PC1 2022-II
PC1 2022-II
PC1 2022-II
Macroeconomics I
Test 1
u′ ( L)
= zF ′ ( N )
u′ (C )
u′ ( L)
Now assume that the economy is not in equilibrium and that u′ (C) > zF ′ ( N ). Explain the
intuition behind the ajustment process towards the equilibrium. (3 points)
(c) What is the central planner solution? Which are the main characteristics of it? In your
answer, give emphasis on why the central planner solution is not the same that a govern-
ment solution.
(d) Explain the effects of an increase in government expenditures in a one period model
with consumers and firms, where taxes are lump-sum and government expenditures are
part of the production functions of firms. Make the assumptions you consider necessary.
(1 + τ1 )c = wN (1 − τ2 ) + π
Where τ1 is a tax on consumption and τ2 a tax on income. Consider that N + l = h.
Firms produce using capital (K) and labor (N) through a Cobb-Douglas production func-
tion with productivity (given by z) and with a labor-output elasticity equal to α. Assume
that capital is inherited and fixed such that K = K, and that the government has a balanced
(a) Solve the problem for the consumers. Find their partial equilibria solution. (1.5 points)
(b) Solve the problem for the firms. Find their partial equilibria solution. (1.5 points)
(c) Define the general equilibrium and solve. What is the effect of taxes and productivity
on the optimal level of consumption? Answer intuitively and mathematically. (1.5 points)
(d) What is the effect of taxes and productivity on the wellbeing of households? Use the
indirect utility function to answer. (1.5 points)
The production of public good of the agent i is gi = θi Npi . The total production of public
good is given by g = ∑n=1 gi . Assume that both public goods and the goods made by the
firm are in the same unit of measurement. Agent i works for the representative firm for a
wage wi .
The utility of each consumer is given by:
U i ( ci , g )
a) Find the market´s solution. Solve the problem for each consumer and the firm. (3
b) If the central planner gives a weight of λi to each consumer, how could the central
planner solution will differ from the market´s solution. No math is needed for this part if
you consider so. (1 point)