EDITION 2021/2022
1.1 Water
1.2 Carbohydrates
a. State two characteristics used in monosaccharide classification [2 marks]
b. Maltose is type of dissacharide. draw the hydrolysis process of maltose. [2 marks]
c. Figure 1 shows the structure of polysaccharide A and B that can be found in a plant cell.
Polysaccharide A
Polisakarida A
Polysaccharide B
Polisakarida B
Figure 1
Rajah 1
3. FIGURE lB shows a breakdown of a disaccharide.
4. Figure 1 shows the structure of a macromolecule that is made of two strands of polymers
Figure 1
Rajah 1
(a) Identify the type of polymer and describe it’s an arrangement. [2 marks]
(b) Explain why the molecule has the same amount of purine and pyrimidines [4 marks]
1.2 Carbohydrates
5. Figure 1 shows part of cellulose, the major component of cell walls in plants.
a) Cellulose is an important raw material in the production of cloth and cellophane [3 marks]
because of its tensile strength. Explain briefly how cellulose provides the strength.
1.4 Proteins
6. Figure 1.2 shows the structure of the amino acid alanine and cysteine.
Alanine Cysteine
Alanina Sistina
1.1 Water
1. Describe five properties of water and the importance of each. [10 marks]
2. Explain five properties of water in relation to hydrogen bonds that make it so [10marks]
vital to all living organisms.
1.3 Lipids
4. Describe the structure of a triacylglycerol and explain the formation [10 marks]
7. Compare the structure and functions between DNA and RNA [10 marks]
Figure 1
a) i) Identify cell X and cell Y. [2marks]
ii) Compare between cell X and cell Y based on Figure 1. [2marks]
b) i) What are the TWO main components of structure V? [2marks]
ii) What happen to the size of Wwhen cell Y is placed in hypotonic solution? Give your reason.
c) Based on FIGURE 1,give two reasons why cell X and Y are eukaryotic cells. [2marks]
Figure 2
a) Name the structures labeled C and D. [2marks]
b) What is the name of the membrane model in Figure 2? [1mark]
c) Give brief descriptions of the model. [2marks]
d) State the function of structure labelled F. [1mark]
e) Give TWO examples of passive transport across plasma membrane. [2marks]
f) State TWO functions of protein membrane. [2marks]
3. Figure 3 shows the structure of cell membrane
Figure 3
a) i) Name Component A. [1marks]
ii) Explain the component A is able assemble itself into the structure shows in Figure 3.
[3 marks]
iii) How does component B stabilise the fluidity of the membrane at difference temperature?
b) Describe how glucose is passively transported across membrane. [4marks]
Figure 4
a) Differentiate the structure of animal and plant cells. [3marks]
b) Relate the function of cell membrane with its phospholipid components. [2marks]
c) Give two (2) structural between compact bone and hyaline cartilage. [2 marks]
d) Differentiate the structure of animal and plant cells. [3marks]
e) Relate the function of cell membrane with its phospholipid components. [2marks]
Figure 6
Figure 7
i) Name process A and B. [2marks]
ii) Explain process A. [2marks]
iii) Give one (1) difference between process A and B with
exocytosis. [1mark]
10. Figure 8 shows the transport of substance across the membrane by using transport protein X and
Figure 8
i) Name the type of transport which involves X. [1mark]
ii) Differentiate the transport mechanism between protein X and Y. [3marks]
iii) What will happend to the movement and concentration of the ions across membrane if
protein X fails to function? [2marks]
1. a. A human liver cell produces many types of proteins to be used outside of the cell. Using your
knowledge on the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi body, explain the path of proteins production to
excretion in cell. [10 marks]
b.Plasma membrane is semi-permeable. State the importance of this characteristic and
identify the main components of the membrane that contribute to this characteristic.[10marks]
5. a) Briefly explain the movement of substances across the membrane through facilitated diffusion
and osmosis.
Figure 1
a) Name the mitotic stage shown in B. Shade the area on the cell cycle the stage represented by B in figure
1. [2 marks]
b) State the chromosomal behaviour shown in B [1 mark]
c) Give one important event that occurs during the S phase in the cell cycle. [1 mark]
d) A cat has 38 chromosomes in its somatic cell. How many chromosomes are inherited from the female
parents? Explain your answer. [2 marks]
Figure 2
3.2 Mitosis
4) Figure 4 shows a diploid cell which consists of eight chromosomes undergoes cell division.
Figure 4
i. Name the events of cell division that occur in both types of cells in Figure 3.2. [1 mark]
ii. Differentiate process 3(b)(I) between cell L and M? [2 marks]
6) Figure 6 shows a mitotic division that occurs in animal cell (2n = 4).
Figure 6
a) Identify the phase in FIGURE 6. State one (1) event that occurs during this phase. [2 marks]
b) Draw and label chromosomal behavior before the phase shown in Figure 6. [3 marks]
3.3 Meiosis
Figure 9
a) Arrange the stage of meiosis A-F shown in Figure 1.2 according to the correct sequence . [1 mark]
b) What of the stage in Figure 9 represents anaphase I? Give your reason. [2 marks]
c) What happens to the number of chromosomes at the end of the meiosis? [ 1 mark]
Figure 10
a) Based on Figure 10, how many DNA is produced in each gamete? [1 mark]
b) How does meiosis cause genetic variation? [1 mark]
11) Figure 11 shows different stages of cell division in P and Q. The alleles G, g. H, h occupy the loci on the
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 11
Figure 11
3.2 Mitosis
1) Describe three events that are unique in meiosis I. [10 marks]
2) Explain the behaviour of chromosomes at each stage of meiosis I. [7 marks]
3.3 Meiosis
1) Describe 4 similarities and 6 differences between mitosis and meiosis I. [10 marks]
4.1 Mendelian genetics: monohybrid and dihybrid
1) In pea plants, smooth seed shape allele (A) is dominant over wrinkled shape allele (a) and yellow colored allele
(B) is dominant over green colored seed allele (b). A cross was done between pure breed smooth, yellow seeded
plant with wrinkled, green seeded plant producing F 1 generation. Then the F 1 generation were self-crossed and
produced F2 progenies as shown below.
a) Does the above cross follow Mendelian ratio? Give reason to your answer. [2 marks]
b) What are the genotypes for both parents? [2 marks]
c) Draw the genetic diagram to show the above cross until F2 generation. [7 marks]
d) Calculate the percentage of F2 generation expected:
i. to be heterozygous for only one pair of alleles? [1 mark]
ii. to be pure breed? [1 mark]
iii. can be used as test cross parents? [1 mark]
2) The phenotype of tomatoes is controlled by two genes, A (fruit shape) and B (skin type). Round fruit is dominant to
long fruit and smooth skin is dominant to hairy skin.
i. State the phenotype of tomatoes with genotypes Aabb and aaBB. [2 marks]
ii. Tomatoes with genotype AaBb were crossed with tomatoes with genotype aabb. Use Punnett square to show
this cross and the ratio of offspring phenotypes. [4 marks]
3) In garden pea plant, purple flower (P) and inflated pod shape (F) is dominant over white flower (p) and constricted
pod shape (f).
i. Use a Punnett square to show the test cross of a heterozygous garden pea plant. [3 marks]
ii. What is the genotypic ratio of the F1 generation? [1 mark]
iii. What are the phenotypes of the F1 generation? [1 mark]
iv. Which Mendel’s law explains the combination of alleles in the above cross? [1 mark]
4) Peas that produced yellow and round seeds were crossed with peas that produced green and wrinkled seeds. F1
progeny were all yellow and rounds. F1 progeny were self-fertilized to produce F2 progeny. Genes that control seed
color was indicated as G (yellow); g (green) and gene that control seed texture were indicated as R (round); r
a) i. State the type of Mendelian inheritance describes above. [1 mark]
ii. Give your reason to the answer in a) i. [1 mark]
b) What are the genotype of both parental strains? [2 marks]
c) Determine the gametes produced from the crossing in (b). [1 mark]
d) Write all the genotypes and phenotypes of the F1 generation. [2 marks]
e) What are the four phenotype and its phenotypic ratio if the two seed traits (color and texture) were inherited
independently in F2 generation. [2 marks]
f) what are the dominant alleles involved in e)? [1 mark]
6) When a true breed sweet pea plant with purple flower (P) and long pollen (L) is crossed with a true-breed sweet
pea plant with white flower (p) and round pollen (l), all the progeny has purple flower and long pollen. A dihybrid
test cross will produce the following number of progeny:
Phenotype Number of Progeny
Purple, long 129
Purple, round 50
White, long 43
White, round 132
i. State the dominant traits of the sweet pea plant. [1 mark]
ii. What type of inheritance shown at TABLE 1? State your reason. [2 marks]
iii. Use a Punnett square to show the dihybrid test cross. [3 marks]
iv. Calculate the map distance between genes P and L. [3 marks]
7) In sesame plants, the one-pod fruit (H) is dominant to the three-pod fruit (h), and normal leaf (F) is dominant
to wrinkled leaf (f). A cross was done between homozygous one-pod, normal leaf plant with homozygous three-
pod, wrinkled leaf plant. The F1 generation was then crossed with three-pod and wrinkled leaf plant, producing the
following progenies:
150 one pod and normal leaf
147 three-pod and wrinkled leaf
51 three-pod and normal leaf
48 one-pod and wrinkled leaf
a) State the condition of the cross that produced the above progenies. Give your reasons. [2 marks]
b) What is the genotype of the F1 generation? [1 mark]
c) Draw the genetic diagram to represent the crosses in question above and give the phenotypic ratio of the
produced progenies. [4 marks]
d) Calculate the distance between these two genes. [2 marks]
e) Map these genes. [1 mark]
i. Determine the genotypes of both parents in the above cross. (Assume that allele G codes for grey body and allele
W codes for normal wing). [1 mark]
ii. Calculate the genetic distance between the body color and wing size genes. [3 marks]
10) Heterozygous fruit flies with a black body and purple eyes were mated with homozygous flies that have grey body
and red eyes. They produced 1000 offspring, 880 of the two parental types (black body, purple eyes and grey body,
red eyes) and 120 of the two recombinants types (grey body, purple eyes and black body, red eyes).
i. Calculate the percentage of recombinant types of offspring. [1 mark]
ii. Determine map units between the body and eye colour loci. [1 mark]
2) State Mendel’s first and second laws. Explain the conditions which these laws are applicable. [10 marks]
3) Ismail has brown hair and blue eyes. He is married to a woman with black hair and brown eyes, heterozygous for
both genes. Explain how their children would have black hair and blues eyes. (the trait of brown eyes and black
hair is dominant over blue eyes and brown hair) [10 marks]
5) A man with AB blood group marries a woman with B blood group. The couple has three boys and one girl with
different types of blood group. With the aid of a genetic diagram, describe the crossing. [10 mark]
7) With the aid of genetic diagram, explain incomplete dominance and its inheritance in snapdragon (Antirrhinum sp.).
[12 marks]
9) Give the definition for sex-linked genes. Explain sex-linked inheritance by using the color blindness as
an example [12
5.1 Gene pool concept.
5.2 Hardy -Weinberg Law
1. A farmer has 2000 cows. A total of 1500 of the cows are brown coated and the rest are white coated. Allele B
for the brown coat is dominant, while allele b for the white coat is recessive. Assume theta the population of the
cows is at genetic equilibrium and bred randomly.
a) Calculate the frequency for the dominant and recessive alleles of the population. [2 marks]
b) Calculate the genotype frequencies in the F1 generation if the cows are left to breed randomly.
[ 3marks]
c) If the farmer adds another 1000 homozygous dominant brown cows into the population, calculate the
new dominant allele frequency. [2 marks]
d) State three (3) conditions for the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to be achieved. [3 marks]
2. Long wings in Drosophila are dominant to vestigial wings. In a population of 10000 Drosophila, 550 has
vestigial wings. Assume that the population is in Hardy – Weinberg equilibrium.
a) Calculate the frequency of the recessive allele. [2 marks]
b) Calculate the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype. [2 marks]
c) Calculate the number of heterozygous Drosophila in the population. [3 marks]
d) State three (3) assumption in the Hardy – Weinberg equilibrium. [3 marks]
3. One out of 16 people in a particular country is affected by β-thalassemia major which is a genetic disorder.
Assume the population in the country fulfil Hardy-weinberg equilibrium.
a) Determine the allele frequency for β-thalassemia major. [2 marks]
b) Calculate the number of carrier among 10,000 populations in the country. [4 marks]
4. In a population of 13,000 wild chickens, 16% have short legs which is a recessive trait. Assuming the
population is in Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium, how many wilds chickens are heterozygote in the next
generation if the population size increases to 15,000? [7 marks]
5 In a population of mice, allele for yellow fur (E) is dominant over allele for grey fur (e). It was found that 16
of the mice have grey fur. It is assumed that the populations are at genetic equilibrium.
a) Give TWO assumptions used in the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. [2 marks]
b) Calculate the frequency of yellow and grey fur alleles. [3 marks]
c) Calculate the number of heterozygotes mice in a population of 1000 mice. [2 marks]
6. In a population of 1000 snails that mate randomly , 800 of the snails are grey in which shell colour is
controlled by two alleles ; G for grey and g for white ( the population is assumed to be in Hardy – Weinberg
a) Calculate the dominant and recessive allele frequencies [3 marks]
b) Calculate the number of snails which are heterozygous for this trait. [2 marks]
1) a) Figure 1.1 shows types of small-scale mutations that affect mRNA and amino acids sequences.
Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2
2) Table 1 shows an example of point mutation at an amino acid site which codes Lysine.
Table 1
Figure 2
4) Explain briefly how insertion of a nucleotide base in a gene can shorten a specific protein during frameshift
mutation. [3 marks]
5) Table 2 below shows a sequence of DNA coding that has been mutated.
Table 2
a) Define mutation. [1 mark]
b) i. State the type of gene mutation shown in Table 2. [1 mark]
ii.Identify the disease. [1 mark]
iii. Explain your answer in 5(b)(ii). [4 marks]
c) Explain the effects of this mutation to the infected individual. [3 marks]
d) State another type of gene mutation. [1 mark]
Figure 3
a) What type of the alteration of chromosomal number mutation shows in Figure 3? [1 mark]
b) State three physical characteristics of Down syndrome individuals. [3 marks]
c) Explain how chromosomal mutation may cause Down syndrome. [2 marks]
9) Figure 4 shows formation of polyploidy in plants.
Figure 4
Figure 5.1
b) Figure 5.2 shows the karyotypes of two individuals suffering from genetic disorders.
Figure 5.2
11) a) Explain how chromosomal number can be altered and cause Down syndrome. [4 marks]
b) Figure 6 shows the hybridization of two plant species, Galeopsis pubescens and Galeopsis speciosa
which produced G. tetrahit
Figure 6
3) State the main cause of mutation in chromosomal number and explain the consequence from the
mutation. [10 marks]
Figure 1
a) Name the bond that is digested (cut) by the restriction enzyme in step A. [1 mark]
b) Identify part B. [1 mark]
c) Name the enzyme that is involved in step C. [1 mark]
d) Give one example of plasmid. [1 mark]
e) Give three characteristics of plasmid as a cloning vector. [3 marks]
f) Name a technique that is used to ensure a plasmid contains foreign DNA. [1 mark]
2) Figure 2.1 is DNA sequence of a gene segment. Figure 2.2 shows a restriction site for enzyme SmaI.
a) Show how enzyme SmaI cuts the gene segment to produce blunt ends. [2 marks]
Gene of interest is inserted between ampicillin gene. The recombinant DNA molecules is then
transformed into a host cell. Will the host cell survive in a medium containing ampicillin?
Explain briefly. [2 marks]
2) a) Describe how recombinant plasmid are formed. [4 marks]
b) Explain the application of blue/white screening in selecting recombinant plasmid. [3 marks]
3) Table 1 shows the results of screening process in recombinant DNA technology by using antibiotics and
b) Figure 1 shows the productions of human insulin using DNA recombinant technology.
i. Give two advantages of using complementary DNA (cDNA) in gene cloning. [2 marks]
ii. Name molecule Q. [1 mark]
iii. Name an organism that can be used as a host in gene cloning. [1 mark]
iv. Name the enzyme that joins the plasmid vector with the human cDNA. [1 mark]
v. State two advantages of producing insulin through genetic engineering. [2 marks]
vi. Name another method that can be used to produce many copies of gene. [1 mark]
2) Figure 2 shows part of the stages in the synthesis of human insulin using recombinant DNA technology.
8.1 Recombinant DNA Technology
1) Describe the characteristic of restriction enzyme and give one example. [7 marks]
2) a) What are the differences between a plasmid and chromosome? [8 marks]
b) Give the definition for restriction enzyme and explain how these enzymes involved in recombinant
DNA technology. [5 marks]
a) State the location in the flower where the embryo sac is present.
[1 mark]
b) How many nuclei are there in the embryo sac? [1 mark]
i. Two cells will be fertilized by male gametes. Name that cell and what are the end products?
ii. State how the two male gametes are developed. [2 marks]
c) What happens to the embryo sac and embryo after fertilization?
[2 marks]
a) Name the two cycles involved in the female reproductive cycle. [2 marks]
b) Identify homones Q and R. [2 marks]
c) Identify phase B. [1 mark]
d) Relate the roles of hormone R to the function of hormone P. [2 marks]
e) Briefly explain the function of X if fertilization occurs. [3 marks]
[1 mark]
7) FIGURE 7 shows the menstruation cycle in human.
[1 mark]
10) FIGURE 10 shows the levels of different ovarian hormones if a female reproductive cycle.
i. Name hormone X and Y. [2 marks]
ii. State the function of hormone Y. [1 mark]
iii. Why does the level of both hormones start to decline on day 24? [2 marks]
3. a) Explain the sequence of post-fertilization events in humans, from zygote to the formation of germ
,layers. [12 marks]
b) Describe double fertilization in flowering plants. [8 marks]
5. a) With the help of a labelled diagram, describe the structure of the secondary oocyte. [7 marks]
7) a) Explain the development of pollen grain and the formation of male gametes in flowering plants.
[7 marks]
b) Explain the hormones involvement during the first trimester of pregnancy. [7 marks]
(a) Identify and name the phase in FIGURE 8 that has the highest growth rate. [2 mark]
(b) Predict what happened to the number of bacteria after it passed the Z time. [1 mark]
3. Figure 9 shows two types of plant growth patterns.
a) State the type of organism which shows growth pattern in FIGURE 9. [1 mark]
b) What causes the initial drop in dry mass of this organism? [1 mark]