2023-24 PB 2
2023-24 PB 2
2023-24 PB 2
1. The question paper consists of five sections (A, B, C, D and E) with 30
questions in total.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Question numbers 1-12 are multiple choice questions of one mark each.
4. Question numbers 13-18 are of 2 marks each. Answers to these questions
should not exceed 50-60 words each.
5. Question numbers 19-23 are of 4 marks each. Answers to these questions
should not exceed 100-120 words each.
There is an internal choice in two of the 4 marks questions
6. Question numbers 24-26 are passage, cartoon and map-based questions.
Answer accordingly.
7. Question numbers 27-30 are of 6 marks each. Answers to these questions
should not exceed 170-180 words.
8. There is an internal choice in 6 marks questions.
(12 Marks)
1. Which international organization holds the distinction of being the only 1
Tripartite agency?
(a) Austria
(b) Bulgaria
(c) Yugoslavia
(d) Greece
4. Between the 1960s and the 1980s, it rapidly developed into an economic 1
power, which is termed as "Miracle on the Han River".
(a) Japan
(b) North Korea
(c) China
(d) South Korea
8. Which among the following is the first global treaty to explicitly address 1
climate change?
(a) I and II
(b) III and IV
(c) I, III and IV
(d) All of these
a) Majority Coalition
b) Surplus Majority Coalition
c)Clear Majority Coalition
d)Democratic Coalition
(12 Marks)
14. Suggest any two measures to have good relations with Pakistan. 2
15. The decade of 1980s also witnessed major developments in the State of 1+1=2
Punjab. Highlight upon any 2 such developments.
16. Analyse any two major factors which led to the popularity of the Indira 2
Gandhi Government in the early 1970s.
18. How did the Rajiv Gandhi - Lal Denga accord prove to be a turning point 2
in the history of Mizoram?
(20 Marks)
19. What is Resource Geopolitics? How does the global economy rely on 2+2=4
20. “Military rule and Democracy are the two sides of the same coin in Pakistan.” 4
Analyse the statement.
Despite the mixed record of democratic experience, the people of all the
countries of South Asia share the aspiration of democracy. Explain.
22. What was the impact of Imposition of National Emergency (1975) on the 4
party system in India?
23. Analyse the factors responsible for the disintegration of the USSR with 4
special reference to Perestroika and Glasnost.
During the Cold war era India and USSR enjoyed a multi-dimensional
relationship. Discuss.
Section – D
(12 Marks)
24. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 1+1+1
(a) Thailand
(b) Indonesia
(c) Malaysia
(d) Japan
26. Study the given image and answer the questions that follow: 1+2
(24 Marks)
27. Elucidate the effects of Globalisation on the culture of a country. 6
Examine the economic implications of globalization? How has Globalization
impacted on India with regard to this particular dimension?
29. How has the process of formation of states on the basis of language changed 6
the nature of democratic politics in India?
Examine the three challenges that India faced at the time of Independence 2+2+2
30. Describe any three points of consensus that emerged among most political 2+2+2
parties in India in spite of severe competition and conflicts. =6
Describe any three major developments in Indian Politics since 1989.