Persian Ky - 17
Persian Ky - 17
Persian Ky - 17
Chapter: 17
~ Europe gains military advantage due to improved technology ~Spain claims most of the new world, Portugal gets Brazil ~Development of strong monarchies and zealous Protestants resulted in more Northern European Expeditions ~Dutch win independence from Spain, British rout the Spanish Armada, Spain loses lots of world influence ~British, Dutch, French vie for dominance ~French claim Canada ~Netherlands, Britain, France charter trading companies, given govt monopolies of trade ~European governments support mercantilism ~Tech improvements, such as the deep-draft, round hulled sailing ships for sailing across the Atlantic ~ Gunpowder , compass copied from Chinese and Arabs ~Metalwork is improved ~ Slaves, spices traded from the African coast ~Exploration driven by profit ~West Europe gains oceanic trade dominance and naval power ~Mercantilism = more export, less import ~ Europe trades manufactured goods for slaves and unprocessed goods ~Peasants in latin America and Africa often have subsistence agriculture ~World economy develops ~ Common conflict between Christian and Muslim merchants ~ Portuguese have slightly successful missionary effort in Japan ~ Protestant reformation and conflict with Catholics leads to desire to move from Europe by some groups
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Art, Music Writing, Literature Philosophy Math & Science Education ~Portugals coastal location is ideal for their trading initiatives ~ Portuguese sailors round the Cape of Good Hope, but cant get to India over sea ~ New World discovered