Vacancies Fmge Mh
Vacancies Fmge Mh
Vacancies Fmge Mh
Public Notice
All Foreign Medical Graduates
Sub: - Regarding Internship for Foreign Medical Graduates
Ref: - 1) Letter dated 14/07/2022 of director UGMB National Medical
Commission, New Delhi
2) National Medical Commission letter no. U.15024/01/2022-
UGMEB dt.09/05/2023.
3) National Medical Commission letter no. U.15024/9/2023-
UGMEB dt.11/05/2023.
4) Schedule for FMG Internship (CRMI) on dated 23/04/2024
In this regard link shall be made available on 23/05/2024. Hence, you are
directed to visit MMC website: and login your
account through your credentials and click on “Preferences for Foreign Medical
Graduates” and submit fresh preferences through Online mode on or before
27/05/2024 (upto 5:00 pm), Council thereafter shall publish college/Institute wise
merit list. Also Submit the undertaking as per Exhibit A to Maharashtra Medical
Council through speed post on or before 29/05/2024
Maharashtra Medical Council
Note : This circular is applicable to those candidates who had submitted and verified the
Provisional Registration application form as per MMC Schedule dated 23/04/2024. No other
forms shall be entertained.
Exhibit- A
(The notarized undertaking on Non-judicial stamp paper (Rs. 100/-) with photo and
from Institute of
3) The allotments of seats will be done on the merit basis i.e. The candidate
with higher marks in the "Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (Screening
Test) of National Board of Examination in Medical Science, New Delhi or in
NeXT exam" shall be given preference. If the tie persists, the candidate with
higher age will be given preference.
I certify that above mentioned undertaking is willingly given by me and I will abide by it.
Place : Signature :
Date :
List of availability of Medical Colleges/ Non-teaching VACANT SEATS AS PER CIRCULAR ON
Hospital 20/05/2023
Sr no College / Hospital Name ANNUAL INTAKE
1 Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai 250 , LET’S ASSUME IT AS 100 SEATS