Enerdy Resources Lab
Enerdy Resources Lab
Enerdy Resources Lab
1. Weather Station a. Pyranometer b. Precipitating Rainfall Transducer c. Evaporation Protective Shield 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Open Channel Flow Meter Diaphragm Pump Vacuum Pump Artificial Solar Simulator Bio-Gas Project Solar Cooker Solar Radiation Monitoring System Cold Thermostatic Bath Stirring Hot Plates Pyrheliometer Sunshine Duration Sensor Solar Direct Radiation Controller Shadow Ring Hot Thermostatic Bath a. Hot & Cold Stirrer
16. Gas Flow Meter a. Precision Digital Balance b. P.H. Sensor c. Thermocouple Probes 17. Multi Turbine Test Set 18. Land Oil Rig Model
Main Components:
Some of the main components of the monitoring system include following transducers:
It is a sensor that is designed to measure the solar radiation flux density.
It is a device used for measuring the radiant flux (power) of electromagnetic radiation. Generally, the term radiometer denotes an infrared radiation detector, yet it also includes detectors operating on any electromagnetic wavelength.
It is an instrument used for direct measurement of solar irradiance. Sunlight enters the instrument through a window and is directed onto a thermopile which converts heat to an electrical signal that can be recorded.
It is a laboratory or field device for the measurement of an index of refraction.
The amount of energy coming from the sun is measured with the use of Pyranometer . This is done by comparing the heat absorbed through radiation of an absorptive black surface and a reflective surface. Two Pyranometers are used in the system. Pyranometer that is exposed to direct sunlight measures global radiation. This global radiation is a composition of direct radiation, coming straight from the sun directly and the diffuse radiation which includes light waves that have been bounced, bent, or reflected though the earths atmosphere. Pyranometer that is covered by what is called a shadow band. It blocks the direct radiation, only receives diffuse radiation.
By using the data from each of these PSPs, the diffuse radiation is subtracted from the global radiation to obtain the amount of direct radiation which is the primary source of solar energy.
Labeled Diagram showing various parts of the apparatus is given below
Types of Turbine
Two main types of turbines are: Impulse (Pelton) Reaction (Francis and Kaplan)
Impulse Turbine:
Pelton turbine is an example of impulse turbine. The case in which Pelton turbine is mounted is transparent. Water leaves a nozzle and hits the buckets. An adjustable spear valve controls the discharge by varying the diameter of the jet from the nozzle. The centrifugal pump on the base unit supplies water to the nozzle. Water from the turbine discharges back into the base unit tank and recirculates. The turbine shaft connects to the base unit dynamometer. This measures torque and speed.
Reaction Turbine:
The principal distinguishing features of a reaction turbine are that only part of the overall head is converted to velocity head before the runner is reached, and that the working fluid, instead of engaging only one or two blades at a time (as in an impulse machine), completely fills all the passages in the runner. Thus the pressure of the fluid changes gradually as it passes through the runner. Kaplan and Francis Turbines are examples of reaction turbines.
a. Kaplan Turbine
b. Francis Turbine
Weather Station
A weather station is a facility with instruments and equipment for observing atmospheric conditions to provide information for weather forecasts and to study weather and climate. The measurements taken include temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and precipitation amounts. It is a data acquainted system which is used to monitor the meteorological conditions as well as the weather conditions.
Labeled figure showing various components of the weather station is shown as
Typical weather stations include the following instruments: Thermometer for measuring temperature. Barometer for measuring atmospheric pressure. Hygrometer for measuring humidity. Anemometer for measuring wind speed. Rain gauge for measuring liquid precipitation over a set period of time.
The weather station used in lab has following specifications:
Solar Cooker
A solar cooker, or solar oven, is a device which uses the energy of sunlight to heat food or to cook it. A reflective polished concave surface is used to concentrate light and heat from the sun into a small cooking area, making the energy more concentrated and increasing its heating power. However it is very time consuming process.