sambit kfs
sambit kfs
sambit kfs
6. Interest rate (%) and type (fixed or floating or hybrid) 9.40% Floating
7. Additional Information in case of Floating rate of interest
Reference Benchmark Spread Final rate(%) Reset periodicity Impact of change in
Benchmark rate (%) (B) (%) (S) R = (B) + (S) (Months) the reference
External Benchmark 6.50 2.90 9.40 B S EPI(Rs)** No.of EPIs**
Lending Rate
Monthly Not Applicable 10382 180
("EBLR") of HDFC
Bank Limited i.e.
Repo Rate
**EPI amount is mentioned assuming no change in No. of EPIs; No. of EPIs are mentioned assuming no
change in EPI amount.
8. Fee/ Charges
Payable to the RE (A) Payable to a third party through RE (B)
One-time/ Amount (in Rs.) or One-time/ Amount (in Rs.) or
Recurring Percentage Recurring Percentage
(%) as applicable (%) as applicable
iv.Charges for switching of loans For Housing Loan , Home Renovation, Home Extension Loan , Plot
from floating to fixed rate and Loan , Plot + Construction Loan. (Switch to lower rate in Variable rate
vice versa loans )
Upto 0.50% of the Principal Outstanding and undisbursed amount (if
any) at the time of Conversion or Rs 3000 (which ever is lower ) for
1st Conversion with charges, for Subsequent conversions charges
would be Upto 0.50% of the Principal Outstanding and undisbursed
amount (if any) at the time of Conversion OR Rs 2000 ( which ever is
lower ).
Switch from Combination rate home loan under fixed rate term/Fixed
rate loan to Variable rate – Upto 1.50% of the Principal Outstanding.
Conversion of ROI from floating to fixed(who have availed EMI based
floating rate Personal Loans).Please refer the RBI
circularNo.DBR.No.BP.BC.99/08.13.100/2017-18 on "XBRL Returns
– Harmonization of Banking Statistics" dated January 04, 2018.".
For Topup loans / Home Equity / NRP / NRP Equity loan/Plot Equity
Loan (Switch to lower rate in Variable rate loans )
Upto 0.50% of the Principal Outstanding and undisbursed amount (if
any) at the time of Conversion or Rs 5000 (which ever is lower )
v. Any other charges Payment Return Charges - Rs. 300/- Per Dishonor.
(please specify) Photocopy of Documents - Upto Rs. 500/-.
List of documents-For issuance of duplicate list of documents post
disbursement - Upto Rs.500/-
Repayment Mode Change Charges - Upto Rs.500/-
Custody Charges/Property Document Retention charges:- Rs.1000
per calendar month, after 2 calendar months from date of closure of
all loans/facilities linked to the collateral
Re-appraisal of loan after 6months from date of sanction -
Salaried/Self employed Professional-Upto Rs. 3300/- For Self-
Employed Non-Professionals/ NRI/ Value Plus Loans/ HDFC Reach
Scheme/- Upto Rs. 5000
Fees On Account Of External Opinion- at actual
Statutory / Regulatory Charges- at actual
Mortgage Guarantee- at actual
Incidental Charges- at actual
Non Compliance of sanction / agreed Terms-Upto 2% charges per
annum on principal outstanding for non compliance of agreed
terms upto its fulfillment - (Charged on monthly basis) Subject to a
Max of Rs. 50000/- for Critical security related deferrals Max of Rs.
25000/- for other deferrals
All the above service charges/fees/Commissions are exclusive of taxes.
Part 2 (Other qualitative information)
1. Clause of Loan agreement relating to Refer article 9.3(C) of the loan agreement
engagement of recovery agents
2. Clause of Loan agreement which details Refer SCHEDULE IX
3. Phone number and email id of the nodal Toll free no - 18002664060 and email Id:-
grievance redressal officer
4. Whether the loan is, or in future maybe,
subject to transfer to other REs or Yes
5. In case of lending under collaborative lending arrangements (e.g., co-lending/ outsourcing), following
additional details may be furnished:
Name of the originating RE, Name of the partner RE along
Blended rate of interest
along with its funding proportion with its proportion of funding