1. The question paper consists of five sections (A, B, C, D and E) with 30 questions in total.
3. Question numbers 1-12 are multiple choice questions of one mark each.
4. Question numbers 13-18 are of 2 marks each. Answers to these questions should not exceed 50-60
words each.
5. Question numbers 19-23 are of 4 marks each. Answers to these questions should not exceed 100-120
words each. There is an internal choice in two of the 4 marks questions
6. Question numbers 24-26 are passage, cartoon and map-based questions. Answer accordingly.
7. Question numbers 27-30 are of 6 marks each. Answers to these questions should not exceed 170-180
Assertion: Reforms were necessary to keep the USSR abreast of the information and
technological revolutions taking place in the West.
Reason: Mikhail Gorbachev, who had become General Secretary of the Communist Party of
the Soviet Union in 1985, sought to reform this system.
a. Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct and the Reason is the correct
b. Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct but the Reason is not the correct
explanation of the Assertion
c. The Assertion is incorrect but the Reason is correct
d. The Assertion is correct but the Reason is incorrect
a. iv, i, iii, ii
b. iii, ii, I, iv
c. ii, I, iv, iii
d. ii, I, iii, iv
5 Which among the following are True about the Global Commons? 1
a. The earth’s atmosphere, Antarctica ocean floor and outer space are considered as part of
the global commons.
b. The global commons arc outside the sovereign jurisdiction.
c. The question of managing the global commons reflected the North-South divide.
d. The countries of the North are more concerned about the protection of the global
common than the countries of the South.
6 Which among the following would give more weightage to India’s proposal for a 1
permanent member in the Security Council?
a. Nuclear Capability
b. It has been a member of the UN since its inception
c. India growing economic power and stable political system
d. All of the above
7 Match the Column A with the Column B: 1
Column A Column B
1. Mapping of boundaries of religious (i) Pakistan and Bangladesh
2. Mapping of boundaries on grounds of a (ii) India and Pakistan
different language
3. Demarcating boundaries within a country (iii) Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh
by geographical zones
4. Demarcating within a country on (iv) Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand
administrative and political grounds
a. D A B C
b. C B A D
c. D A C B
d. C A D B
9 Which of the following Schedules of the Constitution allows complete autonomy to 1
different tribes to preserve their practices and customary laws?
a. Fourth Schedule
b. Sixth Schedule
c. Seventh Schedule
d. Eighth Schedule
10 Arrange the following in chronological order: 1
A. China’s accession to WTO 2001
B. Establishment of the E.E.C. 1957
C. Establishment of the E.U. 1992
D. Birth of A.R.F. 1994
a. C B A D
b. B C D A
c. D A B C
d. B A C D
11 When was Anandpur Sahib Resolution passed? 1
a. 1962
b. 1965
c. 1967
d. 1973
12 Arrange the following in chronological order of their formation: 1
1. Energy Conservation Act
2. Paris Climate Agreement
3. The Electricity Act
4. Montreal Protocol Choose the correct option:
a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 2, 4, 1, 3
c. 4, 1, 3, 2
d. 3, 1, 2, 4
15 ‘In the midst of severe competition and many conflicts, a consensus appears to have 1+1=2
emerged among most parties’. Explain.
16 “The Soviet Union lagged behind the West”. Explain with any two reasons. 2
18 In which year did the Congress party win 415 Lok Sabha seats? Who became the Prime 2
Minister at that time?
23 All regional movements need not lead to separatist demands. Explain by giving appropriate 2+2=4
Describe any four consequences of the Bangladesh War of 1971.
24.1. Which of the following factors contributed to the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam
(DMK) coming to power in Madras (now Tamil Nadu) in 1967?
a. Anti-Congress coalition support across India
b. Its role in leading an anti-Hindi agitation against the Centre
c. A focus on agrarian reforms in the state
d. Support from Congress defectors
24.2. How many States experienced a loss of Congress majority or its inability to form a
government after the 1967 elections?
a. 5 States
b. 7 States
c. 9 States
d. 11 States
24.3. Why the 1967 State election results were considered a turning point in Indian politics,
and what did the results signify about the Congress party's dominance?
25 In the given outline political map of India, four states have been marked as (A), (B), (C)
and (D). Identify these states on the basis of the information given below and write their
correct names in your answer book along with the respective serial numbers of the
information used and the concerned alphabets as per the format that follows:
1. In 1979, a students’ group not affiliated to any party, led an anti-foreigner movement in
this state
2. This state was created in 1963
3. This state was created in 1972
4. Harchand Singh Longowal was a religious leader from this state
Sr. no. Concerned alphabet Name of state
26 Study the given cartoon and answer the questions that follow: 1+1+1+
26.1. What does the figure in the cartoon with both military and civilian attire represent?
a. Political instability
b. Role of the military in governance
c. Coalition governments
d. Economic calculations
26.2. The cartoon refers to which leader's influence in Pakistan's political and military
a. Nawaz Sharif
b. Pervez Musharraf
c. Benazir Bhutto
d. Zia-ul-Haq
26.3. What theme of South Asian politics does the cartoon highlight?
a. Economic reforms
b. Civil-military relations and power struggles
c. Regional cooperation
d. Democratic stability
26.4. What is the significance of the text "I am always good at calculation" in the cartoon?
a. It implies a focus on economic development.
b. It critiques the manipulation of power by the leader.
c. It praises efficient leadership skills.
d. It highlights the importance of mathematics in governance.
27 What is meant by globalisation? What are its political, cultural and economic consequences 6x1=6
of globalisation?
Who are indigenous people? Describe any four problems of the indigenous people.
28 Explain the factors responsible for the rise of the Chinese economy. 1X6=6
What is meant by security? Mention any four components of Indian Security strategy.
29 Describe IN DETAIL ABOUT any four circumstances for proclamation of emergency in 1975. 2+2+2=
OR 6
Explain how the general elections of 1952 in India were a landmark in the history of
democracy all over the world.
30 Examine the main factors responsible for the rise and fall of the Congress Party’s dominance 3+3=6
in India.
Examine the different areas of agreement and disagreement with respect to the model of
economic development to be adopted in India after independence.