1. Rationale:
An operating system acts as an intermediary between the user of a computer and computer hardware. The
purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user can execute programs
conveniently and efficiently.
An operating system is a software that manages computer hardware. The hardware must provide
appropriate mechanisms to ensure the correct operation of the computer system and to prevent user
programs from interfering with the proper operation of the system.
The OS helps you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer’s
language. It is not possible for the user to use any computer or mobile device withouthaving an operating
To keep track of who is using which resource, granting resource requests, and
mediating conflicting requests from different programs and users.
Name of Specification
2. RAM 16GB
6. Outputs of the Micro Projects:
Types Of Operating System:
• Processors of the batch systems are aware of the time duration of the job even when it is
present in the queue.
• Batch systems can be shared by multiple users.
• There I very less idle time of the batch system.
• It enables us to manage the efficiently large load of work.
Multitasking/Time Sharing OS
Time-sharing operating system enables people located at a different terminal(shell) to use asingle
computer system at the same time. The processor time (CPU) which is shared amongmultiple users
is termed as time sharing.
A time shared operating system uses CPU scheduling and multi-programming to provide eachwith a
small portion of a shared computer at once. Each user has at least one separate programin memory. A
program loaded into memory and executes, it performs a short period of time either before completion
or to complete I/O. This short period of time during which user gets attention of CPU is known as time
slice, time slot or quantum. It is typically of the order of 10to 100 milliseconds. Time shared operating
systems are more complex than
multiprogrammed operating systems. In both, multiple jobs must be kept in memory
simultaneously, so the system must have memory management and security. To
achieve a good response time, jobs may have to swap in and out of disk from main memory
which now serves as a backing store for main memory. A common method to achieve this goal is
virtual memory, a technique that allows the execution of a job that may not be completely in memory.
• Problem of reliability
• Care of security and integrity is to be taken of user data and programs
• There is a problem in data communication
Multiprocessing OS
A multiprocessor system is defined as "a system with more than one processor", and, more precisely, "a
number of central processing units linked together to enable parallel processing totake place".
The key objective of a multiprocessor is to boost a system's execution speed. The other
objectives are fault tolerance and application matching.
The term "multiprocessor" can be confused with the term "multiprocessing". While multiprocessing is a
type of processing in which two or more processors work together to execute multiple programs
simultaneously, multiprocessor refers to a hardware architecture thatallows multiprocessing.
Multiprocessor systems are classified according to how processor memory access is handled andwhether
system processors are of a single type or various ones.
High Throughput
High Reliability
As multiple processors are communicating with each other so the operating system
implementation is complex to handle.
If any processor fails to work then the work is divided into other processors.
The bad effect will be that work will be completed in high time and the performance of thesystem
is affected.
Real Time OS
A real time operating system time interval to process and respond to inputs is very small.
A real-time operating system (RTOS) is an operating system (OS) intended to serve real-time
applications that processes data and events that have critically defined time constraints for thesystem
under control to perform as required.
• Maximum use of devices and system thus gives more output from all the resources •
Time given for shifting tasks is very less
• It Focusses on running applications and gives less importance to queue applications
• Size of programs are small
• Error free
• Memory allocation is well managed
Medical imaging systems, industrial control, weapon systems, air traffic control systems, etc.
Distributed OS
A distributed operating system is system software over a collection of independent, networked,
communicating, and physically separate computational nodes. They handle jobs which are serviced by
multiple CPUs.
Distributed systems use many processors located in different machines to provide very fast
computation to its users.
• If the main network fails, this will stop the complete communication.
• To establish such systems, the language which is used are not clearly and well defined
• They are very expensive.
• The underlying software is highly complex.
Network OS
A network operating system (NOS) is a computer operating system (OS) that is designed primarily to
support workstations, personal computers and, in some instances, older terminals that are connected on
a local area network (LAN). The software behind a NOS allows multipledevices within a network to
communicate and share resources with each other.
The composition of hardware that typically uses a NOS includes a number of personal computers, a
printer, a server and file server with a local network that connects them together. The role of the NOS is
to then provide basic network services and features that support multipleinput requests simultaneously in
a multiuser environment.
• Costly servers
• Depended on central location
• Regular updates and maintenance required
Mobile OS
Mobile operating systems are those OS which is especially that are designed to power
smartphones, tablets, and wearables devices.
An OS is a software interface that is responsible for managing and operating hardware units andassisting
the user to use those units. For mobile phones, OSs have been developed to enable users to use phones
in much the same way as personal computers were used 1 or 2 decades ago.The most well-known
mobile OSs are Android, iOS, Windows phone OS, and Symbian. The market share ratios of those OSs
are Android 47.51%, iOS 41.97%, Symbian 3.31%, and Windows phone OS 2.57%. There are some
other mobile OSs that are less used (BlackBerry, Samsung, etc.)
7. Skill Development:
8. Conclusion:
We understood about the concept of types of operating system and also we understand
examples of it.
9. Reference: