William T. Cefalu1 and Matthew C. Riddle2
More Evidence for a Prevention-
Related Indication for Metformin:
Let the Arguments Resume!
Diabetes Care 2019;42:499–501 | https://doi.org/10.2337/dci18-0062
American Diabetes Association, Arlington, VA
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR
Corresponding author: William T. Cefalu, wcefalu@diabetes.org
© 2019 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit,
and the work is not altered. More information is available at http://www.diabetesjournals.org/content/license.
See accompanying article, p. 601.
500 Commentary Diabetes Care Volume 42, April 2019
cardiovascular risk factors (16). A report compares favorably with lifestyle in its findings show substantial effectiveness
after 10 years of follow-up showed that ability to delay progression of hypergly- of metformin in both women and men
protection against progression from dys- cemia. The initial report after 3 years of and over a wide range of age, adiposity,
glycemia to overt diabetes was attained randomized treatment, using glucose and ethnicity.
with both lifestyle modification and met- values as the end point, found a 31% Overall, the current report from the
formin when HbA1c was used as a mea- placebo-adjusted reduction of risk with DPP/DPPOS group provides strong sup-
sure of outcome, as with fasting or metformin and 58% with lifestyle. The port for further discussion of using met-
postchallenge glucose in prior analyses 10-year report using an HbA1c end point formin early in the evolution from
(17). measurement suggested incidence was dysglycemia to type 2 diabetes. It sup-
Influenced in part by these findings, reduced by 38% by metformin and 29% ports the view that HbA1c values higher
the American Diabetes Association (ADA) by lifestyle at this later time (17). The than 6.0% but not yet 6.5% or higher
has been recommending (as outlined in current analysis using HbA1c suggests should prompt reconsideration of treat-
its 2019 Standards of Medical Care in 36% lower risk with metformin versus ment strategies, potentially including
Diabetes) that “Metformin therapy for placebo after 15 years (19). This was a pharmacotherapy. It also supports fur-
effects while retaining clinical actions Adocia, AstraZeneca, Dance, Elcelyx, Eli Lilly, supported-affordable-care-act-saves-money
(21,22). GlaxoSmithKline, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, and Ther- .html. Accessed 19 January 2019
acos. These potential dualities of interest have 13. Fradkin JE, Roberts BT, Rodgers GP. What’s
This new information, too, deserves been reviewed and managed by Oregon Health & preventing us from preventing type 2 diabetes? N
further consideration. Given the global Science University. No other potential conflicts of Engl J Med 2012;367:1177–1179
burden of diabetes, it is clear we are at an interest relevant to this article were reported. 14. Kahn R, Davidson MB. The reality of type 2
important crossroad for diabetes pre- diabetes prevention. Diabetes Care 2014;37:
vention. There is a great need to evaluate References 943–949
1. International Diabetes Federation. IDF Dia- 15. Aroda VR, Christophi CA, Edelstein SL, et al.;
all the lessons learned and to review all Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group.
the incredible amount of data now avail- betes Atlas, 8th edition [Internet], 2017. Avail-
able from www.diabetesatlas.org. Accessed 18 The effect of lifestyle intervention and metfor-
able in order to take logical next steps as a January 2019 min on preventing or delaying diabetes among
society. We realize that lifestyle modifi- 2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. women with and without gestational diabetes:
cation remains the cornerstone of diabe- National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2017: Esti- the Diabetes Prevention Program outcomes
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