Typical properties are average data and are not to be used as or to develop
Typical Cured Product Properties
Property Test Method Value
Coefficient of friction (Static & Dynamic) DIN 53375 < 0.3
Abrasion Resistance (Crockmeter 9N Dry Crockmeter >500 cycles
Freeze Release TL 523 45 Pass
Repaintability TSM 1701 G Pass
Paint Staining TSM 1701 G Pass
Typical properties are average data and are not to be used as or to develop
WSC4029 AC (including “+” and “matt”) 155 parts Supplied as 15Kg Pail
WSC4029 B 5 Parts Supplied as 15Kg pail
WSC4029D (for “cat” use 2.0 parts) 1.5 parts Supplied as 1Kg can
Water (if required) 0 – 60 parts RO or Demineralised
Product formulations are included as illustrative examples only. Momentive makes no
representation or warranty of any kind with regard to any such formulations, including,
without limitation, concerning the efficacy or safety of any product manufactured using
such formulations.
For optimum coating adhesion and performance ensure all surfaces are clean and dry
before applying the coating solution. The substrate temperature should be between 80
– 230°C for on-line application and a minimum of 80°C part temperature at the time of
coating for off-line applications.
WSC4029 weatherstrip coating is recommended to be spray coated.
This coating is generally applied using HVLP spray guns with an aircap diameter
>1.0mm. To avoid blocking of the guns the coating should be filtered through a 200
micron mesh after the coating is prepared; it is a good practice to install a further filter
between the holding tank and spray guns. Most on-line applications use multiple spray
guns to achieve even coverage of the profile during extrusion.
It is important to apply sufficient material to achieve an initial wet look in order to help
ensure continuous coverage and good coating adhesion. It is also possible to employ
multiple spray heads in tandem to help ensure sufficient coating is applied and that no
areas are left uncoated during the application process.
Typical bath life is 12 hours in a partially closed container. Continuous slow speed
agitation of the coating bath is recommended to reduce the possibility of settling of the
matting agents and friction modifiers.
The resulting coating thickness will depend on the application method and the required
end-use requirements.
Dry film thicknesses are typically between 6 and 10 microns.
Current Packaging
WSC 4029 AC 20 Litre plastic pail filled with 12.4Kg
WSC4029 B 15 Litre breathable pail or 1Kg metal can
WSC4029 D 15 Litre pails or 1Kg cans (WSC4029cat is also packed in 1KG metal
Patent Status
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to imply the nonexistence of any relevant
patents or to constitute a permission, inducement or recommendation to practice any
invention covered by any patent, without authority from the owner of the patent.
Product Safety, Handling and Storage
Customers should review the latest Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and label for product
safety information, safe handling instructions, personal protective equipment if
necessary, emergency service contact information, and any special storage conditions
required for safety. Momentive Performance Materials (MPM) maintains an around-
the-clock emergency service for its products. SDS are available at or, upon request, from any MPM representative. For product
storage and handling procedures to maintain the product quality within our stated
specifications, please review Certificates of Analysis, which are available in the Order
Center. Use of other materials in conjunction with MPM products (for example, primers)
may require additional precautions. Please review and follow the safety information
provided by the manufacturer of such other materials.
WSC 4029 weatherstrip coating components have a shelf life of 24 months from date of
manufacture when in unopened containers under suitable storage conditions (>2°C and
Customers must evaluate Momentive Performance Materials products and make their
own determination as to fitness of use in their particular applications.
Contact Information
Americas Latin America EMEAI- Europe, Middle ASIA PACIFIC
East, Africa & India
+1 800 295 2392 Brazil Europe China
Toll free* +55 11 4534 9650 +390510924300 800 820 0202
+704 805 6946 Direct Number Direct number Toll free
Direct Number +86 21 3860 4892
Direct number
*All American Mexico India, Middle East & Japan
countries +52 55 2169 7670 Africa +81 3 5544 3111
Direct Number + 91 44 71212207 Direct number
Direct number*
*All Middle Eastern Korea
countries, Africa, India, +82 2 6201 4600
For literature and technical assistance, visit our website at:
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affiliated companies. Momentive and the Momentive logo are trademarks of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.