This forms part of the loan cum hypothecation agreement dated 26-Oct-2020 executed online by VAISHALI TRIPATHI with HDFC BANK LIMITED.
For the purpose of stamp duty, this statement of key terms is to be the principal document executed between the Parties
The Borrower hereby confirms and agrees that he has executed loan cum hypothecation agreement dated with HDFC Bank Limited
through an online acceptance and one time pin generated by the Bank, which Agreement has the below mentioned key terms and conditions and confirms that he
is fully bound by the said Agreement and the below mentioned key terms.
Loan Agreement No. Place of Agreement
Agreement Date (DD/MON/YYYY) 26-Oct-2020 Borrowing Purpose (Personal / Personal
Commercial User)
Lending Office address
Borrowers Constitution Self Employed
Loan Amount Rs.1506761.00/-
Installment Frequency Monthly Fixed Interest Rate (Customer - IRR) 7.75% per annum
Charges (Including Govt Taxes & Levies)
Processing Fee Amount (Non Refundable) : Rs. 3067/-
Cheque/ECS Swapping Charge: Rs.500/- per instances Cheque/SI/ECS Return Charges: Rs.649/- per instance.
Foreclosure Charges * Part-Payment Charges*:
No foreclosure allowed within 6 months from date of availing the car loan Part-payment is allowed subject to completion of 12 months (i.e., Post
6% of Principal Outstanding for preclosures within 1 year from 7th EMI payment of 12 EMIs)
Part payment will be allowed twice only during loan tenure. Part
5% of Principal Outstanding for preclosures within 13-24 months from 1st EMI payment is allowed only once a year. At any point of time, part
payment will not increase beyond 25% of Principal Outstanding.
3% of Principal Outstanding for preclosures post 24 months from 1st EMI 5% on the part payment amount in case part Pre-EMI is within 13-24
months from 1 st EMI
3% on the part payment amount in case part Pre-EMI is post 24
months from 1 st EMI
TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME I, the undersigned ("Grantor/s" / "Borrower/s") confirm my details are set out in Schedule hereunder written.
The expression 'Grantor/s / "Borrower/s', unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, shall mean and include: in the event that the Grantor/s / 'Borrower/s is a
Company within the meaning of the Companies Act, 2013 or a Limited Liability Partnership, incorporated under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, its successors;
in the event that the Grantor/s / Borrower/s is a partnership firm for the purposes of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, the partners for the time being and from time to time
and their respective legal heirs, executors and administrators; in the event that the Grantor/s / Borrower/s is a sole proprietorship, the sole proprietor and his/ her legal
heirs, administrators and executors; in the event that the Grantor/s / Borrower/s is a joint Hindu Undivided Family, the Karta and any or each of the adult members of the
HUF and their survivor(s) and his / her / their respective heirs, executors, administrators; in the event that the Grantor/s / Borrower/s is a Society, the members of the
governing body of the Society and any new members elected, appointed or co-opted thereon; in the event that the Grantor/s / 'Borrower/s is a Trust, the Trustee or
Trustees for the time being hereof and their respective heirs, executors, administrators and successors; in the event that the Borrower is an individual, his/her heirs,
administrators and executors.
1. HDFC BANK LIMITED. (hereinafter referred to as "the Bank" having one of its branches at the place mentioned in Schedule hereunder written (hereinafter referred to
as "the Lending Office") at the request of the Borrower as specified in an Agreement-cum-Guarantee, as mentioned in the Schedule hereunder ("the Agreement") has
granted / agreed to grant such amounts as mentioned in the Schedule hereunder ("the Loan") to the Borrower for acquiring the Asset more particularly described in the
Schedule hereunder written ("the said Asset").
2. Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the Borrower has agreed to hypothecate to and charge in favour of the Bank by way of first and exclusive
charge the said Asset more particularly described hereunder.
3. In consideration of the Bank sanctioning the Loan as per the terms and conditions of the Agreement, and to further assure and enable the Bank to carry out the terms
and conditions of the Agreement thereof l/ We do hereby execute an Irrevocable Power of Attorney in favour of the Bank to do the following acts and on behalf of me, the
NOW KNOWING ALL AND THESE PRESENTS WITNESS THAT I do hereby irrevocably nominate / constitute upon the Bank acting through any of its officers as my true and
lawful attorney for me on my behalf and at my cost and risk to do, execute and perform all or any of the following acts, deeds, matters and things that is to say:
1. To execute and complete in favour of the Bank or its nominee any documents which the Bank may require for perfecting its title to or for vesting the said Asset in the
Bank or its nominee or any purchaser thereof.
2. To disburse the loan amount for purchase of the said Asset directly to the dealer / seller and obtain a receipt for such payment from the dealer / seller.
3. To take inspection directly or to engage any Advocate, Chartered Accountant or registered trade practitioner for taking inspection of my Income tax return/s and
assessment proceedings, Appeal proceedings etc. relating to the current and previous Assessment years. This authority is being given to the Bank to enable the Bank to
verify the veracity of various representations made by me / us the undersigned, for seeking loan from the Bank.
4. To appear before the office of Registration Authority, Regional Transport Officer, Sales Tax Officer, Registrar of Companies and other authorities through Advocates or
any such authorised person deemed necessary by the Bank to effect endorsement of hypothecation in the registration certificate and transfer the Asset when necessary.
5. To obtain, receive, demand or collect any forms, certificates, registration books, booking order, insurance policies or other documents from any Registering Authority,
manufacturers of the said Asset and / or its dealers.
6. To take possession of the said Asset in case of default and for that purpose enter the premises where the said Asset is parked, as per terms of the Agreement.
7. To transfer, sell or dispose of the said Asset and to sign and execute all or any forms, declarations or instruments as may be necessary or expedient for giving effect
to the delivery of the said Asset to the purchaser thereof.
8. To appoint or engage any broker, dealer or auctioneer for effecting any such transfer, sale or disposition of the said Asset.
9. To sign, execute necessary forms, documents or to give notice to the appropriate Registering Authority for effecting transfer of the said Asset in favour of the
10. To receive the consideration of the sale, transfer, disposition or dealing of the said Asset and issue proper receipt or receipts to give a valid and effectual discharge
for such consideration.
11. To take delivery, actual possession or custody of the said Asset as and when demanded by the Bank.To appoint or engage any broker or other agent for taking
possession or effecting delivery of the said Asset.
12. To sign and deliver or otherwise perfect the hypothecation created or to be created on the said Asset and to do all such acts, deeds and things as may be required
for exercise of or any of the powers hereby conferred.
13. To sign and deliver the necessary forms that may be required to be filed or necessary with the Registering Authority or other authorities under the Motor Vehicles Act
or any other law for the time being in force to record the charge of hypothecation on the said Asset, created or to be created in favour of the Bank.
14. To pay any fees, charges, penalties, imposts, premiums, taxes or other impositions to any Registering Authority, insurance companies or other authorities for the
said Asset.
15. To act as a facilitator and make the premium payment to any insurance company and / or insure, renew such insurance at my / our costs, charges and expenses
which shall be reimbursed by me / us to the Bank.
16. To obtain, receive, demand or collect any forms, certificates, registration books, booking order, .insurance policies or other documents from any Registering
Authority, manufacturers of the said Asset or its dealers / sellers.
17. To cancel, annul or rescind booking of one or more of the said Asset and to get refund of any such booking amount from the manufacturer or its dealer by issuing
receipts as valid and effectual discharge for such refund.
18. To fill in and complete any cheque that may be lying now or hereafter with the Bank duly signed by me, or on our behalf with such amount, date and / or name of the
payee that may be deemed fit by the Bank.
19. To get requisite information from my employer as may be expedient to ascertain material particulars.
20. In case of default by me / us of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, to transfer, sell, give on hire, dispose of, give delivery of and otherwise howsoever deal
with the said Asset and to sign and execute all agreements, contracts, declaration forms, instruments and other writings whatsoever as may be necessary or expedient
in that behalf.
21. To give notice, if required to the appropriate Registering Authority and / or such other authority in law, for the registration of the said Asset upon the sale, transfer,
disposal, delivery thereof.
22. To delegate all, any or more than one of the powers, authorities and liberties herein vested and to appoint any substitute or substitutes to any one or more purpose
or purposes as the Bank shall from time to time desire in that behalf.
23. For the better doing, performing and executing all the matters and things aforesaid, l / We hereby further grant unto the said Bank full power and authority to
substitute and appoint in its place and stead on such terms as it may think fit one or more attorney/s to exercise for me / us as my / our attorney/s any or all the powers
and authorities hereby conferred, to revoke any such appointments and to substitute or appoint any other person/s in place of such attorney/s as the Bank may from time
to time think fit.
And generally to do, perform and execute, all acts, deeds, matters and things relating to or concerning or touching these presents as fully and effectually as if l were
personally and had been done, performed or executed the same myself.
This authority shall be binding upon me, the undersigned and my legal successors prior and post to the grant of the loan and shall be irrevocable during the tenure of the
loan and until all sums due and owing by me has been paid to the Bank.
And l / We hereby agree to ratify and confirm all and whatsoever the Bank shall do or cause to be done in or about the premises by virtue of these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my / our hands at the place and date mentioned in the Schedule hereunder written.
Date of Agreement