PPS-QuestionBank-All-Units (1)
PPS-QuestionBank-All-Units (1)
PPS-QuestionBank-All-Units (1)
1. Explain basic block diagram of computer system in detail.
2. What is an algorithm? Write an algorithm for addition of two numbers.
3. What is flowchart? Draw the flowchart for finding even / odd number.
4. Define flowchart. Explain the benefits and limitations of the flowchart
5. Explain all datatypes in C language programming.
6. What is variable? How to declare the variable? Write a program in C to find the
percentage of 5 subjects.
7. What is an Operator? list the types of operator.
8. Write a Program to swap two numbers without using 3rd variable.
9. Write a short note on C tokens.
10. What is Conditional Operator? Expain with suitable example.
1. What is an Array? How to declare the array.
2. How to declare the 1-Dimensional and 2-Dimensional Array.
3. What is String? How to declare a String?
4. What is String? State string related functions (strcpy(),strcmp(),strcat(),strcat()).
5. Write an algorithm for Linear Searching?
6. Write an algorithm for Binary Searching?
7. Write a difference Between Linear search and Binary Search.
8. Write a program in C to find the sum of all elements of the array.
9. Write a C program to generate transpose of 3x3 matrix.
1. How to use switch-case statement in C?
2. Differentiate between while and do-while statements.
State the difference between While loop and Do-While loop.
3. Demonstrate the use of if - else structure with an example.
4. Explain the ternary operators.
5. What is Decision Making (conditional statement)? State its types.
6. What is “if” statement? State its all 4 types.
7. State Difference between if-statement and switch statement.
8. Write a C program to demonstrate the arithmetic operation by using switch-case.
9. Write the program to check whether the given number is “even” or “odd” Using
GOTO statement.
1. What is a function? Why do we use functions in the C language? Give an example.
2. Distinguish between Library functions and User defined functions in C and Explain
with examples.
3. Explain the various categories of user defined functions in C with examples?
Discuss various categories of user defined functions in C with examples.
4. Explain the Parameter Passing Mechanisms in C-Language with example.
5. What is a recursive function? Write syntax for recursive functions.
6. Write a C program to find factorial of a number using recursion.
Write a program in C to find the factorial of a number using recursion
7. Write a C program to generate Fibonacci series using recursive function.
8. How to pass an Array Individual Elements to Functions? Explain with example
9. Write a difference between Recursion and Iteration.
10. Demonstrate the call-by-reference parameter passing method with an example.
11. Distinguish between call-by-value and call-b- reference.
1. What is pointer in C programming? What are its benefits?
2. Explain the process of declaring and initializing pointers. Give an example?
3. Explain in brief about & and * operators. Explain how to access the value of a
variable using pointer and address of a variable.
4. Differentiate between static and dynamic memory allocation.
5. Define a structure? Write the syntax for structure declaration with an example.
6. Declare the C structures for the following scenario:
College contains the following fields: College code (2characters), College Name,
year of establishment, number of courses. Each course is associated with course
name (String), duration, number of students. (A College can offer 1 to 50 such
7. How to initialize structures in C‟? Write example.
8. Define a structure type personal, that would contain person name, date of joining
and salary. Write a program to initialize one person data and display the same.
9. What is an array of structure? Declare a variable as array of structure and initialize
10. Write a C program to calculate student-wise total marks for three students using
array of structure.
11. Explain in brief about pointers and structures.
1. Write a program to copy the content of one file into another.
2. Demonstrate the use of malloc() & calloc() methods of Dynamic Memory
Allocation in C.
3. Write a short note on file Handling.
4. Write a short note on Error handling file.
5. Write a short note on command line argument.