Beerlist-5 3
Beerlist-5 3
Beerlist-5 3
Garage Project #1/24: Trip Hop (Aro VaIIey & Christchurch, New ZeaIand)
While they prepare the se for their brewery in Aro Valley, the Garage Projeboys ventured to Three
Boys for a second full-scale batof the beer that orinally launed their 24 Beers / 24 Weeks series:
a New World bter / pale ale wh three avourful NZ hops, balanced wh ri malt. zmI so
Garage Project #3/24: Pernicious Weed (Aro VaIIey & Christchurch, New ZeaIand) ;.
An intensely bter pale ale named after the moral panic whi ensued when hops r arrived in
England in the 1500s Pernicious is full-on, suably herby, and enjoyably vicious. Its a raucus and
well-deserved celebration of those suicious-looking plants so many of us love so dearly. 8omI s
Coopers Vintage Ale 2009 (AdeIaide, AustraIia) ;
Dilaying unaraeriic patience, we secretly sirreled-away a keg of the ever-arming Vintage
Ale from Coopers. A rare-enough sight on a New Zealand tap as is, ours has reaed s optimum
drinking age and is taing sublime; large and complex, but decidedly mellow and unhurried, wh
lovely malt-driven fru avours. 8omI so
Epic Armageddon (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) 6.66
At s debut years ago here at the Malthouse, as part of our now-annual We Coa IPA Challenge,
Armageddon was truly a zymurcal big bang, wh notes of grapefru, passionfru and lyees
ased by a resinous, intense bter ni. More-intense beers have followed fromEpic themselves
and many others but this remains a rm favoure for many. zmI s
Hallertau #2: Statesman Pale Ale (Riverhead, New ZeaIand) .
Suably, ven the name, Statesman is the mo-relaxed of Hallertaus array of hop-focussed beers.
Its a well-balanced local take on the popular American Pale Ale yle, wh a solid malt body providing
a age upon whi fre and zey, crussy hops rut their u. zmI s.
Townshend Aotearoa Pale Ale (RosedaIe (near NeIson), New ZeaIand) .
The second commercial example (after Tuataras) of what will doubtless one day become a bona
de indigenous yle, Townends Aotearoa Pale Ale marries American pale ale sensibilies to our
diinly-avoured local hops. Juicy, crussy and big but not overwhelming. zmI s.
Townshend Old House E.S.B. (RosedaIe, New ZeaIand) .
A good E.S.B. (Extra Special Bter) is an exercise in balance, and Townends is a great example,
whi is hardly surprising, ven his Engli-yle ale-making hiory. Soft, smooth maltiness is set
o nicely by deft toues of gentle oral hops from the Old House farm, hence the otherwise-
peculiar name. (HandpuIIed) zmI s.
Townshend Three Piece Wheat (RosedaIe, New ZeaIand) .
MartinTownend has recently beenbreaking away, a ltle, fromhis usual focus onBri-yle ales.
This German-yle hefeweizen is brewed wh the famous Weihenephan yea and boas plenty of
icy avours, wh a ltle b of funk. Refreingly dierent, largely ies away from the sweeter,
banana-ese side of something like Tuatara Hefe. zmI s.
HeIp is at hand
Never be shy to ask for help, suggestions, or for
a taster of something on tap before you commit
to a full glass. Our sta knowtheir stu (we have
a suitably rigorous training regime) and will do
their best to nd you something to t your mood.
The list will be kept as up-to-date as possible,
but our stock does change frequently. Watch the
blackboardfor the latest additions, or ask the sta
how to keep informed online.
Contents page
New & Featured Bottles 4
Bottled Lagers 6
Ales 10
Porters & Stouts 13
Wheat Beers 17
Belgian Ales 18
Fruit Beer & Cider 20
Whisky & Cigars 23
Pizzas & Snacks 27
Wine 28
[ 1 ]
Rcstoc1 Tav Bccns
Nothings utterly permanent, but the bulk of our tap beers are on a residency of months or years.
All the more time to get to know them, have them become favourites and standbys and a comforting
foundation for the sometimes-dizzying procession of guests that come and go alongside.
Tuatara Helles (WeIIington, New ZeaIand)
Ayounger brother for Tuataras famous Pilsner is this Helles, a tradional Germanyle of lager famed
for s drinkabily and balance. Light gold in colour, Helles has a tou of noble hop aroma while in
the glass there is a decent bur of early malt sweetness balanced by a late, cri ni. zmI s8
Tuatara Pilsner (WeIIington, New ZeaIand)
The agbeer fromWellingtons mo-local microbrewery, Tuatara Pilsner has a oral, grassy nose
followed by a smooth malty middle wh some late crus tingles. A long, dry niwh hints of lime
makes this an eortlessly balanced and mo drinkable drop. zmI s8
Amstel Light (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) z.
Made wh a unie ltration process that gradually removes alcohol molecules, Amels lower-
rengthoering is able to retainmore of the avour of s full-rengthversionthanother light beers.
Its a mu better compromise, and can make for an excellent and useful taical oice. zmI s;
Horu Oktoberfestbier (Munich, Germany) 6.
Brewed eecially for the bigge tents at the bigge beer feival (or anything feival) in the world,
Horus Oktoberfe is rier, fuller-bodied and ronger than their classic and popular Orinal
lager. A ping error has blessed us wh plenty of kegs. oomI so
Monteiths Black (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) .z
This dark lager is e fully-avoured and tay wh ocolate, biscu, malt and coee notes. In a
departure from the ereotype for bla beers, however, s not a heavy brew and is ill e easy to
drink. Let warm up a b to release the full range of avours. zmI s8
Monteiths Celtic (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) .
This beer is designed by the brewers at Montehs to tae like one of the ri red, malty Iri ales
so popular in the Emerald Isle. They have produced a smooth, creamy beer whi marries a smoky
ocolate body wh a rm hop ni. This delicate balance is the Celtics highlight. zmI s8
Monteiths Golden Lager (AuckIand, New ZeaIand)
Clear and golden wh a dense, whe head that leaves some laces. Lightly sweet aroma of malt and
brewing cereal. Medium body wh a refreingly clean ni. A classic Kiwi lager ju wh a b
more body. zmI s8
Monteiths Pilsner (AuckIand, New ZeaIand)
The Pilsner is a golden beer wh a tou of fre malt fullness in the body and a gently bter hop
ni. This is a simple, balanced and unpretentious beer. zmI s8
Monteiths Original (AuckIand, New ZeaIand)
This beer is where the Montehs ory all began. Surprisingly dark and pleasantly complex, this
well-balanced beer has a good malt body and a subtle hop bterness at the end. zmI s8
Tiger (AuckIand, New ZeaIand)
Now brewed locally under licence, Tiger was designed in s native Singapore to have a mild aroma,
clean ni, relatively high level of sweetness and ju a trace of hop bterness. This prole makes
a aable lager in any environment. (Imported bottles are also available, see page 8.) zmI s
[ 2 ]
Tuatara APA: Aotearoa Pale Ale (WeIIington, New ZeaIand) .8
As the U.S. Hop Crisis put the seeze on the imported hops theyd been using, Tuatara reformulated
and re-acronym-ed their APAinto one that uses only locally-grownvarieties (namely Cascade, Nelson
Sauvin, Pacic Jade and the newly-released Wai-i). The result is at once familiar and unie ri
and intense fru avours, wh refreingly assertive bterness. zmI s
Tuatara Hefe (WeIIington, New ZeaIand)
Tuatara Hefe cancertainly ake upmany beer preconceptions and, for that reason, makes a great
Gateway Beer. Its a German-yle cloudy wheat beer (hefeweizen) wh s avours of banana,
juicyfru gum, vanilla and icy cloves. Very few beers are more refreing. 8omI s8 / oomI s
Tuatara IPA (WeIIington, New ZeaIand)
A classic example of the popular yle of rong, hoppy beer that found favour (and s modern name)
when proved almo uniely capable of surviving the sea voyage to Bri colonis and soldiers
in India. Recent rece anges have added rier malt and more old-sool Engliarm, partially
due to fermentation wh the same yea as Timothy Taylors legendary Landlord. zmI s8
Tuatara Porter (WeIIington, New ZeaIand)
Almo bla, wh a light tan head, Tuataras porter has a ri, dark and peaty nose. The beer is
smooth slightly creamy, even wh laings of malt sweetness, ocolate and burnt Vogels toa
notes. Deliciously reoring in cooler weather. (HandpuIIed) zmI s8
Coopers Sparkling Ale (AdeIaide, AustraIia) .8
This beer was r made in the 1850s by Thomas Cooper. He made from an old family rece to
cure his wifes illness. The Sparkling Ale is a cloudy golden beer wh a full nose of apples and bananas
and a robu body ased by a ening dry ni. zmI s
Emersons Bookbinder (Dunedin, New ZeaIand) .;
Booky is a deep and avoursome blend of four malts and two local hop varieties. Soft, sweet and full
inthe body, the judicious use of Saaz andFuggles hops helpcreate a gentle palate-cleansing bterness.
Almo certainly the be session ale made in New Zealand. zmI s / 68mI (ImperiaI Pint) so.
Epic Pale Ale (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) .
Luke Niolas, the impihead brewer at Aulands Epic Brewing Company, likes hops. No, he really
likes hops. He adms to using a edload of hops inthis his agbeer andsays while others might
consider that to be insane, he simply calls avour. Ahugely tay pale ale buring wh frecrus
notes before a cleansing, resinous ni. zmI s
Erdinger Weissbier (Erding, Germany) .
The Privatbrauerei Erdinger Weibru Werner Bromba GmbH (usually simply called the Erdinger
brewery) has been making beer in the German town of Erding since 1886 and is possibly the large
wheat beer producer in the world. Their signature weisier is a classic, slightly cloudy, German
wheat beer whi is fruy, rzy, slightly tart and utterly refreing. oomI s8 / oomI s
Three Boys IPA (Christchurch, New ZeaIand) .z
Dr. Ralph Bungards Chriur brewery produces a solid range of unltered, unpaeurised beers
ju as nature intended them. The sophiicated use of aly hops in the IPA produces a beer
whiis full-avoured wh a tay grapefru araer before a dry ni. A diinly NewZealand
in on Bri and American Pale Ales. zmI s.
Monteiths Crushed Apple Cider (NeIson, New ZeaIand)
An aoniingly popular produ that helped lead the cider arge in the local market, Montehs
oering is a pale brew that lies at the sweeter end of the avour scale. Intensely thir-ening
over ice. zmI s8
[ 3 ]
Fca1unco, Scancc ao Oc-orr Bo11tcs
Life moves pretty fast. If you dont stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it.
Ferris Buellers famous words are particularly true of the wonderful world of craft beer, where one-o
brews and wildly uctuating import schedules change the contents of our fridges with head-spinning
frequency. These pages will be updated more often than the bulk of the bottled beer list, to try to keep
up and to call attention to things you might otherwise overlook.
From the Antipodes
The British might refer to us as antipodeans, but the nature of a (nearly) spherical planet entitles
us to do the same. Massively inuential on the local brewing scene, for obvious historical reasons,
modern British brewing is a terric mix of the traditional and a willingness to break the mold and
try something fresh. Which is, after all, how new traditions get started.
BrewDog Punk IPA (Fraserburgh, ScotIand) .6
An old favoure of ours, and the beer that put BrewDog on the map. Combining elements of Bri
and American pale ale yles (and brewed wh Nelson hops, among others), opens wh delicious
fru avours and then sneaks in wh a sly bter suerpun. omI s.
Fullers Past Masters: XX (EngIand) ;.
Celebrating their herage, Fullers have enlied beer hiorians to help wh a Pa Maers series.
This r release, brewed from an 1891 rece, is a bottle-condioned dark ale wh considerable
weight and riness XX was once a common designation for ronger beers. oomI s
Harviestoun Schiehallion (HiIIfoots ViIIage, ScotIand) .8
Straight up-and-down pale lagers are relatively rare in craft brewing, but a good one can be genuinely
fantaic. This one is a darling of Bribeer geeks, and reputedly the favoure of beer wrer Melissa
Cole. Plenty of fre, crussy hops and a thir-murdering ni. oomI sz.
Meantime India Pale Ale (London, EngIand) ;.
Brewed as authentically as possible to the rength and wh the hopping rates of the beers that
r came to be known as IPAs at all Meantimes legendary India Pale Ale is a window into the
hiory of a truly great and enduringly inuential beer yle. ;omI sz8
Meantime London Porter (London, EngIand) 6.
Continuing in their self-appointed role as Cuodians of Hiory, Meantimes brewers and bons
toiled for years to recreate as 1750s London porter as truly as possible. Bottle condioned, and wh
gorgeous ruby highlights in the glass, s well worth experiencing wh friends. ;omI sz8
Skinners Betty Stogs (Truro, EngIand)
Crowned 2008s Champion Be Bter at CAMRAs legendary Great Bri Beer Feival no easy
ta at all this is a copper-coloured ale brewed for session-drinking and balance. True to the
milant-Corni-ness of Skinners, takes s name from a bleak local folktale. oomI sz.
Skinners Cornish Blonde (Truro, EngIand)
A relatively-rare Bri wheat beer, Corni Blonde is made to be clean, easy, and accessible wh a
decent dose of U.S. hops to ve the tail end a lift. Rather randomly, sales of the beer also raise money
for an organisation called Surfers Again Sewage, in case you were feeling arable. oomI sz.
St. Peters CreamStout (Bungay, EngIand) 6.
A decorated cream out, brewed from a formidable ca of malts and hops. Its full, wonderfully
textured, satisfying and btersweet, like exceptionally-good dark ocolate. Genuinely indulgent,
but also very approaable. oomI s
St. Peters Ruby Red Ale (Bungay, EngIand) .
Served from the rikingly-gorgeous oval bottle (supplies of whi have been scarce lately), this is an
easy-drinking but rimalt-driven red ale, wh a sideline of enjoyably icy / fruy zcoming from
laings of Cascade hops. oomI s
[ 4 ]
A Whi of Smoke
Smoked beers are having something of a renaissance in craft brewing and industry where every-
thing old is periodically new again. Invercargills masterful Smokin Bishop probably helped set the
scene which recently culminated with Yeastie Boys truly mind-altering Rex Attitude. Here are a
few currently in our fridges:
s page
8 Wired The Big Smoke 13 13
BrewDog Paradox: IsIe of Arran 20 13
Renaissance Stonecutter 14 15
Yeastie Boys Rex Attitude 11 21
Invercargill Menn Skurrts (InvercargiII, New ZeaIand) ;
One of those near-miraculous happy accidents that occur in the craft brewing world, Menn Skurrts
is basically what happened when a ri rong ale was brewed on Invercarlls gear after had ju
made Yeaie Boys Rex Attude. Landing fortuously close to Scot Ale terrory, the result has a
tantalising baground hum of peat smoke over a warming, rewarding body. omI so
Yeastie Boys R e x Rex (InvercargiII, New ZeaIand) o
Rex Attude essentially won the Morton Coutts Trophy for Innovation for the Yeaie Boys at la
years Brewers Guild Awards. To celebrate, the boys knoed up a not (or three) to 10%, loading
in even more phenolic peaty goodness but also building a sweeter, fruier base. Its eerily more
balanced, maybe even more drinkable, and has converted a few Rexophobes already. omI s.
An Epic DeIivery
Luke Nicholas and his Epic Brewing Company have been at the forefront of many developments in
the local craft beer scene inter- and intra-national collaborations, barrel-ageing, and imperial /
extremied recipes. We recently took delivery of two pallet-loads of Epic beers, bolstering our stocks
of old favourites and adding a few new faces:
s page
Epic Armageddon 15 12
Epic BarreI-aged IPA 16.5 12
Epic Lager 8.5 6
Epic / Thornbridge Stout zoo 16 16
Epic / Thornbridge BarreI-aged Stout zoo 16 16
Epic Epicurean: Coee & Fig (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) 8
The rof what promises to be anindulgent series of one-obeers, this is a big imperial out brewed
wh oatmeal and barbee-caramelised gs whi is then aged on coee beans (from Wellingtons
own Cae Laare) and toaed coconut. Elaborate, sumptuous, and perfe for aring. ;omI s
Epic / Flying Nun 30 Year Ale (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) .
La November was Nunvember, in honour of the 30th birthday of legendary Dunedin record label
Flying Nun. Epic were commissioned to brewa beer in celebration, for general consumption and for
the myriad events that market the occasion. Its an intensely fruy but ill very approaable pale
ale wh an upbeat crus aroma. Great for exiing fans and for introducing to new ones. oomI s
Epic LARGER (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) 8.
An imperial pilsner wh a name so brilliantly punny that wrong-footed the venerable Dominion
Po (who ridiculed another bar for their elling miake), Larger is a suably-souped-up in on
their usual lager. Brewed as a summery Southern Hemihere holiday season celebration beer, s
lu and worryingly drinkable. oomI s6.
[ 5 ]
I 1nc Fntoccs
The six tall fridges behind the bar give us plenty of room for bottled beer; theres typically well over a
hundred varieties in there. The temperature of the fridges varies fromaround 2 to about 10 Celsius,
allowing us to serve dierent styles suitably very broadly, heartier ales should be tasted warmer
than crisp lagers, almost analogous to the red wine / white wine dierence.
A general rule is that any beer worth drinking at all is worth drinking from a glass. The sights and
aromas of a good beer can greatly add to the enjoyment that comes from taste alone, and we have
glassware to t all sizes andstyles. Anddont worry about those scores of bottles; theyre all recycled
which explains (most of ) the occasional crashing sounds from behind the bar.
Alager is any beer made by bottomfermentation where the yeast largely works near the bottomof the
brewing vessel. Lagers are fermented at cooler temperatures than ales, for a longer period of time and
using a distinct variety of yeast all of which results in a cleaner fermentation with fewer avour
by-products and thereby a crisper, simpler tasting beer. Golden lager dominates the modern market,
but they can be any colour and lagers in general are actually a relatively recent phenomenon in
the long history of brewing.
For arguably craftier but still refreshment-focussed beers, see also our collection of GoIden AIes
(page 11) a style often (half-)jokingly dubbed Thinking Mans Lager.
Amstel Light (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) z.
Made wh a unie ltration process that gradually removes alcohol molecules, Amels lower-
rength oering is able to retain more of the avour of s full-rength version than other light
beers. Its therefore a mu better compromise, and can make for an excellent and useful taical
oice. omI s;.
Becks (Germany / AustraIia / AuckIand, New ZeaIand) .8 /
This popular golden beer has a fre, green bouet, a sweet middle and a dry, clean ni. Bes
also has a slight tou of fruiness whi sets apart from other German beers of a similar yle
whitend to ay more dry. Its nowalso brewed more locally our source varies wh the vagaries
of global ping. omI s8.
Bitburger Drive (Germany) o.o
Alcohol-free beers are the ultimate in light options. This one is brewed at full rength, and then
has the alcohol removed, leaving only atiically-insignicant numbers of molecules, if any at all
but a surprising level of malt avour is retained. omI s;.
D.B. Export 33 (AuckIand, New ZeaIand)
Export 33 takes s name from s claim to be brewed 33% longer than other beers, aiming to reduce
the amount of sugar and other carbohydrates in the nal produ. This beer has a slightly grassy nose,
soft middle and a tou of late criness. omI s8
D.B. Export Dry (AuckIand, New ZeaIand)
Alargely over-looked brand whilas the big budget promotional campaigns of s D.B. ablemates
Export 33 and Export Gold, Export Dry is aually a surprisingly good ltle lager. It pours a clear
gold in the glass, has a soft but rm grassy, herbal nose followed by a rounded sweet body. Longer
maturation helps create a cri ni. This beer is under-rated. omI s8
Epic Lager (AuckIand, New ZeaIand)
One of the many unintended ees of Epics gloriously-overblown imperial pilsner, Larger, was
to ki o something of a renaissance for this, s refreing and reliable ltle (but older) brother.
Generously hopped, decidedly unboring, but ill easy-going and accessible. omI s8.
[ 6 ]
Heineken (AuckIand, New ZeaIand)
Brewed under license here in New Zealand (by D.B.) for some time now, Heineken is one of the
Worlds ant beer brands. Its dominating presence in the Engli-eaking world was cemented
early, whencomprised the rlegal ment of beer to arrive inthe U.S. after Prohibionended
ju three days after, in fa. omI s8.
Invercargill (InvercargiII, New ZeaIand) .z
This beer was created to mat the Indian cuisine at Bimans curry house in Invercarll. Biman
(whi means rong hearted in Benglai; they apparently anged the typography / elling on the
label to clarify pronunciation i.e., avoid certain lame jokes) burs wh tropical fru avours
(lime, passionfru and mango) before settling into a refreing dry ni. Truly a unie aer
from the Deep South. omI s
Kronenbourg 1664 (Sydney, AustraIia)
1664 is the mo popular lager brand in France and named for the year the brewery was founded
although s only been known as Kronenbourg since the Second World War and was the Hatt
Brewery until 1922. Now brewed in a few locations around the world, 1664 uses the diinly-
Fren Strisselalt hop and is a well-rounded, refreing beer. omI s
Moa Methode (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) .
This very rare beer was created by Jo Scott, son of winemaker Alan Scott. A lot has anged for
the company since s founding, but the winemaking herage of this beer has been retained. Its a
rather unie lager, nely bubbled wh a oral, zey and icy nose. Sweet fruy avours of honey
and orange are integrated well, and large bottles ideal for toaing a ecial occasion are usually
available. ;mI s / ;omI sz / .I (Magnum) s;
Monteiths Radler (AuckIand, New ZeaIand)
Inired by a classic Germanyle of beer designed for thiry cyclis (radler simply means cycli),
this beer is made wh lemon and lime whiproduces a refreing lager wh a crus twi. Because
of s la of bterness, Radler is very popular wh non-tradional beer drinkers. omI s8
Mussel Inn Golden Goose Lager (Onekaka & InvercargiII, New ZeaIand)
Golden Bays legendary Mussel Inn has been in the Good Beer & Good Times business since long
before was faionable. This, their main lager, is well-made, uncomplicated and very refreing.
Excellent as a Gateway Beer for the uniniated, or a reorative for those already in the know. The
favoure easy pale lager of New Zealands craft beer geeks, by a handy marn. zmI s
Peroni Nastro Azzuro (Sydney, AustraIia) .
Though Italy is not renowned for beer, increasing numbers of young Italians are esewing wine
in favour of beer. Peroni is one of the be selling brands in Italy and is now brewed around the
World. Naro Azzuro (whimeans Blue Ribbon) has a pleasant nose wh hints of grass clpings,
a smooth, light body and a cri ni. An hone, ening, continental-yle lager. omI s
Pure Blonde (MeIbourne, AustraIia) .6
The inuence of this popular Auralian lower-carb oering is su that blonde has simply come
to refer, there, to beers crafted for ju that dietary reirement complicating the international
beer-yle lexicon somewhat, since blonde means wheat beer to Americans and rong golden ale
to Belans and other Europeans. Pure Blond is very light, clean and smooth. omI s8
Sapporo Premium (AdeIaide, AustraIia)
One of Japans mega-breweries wh produion as far aeld as Canada, and these bottles rather-
surprisingly coming via our friends at the Coopers Brewery in South Auralia Sapporos ag
brew is a typically refreing and easy going pale lager. These are workhorse beers that might not do
anything particularly earth-attering, but whi excel at ening a thir. mI s
Steinlager Classic (AuckIand, New ZeaIand)
Still New Zealands mo famous beer on the international age, Steinlager was r brewed in 1957
as Steineer but the name had to be anged in 1962 to avoid potential confusion wh Heineken.
This dry lager has a grassy nose wha diinive dry aringent nifromthe generous use of Green
Bullet hops. omI s8
[ 7 ]
Steinlager Pure (AuckIand, New ZeaIand)
A 21
Century retooling of an iconic Kiwi brand, Steinlager Pure is made wh all-natural, all-local
ingredients. Smoother and softer than s classic Green brother, Pure is a soft, dry lager whi has
ily carved out s own nie. omI s8.
Sol (Mexico) .
A major competor to the more-famous Corona, Sol ares the optional garniof a wedge of crus
in the ne, though the orins of that are hotly diuted (ranng froma bartenders wager to a ma
for faults or a deterrent for ies). Whatever s source, s not done at home in Mexico (outside of
bars paed wh Americans). There, if youre modifying your Sol, you make a Mielada by mixing
wh tomato juice, fre lime and hot sauce and drinking from a salt-rimmed glass. omI s8.
Tiger (Singapore)
Tiger is a massively popular lager, designed to have a mild aroma, clean ni, relatively high level of
sweetness and a jutrace of hop bterness. This prole makes a aable beer inany environment.
(Also available on tap, produced locally under licence see page 2) omI s8.
Tuatara Helles (WeIIington, New ZeaIand)
The second lager from Tuatara is Helles, brewed according to a tradional German yle famed for
s drinkabily and balance. Light gold in colour, Helles has a tou of noble hop aroma while in the
glass there is a decent bur of early malt sweetness balanced by a late, cri ni. omI s8
Strictly speaking, a Pilsner (sometimes Pilsener, or simply Pils) should be an all-malt brew with
a pronounced, owery hop aroma and dryness. Classically, it would use Czech Saaz hops. The rst
and some would argue greatest pilsner is Pilsner Urquell. The term is now widely used and misused
(often standing-in for premiumlager). Pilsners made with NewZealand hops tend to be juicer and
fruitier than European examples because of the diering characteristics of local varieties.
See also on tap: Tuatara PiIsner (page 2).
Bitburger Pils (Germany) .8
Deservedly one of the be selling pilsners in Germany, Bburger Pils has a dry, hoppy nose, a rm
middle and lingering bterness. Mu of s aly comes from the uncommonly long maturation
period: a whole three years some mainream lagers dont even get three days. omI s
Croucher Pilsner (Rotorua & AuckIand, New ZeaIand)
A local take on the Bohemian pilsner, this beer uses New Zealand Motueka and Riwaka hops for a
New World twi on a classic yle. A small portion of wheat malt is used to help develop a generous
head above a cri, clean and refreing lager. Particularly luscious, the label rightly says. oomI s
Emersons Pilsner (Dunedin, New ZeaIand) .
Setting the andard for New World pilsners, this is a deliciously impressive beer whi has inired
several other local brews. It pours a arkling gold and throws a healthy crus nose. In the glass,
owcases a robu body buring wh lu fru (including orange and sometimes passionfru)
before a long dry ni wh whe-wine criness. oomI sz.
Invercargill Wasp (InvercargiII, New ZeaIand) .z
This small craft brewery in Invercarll supplied the beer for the world premiere of the Worlds
Fae Indian. The beer apparently disappeared rather ily too. Once a krial weizen (ltered
German wheat beer) then a golden ale, Wa has now been re-(re)-invented as a honey pilsner. It is a
cri, refreing lager wh a hint of honey adding sweetness and ice to the body. omI s
Little Creatures Pilsner (FremantIe, AustraIia) .6
Their only regularly-produced lager, Ltle Creatures pilsner uses a unie mix of the old and the
new, combining tradional Cze Saaz hops wh NZ Pacica and Tasmanian Hallertau. The result
is an uncomplicated, relaxing and reoring beer, ped at relatively-sessionable rength. omI s
[ 8 ]
Pilsner Urquell (Czech RepubIic) .
The r pilsner from Pilsen, the town where all arted. Its no exaggeration to this beer anged
the World when ki-arted the dominance of golden lager whi continues to this day. Urell
(pronounced urk-well and e-rightly meaning from the source) remains a yardi by whi
other pilsners and lagers are measured and many are found wanting. It recently celebrated s
169th birthday, and remains in ne form. We ould all be so luy. omI s
Three Boys Pils (Christchurch, New ZeaIand) .
If you have ever wondered what a perfely balanced lager taes like, try this true Czeyle pilsner
made whout any crazy ingredients. Its ju a complex blend of local malt and four varieties of hops
to produce a simply great beer. oomI s
Amber & Vienna Lagers
While comparatively rare in modern brewing, this beer style originally evolved in Vienna, Austria and
was hugely popular. The beers are amber-red (or only medium-dark) with sweet caramel notes from
the use of speciality malts.
Founders Redhead (NeIson, New ZeaIand) .z
Anuncommonamber lager wha rm, fruy tae followed by a zingy hop ni. All of the Founders
beers are organic and suable for vegans plus the brewery takes ecial care in minimising s impa
on the environment. oomI sz
Monteiths Celtic (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) .
This beer is designed by the brewers at Montehs to tae like one of the ri red, malty Iri ales
so popular in the Emerald Isle. They have produced a smooth, creamy beer whi marries a smoky
ocolate body wh a rm hop ni. This delicate balance is the Celtics highlight. omI s8
BIack Lagers
Many people mistakenly think that all dark beers must be ale styles such as porters and stouts (see
page 13). This is simply not true; there are golden ales (page 11) and there are dark lagers. It is the
colour of the malt used which determines the colour of the beer. Dark lagers are bottom-fermented
beers, brewed colder and longer than ales, which use roasted and even burnt malt. They tend to be
lighter in mouthfeel than ales but still with a depth of colour and taste.
Founders Long Black (NeIson, New ZeaIand) .z
The nose onthis swarzbier (dark lager) is a eacular smorgaordof malt, nuts, ocolate, coee,
honey and maple syrup. In the glass you will nd toues of coee, smoke and ocolate. oomI sz
Horu Munchen Dunkel (Munich, Germany) .
Although massive by NewZealand andards, Horu is aually the smalleof the big six Muni
breweries who provide beer for Oktoberfe. Their dunkel is a dark red-brown beer wh a robu
malt and caramel nose, well-rounded body and a rm bterness at the end. omI s.
Moa Noir (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) .
Moa Noir is the dark bird of the family. Its dark toee pallor makes the whizzing bubbles harder to
see but you can ill feel them on your tongue. The Moa Noir abounds wh roa coee, ocolate,
cocoa, honey and toee notes before a bter ocolate end. ;mI s / ;omI sz
Monteiths Black (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) .z
This dark lager is e fully-avoured and tay wh ocolate, biscu, malt and coee notes. In a
departure from the ereotype for bla beers, however, s not a heavy brew and is ill e easy to
drink. Let warm up a b to release the full range of avours. omI s8
[ 9 ]
Ales are brewed with a top-fermenting yeast at warmer temperatures than lagers. In the years before
refrigeration, all beers were ales. The yeasts used to brewale tend to impart a distinctive fruitiness to
the nal product. Ales can vary considerably in colour, taste and strength a myriad of styles exist,
so this rst collectionis a relatively-disparate grouping of those that dont t (or dont t comfortably,
at least) under any of the later sub-sections.
See also on tap: Emersons Bookbinder (page 3).
Boddingtons Pub Ale (EngIand & WaIes) .;
This beer simply does not travel any further than here. The Boddingtons webse singles out New
Zealand as ocially the mo diant place from the brewery that this Engli bter travels in s big
colourful cans. Boddingtons pours golden wh the signature thi, uy head. It is lightly hopped
on the nose and s subdued caramel avour prole aims for drinkabily. omI (Widgeted can) so
Coopers Original Pale Ale (AdeIaide, AustraIia) .
Dee the urbanlegend, the natural yealeft inthe range of Coopers beers does not containenough
vamins to prevent hangovers. However, this fantaic pale ale pas only a moderate alcohol pun
but is buring wh avour. It combines notes of orange, apple, vanilla and hop bterness to produce
a thoroughly ening ale. ;mI s8. / ;omI s6
Founders Generation Ale (NeIson, New ZeaIand) .z
This nut-brown beer is the favoure of fth-generation Nelson brewer, John Duncan. Eecially
considering s easy-going rength, s a wonderfully ewy, roaed toaed brew wh a hint of
fru and ocolate. Complex and intereing ju like our bar a. oomI sz
Fullers 1845 (London, EngIand) 6.
Fir brewed in 1995 to celebrate their 150
anniversary, 1845 is a bottle-condioned rong Engli
ale. The aroma is reminiscent of the be sort of fru cake while the beer is a beguiling mix of ice,
marmalade and nutmeg topped o by a dry, fruy ni. A diinively Engli ale whi has won
numerous accolades and fans. oomI s
Fullers E.S.B. (London, EngIand) .
Fullers Extra Special Bter is a robu beer wh a deft balance of ri malts again a healthy mix of
classic Engli hop varieties. Its slightly nutty aroma is followed by an authorative body enlivened
by marmaladey fru and ice toues. Dangerously drinkable wh s soft bter ni. oomI s
Fullers London Pride (London, EngIand) .;
A classic example of an Engli session beer, London Pride combines a hoppy nose, a sweet, oaky
body and a rounded nito produce a beer whiis undeniably morei. The beselling premium
ale in the hugely competive Bri market. omI s
Kilkenny (DubIin, IreIand) .
In contra to the p bla bterness of s sibling Guinness (page 14), Kilkenny is a creamy red ale
wh a more mellowapproa. It does are Guinness thihead but has a soft sweet aroma and this
ne beer is malt dominated wh a ju a late ki of hops near the end. omI (Widgeted can) so
Little Creatures Rogers (FremantIe, AustraIia) .8
A ruby-red session ale, Rogers whiwas named after more than one Roger, hence the otherwise-
myerious la of an aporophe is a kind of Auralian cousin to New Zealands mu-loved
Bookbinder (page 3). Silky smooth, wh nutty-caramel malt and light fruy hops. omI s
Marstons Pedigree (Burton-on-Trent, EngIand)
Brewed in a tradional Burton Union whi is a syem of oak cas ped together Pedigree
is a gloriously old-sool Engli ale, full of the mineral notes that once diinguied the countrys
mo-acclaimed ales. Sedate but extremely rewarding, s layers of araer introduce themselves in
a civilised progression, rather than impolely elbowing ea other out of the way. oomI sz
[ 10 ]
Mikes Organic Ale (Taranaki, New ZeaIand)
Fromone of the smallecommercial breweries inNewZealand, Mikes Organic Ale is the 21
incarnation of the iconic Mikes Mild. Pouring an appetising dark brown, this nutty mild ale has
toues of coee, ocolate and raisin before a cleansing dry ni. omI s
Moa Five Hop Winter Ale (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) 6.z
This was the r ale produced by the Moa Brewery and truly is an innovative in on the winter
ale genre. Describing self as a NewWorld Extra Special Bter, this balanced beer owcases toee,
caramel and orange notes baed by a rm body. This is a serious beer. ;mI s
Renaissance Perfection Pale Ale (BIenheim, New ZeaIand)
One of the founding beers from this decorated Blenheim craft brewery, Perfeion has a full body,
rong avours and is baed up by plenty of hops. The nose is puny and slightly icy, while the
beer self is creamy wh notes of biscu and toee. oomI s
Scotts Gluten Free Pale Ale (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) .
This new We Auland brewery ecialises in making gluten-free beers (brewing New Zealands
r) and in 2009 won the preious Morton Coutts award for brewing innovation. Founder Phill
Scott is gluten-intolerant but was determined to continue to enjoy beers even if meant brewing
them himself. Their Pale balances honey sweetness, tart crus and gentle bterness. omI s.
Tetleys (Leeds, EngIand) .6
From the hioric brewery in Leeds, Tetleys is an amber bter whi always pours wh a diinive
foamy head designed to la all the way down the glass. The famous widget (see page 14) provides
the gas to create this trademark pour. Tetleys beer self has some mild toay maltiness and roa
caramel in the middle while the ni is moderately bter. omI (Widgeted can) so
Timothy Taylor Landlord (Somewhere, EngIand) .
From the moors of We Yorkire, Landlord is a hazy orange ale wh a solid nose of earthy, oral
and fruy Englihops. The body is full, dee the beers sessionable weight, and almobisculike
wh plenty of toee and caramel avours, cleaned out by a arp, bter end. oomI sz.
Yeastie Boys Hud-a-wa Strong Ale (InvercargiII, New ZeaIand) 6.8
Named in honour of a Yeaie Boy anceor who earned his niname after he personally ored
up a collapsing mine wall to ve his workmates time to escape, Hud-a-wa pronounced, says our
moly-Scottiboss, as Hud-a-war, not Hud-a-wah is appropriately big and araerful. Ahearty
malt-biscuy base brings plenty of rounded fru avours, piled high wh zingy hops. omI s
GoIden AIes
While there have long been golden ales (in the adjective-noun sense, and particularly in Belgium),
GoldenAle (inthe capital letters sense) is a relatively recent phenomenonarising fromBritish brewers
eorts to compete with the ood of Continental lager they rst found themselves facing a fewdecades
ago. Often (half-)jokingly dubbed Thinking Mans Lager, they ll that refreshment rst niche but
are capable of deeper, rounder avours.
Coopers Sparkling Ale (AdeIaide, South AustraIia) .8
This beer was r made in the 1850s by Thomas Cooper, massively pre-dating more modern beers
that took over a century to return to this sort of yle. His Sparkling Ale, apparently derived from
an old family rece intended to cure illness, is a cloudy golden beer wh a full nose of apples and
bananas and a robu body ased by a ening dry ni. ;mI s8. / ;omI s6
Little Creatures Bright Ale (FremantIe, Western AustraIia) .
Altle brother to their famous Pale Ale, this beer is a well-namedindeed; s botha gorgeous inng
gold in the glass, and s also bright, in the brewers sense ltered, unlike s slightly-sedimented
pale ale sibling. Its easy-going, sessionable, and gently delicious genius indeed. omI s
[ 11 ]
Three Boys Golden Ale (Christchurch, New ZeaIand) .
An annual release from the rather h Dr. Ralph Bungard at Three Boys, this Golden Ale is simply
outanding. Brewed in the modern yle of an aromatic, golden, ening ale, burs wh zey
fru notes before a cleansing ni. It is a single malt brew, and extras surprising amounts of
avour from a simple bill of ingredients. Put simply, summer in a glass. oomI s
India PaIe AIes
This beer style, often abbreviated to IPA, wasnt contrary to the usual story actually developed
to help beers withstand the long hot sea journey to India in the days of the British Empire. The truth
is closer to evolution than it is to design; English brewers exported whatever they could, but it was
the relatively-new strong hoppy ales that fared best and thereby gained their name. Depending on
the hop varieties used and their intensity, the line between IPA and APA is often (enjoyably) blurred.
See also on tap: Tuatara IPA (page 3) and Three Boys IPA (page 3). And for a change of pace, see
Yeastie Boys Pot KettIe BIack (page 14), a style-bending and trend-setting Black IPA.
8 Wired HopWired IPA (BIenheim & AuckIand, New ZeaIand) ;.
Though not their r release, this was the beer that propelled 8 Wired to local fame. Inired by
insanely-avourful U.S. pale ales, Hopwired is a celebration of what NewZealand hops can do, made
wh only locally-developed varieties su as Nelson Sauvin, Motueka and Pacic Jade. It boas a
deliciously multi-faceted fru-salad aroma and an impressively full, fre tae. oomI s
8 Wired Tall Poppy (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) ;
An India Red Ale that gets s darker hue fromthe increased levels of caramelly malt in the mix, Tall
Poppy is huge but deftly balanced. Verable boatloads of American hop rains provide an intense
colleion of fru avours whi are framed and supported perfely by a solid and complex malt
body. oomI s
Emersons 1812 (Dunedin, New ZeaIand)
This was the r New Zealand craft beer to oot to international prominence when was named
as one of the worlds top 500 beers. The full, rounded, juicy malt body has orange, caramel and nut
avours. The 1812 has a rong ni and is overall a marvellous beverage. oomI sz.
Epic Armageddon (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) 6.66
At s debut years ago here at the Malthouse, as part of our now-annual We Coa IPA Challenge,
Armageddon was truly a zymurcal big bang, wh notes of grapefru, passionfru and lyees
ased by a resinous, intense bter ni. More-intense beers have followed fromEpic themselves
and many others but this remains a rm favoure for many. oomI s
Epic Barrel Aged IPA (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) ;.z
Epics Luke Niolas has been at the leading edge of a good number developments and trends in the
local scene, andthe barrel-ageing of beer is a great example. Time inoakbarrels mellows Armageddon
a ltle, easing the hops more aggressive notes, and letting their fruiness really ine. oomI s6.
Moa Pale Ale (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) .
A hybrid that draws eally from both the old and new sools, Moas pale ale is bottle condioned
and generously dosed wh Cascade and New Zealands own Nelson Sauvin hops. Its been brought
down to earth from the 7.2% moner was at laun, but the fullness and length of ni have
denely been retained. mI sz
Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA (Chico, CaIifornia, U.S.A.) ;.z
The name of this beer was inired by an innovative device called the hop torpedo, developed at the
Sierra Nevada brewery to improve the intensy of dry hopping. Whole cones of Magnum, Cryal and
Cra hops help create an intense, wholly hoptaic beer. Pouring a reddi-gold, Torpedo owcases
pine, crus, grapefru and herbal notes. mI s
zymurgy (zmrj) n the branch of chemistry that deals with fermentation processes, as in brewing.
[ 12 ]
American PaIe AIes
American beers are often maligned, on the grounds that 80% of them are awful. Which is unfair
because, for starters, its true of the beer from everywhere. American craft brewers are probably the
most innovative and creative in the world, to be credited with reviving a number of historic styles
and pioneering a few new ones. American Pale Ale is based around high to insane levels of hopping
over a solid malt base. Bitterness can range from lightly oral to pungent.
See also on tap: Epic PaIe AIe (page 3) and Tuatara APA (page 3).
Croucher Pale Ale (Rotorua & AuckIand, New ZeaIand)
Former universy leurer Paul Crouer has created a burnied golden ale whithrows a puny
nose of hops and tropical fru. It has a full, biscuy body wh pronounced orange and caramel notes.
The beer nies rongly wh a lingering dry niwhileaves you immediately ready for the next
tae. Like a fewlocal craft legends, s nowalso brewed at Steamto keep up wh demand. omI s
Little Creatures Pale Ale (FremantIe, AustraIia) .z
The Ltle Creatures brewery is located ina former crocodile farminFremantle, WA. The use of whole
American hop owers takes this beer to new levels of aroma, avour and bterness. Pouring slightly
cloudy because of the ltle creatures (i.e., yea) left in the bottle, this is a seriously tay drop wh
laings of hop, pine, crus, grapefru and lyee notes before a rousing bter ni. omI s
Matilda Bay Fat Yak (MeIbourne, AustraIia) .;
Arelatively-recent arrival to NewZealand, Fat Yak is a produof the experimental and crafty armof
Auralian ant Carlton Uned Brewers, Matilda Bay. Brewed in the APA tradion, but wh a mild
and accessible p, s an excellent gateway pale. mI s
Renaissance Discovery Pale Ale (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) .
Orinally created as a ecial release, Discovery proved so popular has joined the excellent range
from Renaissance Brewing in Blenheim. The be American Pale Ales tend to owcase big, bold
hops. This is certainly the case wh Discovery whi uses Willamette and Cascade hops to produce
a full-bodied dark golden ale wh a lingering resinous ni. oomI s
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (Chico, CaIifornia, U.S.A.) .6
This is the denive American Pale Ale, whi arted a trend that has endured three decades (so
far) and launed a thousand imators. Relatively easy-going by modern andards, boas that
signature crussy hop araer in a relaxed and self-assured way, whout aggression. mI s.
Porters & Stouts
Named after the manual labourers who rst took a shine to them, Porters are dark, top-fermented
beers made with highly roasted malts. They tend to be smooth and chocolatey. While Porter once
dominated the English-speaking worlds beer consciousness, in much the same way golden lager does
today, it virtually died out during the middle of the 20
century. British and American craft and
home brewers bought it back to life. Stouts are even darker and can vary from sweet to dry they
tend to be drier than Porters though the line between the two styles is constantly blurred.
See also on tap: Tuatara Porter (page 3).
8 Wired The Big Smoke (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) 6.z
Taking a healthy dose of smoked malt from Bamberg, Germany where the centuries-old tradion
of smoked beer has never died out 8 Wired found a unie capping one for their luxurious porter.
The smoke is in no way overpowering; imane inead drinking one of the be dark beers of your
life while out camping, or wh a summer-evening bea bonre in the diance. oomI s
BrewDog Paradox: Isle of Arran (Fraserburgh, ScotIand) o
An ingenius union of two wonderful Scotti things, the Paradox series sees BrewDogs onking-
great-big imperial out aged in barrels from various single malt whiy diilleries. Arran is, ju
like BrewDog, a young and award-winning operation and their barrels lend a riking cinnamon and
nger iciness to the out. omI szo
[ 13 ]
Coopers Best Extra Stout (AdeIaide, AustraIia) 6.
A conveniently unveriable legend contends that this beer is recommended by blood banks in s
native Auralia because of s high iron content. However, what we can verify is that the Be Extra
Stout throws a dry, roay and earthy nose wh hints of iced coee, toa and cream. It is a dry, dark
and delicious brew. ;mI so
Emersons London Porter (Dunedin, New ZeaIand)
A wonderful example of this classic yle, Emersons London Porter is deep brown ale wh hints of
red again the light. It is full, slightly creamy wh a delicate balance of ocolate, coee and earthy
hops. Ltle wonder that porter was once the worlds mo drunk beer yle. oomI sz.
Emersons Southern Clam Stout (Dunedin, New ZeaIand) 6
Seemingly a very rare case of Emersons following a trend, rather than leading, this beer sees them
taking iniration from Three Boys legendary Oyer Stout. Its ri and full, wh an aroma and
avour buring wh coee and a salt-air-like accompaniment from the clams whi tops things o
like ro salt on expensive ocolates. oomI s;
Guinness Extra Stout (DubIin, IreIand) .z
Its unlikely there is anyone who is unaware of the almomyical aura of Guinness even if they have
never had a drop of the Bla Gold. Producing a nose of bter roaed malt, Guinness is creamy and
satisfying wh an aringent ni. omI (Widgeted can) so
Moa Imperial Stout (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) o.z
A real and-out among Moas recent addions to their range, this properly-Imperial out is a big
and imposing, multi-faceted creature. It has the bterness and burnt coee-ocolate notes youd
expe from a out of s magnude, but the beer is uniely aged in oak Pinot Noir wine barrels
whi add intereing and surprisingly complementary tart avours to ll in the edges. ;mI s
Renaissance Elemental Porter (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) 6
One of Renaissances foundation range, Elemental is a delightfully robu and complex Engli-yle
porter. It pours near to jet bla wh a roy, eresso head. Que full in the mouth, this silky beer
exhibs notes of dark ocolate, toa, nuts, one fru and vanilla along wh a whi of smoke and
hint of whiy. A dry ni rounds out this ne sping Porter. oomI s
Three Boys Porter (Christchurch, New ZeaIand) .z
Like all the beers inThree Boys mainrange, this ne example of a porter is not lteredor paeurised.
When poured, throws a nose of coee, ocolate and blacurrant. Its light in the mouth and has
milk ocolate and coee notes before a gently aringent ni. oomI s
Yeastie Boys Pot Kettle Black (InvercargiII, New ZeaIand) 6
The breakout single for Yeaie Boys was PKB, an over-hopped porter, or seemingly-contradiory
Bla IPA. These have emerged as a trend in craft brewing, and PKB was at the forefront, winning
awards and winning over leons of fans. It eventually became their r regularly-produced brew
(and is annually remixed in various ways, inkeeping wh their experimental yle). It remains a
delicious union of avour sensations, eternally surprising even now s an old friend. omI s
Widget is a generic term for a manufactured product of some kind; an anything. In the beer context, it refers to
an ingenius device developed by the bons at Guinness starting in the late sixties and reaching its present form in 1997
a small plastic ball that helps control the pressurised Nitrogen in the can, producing the distinctive head. Successfully
making a bottled or canned beer mimic its proper kegged self was a highly sought-after trick, so they used a meaningless
name to keep their trials secret, and it stuck. The current version is ocially called a Smoothier but really only by the
lawyers and admen at Guinness.
The label text mentions a legend of how porter was once so popular that people drowned when a brewerys vats
burst, ooding the streets. Almost uniquely among such stories in the history of beer, however, this ones largely true: on
17 October 1814, at Henry Meuxs Horse Shoe Brewery in London, a storage tank containing more than 500 tonnes of beer
ruptured, subsequently damaging nearby buildings and tragically killing eight people. Later retellings of the story often
added nonsense and non-historical details like eyewitnesses told of besotted mobs inging themselves into gutters full of
beer, hampering rescue eorts and many were killed suocated in the crush of hundreds trying to get a free beer, but
the core of the story, the Beer Flood, actually happened.
[ 14 ]
Youngs Double Chocolate Stout (Bedford, EngIand) .z
Who doesnt dream the impossible dream of combining beer and ocolate? Youngs have gone one
better and successfully used real dark ocolate to brew this indulgent oddy. It has a surprisingly
cri ni and reminds many of a frothy ocolate milkake. oomI s
Scotch AIes
The termScotch Ale is used to identify dark, strong and malt-accented beers along the lines of those
traditionally produced in Bonnie Scotland. Given the climate, Scottish beers understandably tend
to be warming rather than quenching. Scotch Ales are traditionally lightly hopped some writers,
mainly of the English persuasion, have suggested that this is because Scottish brewers baulked at
paying for English hops.
See also: Mc Choue, a Scotch-Ale-inspired Belgian beer (page 18).
Renaissance Stonecutter (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) ;
Made from an amazing gri of nine dierent malts, Renaissances Scot ale is a ri and very dark
beer looking almo like a more-familiar bla ale, but wh none of the usual bterness. The
body is full and relendent wh hints of onefru, molasses, Chrimas cake, toee, ocolate and
liorice wh ju a hint of peat smoke. Overall, a sumptuous beer. oomI s
BarIey Wines
As the name begins to suggest, Barley Wines are ales with a full malt character and considerable
strength usually more than 8%, classically closer to 11%, and sometimes ever further North. They
often have intense aromas and thick, almost syrupy bodies, making them the dessert wines of the
beer world and particularly well-suited for pairing with a ne cigar (for which, see page 26).
See also: Thomas Hardys AIe, a vintage-dated barley wine (page 16).
BrewDog / Mikkeller Devine Rebel (Fraserburgh, ScotIand) z.
Scotti independents BrewDog and Dani freelance brewer Mikkeller (Mikkel Borg Bjergs) have
eally well-deservedreputations for puing boundaries andcreating singularly impressive beers. In
this collaboration, theyve made a huge, sweet and enormously complex barley wine. Rebel is single-
hopped and partially aged in whiy barrels, and is propelled to s high rength by ampagne yea.
Truly worth sping and savouring. omI szo
Hallertau Barley Wine 2010 (Riverhead (outside AuckIand), New ZeaIand) .
From his idyllic brewbar and reaurant only a suprisingly-ort drive Northwe of Auland, Steve
Plowman creates an impressive array of beers. Always a fan of the big end of brewing though he
hardly negles the easy andsessionable seems right that he wouldexperiment wha barley wine.
True to form, s big in all direions; fat malt met wh iy hops, propelled along by signicant
booze. Its ageing gracefully and eminiently are-able in this huge bottle. ;omI so
Samuel Adams Utopias 2009 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.) z;
At 27%, Samuel Adams Utopias is certainly not for the faint-hearted at s laun, was the
ronge commerically-produced beer in the world. Made wh four hops, two types of malt and
several yea rains (including a variety found in ampagne), the nal produ is a ri copper beer
wh hints of caramel, vanilla, oak and higher alcohols. Enjoy this diinguied beer that arrives in
a unning bottle as a digeif or for a ecial occasion. omI sz / ;omI s6oo
A recent rush of challenges for that title has catapulted the current strongest into the fty percent bracket. Utopias
was originally 24% (in 2004) and crept up to 27% by 2007. Germanys Schorschbru made a 31% eisbock Schorschbock in
2009, which was then trumped by BrewDogs 32% stout Tactical Nuclear Penguin, igniting a rivalry. Schorschbock grew
to 40%but was soon topped by BrewDogs 41%pale ale Sink the Bismark in early 2010, only to have Schorschbru respond
with a 43% version. BrewDog then announced their exit from the competition in July 2010 with a denitive release called
The End of History, a tripel at a whopping 55%. Determined to have the last word, the Germans released a 57% Finis
Coronat Opus in late 2011.
[ 15 ]
Twisted Hop Red Zone Enigma (Christchurch, New ZeaIand) o.
A batof Enigma barley wine sting in the condioning tanks at Chriurs legendary Twied
Hop when the devaing earthake ru on 22 February 2011. Firmly whin the cordoned-o
Red Zone of the CBD, sat patiently until was nally able to be retrieved, unscathed, in early
Augu. Barley wines wouldnt ordinarily have su a long condioning time, but this has matured
marvellously; s lu and port-like wh aoniing layers of fruy complexy built on a warm,
smooth and boozy malt foundation. The Twied Hop have recently announced plans to relocate
and rebuild, and this surprising survivor makes for the perfe toa to recovery. omI sz
Vintaged AIes
While the vast majority of beers are best drunk fresh (in the shadow of the brewery is considered
ideal), a select few can cellar and improve like ne wine. These beers tend to be stronger and have
yeast left in the bottle. Some beers can age well for up to 35 years though up to 10 years is more
common. Cellaring a beer will see it change, sometimes dramatically, in avour.
See also Chimay Grand Rserve, a vintage-dated Belgian ale (page 18).
Coopers Vintage Ale 2010 (AdeIaide, AustraIia) ;.
This is one of those rare beers designed to be ored and to age gracefully like a ne wine, and having
been sirreled-away for a few years, our o has reaed s optimum drinking age. It pours a
mahogany brown wh a full head and throws a bready, malty, sweet nose. In the glass is full, ri,
sweet and, surprisingly, a few fruy notes peek through. ;mI sz.
Epic / Thornbridge Stout 2010 (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) 6.8
For NewZealands rinternational collaborationbrew, Luke teamed up wh ex-pat Kiwi Kelly Ryan
of Derbyires acclaimedThornbridge Brewery a team-up so successful that Kelly soonjoinedEpic
full-time. They created a rong, full-bodied out wh a smooth ocolatey body is ven icy notes
and a dry ni by higher than usual levels of hops. It was labelled wh a view to ageing, and their
foresight has proven eacularly prescient. oomI s6
Epic / Thornbridge Stout 2010 Barrel aged in oak (AuckIand, New ZeaIand) 6.8
A portion of the above collaboration was set aside for several months in oak barrels, whi threw in
addional icy avours, allowed the out to mellowa ltle, and added newlevels of complexy that
highlight the well-balanced contras in the beer. It continues to age gracefully in these few bottles
we have left. oomI s6
Fullers Vintage Ale 2005 (London, EngIand) 8.
This version of the vintage ale has icy and peppery notes on the nose followed by a hint of toee
and vanilla. Incredibly well rounded and balanced, the malt avours are softened by the icy, crus
notes from the Fuggles hops. oomI szo
Fullers Vintage Ale 2006 (London, EngIand) 8.
This full-bodied vintage is brewed wh Fuggles and Super Styrian hops that create a tapery of ri,
icy avours. Orange, crus and frucake notes are all present, and are complemented well wh
the biscuy, creamy malt avours leaving a soft and warming ni. oomI s8
OHanlons Thomas Hardys Ale (Devon, EngIand) .;
The beer enthusias eivalent of rare cognac. Bottle-condioned to mature like ne wine, this will
improve wh age for at lea26 years (and ill counting). We cant e mat that vintage (and the
associated price tag) but we can oer a seleed range. Still e young, the Thomas Hardy beers are
already huge, rong and assertive. These arent for faint of palate. Commonly recorded aromas and
avours include plum, raisins, caramel, vanilla, oak, smoked wood, honey and gs. Aunie drinking
experience, well worth aring wh friends. zomI: zoo so / zoo: sz / zoo6: s6 / zoo;: so /
zoo8: sz6 / zoo: szz
[ 16 ]
Wheat Beers
Wheat beer is the catch-all term for brews which include a substantial proportion of wheat in
addition to the usual barley. Because of their distinctive avour prole and low levels of bitterness,
wheat beers often appeal to those who dont usually consider themselves beer drinkers. The best
known styles are the German Weissbier (traditionally with initially-suprising banana, bubblegum
and clove characteristics) and the Belgian Witbier (brewed with orange and coriander). While most
wheat beers are light in colour and slightly hazy, ltered and/or dark varieties are also produced.
See also on tap: Tuatara Hefe (page 3) and Erdinger (page 3).
Hoegaarden Wit (BeIgium) .
Belanwheat beers are a hugely popular yle thanks inno small part to HoegaardenWhe. The beer
has a creamy tartness as well as added coriander and Curaao orange peel for avour. Hoegaarden is
a fruy, icy beer whi is amazingly refreing and reliable. omI s
Horu Hefe Weizen (Munich, Germany) .
This cloudy wheat beer is hugely popular at the Horuhaus in Muni, probably the mo famous
pub in the world certainly the mo photographed. This weisse (wheat beer) is dominated by the
tradional aromas and avours of banana, bubblegum and clove. It has a very refreing tart ni
inead of the hop bterness common in other yles. oomI sz.
Horu Schwarze Weisse (Munich, Germany) .
Horu is not only one of only six Muni breweries allowed to sell beer at Oktoberfe, they also
have their own tent at the worlds bigge fair. The Horu tent can hold 10,000 revellers at a time
and even has balconies thirteen balconies. It is not your average tent. Their swarze (bla) wheat
beer has ice and caramel on the nose while the body has diin banana notes. It is a light, easy
drinking dunkelweizen (dark wheat beer). oomI s
Moa Blanc (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) .
Blanc is another intereing oering from Jo Scott and the innovative Moa brewery in Blenheim.
This pale yellow beer ows o the reams of tiny yet rong bubbles to perfeion is overall fruy,
icy and very eervescent. ;mI s / ;omI sz
Moa Blanc Evolution (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) 6.z
A recent addion to their range, and a rare local example of a Belan-yle Wbier (the other being
perennial Malthouse favoure, Three Boys Wheat), Moas Blanc Evolution is dosed wh coriander,
as per tradion, and ows o eery fru avours wh a icy / phenolic counterpoint. ;mI s.
Schneider Tap 6: Unser Aventinus Weizen Bock (KeIheim, Germany) 8.z
This is a beer wh a big name and deservedly big reputation. The beer is icy wh hints of banana,
cloves, caramel, gs and raisins before a smoothly rounded tart ni. The arp bubbles provide a
ening acidy in what is e a remarkable brew. oomI s6.
Schneider Tap 7: Unser Original (KeIheim, Germany) .
The copper coloured Sneider Weisse has a thiheavy head and throws an aroma of banana, clove
andnutmeg. The body is creamy wharaeriic hints of banana andclove before a l-smaingly
tart ni. oomI s
Scherhofer Hefeweizen (Frankfurt, Germany)
Fromone of the worlds bewheat beer brewers, Serhofer Hefe is the epome of classic German
hefeweizen (cloudy wheat beer). It pours naturally cloudy wh a rong head. The expeed avours
are there wh plenty of fru (bananas), ice (cloves), bubblegumand boiled candy. The niis tart
rather than bter. oomI s
Scherhofer Kristallweizen (Frankfurt, Germany)
A ltered version of the classic Serhofer Hefe. While might not appeal to wheat beer puris,
ltering out the yeaproduces a light, crier and, some would argue, more ening beer. Krial
comes from the ortened German version of cryal clear. oomI s
[ 17 ]
Three Boys Wheat (Christchurch, New ZeaIand)
This is an intereing twi on the popular Belan yle wheat beer. Inead of the usual orange peel
they use lemon ze even though zeing buets of lemons is their lea favoure part of brewing.
The result is a refreing nose of crus and coriander culminating in a creamy, icy beer wh a sour
crus snap and a long icy ni. oomI s
BeIgian AIes
The category of Belgian Ales covers a wide spectrum of beer styles which originated in Belgium, a
place sometimes described as a paradise of beer or a country invented by the English to annoy the
French Belgium has developed a number of unique and interesting styles including Trappist ales,
Belgian Amber Ales, Belgian Golden Ales, Flemish Reds, Lambics and Oud Bruin. Their beers are
often distinguished, in part, by the use of particularly funky yeast strains.
See also Kriek Boon and Timmermans Framboise, Kriek, and Strawberry; Belgian Lambic beers
led in the Fruit Beer section (page 20).
Chimay Blanche (White) / Cinq Cents (BeIgium Authentic Trappist) 8
Like all Trappi beers, the Chimay Whe is not paeurised and is refermented in the bottle. This
helps age and over time will be become drier. The Whe is a lighter beer wh a dry, yeay, hoppy
nose. It is fruy (oranges and juner) and icy wh a dry, peppery ni. omI s / ;omI so
Chimay Bleue (Blue) / Grand Rserve (BeIgium Authentic Trappist)
This is one of the mo famous beers in the world. It is a ri dark beer wh an aromatic and lively
nose of yea, owers, honey, malt and ices. In the mouth there is fru (redcurrant) and ices
(thyme, pepper, nutmeg) dancing along the lively bubbles. This beer becomes more like a port as
ages and a seleion of vintages are usually available. omI s / ;omI sz-s6o / .I (Magnum) s8
Chimay Rouge (Red) / Premire (BeIgium Authentic Trappist) ;
Brewed by Trappi monks, the Chimay beers enjoy a deserved reputation for outanding aly.
The avours here are a artling mix of silky sweetness, raisins, currants and ice before a luxurious
ni. As a sign near a Belan monaery as: The good Lord has anged water into wine, so how
can drinking beer be a sin? omI s / ;omI sz8
La Choue (BeIgium) 8
A irky yet delicious Belan rong ale created by a pair of Belan brothers-in-law. The beer is
named after the misievous gnomes who allegedly inhab the Ardennes reon. This rong, icy
ale has a tou of coriander and perfely owcases the tradional uy Belan head. omI sz.
Mc Choue (BeIgium) 8
Belan beer culture has a rong Scotti inuence thanks to the large number of Scotti soldiers
ationed there during the Fir World War. The Belans enjoyed the dark, malty brews favoured by
the Scots and nowmake a number of their own beers in a similar yle. Mc Choue is an earthy drop
wh notes of ice, caramel, fru, wood and smoke. omI sz.
Duvel (BeIgium) 8.
After taing the r experimental bat, someone in the brewery remarked that was a devil of a
beer hence the Flemi corruption, Duvel. Enormously complex to make, pours wh a massive
head and throws a rong nose. It has avours of orange ze, pear brandy and green apples before a
long dry ni. omI s / ;omI sz / I (}ereboam) s8o / 6I (MethuseIah) so
Emersons J.P. 2011 (Dunedin, New ZeaIand)
The J.P. beers are an annually-produced tribute to the late Prof. Jean-Pierre Dufour, who was Dean
of Food Sciences at Otago and a who did mu to introduce the joys of the beers of his homeland
to the local brewing scene. The 2011 edion is a fairly-tradional Belan-yle trel, although one
brewed wh more-assertive New Zealand hops. It hs all the right icy, fruy (apple and banana)
notes, and the brewers are particularly-proud of s smooth Caramello malt body. oomI s
Which is simply pronounced Doo-vul. Anyone caught trying to showo by poshing it up and pronouncing it in an
aected accent as Doo-vahl or Doo-velle may incur a surcharge, which will be added to the Sta Party fund.
[ 18 ]
Hoegaarden Forbidden Fruit (BeIgium) 8.
Forbidden Fru has at times been denied entry into Southern ates of America due to the allegedly
racy piure on the label. It is a riand complicated Belan ale wh a fruy body of erries, plums
and raisins before a icy, dry ni. omI s.
Karmeliet Tripel (BeIgium) 8.
This Belan great certainly lives up to s billing as blond, robu, smooth, and fruy. It is a deep
golden ale and usually throws a thi, rong head. On the nose there is caramel, honey, yea and a
tou of lemon. Taewise, the main avours are caramel, ice, crus, honey and nuts. Well worth
a try for fans of big Belan beers. omI sz
Lee Blonde (BeIgium) 6.6
This clear, golden beer has a soft, fruy, orange nose wh a smooth body highlighted by ltle toues
of yea and ice. Lee Blonde is excellent place to art for those wanting to explore the world of
Belan beer. omI so.
Lee Brune (BeIgium) 6.
As the name would sugge, Lee Brune is the darker counterpart to Lee Blonde. It makes for an
intereing contra, wh the mu more roaed and darker malts producing e a dierent beer.
It is softly sweet wh hints of ri fru and nuts before a gentle ni. omI so.
Lee Radieuse (BeIgium) 8.
The orin of this Lee beers name is not e so obvious. The word radieuse refers to the glow
surrounding the heads of saints and is a play on the brewerys conneions wh the Abbey Notre-
Dame de Lee. The Abbey had not brewed since the Fren Revolution, and sold the license of the
name to the brewery in the 1950s when needed money after being ooded, moved, ransaed and
rebuilt, bombed and then rebuilt again. The beer self is a deep amber wh a sweet, caramel, earthy
nose. Very rong, the body and ni are peay, sweet and almo vinous. omI sz.
Moa St. Joseph (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) .
This complex beer is a rare New Zealand example of an Abbey-yle Belan trel. Strong in alcohol
and avour, St. Joseph looks to balance phenolic and eer avours wh a robu bter ni. In the
glass has notes of banana, yea, ice, orange and honey. ;mI s
Moa St. Joseph Barrel aged (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) .
Dating from before the takeover and the re-brand, these bottles were part of Moas inial round of
experimentation wh barrel ageing their beers. The dry, icey avours of St. Joe are incredibly
well-sued to the oak and are intereingly transformed by . ;mI s
Orval (BeIgium Authentic Trappist) 6.z
This is the only commercial beer produced by this brewery. The Orval has a unie fruy and acidic
nose wh a hint of horseblanket thanks to the monks very careful and praiced use of the usually-
wild yea Brettanomyces. It is complex, piant and peppery before a long bter ni. omI sz.
Pauwel Kwak (BeIgium) 8
Served in s tradional vessel, whi looks like a miniature yard glass in a wooden frame, Pauwal
Kwak is a very rong beer wh a avour prole of caramel, orange peel, licorice, aniseed and a hint
of coriander. This beer can hold s own wh the be the world has to oer. omI s
Rochefort 6 / 8 / 10 (BeIgium Authentic Trappist) ;. / .z / .
Though always operating on a mu smaller scale than their brothers at Chimay or Wemalle, the
monks at Roefort have been brewing since 1595. Their three commercially-available beers are
thought to have the same rece, varying only (or at lea almo entirely) in rength. All three beers
are dark and relendent wh g and raisin avours, and a diin port wine araer, particularly
in the ronger two. omI s / s6 / s8
Tuatara Ardennes (WeIIington, New ZeaIand) 6.
The Ardennes is an appropriately robuand boierous beverage based on the classic Belan rong
golden ale yle. It is powerful and avoursome but also nicely balanced wh orange and icy notes
in the glass before a complex, fruy ni rounds out this ne brew. omI s
[ 19 ]
Westmalle Dubbel (BeIgium Authentic Trappist) ;
The two commercial beers from the Wemalle monaery are so inuential that the terms dubbel
and trel, orinally intended to simply denote the brewerys second and third beers, have become
yle terms in their own right essentially referring to beers like Wemalles. Their Dubbel the
Dubbel is ri, rong and relatively thi, wh complex and mealy malt body loaded wh dark
fru avours. omI s
Westmalle Tripel (BeIgium Authentic Trappist) .
Perhaps even more inuential than s similarly-yle-dening younger sibling, Wemalles Trel
is a mu-imated maerpiece. This revered beer is a hazy gold wh a dry nose of orange, ice
and pepper. Its then full in the mouth wh plenty of fru before the heavily hopped ni, wh s
signature almo-gunpowdery note reminiscent of ne Islay whiy. omI s6
Fruit, Spiced, and UncIassiabIy-freakish Beers
Fruit beers are made using real fruit or, insome cases, fruit extracts or syrup. These beers traditionally
have both lowmalt avours and lowlevels of hop bitterness to allowthe fruit to come through. Beers
have been made with cherries, raspberries, strawberries, boysenberries, apricots and even pumpkins.
Similarly, spiced beers utilise herbs or spices in the brew. This can include anything from heather to
Boon Kriek (BeIgium) .
This is a genuine lambic whi is the olde surviving beer yle, dating ba at lea four centuries.
In a lambic, the beer is exposed to natural, wild yeas in allowopen vessels. Lambics are also aged
for months in unlined, wooden port or erry cas to create more avour. The beer has both sweet
and sour avours wh hints of vanilla and yea. ;mI s
Moa Breakfast (BIenheim, New ZeaIand) .
This is the beer formally known as Harve, whi was renamed in something of a ameless (and
unningly successful) publicy unt when Geo Ross (the in/famous adman and 42 Belowfounder)
bought into the brewery. Its a surprisingly golden fru beer, brewed wh wheat, Nelson hops and
Marlborough erries whi add a sweet aroma and tart avour. ;mI sz.
Timmermans Framboise (BeIgium)
A classic Belan yle of raberry beer made wh the aid of wild yea. The result is a dark red beer
wh a pink collar. It taes of raberry wh a hint of rawberries at times. It is a sweet beer whi
las the acidy of other lambic beers like Boon. A very approaable fru beer for those who say
they dont like beer. omI sz.
Timmermans Kriek (BeIgium)
Perhaps the mo overtly sweet of the Timmerman range that we regularly o, this beer makes an
intereing contraagainBoons more-tradional unsweetened Kriek. Here, the erries are mu
more reminiscent of marasino erries than ones raight from the tree. omI sz.
Timmermans Strawberry (BeIgium)
Wh the diin tail-end tartness of a frely-pied rawberry, and even a cloudy berry-smoothie
appearance to mat, this Timmermans beer nds a very enjoyable balance between sweetness and
cri acidy. Summery and not overly sweet. omI sz.
WigramJames Cook Spruce Beer (Christchurch, New ZeaIand)
This beer is made (roughly) to the rece used by Captain James Cook when he made Auralasias
r beer in 1773. It has an aromatic, icy pine nose while the body is a fascinating creamy mix of
honey, molasses and erry. It is a glimpse into a very dierent yle of beer. oomI sz.
Trappist (and other) monasteries that brew usually produce, in addition to their famously-strong commercially-
available beers, a patersbier (i.e., fathers beer) for the monks themselves. These are comparatively modest in alcohol,
ranging from the sessionable Petite Orval at 3.5% to our standard strength such as Chimay Dore (4.8%) or Westmalles
own Extra (5%). Outside of the monasteries themselves, and occasionally their adjoining or associated cafs or visitors
centres, they are very dicult to get hold of if you happen to be able to source some, let us know; wed love to try them.
[ 20 ]
Yeastie Boys Rex Attitude (InvercargiII, New ZeaIand) ;
Rex is a genuine orinal. A rong golden ale made entirely from heavily-peated Scotti diilling
malt, deroyed the accepted wisdom (that anything more than a few percent of su malt would
render a beer undrinkable) and deservedly wonthemthe 2011 BrewNZInnovationTrophy. It anges
a lot as ages, but the nose is always aoundingly forthright and phenolic and the lupale malt body
allows the smokey notes to really ine. It is love or hate u, but certainly not only enjoyed by
peat-freak whiy drinkers. omI s
Cider & Perry
Cider is an alcoholic beverage made fromthe fermented juice of apples and perry is the proper name
for the same made from pears, although many modern pear ciders blur the line and include both
fruits. Theyre not beer at all, obviously, but the frequently ll the a similar drinking niche and can
scratch the same refreshment-requiring itch.
BuImers Cider (Gisborne, New Zealand) 4.6% 11
Alocal recreationof a Briclassic, Bulmers has a redditinge inthe glass,
is full-bodied and ss at the slightly sweeter end of the scale.
BuImers Pear Cider (Gisborne, New Zealand) 4.6% 11
Possessing a tou more weight than some other recent mainream pear
ciders, but whout sacricing drinkabily.
Crooked Limited Edition (Wairarapa, New Zealand) 5.2% 12.5
At the drier end of the scale, Crookeds ciders are all bottle-condioned,
arklingly eervescent and become even more enjoyably (perhaps almo
face-pueringly) dry wh time.
Crooked Perry (Wairarapa, New Zealand) 4.5% 12.5
A version of the above wh a proportion of pears in the mix to lighten the
body a ltle and ve a diin whe-wine araer.
InvercargiII NaIIys Cider (Invercargill, New Zealand) 5% 8.5
Steve Nally, one of New Zealands mo prolic brewers, is a self-admted
cider fanatic. His eponymous cider is made from Central Otago apples and
ven generous condioning time.
Monteiths Crushed AppIe Cider (Nelson, New Zealand) 4.5% 8.5
Helping lead the surge in local demand, Montehs oering is pale, sweet
and incredibly thir-ening over ice.
Monteiths Crushed Pear Cider (Nelson, New Zealand) 4.5% 8.5
Pale, like s apple-based sibling, Montehs pear cider is eally refreing
but a tou less sweet.
OId Mout CIassic AppIe (Nelson, New Zealand) 4.5% 8.5
Made at Redwood Cellars, continuing a cider brand that dates ba to 1947
(and whi rhymes wh fru). Theyre experimenting a lot wh dierent
fru addives, but this is their orinal rece.
OId Mout Scrumpy (Nelson, New Zealand) 8% 9
A rong cider, wh toues of apple-snapps aroma on the nose as proof.
RochdaIe TraditionaI Cider (Nelson, New Zealand) 5% 8.5
The Stoke Brewery in Nelson was formerly the Macs Brewery but had a life
even before that as the Rodale Cider Faory. The McCain family have
set about resurreing what was once New Zealands only cider.
Weka Cider (Blenheim, New Zealand) 4% 8.5
Made by the Moa Brewery, Weka is a medium-dry cider made from Nelson
apples and ven a cool ferment over FrenOak to both preserve the frus
orinal avour and throw in an intereing sideline.
[ 21 ]
Bccn Iotccs
Lower-aIcohoI beers
ABV s page
AmsteI Light 2.5 7.5 2 & 6
Bitburger Drive 0.0 7.5 6
Emersons Bookbinder 3.7 9 / 10.5 3
TetIeys 3.6 10 11
Beers for speciaI dietary requirements
s page
Export (Lower-carb) 8 6
Founders Generation AIe (Organic, Vegan) 12 10
Founders Long BIack (Organic, Vegan) 12 9
Founders Redhead (Organic, Vegan) 12 9
Mikes Organic AIe (Organic) 9 11
Pure BIonde (Lower-carb) 8 7
Scotts PaIe AIe (Gluten free) 9.5 11
Recent award winners
Brewers GuiId of New ZeaIand zo
Professionally-judged from blind tastings.
s page
Trophy, European Ales: Tuatara Ardennes 9 19
Trophy, US Ale Styles: Epic Armageddon 13.5 12
Trophy, Wheat & Grain: Tuatara Hefe 9 3
Trophy, Flavoured & Aged: 8 Wired Big Smoke 13 13
Trophy, Innovation: Yeastie Boys, for Rex Attitude 11 21
The LocaI Taphouse Hottest oo zoz
An open consumer vote for Australian craft beers.
s page
#2: LittIe Creatures PaIe AIe 9 13
#13: MatiIda Bay Fat Yak 9 13
#16: Coopers PaIe AIe 8.5 11
#31: LittIe Creatures Bright AIe 9 11 Best of AustraIia / NZ zoz
Aggregated from thousands of online reviews.
s page
#3: Epic Armageddon 15 12
#5: 8 Wired Hopwired 13 12
#8: 8 Wired TaII Poppy 13 12
#11: Renaissance EIementaI Porter 13 14
#13: Renaissance Stonecutter 13 15
[ 22 ]
Not that we have to justify our other obsession, but if you think about it, Scotch Whisky is also made
from malt, and so easily ts under our name. Its not too much of a stretch to think of whisky as
distilled beer, and a good one can make for an excellent nightcap or toast for a special occasion.
Speyside SingIe MaIts
Geographically only a subregion of the Highlands, Speyside whiskies are so numerous that they are
traditionally grouped together, though the inevitable variety makes unifying characteristics dicult
to nd. As with most Highlanders, peat levels are usually low, and water sources very clean, making
for elegant, uncomplicated whiskies that can be enjoyed for that reason, or used to highlight the
wonders of dierent ageing and barreling techniques.
AberIour abunadh Batch 35 15.5
Its name meaning the orin, this is a vatting of various ages of Aberlour
aged in erry wood. Ri and luxurious. A perfe nightcap.
AberIour 10 yr 10
Malty, wh mint toee toues. Soft and smooth.
BaIvenie 12 yr Double Wood 11
Agedrinthe usual bourbonbarrels, andthenuptoanextra year inerry
cas. Absurdly well put-together, wh a long ni.
GIenIivet 12 yr 9.5
Areliable oldandby, the inuential Glenlivet is simple andraightforward
whiy-drinkers whiy. Toues of pea and vanilla.
GIenIivet 18 yr 18
Nicely developed, wh deeper aromas and avours.
Linkwood 10 yr (Dun Bheagan bottling) 12.5
A piurese diillery that produces a suably oral dramof whithis
is a notably oaky bottling wh addional baked-apple notes.
HighIand SingIe MaIts
Highland whiskies can, if anything, be a little wilder than their gentlemanly Speyside cousins. Here,
our two Highlanders are quite geographically distant the term covers rather a vast area but
still have more in common with each other than products of any of the other regions which follow.
GIengoyne Glenguin Shiraz Cask 16 yr 17
Finied in barrels fromHunter Valley winery whiares their name (due
to a hiorical family conneion), the Shiraz adds pepper and complexy.
GIengoyne 17 yr 17
A mature, sophiicated whiy, comfortable in s in whiis buring
wh ri malt and nutty wood notes.
GIenmorangie 10 yr 11
The princal expression from the diillery whi is otherwise famous
for controversially pioneering various wood nies. Approaable, wh
somewhat sweet and owery araers.
GIenmorangie Quinta Ruban 12 yr 14
Finied for up to two years in port pes, whi adds sweet notes to nicely
complement Glenmoranes inherent mild iciness.
[ 23 ]
LowIand SingIe MaIt
Often unjustiably overlooked, lowland whiskies can be the most accessible for newcomers, though
fewremaininproduction. Traditionally triple-distilled, much like Irish whiskey, lowlanders are light,
gentle and somewhat sweet.
GIenkinchie 10 yr 12
The Edinburgh Malt, wh a light body but a complex interplay between
ngery dryness and sweet, oral notes.
CampbeItown SingIe MaIt
Two hundred years ago, Campbeltown was the whisky boomtown, with perhaps thirty distilleries,
many of them illegal. Its now the smallest recognised region whisky-making is and has always
been a precarious business, economically with whiskies that can reect aspects of the surrounding
lowland, highland and island styles.
Springbank 10 yr 12.5
A regular on Top Ten lis; oily, complex and elegant wh fru avours of
coconut and tinned pears.
IsIand SingIe MaIts
The most varied of the canonical regions, island whiskies can bring dierent characteristics away
from their homes; they may be peaty, piney, or oral, depending on what the locals traditionally
used for malt-drying fuels. Most whisky-producing islands have only one or two distilleries, except
Islay see below.
Arran 12 yr (Douglas of Drumlanrig bottling) 12
From only the second produion year of one of the newer diilleries in
Scotland, eablied in 1995. Diinly creamy and reoring.
HighIand Park 12 yr 12.5
Often ced as the whiy that converted many who are now enthusias.
A garden bonre nose and delicious honey/heather body.
}ura Prophecy 14
This pine-covered island populated more by deer than by people, and
mo famous for hoing George Orwell as he wrote 1984 is home to ju
one diillery. Their whiies are suably piney and resinous, and this one
has a light, leafy smoke.
Scapa 16yr 18
Far in the North and only a half-mile less so than Highland Park, who
do like to brag about their geographical extremy Scape use unpeated
malt, but are blessed wh an already-peaty water source whiadds smokey
toues to their smooth and easy but rewarding whiies.
[ 24 ]
IsIay SingIe MaIts
Though ocially just one more island, Islay (pronounced eye-luh) has certainly become a region
unto itself. It is home to nearly a dozen distilleries and the distinctive peaty avour, which initially
arose due to the lack of wood and the abundance of peat bogs to provide fuel for drying the malt.
Very peaty whiskies are much like highly hopped beers; potentially overwhelming for newcomers, but
a thrill (frequently developing into an obsession) for enthusiasts.
Ardbeg Corryvreckan 15
Continuing to lead the ongoing Islay Revival, Arbdeg have become more
experimental of late. This expression is surprisingly accessible and rather
reminiscent of a fre seaside morning.
Ardbeg Supernova (2010) 20
Wh a pale colour that hints at s peat-heavy lopsidedness, Supernova is
full of glorious smoke but not harly emical.
Bowmore Legend 12.5
Young, nimble and fre wh sea-breeze saltiness and gentle smoke.
BruichIaddich Rocks 11
Fromthe islands ordinarily-calmer Northcoa, thoughthis diillery is also
increasingly experimental and ground-breaking, Ros is a rare unpeated
Islay malt. Elegant and easy.
Bunnahabhain 12 yr 12
Delicate and diinly refreing, wh marime and herbal aromas.
CaoI IIa 12 yr 12.5
Often unfairly overlooked even among whiy geeks. Light bodied, wh
junery fru notes and the classic Islay smokey nose. A great introduion
to the island; a gateway Islay, even.
Laphroaig 10 yr 13
The famously full-on Islay dram. Its ri, massively peaty, complex and
medicinal; awesome in the proper sense of borderline terrifying.
Smokehead 13
A Malthouse a favoure, discovered via the BrewDog Paradox out
aged in s barrels. Essentially a cleanin whiy, Smokehead is made at a
ill-undisclosed Islay diillery, likely one of the feiier South coa three.
BIended Whisky
Often unfairly maligned by Single-Malt-only purists / fanatics, whisky blenders deserve real credit
for keeping many struggling distilleries alive through last century, until whiskys return to popular
favour made the business more viable. Blending dozens of single casks into a coherent and stable
product is a dizzying task, requiring amazing skill and patience.
Chivas RegaI 18 yr 15
Based at the Strathisla diillery, the Chivas Regal blends have long been
famous. Their 18-year-old has ocolate-orange note.
Chivas RegaI 21 yr Royal Salute 33
Presented in a porcelain agon and boaing an array of full, deep avours.
An extravagant toa for a ecial occasion.
Monkey ShouIder 9
A Trle Malt, blended from three Speyside whiies. The name comes
from what happens to the physie of the man arged wh turning the
malted barley by hand in a tradionally-run maltings.
[ 25 ]
Whiskey (with an E)
We strongly suspect that Single Malt Scotch will always remain our favourite, but the Irish and the
Americans are admittedly also distillers of skill and passion. Besides, peculiarly protectionist U.S.
regulations mandating the use of newbarrels for bourbon-making is what circuitously supplies most
of the oak casks needed for proper Scotch.
}ack DanieIs Single Barrel 9.5
Unblended Ja Daniels, wh considerably less sweetness than the more-
familiar No. 7 releases.
}im Beam Small Batch 10.5
Bottled wh a proportion of port aually added, since only newoak barrels
are permted for use in the making of bourbon.
Redbreast 12 yr 9
A trle-diilled and unblended Iri whiey.
WiId Turkey 101 8 yr 11.5
Barrel aged for an uncommonly-long period and bottled at carength
101 proof in the araic U.S. syem amounts to 50.5% ABV.
WiId Turkey Rare Breed 13
Uncut Wild Turkey, bottled undiluted raight from the ca.
Cohiba Siglo II (Cuba) 46
H. Upmann Coronas Major A/T (Cuba) 23
Montecristo Mini Cigarillos (Cuba) 5.5
Montecristo No. 4 (Cuba) 31
Tatiana Vanilla (Dominican Republic) 5.5
This is the fth major edition of the Malthouse Beer Book.
The majority of the beer tasting notes were initially by local beer writer Neil Miller, who also operates and writes the Malthouses weekly blog, among various other things. He can be
found here in the bar not-unreasonably often, quite likely quietly enjoying a Tuatara APA. If hes not
here, you can follow his musings beer-related and otherwise on Twitter (@beerlytweeting).
Since mid-2009, the Book has been compiled and edited by Phil Cook; prepared in Kile (available
at and typeset with X
X (, using the Calluna font (by Jos
Buivenga, Phil can be found working behind the bar most days and contacted
via Twitter (@phil_cook), or through, where he also maintains a Beer Diary blog;
queries, comments and especially corrections are more than welcome particularly choice ones may
even be rewarded.
Michael Jackson, the sadly-deceased beer and whisky writer (not the other one), is an especially note-
worthy reference. The beer and whisky style guides, and many particularly apt whisky descriptions,
are drawn fromhis work. His books should be on any maltgeeks bookshelf; theyre certainly on ours.
The many minds of tasters reporting toRateBeer.comandBeerAdvocate.comare alsoa helpful source
of other, diverse perspectives, and Martyn Cornells Zythophile blog is an extraordinarily valuable
source of myth-busting beer history.
Our website,, will always include a very-recent copy of this Book for you to
download or one can be emailed to you if you provide the sta with an address.
[ 26 ]
Available daily until 10pm.
Margherita Tomato and mozzarella wh fre basil. 18
Venison Smoked venison and red wine sausage wh red onion,
muroom and mozzarella.
American Hot Pepperoni, illis and mozzarella. 19
Hawaiian Ham, pineapple and mozzarella. 19
Spanish Chorizo, potato, red onion, rosemary and mozzarella,
whout a tomato pae base.
Funghi Portobello and button murooms wh red capsicum,
tomato and mozzarella.
MaIthouse CIassic Chorizo, bieri, and venison sausage wh red onion,
muroom, tomato and mozzarella.
Our pizzas are each made fresh by our multi-talented and multi-tasking bar sta.
As such, there can be a delay at busy times; well let you know.
Available at all times.
UgIy Bread Pizza bread wh garlic oil, mozzarella and herbs. 11
Sausage PIate Panfried bieri, orizo and smoked vension sausage,
wh reli and muard.
Fries Thi cut fries wh tomato sauce and aioli. 7
Chpies, peanuts & pork crale also available. 2.5/3/3
[ 27 ]
Wtc Lts1
gI bt
Champagne, Mthode & BubbIes
Brancott Estate Brut Cuve Reserve 8.5 38
Deutz Cuve (Marlborough) 10.5 52
Taittinger Brut NV (37.5cl, Champagne) - 65
Taittinger Brut NV (75cl, Champagne) - 125
Sauvignon BIanc
Montana Festival Block (Marlborough) 8 38
Paddy Borthwick (Gladstone) 9 43
Allan Scott (Marlborough) 10 48
Craggy Range Te Muna (Martinborough) - 50
Squealing Pig (Marlborough) - 50
Omaka Springs Falveys (Marlborough) 8 38
Living Land (Marlborough) 9 44
Paddy Borthwick (Wairarapa) 10 48
Craggy Range (Hawkes Bay) - 54
White VarietaIs
Doctors Riesling (Marlborough) 8.5 40
Tohu Dry Riesling (Marlborough) 9 43
Boundary Paper Lane Pinot Gris (Waipara) 9 43
Tiki Pinot Gris (Marlborough) 9 43
Tiki (Marlborough) 8.5 40
Pinot Noir
Spy Valley (Marlborough) - 44
Boundary Kings Road (Waipara) 10 47
Scott Base (Central Otago) 10 47
Martinus (Martinborough) - 65
Hawkshead (Central Otago) - 68
Craggy Range Zebra Estate (Central Otago) - 70
Syrah / Shiraz
Apple Tree Flat (New South Wales) 8.5 40
Hardys Oomoo (McLaren Vale) 9 43
Boarding Pass (South Australia) - 62
Wolf Blass Presidents Selection (South Australia) - 68
Cabernets, MerIots & BIends
Stoneleigh Merlot (Marlborough) 9 43
Jim Barry The Coverdrive Cabernet Sauvignon (Clare Valley) 10 47
Church Road TOM Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon (Hawkes Bay) - 115
[ 28 ]