n

T F ( )n
 
 (u   

1  n


n  
F ( ) (u   
) d

1 n


n  
F (u 

which means that the FT of the sampled function, is an infinite periodic

sequence of copies of F(u), with period 1/ΔT.

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Sampling Rate

What is the effect of sampling rate in
Fourier domain?

Over-sampled: 1/ΔT is sufficiently large
to separate the copies of the sampled
function’s FT in the frequency domain.

Critically-sampled: 1/ΔT is just large
enough to separate the sampled
function’s FT in the frequency domain.

Under-sampled: 1/ΔT is not large
enough to separate the sampled
function’s FT in the frequency domain.

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The Sampling Theorem

A function f(t) whose Fourier transform is
zero for values of frequencies outside a
finite interval [-umax, umax] about the origin,
is called a band-limited function.

We can recover f(t) from its samples, if we
can isolate a single copy of the F(u) from
the periodic sequence of copies of this
function contained in ~
F (u) .

Sampling Theorem states that extraction
of a single copy is possible, if the sampling
rate (1/ΔT) satisfies:
 2umax
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How to Recover a Signal From its Samples?

First, we extract the central portion of
the Fourier transform F (u ) using a box
function like the following:
T  umax  u  umax
H (u )  
0 otherwise
by multiplying the Fourier transform,
with the box function:
F (u )  H (u ) F (u )

Finally, using the inverse Fourier
Transform we can recover the original

f (t )   F (u )e j 2ut du

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Recovery From Sampled Signal in the Signal

In the frequency domain, as we saw, we can recover the signal from its
samples using:
1 ~ 1
f (t )   {F (u )}   {H (u ) F (u )}

Because of the convolution property of the FT, we have: f (t )  h(t )  f (t )

The H(u) was a box function, which makes its inverse FT a sinc function:
h(t )=sinc ( )

Also we have: 
f (t )  f (t ) sT (t )   f (t ) (t  nT )
n  

Therefore for the recovery in the signal domain we have:

f (t)=∑n=−∞ f (n Δ T ) sinc [(t −n Δ T )/ Δ T ]

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Alias means “a false identity”.

Sampling phenomena that cause different
signals to become indistinguishable.

Since we describe a digitized function only
by its samples, it is possible that different
continuous functions to coincide at the
values of their respective sample.

Two continuous functions with these
characteristics are called an aliased pair.

Aliasing happens when the signals are
under-sampled; according to the Sampling
Theorem, when 1/ΔT < 2umax.

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Aliasing - Example

Let’s have a sine function as sin(πt);

The period is 2, frequency is 0.5;

According to the sampling theorem, the sampling rate must be greater than
two times of the maximum frequency, here 2*0.5= 1, so it must be 1/ΔT>1.

Smoothing the original signal can reduce the aliasing effect, a process
called anti-aliasing (WHY?)

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What is Next?

Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of One Variable

Extensions to Functions of Two Variables

Properties of 2D DFT and Inverse DFT

Filtering in the Frequency Domain

Image Smoothing and Sharpening in The Frequency Domain

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